Drakkar ~ Beyond the Lie (A Dark Order of the Dragon Novel Book 3)

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Drakkar ~ Beyond the Lie (A Dark Order of the Dragon Novel Book 3) Page 14

by Sandra Bischoff

  Nick coughed from the doorway. “I don’t mean to interrupt you lovebirds, but Drake, we need to get you home.” He turned away. “I’ll be in the van. Don’t take too long.”

  Drakkar reluctantly pulled away. “He’s right.”

  She withdrew her hands from his hair and stepped back. “I know. I wish things were different. I hate that you are being put through this.”

  “Don’t worry, it will all be over soon.”

  Serenity frowned. “What do you mean?”

  He placed a finger under her chin, locking his gaze with hers. “Things are going to be back to normal soon. I promise.” He placed a light kiss on her lips. “I’ll see you at school tonight.”

  “Yeah, tonight,” she murmured.

  “Go to bed, Nettie.” He turned her toward the stairs.

  “Hmm . . . bed . . . Night.”

  Drakkar watched her drift up the stairs. Guilt gnawed his gut. Wiping her memory was the only way to ensure she didn’t say a word about what he revealed. He hated having to do it, but it was a necessity. Closing the door behind him, he looked at Nick sitting behind the wheel.

  Now to take care of you.

  “Why so serious?” Nick gave his best Joker impression.

  Drakkar shook his head, laughing as he climbed in the van. “Just trying to figure out the best way to take care of something.”

  “And that might be . . . what?”

  All joking aside, Drakkar leveled his gaze on him. “You.”

  “Me?” Nick blinked. “Oh, wait a minute. You blanked her memory, didn’t you?” When Drakkar didn’t respond, Nick shook his head. “Damn, Drake that’s cold.”

  Drake sighed. “I know. Now it’s your turn.”

  Nick held up his hands between them. “You are not messing with my melon. Keep your weird mojo to yourself. I’m not going to say anything to anyone.”

  “How can I be sure of that?”

  “Because you’re the only friend I have and I’m not about to mess that up by betraying you.”

  Drakkar wasn’t convinced. “What about Serenity? She’s not your friend?”

  “Nettie’s different.” Drakkar growled and Nick explained. “She’s your girl and she’s off limits, I know. But as such, it’s my job as your unofficial Conservator to protect you both at all costs. You mess with the noggin” -he tapped his head with his fist- “you mess with that protection.”

  Drake leaned back in his seat, rubbing his temples. Nick’s logic was hard to argue with, and the human never gave him a reason to doubt his loyalty as a friend. Maybe having one other person knowing what was going on would be a good thing. At least then if he had a problem, he’d have someone to lean on.

  “Okay. I won’t.” He narrowed his eyes at Nick. “Just make sure you keep your pie hole shut and don’t make me regret it.”

  Nick grinned. “You got it.” He threw the van in reverse and backed out of the garage.

  When they were far enough away from Serenity’s, Nick glanced up in the rearview mirror at Drakkar. Drake saw his green eyes staring at him and raised a brow.

  “Something wrong?”

  “You’re going to do it, aren’t you?”

  Drakkar looked away.

  Nick cursed under his breath. “I can’t believe you. After everything we talked about, you’re still going to take that kid.”

  He whipped his head back to glare at Nick. “Careful, Cattle. That kid is my half-sister.”

  “All the more reason for you to not go through with this, but hey, your mind is made up. Hand her over to Absinthe. She’ll be fine.”

  Drake couldn’t respond. Anything he thought of died on his lips before he said it. Every word inside him felt so hollow. He wanted to trust the plan they came up with. He really did. But Giovanna’s life was at stake. She didn’t deserve to die.

  And Absinthe gave her a death sentence.

  “Just take me home. I’m not about to do anything stupid yet. I can’t even leave the house till nightfall.”

  “That’s the only logical thing I’ve heard you say since you got in the van.” Nick grumbled as he hunched over the steering wheel. “Yes, Master. Igor drive you home now, Master.”

  The ride back to his house felt like an eternity. Nick was so mad, he stopped talking. Drake was almost impressed at the human’s willpower. A few times he caught him looking like he was about to say something, but changed his mind. They were probably both better off that he didn’t say what was on his mind. Heat of the moment conversations tended to destroy friendships.

  Nick was one friend he couldn’t afford to lose.

  Drakkar climbed the staircase slowly. The house was dead quiet, for this particular hour. The human servants should have been going about their duties. Not one of them was around. Now that he thought about it, their cook wasn’t in the kitchen when he came through the hidden passage.


  Instead of turning right toward his room at the top of the stairs, Drakkar made a left, following the carpet-lined hallway to the attic door. It was cracked open. The hair on the back of his neck stood up.

  Absinthe would never leave the door unlocked, especially after her ultimatum. Giovanna was supposed to be secured in the room until he brought Absinthe the baby.

  Drake pushed the door open and climbed the steps. They curved around in a spiral similar to a medieval tower staircase. He’d never been in that part of the house. He didn’t know what to expect when his foot hit the top landing. Whatever it was he thought he might find, he wasn’t prepared for what greeted him.

  The room was absolutely empty. No furniture. No curtains. Not even metal shutters to protect him from the sun. Not that the room was brightly lit with morning sunlight, but there was enough for him to be mindful of not crossing into it.

  “I can’t believe she took you away,” he whispered.

  He leaned against the wall and slid down until he sat on the floor staring at the empty space. All he wanted was to talk to her. To get to know her a little better. Maybe see if she thought Bonatelli would help them. But she was gone. Giovanna was gone.

  And he didn’t know where to start looking for her. Or know if she was still alive.

  “Why! What the hell did I ever do to you, Absinthe?” His voice echoed in the attic.

  You were born.

  Her voice sounded in his head clear as if she were standing in front of him. Drakkar wiped the unshed tears from his eyes and looked around. He expected to find her coming up the stairs, but he was alone.

  You can search for her all you want. You’ll never find her. The only way for you to get her back is to hand over that child. Your mother or your sister. Make the choice, Drakkar. Make a wise choice.

  Drakkar closed his eyes, refusing to talk to her. If he gave in to the urge, he might make matters worse. Eventually, he felt Absinthe retreat and leave him entirely. Only then did he sigh in relief. Having her in his head scared him. He felt like she could read his thoughts all the time. She may even know what he planned to do.

  Gods, he hoped not. The element of surprise was all he possessed at that point. If he lost it . . . .

  The patter of tiny feet scurrying across the attic floor came toward him. Drakkar opened his eyes to find a small, folded piece of paper lying next to him. His searched the empty space, looking for whatever deposited it there, but the culprit was long gone.

  He picked it up and unfolded it. Laying it out on the floor, Drakkar smoothed it out flat. The handwriting was clearly feminine. As he began to read it, he felt his hopes rise just a little.

  My Dearest Drakkar,

  I wish we had more time the other night before Absinthe walked in. There are so many things I wanted to say to you, so many things I want to know about you. Like, what is your favorite color, your favorite food? Did you have trouble sleeping as a child? I suffered from awful night terrors when I was little. Did you have a favorite toy or a security blanket? What age were you when you started to talk and walk? All of the things I was rob
bed of knowing. All of the things she kept from me. Do you have a girlfriend? What is she like? Is she human or is she a vampire like you? I want to know everything.

  But I fear I will never know any of it.

  Please don’t give in to her. Don’t bring her your sister. She will poison her. Absinthe poisons everything she touches. Then again, I don’t need to tell you that. You lived it first-hand like I did. I hate her for that the most. She kept you from knowing your father. Don’t believe the lies she fed you. Jared is not the evil bastard she paints him as. He was devastated the night he realized he lost not only me, but you as well. He believed both of us dead. I’m so happy you survived.

  Go to him. Trust him. He will love you unconditionally. His home is full of good people. They will help you heal. Don’t try to get him to save me. I’m sure by the time you meet, I will already have met my fate. Absinthe has no intention of letting me go. She will kill me first.

  But I believe you are as stubborn as I know your father is. You are going to try to come after me, try to save me. If you do, there is someone you can go to. Someone other than your father I trust with my life.

  Mikhail Lyoshka, he owns The Final Resting Place club in New York City. He will help you with whatever you decide. He may not tell you his plan, but know this; he is not loyal to the Princess. I don’t know his history, but he has always been kind and caring toward me.

  Whatever the outcome, know one thing: I love you, my handsome baby boy.

  Love always and forever,


  Drakkar’s eyes misted up again. Pain seared his heart. This woman who he hardly knew, his real mother, wrote such a heartfelt note to him. All. For. Him. She could have written him off, but she didn’t. She wasn’t a part of his life, yet she loved him unconditionally.

  He clutched the letter to his chest.

  There was no way he would let Absinthe destroy her. She deserved to be happy. He deserved to be happy. It was time Absinthe paid for keeping them apart.

  But first he was going to follow Giovanna’s wishes and contact this Mikhail guy. If he agreed to help maybe, just maybe Drake could pull off the impossible -saving his mother and making sure the baby didn’t fall into Absinthe’s hands.

  ~ ~ ~ ~

  Serenity drifted past the kitchen in a daze. She was still flying on the kiss she shared with Drakkar. She touched her finger tips to her lips, smiling to herself. She still felt the tenderness of his touch, the gentle way his breath caressed her mouth, and his lips claiming hers. He was careful not to scrape her sensitive skin with his fangs.

  “Sweetie? Is that you.” her mother called from the master bedroom at the end of the hall.

  Serenity shook her head to clear the fog wrapping itself around her every thought. She didn’t remember climbing the stairs. All she could think about was Drakkar’s kiss and the electric blue of his eyes. The rest of the night was fading into blur.

  “I must be more tired than I thought.”

  A yawn escaped her. She smothered it with her fist. Again, she shook her head to clear it, but it was no use.


  Her mother stepped out of her bedroom tying the belt of her fluffy pink robe. Sheridan tilted her head, regarding her. Judging by the look on her mother’s face, something was bothering her.

  “Sorry, Mom. I’m just a little beat. Long day, intense project lots of other stuff . . .” Her voice faded. She completely forgot what she was going to say.

  Sheridan took her by the arm and led her into her own room. She sat her on the bed and pulled over the stool from her vanity table. Sitting down, her mother leaned forward and touched her forehead.

  “Hmm, no temp. Are you feeling alright? You look a little pale, well paler than usual.”

  Serenity swatted at her mother’s hand groggily. “I’m fine, just tired.”

  “You sure that’s all?” Her mother frowned, obviously not buying the explanation. Unfortunately it was the only one she was going to give her.

  “Yup. Just need sleep.”

  “Okay.” Sheridan stood and replaced the stool. As she was leaving, she paused in the doorway. “I saw Drakkar was here. Jake behaved himself, I hope.”

  Netite nodded. “He even apologized.”

  “Wow, that’s unlike him.” Her mother folded her arms, leaning on the door jamb. “Everything going well with your project?”

  “Project? What project?”

  Sheridan frowned. “The one you just started telling me about? What happened tonight?”

  “Actually, Mom, I’m not sure. It’s all kinda fuzzy right now.”

  “Really? Well, then let’s start with why you literally floated up the stairs.”

  “Oh, that.” Serenity smiled touching her lips. “He kissed me. Drakkar kissed me.”

  Sheridan smiled along with her. “So I guess your mission is going well, too. then. Did you find anything out that could be useful?”

  “About that-”

  Her mother held up her hand. “It’s okay. I’m not going to make you do anymore fact finding. You’re off the hook, sweetie.”

  “Really? I mean, I didn’t get much information. All I said was he didn’t get along with the Princess.”

  “I know, and that’s more than enough.”

  “But, Mom.” Serenity stood and wobbled a little bit. “I learned something else tonight. Drakkar isn’t Absinthe’s son.”

  “Oh, Honey, we already knew that. We’ve been trying to figure out who his parents are. Only we’re hitting a brick wall.”

  “But, Mom, I know who they are.”

  “You do?” Sheridan crossed the room and held her by the shoulders. “Who are they?”

  Serenity blinked. “Who are who?”

  “Nettie, don’t play with me here. You just said you knew who Drakkar’s parents were.”

  She shook her head. “No I didn’t.”

  “Yes, you did.” Her mother felt her forehead again. “There is definitely something not right with you. You’re staying home from school tomorrow. Get some rest, baby. We’ll talk again tomorrow.”

  Her mother helped her into bed and placed a kiss on her forehead. After she left the room, Serenity lay staring at the dark canopy above her. For someone who’d been exhausted just fifteen minutes ago, she couldn’t seem to fall asleep.

  It wasn’t like her to forget things, but if her mother said she insisted on knowing who Drakkar’s real parents were, then she needed to believe her. It wasn’t something she would make up.

  But why would she say that when clearly she didn’t know anything about it?

  And why was it, the only thing she did remember from the night was the kiss she and Drakkar shared?

  “Nick Montgomery. You tell me what’s going on and you tell me now,” Britt screeched at him in the parking lot.

  Nick cringed seeing her get out of the little red convertible Mommy and Daddy bought for passing her driver’s test last year. She made a beeline for him, nearly getting clipped by another student trying to park a Prius. All it took was one seething glare from her to shut down anything the kid was about to say to her.

  “Well, good evening to you too, bane of my existence. To what do I owe the pleasure of your banshee’s scream tonight?” He picked up his back pack and swung it over his shoulder, taking just a moment to slam the door to his van closed before facing her.

  She punched him in the chest. “You know exactly what I’m talking about. You and Psycho go to her house after school, never asking me, and I’m not supposed to feel slighted? My best friend has been hanging out with my boyfriend. Are you telling me I shouldn’t be bothered by that?”

  “Um, ow.” He rubbed the spot where she hit him. “First of all, I am not your boyfriend, remember? You dumped me because you -‘felt smothered’- or some bullshit like that. So you don’t have any say in who I see or don’t see. And second, what we were doing there is none of your business.”

  She narrowed her hazel eyes at him. “It is my business if what y
ou three did made her miss school today. And it wasn’t bullshit. I just thought we needed a break. Clearly that’s over now, so can we just forget that all happened?”

  Nick burst out laughing. “You’re insane.”

  She pouted, batting her eyes. “Come on, Nicky. I know you missed me. I could see how jealous you were when I talked to other guys.”

  “No, not going to happen. I can’t do this right now. I’ve got to get to class.” He started walking away only to pause and look back at her. “What do you mean she didn’t come to school today? She was fine when we left last night.”

  “Nettie called me this afternoon saying her mom was keeping her home. She was having trouble remembering things and she was really light headed. What did you guys do last night?”

  Nick cursed. “I told him he shouldn’t have done it. Damn it, Drake.”

  He turned and stalked toward the entrance to the high school. Britt followed behind him. When they reached the lobby, she grabbed his arm and forced him to stop and look at her.

  “What are you babbling about? What did he do to her?”

  “It’s not exactly something that’s usually a problem. He just did a little wipe on her mind. Made her forget something.”

  “And what might that be?” She glared up at him. “What did she know that was so important he needed to erase it?”

  “Um, I can’t really talk about it.” He pushed past her, but she retained a firm grip on his arm.

  “So help me, Nick, if you don’t come clean with me, I am never giving you a second chance.”

  His jaw dropped. “Seriously? You need your head examined.”

  “Don’t you dare try and turn this around. It’s not about me.” She poked him in the chest.

  “Hey, quit it.” He broke away from her. “I don’t know what he erased. He only told me he needed to take care of something. And now hearing what you’ve said, he may have messed up.”

  “Messed up? How can you be so callous about it? He screwed with her memory. That could have lasting effects.”


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