You'll Be Mine

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You'll Be Mine Page 4

by Marie Force

  Cameron had never seen so many people at the Abbotts’ home at one time, but the spacious barn in which they’d raised their ten children was more than up to the occasion.

  Joining the party for dinner were Hannah’s husband, Nolan, Hunter’s fiancée, Megan, Mary from the store, Patrick’s assistant, Maggie, who’d driven up from the city, and Lucy and Emma’s dad, Ray Mulvaney.

  Molly moved through the gathering refreshing drinks, taking plates and making everyone feel welcome. Cameron had loved her future mother-in-law from the first time she met her. In Molly, Cameron had found the mother she’d never had, as her own mother had died giving birth to her. As the wedding approached, Cameron had missed what she’d never had more than ever.

  Molly had been right there to fill the void, doing double duty as the mother of the groom and stand-in mother of the bride.

  Cameron followed Molly into the kitchen. “Everything is wonderful, Molly. Thank you so much for this.”

  “Oh, honey, it was completely and entirely my pleasure. Such a wonderful, happy occasion.” She hugged Cameron. “Are you ready for tomorrow?”

  “So ready.”

  “Will is, too. I’ve never seen him this excited about anything.”

  “I’ve never been so excited, either. I’ve pretty much felt that way since the night I met him. Or, well, I guess it was actually the next day when he stopped being mad at me for coming to town to build a website he didn’t want.”

  Molly laughed. “He was instantly taken with you. Linc and I knew right away that you two were going to be something special. I’ve never been so happy to be right about anything.”

  A loud whistle came from the big great room in the middle of the barn.

  “That’ll be Linc looking to make a toast.” Molly extended her arm to Cameron. “Shall we?”


  They walked into the room full of loved ones. “There’s the blushing bride,” Lincoln said. “Come on up here with your future husband and let me embarrass you both for a minute.”

  “Do we have to?” Will asked.

  “You bet.”

  Will’s brothers pushed him forward, and Cameron caught him as he landed right where Lincoln wanted him. Will put his arms around Cameron from behind and held her against him.

  Lincoln extended his hand to his wife and then put his arm around Molly when she joined him. “It’s such a pleasure to welcome you all here tonight for this happy occasion. This has been an incredible year in which we welcomed Nolan, and now Cameron, to our family, as well as Lucy, and Megan, who’ll join us before too much longer. When you have ten children, people think you’ve maxed out your capacity for love. But then someone new comes into your life, and you realize your capacity expands when the right people come along. Cameron, Molly and I couldn’t be more delighted to welcome you into our family. We knew you as a little girl and thought you were adorable. You grew into an amazing, loving, caring woman who has made our son so very happy, and we love you very much.” He held up his glass. “So I’d like to propose a toast to Cameron Murphy, who will become Cameron Abbott tomorrow, and to Patrick, who becomes an honorary Abbott when our kids get married. Our family is lucky to have you both. And to Will, who is the most wonderful son any parents could ever hope to have. Thank you for bringing Cameron to us.”

  “Wow.” Cameron mopped up tears while Will did the same behind her. Then they hugged and kissed his parents. “You know how to get a girl.”

  “May I?” Patrick asked Lincoln, who gestured for his old friend to proceed. “Thank you for those kind words, Linc, and for this wonderful dinner and evening. I’d like to propose a toast to Will, the man who has won my little girl’s heart and quite possibly the only person in this world who could make her prefer the wilderness of Vermont to the wilderness of New York City. After spending time in Butler and at their home in the woods, I can see why Cameron loves it here. And I can certainly see why she loves Will so much. Linc, I’ve wondered what the heck you were doing out here in the boonies all these years. But tonight, surrounded by your incredible family, I can see you’ve been doing something right in your barn in the boonies. You certainly did something right with Will, my son-in-law, a man most worthy of my little girl. Congratulations. To Will and Cameron.”

  Will dabbed at his eyes. “Cripes. The dads are on fire tonight.”

  “Weddings do that to parents,” Elmer said. “And grandparents. I’d also like to raise a glass to my beloved William, who has been a joy to me—and his late grandmother—from the day he was born. You were always a happy little fellow, who grew up to be a man anyone would be proud of. And then Cameron came crashing into town, and we got to watch you two fall in love. I couldn’t be happier to be celebrating this occasion with both of you, and I’d like to thank you for the honor you’ve bestowed upon me by asking me to officiate. When I became a justice of the peace, I thought it would be something fun to do in my retirement. It never occurred to me that I’d get to perform wedding ceremonies for my precious grandchildren. That has been the ultimate side benefit.” He raised his glass to them. “To Will and Cameron, I love you both, and I’m looking forward to being a great-grandfather to your children.”

  Laughing through their tears, Will and Cameron hugged his adorable grandfather.

  “Do we get to give toasts, too?” Lucas asked.

  “Absolutely not,” Molly said.

  “Aw, come on, Mom,” Landon said. “That’s not fair.”

  “It’s absolutely fair. This is a rehearsal dinner, not a roast.”

  “How does she always know what we’ve got planned?” Landon asked his twin.

  “She has ESP,” Will told his brothers.

  “I know you guys,” Molly said. “And I don’t trust you for a second.”

  The wine continued to flow, along with the laughs and several kinds of cake. Cameron was blissed out on alcohol, sugar and happiness when Will joined her to tell her it was time to go their separate ways for the night. She hated the idea of spending even one night without him, but they’d agreed weeks ago to spend this evening apart.

  The guys were camping up on Colton’s mountain while the girls took over their cabin.

  “So tomorrow,” Will said, leaning in to kiss her. “You’ll be there right?”

  “Wild horses couldn’t keep me away.”

  “Me either.”

  “Don’t be late.”

  “Couldn’t have dreamed this,” he said, “so I wouldn’t dream of being late to make it official.”

  She took his hand and led him into the mudroom, the one place in the house that wasn’t overrun with people. With a minute to themselves, Cameron hooked her arm around his neck and drew him into a deep, passionate kiss.

  “This time tomorrow,” he whispered against her lips, “we’ll be making our big escape.”

  “Mmm, can’t wait for all of it.”

  “Let’s go, Romeo,” Colton called to his brother. “You’ve got two weeks in Fiji to kiss her face off.”

  Will pulled her in close one more time, pressing his erection into her belly as he kissed her again, telling her with every stroke of his tongue that she was loved and desired. “I gotta go.”

  “I gotta let you.”

  “See you tomorrow, baby.” He kissed her lips and then lingered with a kiss to her forehead.

  “Get some sleep.”

  “Not likely, but I’ll try if you do.”

  “Deal.” He hugged her one more time. “Love you.”

  “Love you, too.”

  Cameron released him to leave with his brothers for their campout on the mountain. Right after the guys left with much bickering and laughter, Hannah came to find her. “Ready to go?”

  “Let me just say good-night to my dad and your parents.” Patrick would be spending the remainder of the weekend at Lincoln and Molly’s house.
  Cameron hugged Molly. “Thank you so much for an incredible evening.”

  “I loved every minute of it.” She kissed Cameron’s cheek. “Try to get some sleep tonight.”

  “I’m too excited to sleep.”

  Molly smiled. “I’ll be over in the morning to help.”

  “I’ll see you then.”



  “Thank you for making Will so happy.”

  “Being happy with him has been the easiest thing I’ve ever done.”

  She hugged Lincoln and Elmer and then her dad. “Molly and Lincoln will take good care of you.”

  He raised his glass of bourbon. “They already are. This is the good stuff.”

  “Nothing but the best,” Lincoln chimed in.

  “I’ll see you tomorrow,” she said to her dad.

  “I’ll be there.”


  HANNAH DROVE CAMERON, Lucy, Ella and Charley to Cameron’s house where everyone but Hannah, who was pregnant, enjoyed glasses of wine while they painted fingers and toes and talked about wedding plans. Emma and Ray had taken Simone back to the Butler Inn earlier. They would rejoin the wedding party in the morning.

  After a couple of hours of pampering, drinking and gabbing, they noticed Hannah beginning to fade.

  “We should get Mama home to her baby daddy,” Ella said.

  “I’m fine,” Hannah insisted. “I don’t want to break up the party.”

  “You’ll be dragging ass tomorrow if you don’t get some sleep,” Charley said. “And Cameron doesn’t want your dark circles messing up her wedding photos.”

  “That’s right,” Cameron said. “Get your ugly self home for some beauty rest.”

  “You fit right in with this family,” Hannah said, rolling her eyes.

  “Why, thank you. Nothing pleases me more than fitting in with the Abbotts.”

  Her future sisters-in-law left with hugs and kisses and promises to be back bright and early to help her get ready for the afternoon ceremony. Cameron let the dogs out for the last time when the girls left.

  “And then there were two,” she said to Lucy, who was sleeping in the loft that night.

  Lucy helped her clean up the kitchen and even made coffee for the morning. “One for the road?” Lucy asked, holding up a half bottle of chardonnay.

  “Hit me up.”

  Lucy poured two glasses, which they took to the living room.

  After she let the dogs in, Cameron stoked up the fire in the woodstove and joined Lucy on the sofa, curling her legs under her. “How about this, huh?”

  “No kidding. What a fantastic evening. How lucky are we to be marrying into this family?”

  “So lucky. I don’t just get Will, but his parents and siblings and Elmer, too. I feel like I hit the jackpot.”

  “So do I.”

  “Are you guys talking about setting a date?” Cameron asked.

  “Not really. We’re in no particular rush. Hunter and Megan are next, so maybe in the spring.” Lucy took a drink of wine and rested her head against the back of the sofa. “I can’t believe how fast you guys pulled this wedding together. You’ve only been engaged for six weeks!”

  “This is Will’s favorite time of year, and it’s becoming mine, too, after spending an autumn in Vermont. We didn’t want to wait a full year, so we decided to go for it this year. Thank goodness for Regan. We couldn’t have done it without her.”

  “She’s amazing. I got her card for when it’s my turn.”

  “I was worried about turning over such an important event to someone else to plan, but we told her what we wanted, and she made it happen. I can’t wait to see it all put together tomorrow.” Cameron yawned. “I can’t believe I’m actually tired. I thought I’d be up all night.”

  “Let’s get you to bed so you’re ready for your big day.”

  They took their wineglasses into the kitchen and parted with a hug.

  “Thanks for everything, Luce. It’s been so great to have you here the last couple of weeks.”

  “I wouldn’t have missed it for anything. I’m so happy for you and Will. You guys are an awesome couple.”

  “Stop before I start bawling again.”

  Lucy laughed and headed for the ladder to the loft.

  “Let me know if you need anything.”

  “I’m good. Try to sleep.”

  “See you in the morning.”

  With the dogs sleeping in their usual spot by the fire, Cameron went into their room and went through her bedtime ritual before climbing into bed alone. She moved to Will’s side of the bed where she found his woodsy, outdoorsy scent clinging to his pillow. How ridiculous was it that one night without him felt like an eternity?

  She hadn’t spent a night without him in more than six months, so naturally it felt weird to be alone at bedtime. Even though she’d see him in a few short hours, she’d give anything to feel his arms around her. Closing her eyes, she drifted off to sleep, thinking about everything tomorrow would bring and wishing he were here with her.

  * * *

  UP on the mountain, Will and Colton were the last ones standing after the others had passed out from the massive quantities of beer that had been consumed around the campfire, which was now down to embers.

  “As your best man, it’s my job to recommend you hit the hay,” Colton said.

  “Yeah, yeah. I’m wide awake, so there’s no point.”

  “What’re you thinking about?”


  “Of course.”

  “Remember the night of Nolan’s bachelor party up here?”

  “As it was only a couple of months ago, I do remember.”

  “Remember what we did that night?”

  “Yes . . .”

  “I’m thinking about a do-over.”

  “Isn’t it bad luck to see the bride before the wedding? Since it’s after midnight, technically it’s your wedding day.”

  “I won’t turn on any lights.”

  Colton scratched at the stubble on his jaw. “I’m not sure if I can condone this mission.”

  “I dare you to come with me, then.”

  “Oh, a dare . . . You fight dirty.” Under Abbott family rules, failure to take a dare could result in years of abuse.

  Will shrugged. “I fight to win. I need you to drive me. I’ve had a few too many, and I noticed you’ve been drinking only water.”

  “Someone’s gotta make sure you’re where you’re supposed to be tomorrow.”

  “Thank you for that. And everything else, too.”

  “Thank you for asking me to be your best man. You shocked the shit out of me with that one. I thought for sure you’d ask Hunter.”

  “I don’t like to be predictable. Plus, with you marrying Lucy and her being Cam’s maid of honor, we thought it would be fun.”

  “So this means I’ve got to ask you to be mine, too, right?”

  “Doesn’t mean that at all.”

  “I would like you to be my best man. When the time comes. If you’re willing.”

  “I’m more than willing, but don’t ask me because I asked you. You should have who you want.”

  “If I have you, I have who I want.”

  “I’d be honored. Thank you.”

  “You’re welcome.”

  “So, are you going to take the dare, or are you going to let us call you a pussy for the next century or two?”

  “When you put it that way, I guess I have no choice but to take the dare.” Colton dumped a bucket of dirt on the fire and stomped out the remaining embers.

  They’d gotten away with this mission the last time they’d done it with no one the wiser when they’d left Nolan’s bachelor party campout to go sleep with Cameron and Lucy at the cabin. Will kne
w he was pushing his luck to think they’d get away with it twice, but he was counting on his brothers being out cold for the night.

  Colton went into his cabin to get his keys while Will waited for him on the porch. They were on their way to a clean getaway when Hunter appeared out of the darkness.

  “Jesus,” Colton said to their oldest brother. “You scared the shit out of me.”

  “Where you boys going?”

  “Nowhere,” Will said.

  Hunter chuckled softly. “Liar. Are you going back to town?”

  “Maybe . . .”

  “Take me with you.”

  “Who’ll stay with the little kids?” Will asked of their younger brothers, all of whom were full-grown men and well trained in search-and-rescue tactics. But old habits died hard when it came to leaving their younger siblings unsupervised.

  “They’re on their own,” Hunter said bluntly.

  “Let’s go,” Will said.

  They piled into Colton’s truck and headed down the mountain, turning on the headlights halfway down. “Another clean escape,” Colton said, when he pulled onto the road that led into town.

  “Another?” Hunter asked from the front seat.

  “We might’ve done this once before,” Will said. “The night of Nolan’s party.”

  Laughing, Hunter said, “You got away with that one. I had no idea, but then again, I had no good reason to sneak back to town. And now I do.”

  “Now you do,” Will said.

  They dropped Hunter off first.

  “Try not to scare the hell out of Megan,” Colton said.

  “I told her I’d be home if I could get away, so she won’t be surprised to see me.”

  “That’s premeditated,” Will said. “A whole other level of p-whipped.”

  “Say what you will,” Hunter said. “I’m happy to plead guilty. See you boys tomorrow.”

  “Don’t be late,” Will said.

  “When am I ever late?” Hunter shut the door before they could pounce on that easy opening. He’d broken his on-time record repeatedly since he got together with Megan, even coming in late to work several times, which had never happened before.


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