The Conquest

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The Conquest Page 12

by Julia Templeton

  “A wise choice,” Elspeth said, swinging the basket she carried.

  Both men dismounted and helped Rhiannon and Elspeth onto the horses. Rhiannon winced as her aching tissues made contact with the horse’s back. Indeed, she ached in more than one place today.

  Adelstan settled behind her, and Rhiannon rested her back against his hard chest, enjoying the intimate contact. Her heart rate accelerated as she remembered details of their night together.

  “Were you really speaking of a guard?” he asked, his voice hinting at jealousy.

  She would not lie to him. “Nay.”

  “Then who?” His breath stirred the hair at her neck.

  She nodded toward Jorden, who was laughing at something Elspeth had said.

  “Your complexion changed when you looked at Jorden, so I thought that might be the case.”

  She wasn’t about to tell him the real reason behind her blush.

  “He is my friend, but I will fight him for your affection if I must.”

  She looked back at him and saw he was grinning. “Ye have nothing to be concerned about. I fancy ye, Adelstan, and only ye.” She stared straight into his green eyes, letting him know she spoke the absolute truth.

  “I am glad to hear it. I have been thinking of you all morning.”

  His words pleased her immensely. “I’ve been thinking of ye all morning, too.”

  His hands rested on either side of her hips, and he leaned his head down and kissed the top of her head, breathing deeply. “You smell wonderful. Like several different scents combined.”

  “I use oils in my bath water.”

  He groaned, a wonderful sound that came deep from his chest.

  “Did I say something wrong?”

  “Nay, I was just imagining you taking a bath.”

  She smiled, pleased by his words.

  His eyes danced.

  Checking to see that Elspeth and Jorden were now but a dot on the horizon, Rhiannon reached up and cupped Adelstan’s strong jaw and kissed him. He surprised her by deepening the kiss, his tongue darting past her lips, stroking hers. He tasted of mint, sweet and delicious.

  She felt the hard ridge of his sex pressed against her hip and smiled. She yearned to be alone with him again, where they could explore each other’s bodies.

  He reached up, between the edges of her cloak, and touched her breast, his fingers gentle as he pulled at the sensitive bud. Just like last evening, her body responded in kind, and it felt as if an invisible string were connected from her breasts to her sex.

  “I want you again,” he said against her ear. “I’ll never get enough of you.”

  His gruff words pleased her more than he would ever know. “I want ye, too.”

  He touched her between her legs, brushing his fingers over her hidden pearl. She shifted as he used his tongue to trace the outline of her ear. Her breathing increased, as did the pressure building within her. His cock felt like marble against her back. How she ached to ride him.

  The sounds of market pierced the quiet, bringing them both back to the present. Normally Rhiannon looked forward to market, but now she wanted only to be alone with Adelstan, to continue what he had started. His hands returned to the reins again, leaving her aching for his touch.

  They crested the final hill to the market itself, and Rhiannon smiled while inhaling deeply of herbs and freshly picked flowers.

  Jorden was in the process of dismounting, a young boy from the village holding on to the reins, his free hand out for coin. Elspeth let her hand linger on the knight’s forearm and Rhiannon wondered what her friend was up to.

  Adelstan’s lips brushed her ear. “Why do you stare at my officer, Rhiannon?” Though he smiled, there was a vulnerability in his green eyes that surprised her.

  “I think Elspeth likes him.”

  “Ah,” he said, grinning boyishly. “Is that the only reason?”

  “What other reason would there be?”

  “Mayhap you desire him, too.”

  “The only man I desire is with me now.”

  His eyes searched hers, and she knew he wanted to touch her as badly as she wanted to touch him. “You know exactly what to say to unman me.”

  She smiled. “I’m glad.”

  Before he could say a word, she slid from the horse, and waited for him to dismount. Elspeth waved and flashed a saucy grin before taking Jorden by the hand, leading him into the marketplace.

  “I like your maid,” Adelstan said, brushing his hand against hers as they walked side by side. “She is loyal to you.”

  “Aye, she is. I trust her with my life.”

  Rhiannon wished more than anything they could walk hand in hand like two lovers, but that was impossible.

  “Lady Rhiannon,” Gerard’s grandmother said, waving at her from her stand where she sold eggs, butter, and cheese.

  Waving to the woman, Rhiannon felt a sickening feeling in the pit of her stomach. She had completely forgotten about Gerard, the boy she’d had a crush on for so long now. How ironic that since Adelstan had come into her life, she had scarcely thought of the young man.

  As they walked, she could feel others watching them. None frowned or looked at her in an accusing way, but she still felt nervous.

  “My lady, we have fresh lavender today,” another yelled out.

  “I shall purchase some before I leave, Mariam. I am running low.”

  “Wonderful, my lady. I shall prepare a bushel for you.”

  Adelstan walked beside her, his hands clasped behind his back, a smile on his face. “It is a good thing Jorden and I brought the horses.”

  She laughed under her breath. “Actually, oftentimes we send a wagon and one of the kitchen staff to collect the items.”

  His lips quirked. “Ah, I see.”

  “I did not want to disappoint ye.”

  “You could not disappoint me.” She could clearly see the desire in his eyes.

  Her heart missed a beat and she looked away, and straight at Gerard, who instantly brightened.

  The young man hadn’t noticed Adelstan, or mayhap he had not paid any attention, until now. The smile on his lips faltered for only a moment as his gaze shifted between her and her escort. “Lady Rhiannon, how are ye this fine morning?”

  “I am very well, thank you, Gerard. And ye?”

  He ran a hand through his thick hair. “I am well, though I understand ye shall be leaving us soon, Lady Rhiannon.”

  Could she not escape her future anywhere? She nodded. “Indeed, I will be, but ye are not rid of me yet, Gerard. I hope to stay on for a while longer.”

  He grinned, showing deep dimples. “I am glad to hear it, Lady Rhiannon.”

  “I shall return in a moment,” Adelstan said, and she nodded, watching from the corner of her eye as he walked across the way to a produce stand, where he immediately struck up a conversation with Clarence, an old farmer.

  Rhiannon reached out and touched the fine carving on a pendant, one of the wares Gerard and his grandfather sold at their booth.

  She was shocked when Gerard’s fingers covered hers. “I shall miss ye, Lady Rhiannon. Most desperately.”

  His words made her uneasy, almost as much as the look of passion in his eyes. She knew that look, understood it with a realization that made her stomach knot.

  She looked at where his hand still rested on hers. He instantly dropped his hand to his side. “Forgive me. I did not mean—”

  “I shall miss ye, too, Gerard.” She smiled, hoping to put him at ease. “Ye have been a dear friend to me, and I hope one day when I return to visit, that ye will have found a lovely young woman who is worthy of ye.”

  A sad smile came over his face.

  She glanced over her shoulder to find Adelstan in deep conversation with Clarence, and also noticed Jorden and Elspeth over by the minstrels. “Gerard, I have a favor to ask of ye,” she said, lowering her voice. “This is extremely important to me, and I can ask no one else, because I trust ye more than anyone else here.�

  His brows furrowed. “Of course, my lady. Anything.”

  “I would like ye to make me a ring.”

  “For ye?”

  “Nay, a man’s ring.”

  “For your intended?”

  She nodded and removed the parchment from her pocket. “It is a simple rendering, but I trust ye can make sense of it.”

  “Perhaps my grandfather would be a better choice? After all, I have only been an ap—”

  “I want you to make it, Gerard,” she said firmly. “Please.”

  “I am honored to do so for ye.”

  “I would like ye to add the following inscription to the inside of the band.”

  Her cheeks turned hot as he read, “Gra Gael Mo Chroi, R,” which meant love of my heart in Gaelic. Gerard’s eyes widened. “He is a lucky man,” he said, carefully folding the parchment and placing it in the small pouch at his waist.

  “How long will it take ye?”

  “I could have it finished by next week.”


  “Ye have my word, my lady. I shall not speak about this to anyone, not even my grandparents.”

  “Thank ye, Gerard. I knew I could trust ye.”

  Turning, she nearly ran straight into Adelstan’s wide chest. He was eating an apple, and he offered her one.

  She shook her head. “I already ate this morning while you were out on drills.”

  “Ah,” he said, offering the fruit to Gerard, who also declined it.

  Adelstan pocketed the fruit. As they walked away from Gerard’s stand, he bent his head and whispered, “The boy fancies you, Rhiannon.”

  “He is a good friend.”

  “A friend?”


  He frowned a little, as though he did not quite believe her, then took another bite of the apple. Juice wetted his lips as he chewed.

  Her belly tightened, and desire made the blood in her veins burn. Even the slight friction between her thighs made her hot and wet for him, and her nipples rubbed against her chemise.

  Remembering where they were and that they had an audience, she tore her gaze away and continued to walk, taking in everything, knowing soon she may never see these people again.

  Three women sat together, working on tapestries, one an image of Castle MacKay, and she stopped in her tracks. It was not the best rendering she had seen, but she liked the woman’s use of colors.

  “Lady Rhiannon,” the older of the women said, nodding her head in greeting. The other two women, both younger than Adelstan and older than herself, looked at Adelstan with interest. The bolder and more voluptuous of the two, a beautiful blonde Rhiannon had noticed on several occasions, never once dropped her gaze as she smiled.

  Adelstan returned the smile, and Rhiannon had the urge to elbow him.

  Perhaps the one thing she should be grateful for was the fact that, once she married, he would not be staying at Almeron for long, and therefore she would not have to endure a lifetime of other women staring at him, wanting him, flirting with him right in front of her.

  However, she hated being reminded that Adelstan did not belong to her, nor would he ever.

  “Do ye like it, sir?” the blonde asked, standing, and Rhiannon wondered if she referred to the tapestry or to herself.

  It didn’t help that the woman’s kirtle looked a size or two too small for her voluptuous frame.

  “I do like it. It is most impressive.”

  Impressive? The woman or the tapestry?

  Good lord, why had she stopped to look at their wares?

  She felt compelled to take Adelstan by the hand and lead him away, but to do so would look sad and childish, and cause speculation she could not afford.

  “Would ye like the tapestry in memory of Castle MacKay, Lady Rhiannon?” the blonde asked, her gaze shifting once again to Adelstan. “Mayhap I can bring it to the castle myself this evening?”

  Rhiannon prayed the jealousy boiling over within her did not show on her face. “Nay, to have such a tapestry would only make me sad and miss home,” she lied, glad to see the blonde’s smile turn into a frown. “Ye are very talented. Your rendering of Castle MacKay was very accurate.”

  The woman beamed at Rhiannon.

  No wonder most men found women so easy to manipulate. A kind smile or remark and they were as soft as hot wax in one’s hands. “Good day, ladies.”

  “Good day, Lady Rhiannon,” they said in unison.

  Rhiannon started walking, not even waiting for Adelstan. It was ridiculous to be angry with him. He couldn’t help how women reacted to him…he just didn’t need to enjoy the attention so much.

  Seeing Elspeth and Jorden, she approached them, noting the flower in her maid’s hand. Apparently the knight had a flair for the romantic.

  Jorden glanced past her to Adelstan. “Elspeth had a wonderful idea. She thought mayhap we should buy a few items and have our own feast, out under the sky.”

  Rhiannon wondered if perhaps Antony had been wrong about Jorden and the young knight being lovers, for he seemed very aware of women. Perhaps he had made it up hoping Elspeth would be put off by the story. If so, it had the opposite effect, for Elspeth appeared completely enamored of the charming knight.

  “That sounds like a wonderful idea,” Adelstan said, taking the apple from his pocket and tossing it to Jorden. “Where are you thinking of having such a feast?”

  “Someplace private,” Elspeth said with a smile.

  Chapter 14

  The moment they were out of sight of the village, Adelstan’s arm wrapped possessively around Rhiannon’s waist, but only for a moment before taking hold of the reins.

  Ahead of them Jorden and Elspeth kissed, and Rhiannon smiled back at Adelstan. If only she could be so bold and open with her feelings, she would kiss him now, uncaring of who saw them. But they did not have the same luxury as their friends. No one must know the true nature of their relationship. She had taken a chance leaving the parchment with the inscription with Gerard, and she trusted him to show no one. If anyone were to find out, specifically her father, she would have to convince him the ring had been commissioned for de Cion.

  “You are so quiet,” Adelstan whispered in her ear, his lips touching the ridge, sending shivers up her spine.

  “Am I?”

  “What are you thinking about?”


  She looked into his eyes and his gaze searched hers. A strange melancholy washed over her, and it was all she could do not to cry.

  “Was it the women back at the market?”

  “Nay, I just hate that I must hide how I feel toward ye to everyone. I want to touch ye so desperately—something as simple as holding your hand, and yet I cannot.” Her gaze lowered to his lips. “I want to kiss ye—something other lovers take for granted, and I cannot.”

  He lowered his mouth and kissed her, his lips soft and gentle. For a moment she allowed herself the luxury of responding, until she remembered they were not alone.

  She pulled away, and looked to Jorden and Elspeth, who were too wrapped up in their own little world to notice.

  “Jorden would die before he betrayed me,” Adelstan said, his eyes intense, as he pressed his palm to her cheek.

  “And Elspeth would die before she betrayed me.”

  His thumb brushed along her lower lip. “Then let’s enjoy this day for what it is.”

  * * *

  Finding an isolated spot in which to have their feast, Rhiannon and Elspeth went about setting out the items for the men to devour, and devour they did.

  Adelstan rested on his side, propped up on an elbow, eating the last of the cheese. Rhiannon sat across from him, watching him beneath lowered lids. God, but he was gorgeous. So much so, he took the breath from her lungs. Every time their eyes met, his lips would curve into a soft smile.

  How she ached to be with him again.

  Elspeth laughed at something Jorden said, and brushed a leaf from his hair, her fingers lingering long after the leaf
had been discarded. The knight moved so his head rested in her lap, and Rhiannon admired her friend for her ability to tie men around her finger so easily. Jorden reached up, pulled her face down to meet his, and the two began kissing.

  Rhiannon knew it was rude to watch, but she could not help it. Feeling Adelstan’s stare, she looked up and her heart lurched. He wanted her with the same intensity she wanted him.

  Jorden stood, and reached out to take Elspeth’s hand. Rhiannon could see the surprise in her friend’s eyes, but also the excitement.

  “We are going for a walk down by the pond,” Jorden said over his shoulder.

  “How long will you be?” Adelstan asked.

  Elspeth looked at Rhiannon. “An hour.”

  Adelstan smiled. “We shall see you when you return. Have a nice swim.”

  * * *

  Elspeth watched Jorden undress, uncovering each inch of his powerful body to her all-consuming gaze. Since Antony had told her about him kissing the soldier, she’d been unable to purge the handsome knight from her thoughts.

  Obviously he had no preference when it came to sex, because no one could fake the passion she saw in those long-lashed silver eyes. She had never been with such a strong man, a warrior, and her heart accelerated knowing what was to come.

  Naked now, he walked toward the pond, and she stared at his backside, the muscles shifting with each movement, his high firm ass and lovely strong thighs, making her pulse quicken.

  Lifting her skirts to her thighs, she followed him, and stepped into the pond, her toes squishing into the sand and silt beneath her feet. Though she was far from modest, she was a bit self-conscious about being naked in front of a man she had literally met mere hours before.

  Jorden dove under the water and she watched expectantly as he came up a minute later, flipping his hair out of his face, and grinning in a way that made her bones turn to butter.

  Sweet Jesus, but the man was sexy, and he was walking toward her, uncaring that with each step he revealed more skin…his wide chest, the rippling mass of abdominal muscles, the trail of dark hair that led to his impressive cock.

  The cool water did little to lessen his girth or length, or if it did, she was in trouble. Water sluiced down his body, making droplets on his olive skin. Droplets she craved to lick off. His confidence intimidated her, and yet excited her in a way she’d never before experienced.


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