The Secret (Butler Ranch Book 3)

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The Secret (Butler Ranch Book 3) Page 13

by Heather Slade

  Naughton turned off the highway on a road north of downtown Paso Robles. He drove far enough in, that it was no longer illuminated by the lights from the highway, pulled over, and cut the engine. He unfastened both their seat belts and brought her closer to him. He gripped the back of her neck and kissed her hard, his mouth crashing into hers without caution or hesitation, just all the heat and anger his body held for her.

  He wove his fingers in her hair and ran his tongue over her lower lip, flicking it until she opened to him, and he could plunge his tongue in to do battle with hers. Relief at having her in his arms battled the anger he felt from the time he first saw her in the car with the boyfriend, and then when he heard how she’d put herself at risk, all without telling him.

  Naughton pulled back and looked into Bradley’s eyes. His fingers grazed her neck, and she shivered.

  “Naughton, I…I have to get in touch with my uncle.”

  He knew she did, and he’d been trying to reach him since they’d hung up. He’d called Charlie, and her aunt, as well as a couple of the guys he knew worked at Jenson. That he hadn’t been able to reach anyone weighed heavy on his mind.

  She pulled back and looked away from him.

  “We’re headed to Jenson now. My brothers and Alex’s brothers are on their way there too.”

  “Thank you, Naughton,” she murmured.

  “But, Bradley—later, after we’ve told everyone what you overheard, you’re leaving with me.”

  “I am?”

  He nodded.

  “To harvest?”

  “You can use it as an excuse if you need to tell yourself that, but you know damn well we won’t be in the vineyards tonight.”

  Her breath caught. “Where will we be?”

  “We’ll be in my bed, and you want it as much as I do.”

  “More,” she murmured, her gaze resting on her hands folded on her lap.

  “Look at me,” he said. “I’m mad at you.”

  “I know.”

  “But I can’t keep my hands off you.”

  “I know that too.”

  When they pulled through the gates of Jenson Vineyards and up near the house that sat dark, Naughton saw Maddox and Brodie’s vehicles, along with others that probably belonged to the Avila brothers.

  “Look,” Bradley pointed to the winery that was lit up like a landing beacon. “What’s going on?”

  “I don’t know.” Naughton cut the engine and jumped out of the truck. Bradley was already running toward the winery.

  She pulled the heavy door open, and what Naughton heard inside chilled him to his core.

  Yelling, even screaming, sounded from the back of the building.

  “It’s coming from the vat room,” Bradley told him.

  As they got closer, the devastation seeped out on the floor beneath their feet.

  “Oh my God,” Bradley gasped, seeing what everyone was trying to do even though they were far too late.

  Someone had broken in and gone one-by-one, opening the spigots of the vats that held vintages from the last ten years. The wine that had gushed onto the floor and down the room’s drains was Jenson’s best.

  Naughton caught Charlie’s eye and saw the utter hopelessness etched on his face.

  “It’s all gone,” he cried, walking over to put his arms around his niece.

  “Where’s Jean?” Naughton asked.

  “She and your brothers are checking the caves.”

  “I’ll go,” Naughton said, and Bradley nodded through her tears.

  When he heard her tell her uncle she was sorry, Naughton turned around.

  “This isn’t your fault,” he said to her.

  Charlie nodded. “You told me Trey threatened Jenson, but I never dreamed he’d go this far. You warned me. What more could you have done, sweetheart?”

  “But tonight, he…” Tears ran down her cheeks.

  Naughton pulled her hands from her face. “Look at me.” He waited until her eyes met his. “It was already done. You couldn’t have stopped it.”

  “What are you talking about?” Charlie asked.

  “Trey and Calder,” she tried to explain through her tears.

  “Bradley overheard them say there was something happening at Jenson. She tried to call you and Jean but didn’t reach either of you. I’ve been calling too.”

  “When was this?” Charlie asked.

  “Less than an hour ago,” Naughton answered.

  Charlie put his hand on Bradley’s shoulder. “Naughton is right. It was already done.”


  Her uncle shook his head. “You did everything you could.”

  Naughton’s phone pinged, and he pulled it out of his pocket. “It’s Mad.”

  “You here yet?” Maddox asked him.

  “With Charlie now.”

  “We got here just in time. There were two of them, but they ran off into the fields, both in different directions. Gabe and Joaquin went after them. They’d just gotten started on the barrels. Tell Charlie he lost a couple barrels of Merlot. That’s it out here.”

  Naughton hung up and relayed Mad’s report to Charlie and Bradley.

  “Gabe and Joaquin know this land,” said Charlie.

  “They do, and they’ll do everything they can to run the bastards down.”

  Their heads hung heavy as they walked out of the winery. Charlie was still inside, talking to the police, who’d told Bradley they’d get a statement from her once they were finished talking with her uncle.

  Naughton led her over to a bench, and Bradley let him pull her down on his lap. “You heard your uncle, it was too late. That’s why you couldn’t reach him; he was already here, trying to salvage whatever wine he could.”

  Bradley knew Naughton was right, but it didn’t change the responsibility she felt. She knew what had been in the vats, and what those vintages were worth. Off the top of her head, she estimated the combined value to be at least five million dollars.

  Bradley wriggled from Naughton’s hold and stood.

  “What?” he asked.

  “You’re all here! Trey said Los Cab and Butler Ranch too.”

  Naughton pulled her back down to sit on the bench next to him. “Think back, Bradley. When I talked to you earlier, you said you heard them say next week.”

  She nodded. That’s right, they had said next week, but what if they stepped up their plan, knowing she’d overheard them?

  “There’s heavy security in place at both Los Cab and Butler Ranch. When I talked to him while I was on my way to get you, I told Maddox exactly what you’d heard. My guess is he’s added more already.”

  “Okay,” she murmured, and looked up when her uncle came out the door.

  “They’re ready for you now,” he told her. When he stood to go with her, her uncle put his hand on Naughton’s arm. “Just her,” he said.

  There were three men seated at a table just inside the winery door, who introduced themselves. Two were detectives and the third was the sheriff, who Bradley recognized.

  It took less than a half hour for her to tell them what she’d overheard and to answer their questions. When they told her she was free to go, Bradley hoped Naughton hadn’t left. She breathed a sigh of relief when she saw him still seated on the bench just outside the door. When he saw her, he jumped up.

  “You okay?” he asked.

  “No, but yes.”

  “Charlie took Jean up to the house. I’ll walk you up and say goodnight.”

  “Wait. Why?”

  “What do you mean?”

  “Who are you saying goodnight to?”

  “You…your aunt and uncle.”

  “Oh.” She tried to stop the tears that filled her eyes from spilling down her cheeks.

  “Why are you crying?”

  Bradley shook her head.

  “Don’t do this. Talk to me. Tell me what’s wrong.”

  “I thought I was going home with you.”

  “I thought after…well, that you wouldn
’t want to.”

  “But, I do. Unless you don’t want me to.”

  “Of course, I want you to.” Naughton smiled. “I want you, Bradley.”

  “I want you too, Naughton.”

  They were partway up the unlit pathway to the house when Naughton grabbed her and stopped her from walking farther.

  His lips were hungry for her skin, but his tongue could not get enough of her mouth. He pulled her close and kissed each corner of her mouth.

  When he did, she leaned forward and ground her mouth into his.

  Naughton pulled back. “Are you sure this is what you want, Bradley? You and me? With what’s happened tonight?”

  “More than anything.” Even as they walked in the darkness, he could see her flushed skin, the way her eyes drooped with want.

  “What about your aunt and uncle?”

  “Let’s go talk to them, but then I want to leave with you.”

  When Bradley opened the front door, Naughton saw Charlie and Jean sitting in the kitchen. He recognized the look on both their faces. They were shell-shocked, just as he and his family had been. While the fire could’ve ruined Butler Ranch, the loss from it was nowhere near what he’d originally feared it would be. They were able to salvage most of the fruit that was in jeopardy, and still had over one hundred acres of vineyards that suffered no damage at all.

  What happened here tonight was so much worse. Jenson Vineyards had lost millions of dollars worth of wine, yet that was nothing compared to the ten years’ worth of vintages that had literally gone down the drains of the winery floor. Its impact would still be felt twenty years in the future.

  “Is there anything I can do?” he asked.

  “Not tonight,” Charlie answered. “Have you heard whether Gabe and Joaquin caught them?”

  Naughton shook his head. “Last I heard from Mad, they hadn’t, although I don’t think they’ve stopped looking.”

  Charlie nodded and stood when Jean did.

  She hugged Bradley. “I’m going upstairs, sweetheart.” Jean looked at Naughton, and then back at her niece. “Will you stay with Naughton tonight?” she asked.

  “Unless you need me—”

  Jean held up her hand and looked back at Naughton. “Take care of her, you hear me?”

  “Yes, ma’am,” Naughton answered. “I don’t know how to tell you how sorry I am this happened.”

  “We appreciate that, especially given the trouble you’ve had at Butler Ranch.”

  Charlie followed Jean up the stairs. “Get the lights on your way out,” he called behind them.

  “You sure about this?” Naughton asked her again.

  “Please, Naughton.”

  Bradley walked out after him and closed the front door behind her, making sure it was locked. Naughton opened the passenger door of his truck, and Bradley climbed in.

  He got in the driver’s side and looked at Bradley, who was looking out the passenger window. “Are you sure you want this?”

  When she turned to look at him, he knew he didn’t have to ask again. Her face was flushed, like it had been earlier, and her breathing was labored.

  “I just want to forget about the fire and the wine my aunt and uncle lost. I want to forget about Trey and Calder, even if it’s just for a little while. Don’t you, Naughton?”

  “More than anything.”

  “Let’s go, Naughton. Please.”

  “Tell me what you want, Bradley.”

  She leaned over and put her hands on him. “You, Naughton. I want to see you.” Her fingers fumbled with the buttons on his shirt. “And then, taste you.” She ran her tongue along his collarbone, and he thought he’d explode. He took her hands and moved them away from his body.

  “We’re five minutes from my place, and while I drive, I want you to tell me every single thing you want me to do to you when we get there.”

  Naughton hoped Bradley would talk. He didn’t think she would, that she’d be too embarrassed or too shy to say the things out loud he knew were swirling inside her, but she surprised him.


  “I want everything with you, Naughton.” She touched her breasts through her clothing. “Your mouth on me here, and your fingers…”

  “I want to see you,” he whispered. “Let me see you.”

  Bradley’s hands fumbled with the buttons on her shirt until it was open to her waist, exposing her creamy, white flesh and the pink lace of her bra.

  Naughton reached over and pulled the cup of her bra down until her breast popped over its tightness and he could see her pretty, pink nipple.

  “Show me, use your fingers. Show me what you want me to do to you.”

  She teased the pink bud with her own hand, until it puckered, making his mouth water. He shifted in his seat, adjusting his jeans to give himself room to accommodate her effect on his body.

  Naughton pulled through the gates of Butler Ranch and waited while the big barn doors opened so he could pull his truck inside.

  When Bradley’s fingers touched the lowest button on her blouse, Naughton put his hand on hers. “Leave it. I have to see you.”

  He led her to the house through the back door—the one closest to the barn—and once they were inside, pushed her up against the kitchen counter.

  Bradley’s blouse hung loosely at her sides, her creamy flesh illuminated by soft moonlight. She was the most perfect woman he’d ever seen. Every fantasy of every woman he’d ever imagined fell away as his desire for her exceeded his every expectation. With her trapped between his body and the counter, he pulled her other breast free of the confining cup.

  He lowered his mouth, teasing her tender flesh with his tongue. When she arched in response, his body fit perfectly into the molded contours of hers.

  “Tell me more.”

  When she toed off her shoes, he mirrored her actions and waited while she took a ragged breath. Bradley slid her hands down her torso releasing the button on her jeans. Naughton slid his hand beneath hers and lowered the zipper while Bradley pushed the heavy denim barrier keeping his skin from touching hers over her hips and down to the floor. Her deft fingers settled on the waistband of his jeans, and they repeated the dance of hands until his jeans lay on the floor on top of hers.

  Naughton’s lips dragged from her mouth to the spot just below her ear. “Tell me what’s next, Bradley. Nothing else happens until you tell me.”

  She could tell him, if only her brain would slow down enough to form words. Everything. That’s the only word she could force from her brain through her vocal cords, and it was the truth. She wanted everything from him, and she wanted it everywhere.

  Bradley took Naughton’s hand and led him out of the kitchen. When they reached the bottom of the stairs, he folded his arms, and his eyebrows came together.

  “The sauna,” she murmured. She would’ve missed his smile if she’d blinked; his frown returned instantly.

  “I want to feel your skin against mine.”

  “More, Bradley. What else?”

  She leaned forward, whispering even when there was no one else to hear. “I want you inside me, Naughton. Don’t make me wait any longer.”

  He let her lead him up the stairs and into his bathroom. She shrugged her top down her arms and eased Naughton’s shirt from his shoulders as he stood still, letting her take the lead. His boxer briefs were next. She tapped his leg and he stepped out of them. Instead of lowering her panties, Bradley took his hands and guided them to do it for her. His fingers trailed along her skin, leaving chill bumps in their wake.

  Naughton leaned back, keeping one hand possessively on her waist, while with the other, he opened a small closet door she hadn’t noticed before. Without taking his eyes from hers, his hand moved back and forth, until his fingers found their treasure, and he let out a deep breath.

  She smiled. “Relieved?”

  “You have no idea.”

  Bradley opened the sauna door while Naughton fiddled with its control panel, and then opened his hand so she could
see the condom wrapper in his palm.

  “Bradley. Tell me. Do you want this?”

  “Now, Naughton. Put it on.”

  She led him into the sauna, and pushed him down on the warm wooden bench, straddling him and wrapping her legs around his waist. When their bodies joined, it was as if they were made to. Bradley put her arms around Naughton’s neck, rubbing her stiff nipples back and forth across his rock-hard chest.

  “God, you feel good, baby,” he breathed.

  He gripped each side of her face with his hands and thrust his tongue into her mouth, matching the rhythmic movement of their conjoined bodies. One hand moved from her face to her bottom. He held her still as his body stole control from hers. His other arm snaked around her waist, holding her as close to him as she could get, and then, when her skin was touching his everywhere it could, they came together in an explosion of force Bradley hadn’t known existed.

  “We were made for this,” he whispered after he had caught his breath. “Your body and mine, there could never be a more perfect fit.”

  Bradley put her palms on either side of his face and kissed him so hard, she took his breath away. Already he wanted her again. He stood, lifting her with him, and carried her into his bedroom. He gently lowered her onto the fluffy comforter, and then leaned forward, ravaging her mouth once more before he left her there alone and went back into the bathroom.

  She heard the sauna door open and close, followed by the closet door she’d heard him open earlier. He came back to where she waited, having disposed of the first, but with more condoms in hand.

  “Tell me what you’re thinking…” he said again.

  “I need more of you.”

  “You can have more whenever you want, Bradley. All you ever have to do is ask.”

  Naughton reached for his phone, to silence the annoying buzz of the alarm that sounded far too early. Bradley, nestled beside him, tightened the arm she had wrapped around his waist and opened her eyes. “It’s still dark.”

  “Close your eyes and go back to sleep, sweetheart,” he whispered.

  “What time is it?”

  “Three, and I wish I didn’t have to, but I have to get out in the vineyard.”


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