Creighton Manor

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Creighton Manor Page 10

by Karen Michelle Nutt

  “I think so. I have a theory. Maybe Molly brought me here to do something and maybe when I accomplish that task, I’ll return to my time.”

  Zachary rolled his eyes. “Not you too, Ellery. Surely, you do not believe this preposterous story.”

  His friend shrugged. “Well, how else would she know where we were?”

  “She followed me, that’s how.” He let loose a breath of half frustration and half disbelief. He looked at Gillian. “If you are from the future, prove it.”

  “How?” Gillian wondered what he expected her to do.

  “Dear woman, there must be something.”

  She tapped her finger on her chin. What could she say that would make him believe her?

  “We’re waiting.”

  His doubting expression was really beginning to piss her off. “What about my Nikes?” She lifted her skirt to show her tennis shoes to everyone.

  Zachary wasn’t going to be so easily convinced. “That doesn’t prove anything. As far as we know, you could have purchased those in Paris. They are always ahead of the fashion.”

  Gillian licked her lips and tried to think. “I know.” She snapped her fingers. “I should have thought of this, first.” Gillian ran out of the library and upstairs to her room. She came back with her purse and took out her wallet. She removed her California license and handed it to Zachary. Ellery looked over Zachary’s shoulder and Lotti and Tyler walked over to view the mysterious item Gillian claimed would prove she was from the future. They stared at the thick material.

  “Amazing.” Ellery took it from Zachary. “It’s like a calling card of sorts. Nice portrait by the way,” he commented on her photo.

  “Thanks.” She gave him a quick smile.

  “What does this prove? You had it made,” Zachary accused. “What is this license for anyway? Star jumping?” he added sarcastically.

  “No, it’s a license for a car.” No one said anything. “Automobile… a horseless carriage.”

  “There’s no such thing.” Zachary huffed.

  She sighed. “I know there’s no such thing now, but there will be. Henry Ford will experiment with engines about 1890, and he will make the first gasoline engine in 1893. He’ll call it an automobile. The Model T will be the first automobile sold at a price that most people can afford. Of course, that won’t happen until the early 1900’s or so.”

  “We’re supposed to wait twenty-three years to see if you are telling the truth?” Once more, Zachary folded his arms against his chest.

  Gillian would have liked to slap the smirk right off his face. She had to think. Something must have happened in 1870. Then she remembered. “I have it.”

  “Oh please, tell us. I can’t wait to hear this one.”

  “Not only will I tell you something that will prove my story, it will also give you a chance to win Creighton Manor back from Cyrus Locke. It’s the race between the Natchez and the Robert E. Lee. It will happen at the end of this month.”

  “They posted cards stating they weren’t going to race. I saw it in the paper myself.” Zachary shrugged.

  “I know they did, but trust me they’ll race. It’s the biggest gambling event of the century. It will start on June 30th and the race will run from New Orleans to St. Louis.”

  “Are you positive this is going to happen?” Ellery obviously wanted to hear more.

  “I'm sure. Leathers with the Natchez has already beaten the J.M White's time. Right?”

  Ellery nodded. "Yes, I do believe, I heard the tale.”

  "Cannon has a competitive nature and he can’t stand that Leathers beat the record. He will strip his ship, the Robert E. Lee down and he won’t take any passengers. He’ll then arrange for refueling midstream. Leathers on the other hand will be completely confident that his ship will be able to beat the Lee. He’ll end up taking on freight and passengers without making any preparations. The results will be disastrous for the Natchez. The Robert E. Lee will break the New Orleans-St. Louis record. Her speed will be three days, eighteen hours, and thirteen minutes.”

  “That’s impossible. No one could make a ship move that fast. That’s a whole hour or so less than J.M. White’s record,” Zachary proclaimed.

  Ellery shrugged. “Why not. I can see the possibility. She did say Cannon would strip his ship and that would allow for more speed.”

  She met Zachary’s glare without flinching. “I’m giving you proof.”

  “All you have to do, Zachary is wait until the end of the month.” Lotti chuckled as she turned to Gillian. “If you had to remember something dear, did it have to be a gambling event?”

  “Sorry, it’s the best I can do.” Gillian smiled sheepishly.

  “Well, Zachary, do you want me to place your bet?” Ellery laughed.

  “Don’t calculate your winnings yet,” Zachary spat. “Surely, you’re not going to risk losing your money over this impertinent tale?”

  “You won’t have to lose your money.” Gillian drew everyone’s attention once more. “I overheard Cyrus talking to another man in town. He thought the Natchez would win. You want Creighton Manor back, don’t you? Convince Cyrus to bet with you personally for Creighton Manor. In exchange if you lose: You will promise him that you will never again enter a gambling establishment where he will be attending.”

  Zachary looked deeply into those sea green eyes. Frustration did a dangerous dance inside his head. If she told the truth, she offered him a gift. Creighton Manor could be his for the taking. Hell and damnation—he wanted to believe her. He wanted to trust her. God knew, even when he believed she had deceived him, he still wished he could take her in his arms. He yearned to touch her, feel the softness of her hair as it slid through his fingers. God, he should want to let her go and end this farce of a marriage, but the harder he had tried to ignore the truth the more it persisted. He cared for her more than he wanted to admit. As if their relationship wasn’t complicated enough, she claimed to be from the future. If she told the truth, the man she loves must be there, too. How could he ever compete for Gillian’s affection, if the man she loves hasn’t been born yet?

  Again, he went over every aspect of the fantastic story she had told them. It just couldn’t be true. She had to be speculating about the race, like everyone else. She had to be lying and he would find out her purpose later. Two could play this game and he planned on using her ploy to his advantage. His lips slid into a smile. “Let’s make a little wager of our own, Gillian, shall we? What will you promise me if you’re wrong about your prediction?”

  “I don’t have anything to give you,” she stammered.

  Zachary knew everyone stared at him, all wondering what in the world he would request. He had no wish to share it with them. “Please, do you mind?” He waved his hand at them. “I would like a moment of privacy.”

  Lotti had to drag Ellery out, but they left the two alone. Zachary motioned with his hand for Gillian to sit next to him. She did but with some reluctance.

  “You have me alone. What is it you want from me, Zachary?”

  “What indeed.” He gave an exaggerated sigh before he spoke, “My request, my dear is: If you are wrong and I lose, you will become my wife fully in every sense of the word.”

  Gillian blinked. “I don’t understand. Why?”

  He lifted his hand and caressed her soft hair. He wanted to tell her that she left a burning imprint on him. If she left him, her smile, her serious looks, all her expressions would haunt him forever. He would hunger from the memory of his mouth on hers, the touch of her smooth skin and the way she came alive under his careful touch. Instead, the words came out laced in bitterness because he knew she loved someone else, and because he didn’t want to believe her tale she came from the future. “I’m very possessive of what is mine, and I’m not willing to let you go.”

  She flinched at his cold and callous statement. “I see. I’m a possession like your Creighton Manor. I thought—” She clamped her mouth shut and looked away.

  “Thought wh
at?” What had she wanted him to say?

  She looked at him. “It doesn’t matter.”

  He searched her face, but she hid her emotions well. Fine with him, better she did. “Well, do we have a deal?”

  “I may not have a choice if I stay here. I showed up unexpectedly and I may return in the same manner.”

  “Remember, I’m a gambling man. I’ll take my chances.”

  “I know my history, Zachary. I’m right about the outcome of the race. You’ll win the bet with Cyrus and lose the bet with me. What I want to know is what I get from all this?”

  He shrugged. “I’ll let you choose. If you want to stay, you may do so. If you choose to leave, then I’ll give you this house and money to support yourself. Whatever you decide, I’ll agree to. It’ll be your choice.”

  She nodded. “Okay. It’s a deal, if that’s what you want?”

  “It’s what I want. I’m not sure what game you are playing, but I’ll see it through.” Zachary wanted Creighton Manor, but his auburn-haired wife had somehow managed to make him long for something more. Then the truth of his wager hit him full force. No matter the outcome of the race, he would still lose one way or the other.


  Lotti cornered Zachary and insisted on giving him some grandmotherly advice. Zachary yawned, trying to feign exhaustion, but to his dismay, she refused to fall for it.

  “How do you know she didn’t come from the future? You said it yourself that Gillian Metcalf does not exist. Frankly, I’m tired of your pigheadedness. Why do you still refuse to see the truth?”

  This was about the third time they had been over this. She thought he was pigheaded. He refrained from telling her where he learned the trait.

  “Lotti, there’s a logical explanation why she doesn’t exist. Gillian isn’t her name. She’s after something. I just haven’t figured out what it is yet.”

  “What could she be after? For God’s sake, she saved your life. She sat by your side day and night, trying to nurse you back to health.”

  Why did Gillian save him? Did she actually care for him? He ran his fingers through his hair. She was a walking contradiction. She wanted the marriage annulled, but she slept with him. She claimed she loved another, but she risked her life to save him. She took care of him as if she … He shook his head. No, she didn’t love him. She made that clear with her declaration of loving another.

  He should forget about her, but he found he couldn’t erase her from his mind. He wanted to know everything about her. What made her happy? What was her passion? He wanted to make love to her again. His gut clenched as his body reacted to the memory of them together. He missed the warm imprint of her lips while his fingers tangled in the rich luxurious auburn strands of her hair. Hell and damnation. He sounded like he was falling in love with her. This would be a foolish move on his part. Sure, fate landed her in his room aboard the Ida Belle, but what did he know about her really? She believed she was a time traveler. Her claims were nothing more than a fantastic story, but doubt played havoc with his emotions. What if she were telling the truth? Fear closed like a fist around his heart and he wiped his damped palms on his pants. If she were from the future, then one day she would return to her century.

  “We should try—” Lotti tapped her cane. “Zachary, are you listening to me?”

  “Hmm? What? Sorry Lotti, you were saying?”

  “I said we should try to help her find a way back home. It is what she wants and what you want, am I not correct?”

  “I suppose so.” His voice lacked conviction.

  “Zachary, I may be old, but I’m not blind. I see the sparks between you and Gillian even if you’re both too stubborn to recognize the truth.”

  He harrumphed and crossed his arms across his chest.

  “Do you care for Gillian?”

  “What do you mean?”

  “It’s a simple question, Zachary. What do you feel for her? Are you in love with her?”

  “What a ridiculous question.” He wouldn’t meet his grandmother’s eyes. It proved a mistake since she came to her own conclusions.

  “You have to tell her.”

  “There’s nothing to tell.”

  She walked over to him and sat beside him. She placed her hand on his. He looked up meeting her gaze. “You have to tell her,” she said, firmly.

  He sighed with a shrug. “What would be the point … that is if I did care for her, like you are suggesting? She doesn’t belong in this time. If she is to return to the twenty-first century, what would it matter how I felt about her?”

  “Maybe nothing. Nevertheless, with all my years of experiences, there is one thing that still amazes me, and that dear boy is the power of love. People do all kinds of things for it. Impossible feats are met in the name of love.” Lotti clutched her cane and stood. She turned to look at Zachary before she left. “Listen to your old grandmother and tell Gillian how you feel before it’s too late.”


  In the morning, Gillian hesitated about going downstairs and facing Zachary. He didn’t trust her and it was so unfair.

  She hadn’t really lied to him. She just stretched the truth because she knew he wouldn’t believe her. Who would? She had thought time travel a fantasy before she woke up in Zachary’s stateroom.

  “You might as well face the music. You can’t hide in your room until the big race.” She opened the armoire and chose the light green dress that was trimmed with white lace and mint green ribbons. She donned the shoes that Miss Sophia had dyed to match. She brushed her hair until it shined, pulling it back away from her face with decorative combs and leaving the rest down.

  “I suppose I look presentable.” She took a deep breath and opened the door to her room. Lotti’s voice drifted upstairs and she smiled. “Bless you Lotti. I could use the support.”


  Zachary had dressed in his brown slacks and vest. He faced the fireplace. He leaned against the mantel for support as he listened to Lotti lecture him about proper etiquette.

  She sat in the chair and tapped her cane when he disagreed with her. “We aren’t going to cancel the marriage celebration, Zachary. The invitations have already been sent out.”

  “You can tell them I have not yet recovered.” Zachary turned to face his grandmother, and noticed Gillian standing in the doorway. The need to state his argument slipped away. She was simply stunning with strands of auburn hair falling over one shoulder like a cascade of bronze and gold. He couldn’t seem to stop himself as his gaze traveled up and down and back again before his eyes settled on her kissable lips.

  Lotti followed Zachary’s gaze. She smiled when she saw why her grandson had been so distracted.

  “Gillian, come join us. We were discussing the last details of the party.”

  “I heard.” Gillian walked over to Zachary with a hesitant smile.

  She looked so lovely, so very feminine that Zachary forgot for a moment he didn’t trust her, shouldn’t trust her, but his traitorous heart still pounded against his ribcage, confirming he wanted her anyway.

  “Zachary, we should go through with the reception,” Gillian said. “It would be the best opportunity for you to convince Cyrus to make the bet.”

  He blinked and forced himself to look away. “I could do that anywhere.”

  “Yes, but it would be easier at the party. Everyone would be in good humor. The tension between the two of you would be lessened, giving you an opportunity to bring up the race in a general conversation. Then you can make your wager in front of family and friends. You’ll have witnesses and Cyrus won’t be able to go back on his word.”

  Zachary hated to admit it, but she did have a point. “Maybe.”

  “Then it’s settled.” Lotti tapped her cane again. “The party goes on as planned.”

  “I didn’t—” Zachary shook his head, deciding it wasn’t worth arguing. He had already wasted half the morning with no results. “Fine.” He threw up his hands. “We’ll attend the cel

  “I knew you’d come to your senses.” Lotti eyes twinkled as she smiled. “Oh, before I forget. I’ll need to borrow Tyler, today.”

  “Why?” Both Gillian and Zachary voiced their concern.

  He met Gillian’s startled gaze. He realized she was nervous to be alone with him. Well, he didn’t fancy the prospect either when he didn’t know what to do with her. Lotti didn’t seem to mind their discomfort at all.

  “I have some crates being delivered and Tyler would be a welcomed help if he would take the packages inside the crates upstairs. Too many trips up and down those steps, leaves me winded now.”

  Zachary sensed Lotti was up to something, but for the life of him he couldn’t think of what.

  “And,” she continued, “I need the two of you to go over to Yorkshire’s Linens and Lace and pick up the embroidered sheets I ordered. They are for the upstairs bedroom.”

  “Yorkshire’s is more than a half a day’s drive.” Zachary shook his head. “We couldn’t possibly leave this late in the day and make it back before it is dark.”

  “Really?” Lotti asked innocently. “I guess the two of you will have to spend the night and head back early tomorrow.”

  “I can stay here,” Gillian offered.

  However, it seemed Lotti had other plans. “Well that would be all right, I suppose. Actually, maybe it’s even better. Ellery did tell me he was going to come by tonight. Gillian could entertain him while you are away, Zachary.”

  That was enough to send him over the edge. There was no way in hell he’d leave Gillian alone with a womanizer. Ellery may be his best friend, but he didn’t trust him with any woman for long. “Ellery will just have to find us not at home. Gillian is coming with me.” He didn’t wait for Gillian to protest. He stormed out of the room.

  Zachary made the preparations needed for the trip, while all the time mumbling to himself, how his grandmother did too much meddling in his life. “A whole day alone with . . .” Then it dawned on him. “So that is what you were up to.” He frowned as he wondered how he felt about that. Then a slow smile spread across his face. “A whole day and night.” He almost had a skip to his step now. Maybe he could turn this all around. Being alone with Gillian would give him the opportunity to show her just how charming he could be. He would wine and dine her. She was going to have such a wonderful time she wouldn’t have any thoughts of leaving him.


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