Drakkar ~ Beyond the Lie (A Dark Order of the Dragon Novel Book 3)

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Drakkar ~ Beyond the Lie (A Dark Order of the Dragon Novel Book 3) Page 20

by Sandra Bischoff

  This was one of those situations.

  Hearing that the highest ranking Conservator’s daughter assisted in the kidnapping was a blow to his gut, Lance was conflicted. On one hand, he was furious the girl betrayed all of them. On the other, it could be a blessing. They possessed someone on the inside who would make sure nothing happened to the child.

  He took out his phone and scrolled through his contacts. He really should take the time to organize them. It shouldn’t take him this long to find a name that should be right at the top. One day I’ll find the time.

  Finally locating Sheridan’s number, he hit the call button. Lance turned his back on the whining pup behind him. He wondered if he sounded the same to Rimmon when the demon Lord tried to kill him.

  “Nah, not likely.” He smirked.

  “Not likely what?” The soothing feminine voice of his most trusted agent echoed in his ear.

  “Hey, Sheridan. Don’t mind that. I was wondering if I could talk to Serenity for a second. I need some information from her.”

  “Can you please cut me down from here? I can’t feel my fingers,” the teen whined.

  “Sir? Who was that? And why did he say to cut him down?”

  Lance laughed nervously. “Oh, that? That’s nothing. The King was a little overzealous in trying to get information out of someone. I have a little clean up to do.”

  “Come on, please? I gave him what you wanted.” Still the kid whimpered.

  “Man up over there. I’ll get you down in a minute.” Lance called to him. And the kid moaned. “You’d think he never got bit by a vamp before. But back to Serenity, is she around? I have a question about Drakkar.”

  “Let me see.” He heard her moving through the house and stop to knock on a door. “Serenity? Can you please talk to my boss for a second? Lance has a question for you.” Silence followed. “Baby?”

  A door handle jiggled on the other end of the line, then the creak of a door opening. Sheridan gasped, confirming his greatest fear.

  “Lance? She’s-”

  “She’s not there. I knew it.” He cursed under his breath. “So you have any idea where she might have gone? We have a serious situation here at the Compound.”

  “I don’t know. She didn’t say anything. What happened?”

  He moved further away from the wolf hanging in the center of the room, lowering his voice. “Absinthe’s son took Annabelle last night. We kept it on the down low to keep people from panicking.”

  “That’s horrible. What can I do?”

  “Make your way to Jared’s. I will brief you when I get there. Right now I have to get Teen Wolf and his pack back on shore. I’ll see you soon.”

  Lance disconnected the call and returned to the teens. Shaking his head, he held the wolf up and sliced through the rope on his wrist. The boy’s arms fell limply to his sides. Lance eased him into a chair and handed him a bottle of water. He then went over to the cage where the rest were locked up. Freeing them, he motioned for all of them to join the wolf.

  “Alright. My patience is completely gone tonight. So, if you don’t want to end up like your friend here, you’ll let me know what went down tonight.” Lance sat on the edge of the wooden table, his gaze pinning each one of them. “Let’s start with your names.”

  The wolf that was flogged stood. “I’m Vince Greyson. They don’t know anything more than what I told the King.”

  Lance folded his arms across his chest. “And why should I believe you? You aided in kidnapping the Princess. For all I know you have her stashed nearby.”

  “No, I swear. I really don’t know where she is. All my boys and I were supposed to do was to keep you confused with Drakkar’s scent while they got away. Each one of us had it planted on us,” Vince blurted.

  “Good plan,” Lance admitted. “Why did you bring Serenity up?”

  “She was the mastermind. It seems her boy, Drake, didn’t really think out his plan well. She put our diversion and the smoke screen together so they could drive out of town.” The wolf took a long swig from the bottle of water. “I told Nick it was crazy, they’d all get caught. But I’ll be damned, they pulled it off.”

  “Okay, back it up, furball. Where did they take her?”

  “Uh, I have no clue.” He shook his head. “See, we’re not bet buds or anything. Actually, on a good day I barely tolerate the Vamp and Human. But when Montgomery promised me Drakkar could assure me and my bros positions as Conservators, we were in.”

  “Sorry to break the news to you, but Drakkar isn’t able to promise you anything.” Lance gave him a droll look. “You got played.”

  “Aw, Hell no. Nick said he was next in line for the throne after the Prince.”

  “Sorry, kid. He’s not even related. He’s not Absinthe’s son.” He gloated at the teen’s confusion. “Now stay put while I contact our ride, or I’ll send the King back to play for a while.”

  Lance hid his amusement at the fear in their eyes. It was wrong, but he needed to find his fun somewhere. He found Zephyr’s contact info and placed the call. The vampire was the only way he’d be able to get all of them back to the shore quickly. And since time wasn’t on their side, Lance would play every card he could.

  The hair on the back of Drakkar’s neck stood on end as soon as he pulled onto the long driveway to their cabin. Halfway to the house, he cut the lights, relying on his ability to see in the dark. As he put the car in park and shut off the engine, he saw the front was door cracked open. When he’d left, he made sure to close it and lock up. They’d only been gone for a little while. Serenity wouldn’t have woken already, let alone leave the door open.

  Not knowing what was before door number one, Drake opted to leave Anna in the car. He made sure she was in her seat securely, locked the doors, and used his powers to create a shield around the car. Anna was more than protected.

  Keeping to the shadows around the structure, he crept closer. Everything was so still. Fear settled in his gut. The boards on the steps creaked a little louder than he expected. Drakkar cringed. With every step, he stopped and waited for someone to come rushing him. When no one came, Drakkar’s heart pounded harder.

  He eased the door open. The hinges squeaked. The main living area was lit the way he left it, nothing missing or out of place. Glancing into the small kitchen area, Drakkar saw the same thing there.

  It should have eased his nerves, but instinct told him to be more on guard than ever. He stepped softly as he walked down the short hallway to the bedroom. His chest filled with a sharp pain when he stepped through the doorway.

  The door was broken off the hinges. The sheets and quilts were shredded. Down from the pillows littered the bed, floor, and crib in the corner -which was shattered into a million pieces. He frantically dug through the mess on the floor, searching for any sign that Serenity was still there.

  But he knew the truth. She was gone and there was only one person who could have taken her.

  Grabbing the diaper bag, Drakkar ran from the house back to the car. He cleared the protective shield, unbuckled Annabelle, and pulled her into his arms. They couldn’t stay in the cabin. Absinthe found them once. She’d be back, and when she came, he didn’t know if he’d be able to protect his sister alone.

  He hugged Anna close. “I’m taking you to the only person I can trust. You’ll be safe there. Then I’ll get Serenity back, even if she kills me.”

  Drakkar gazed back at the house his heart in his throat. God help Absinthe if she hurt Serenity. She raised him to be a heartless killer. He never had a reason to be one till she took the one person he loved. The darkness she instilled in his heart surged to the surface. He would show her the monster she created.

  “Okay, Anna we’re about to take a short trip really fast, so hold on.” Closing his eyes, he willed them to the one place no one would find them, -the front door of Britt’s house. The moment they rematerialized, Annabelle squealed happily, clapping her hands.

  “Liked that, did you?” Drakkar laughed. �
�Now let’s hope she’s home.”

  He stepped off the porch and looked up at the second floor windows, searching for the one belonging to Serenity’s best friend. Drake was about to try the back of the house when someone cleared their throat behind him. He spun around, ready to protect the precious bundle in his arms, only to come face to face with Nick.

  “What the hell are you doing here? You’re supposed to be miles away,” Nick whispered. “The Prince’s first in command has been breathing down my neck looking for you. For all I know, he tailed me here.”

  Nick motioned for him to be quiet and follow him to the rear of the house. Drakkar did so without argument. When they reached the back door, Nick knocked in some code. The lock clicked, Nick pushed the door open and ushered them inside, making sure to check the surrounding area before slipping inside himself.

  Britt rushed forward and took Anna from Drakkar, cooing over her. “What are you doing here?” She paused when she realized someone was missing. “Where’s Nettie?”

  “That’s why I’m here.” Sweat broke on his brow. “Instead of waking her, I took Annabelle out to pick up some breakfast from the donut place for Serenity. I figured she and I could eat when I got back.”

  “Yeah, then why isn’t she with you? Did you get lost,” Nick asked.

  “No. When we got back, someone had broken in.” He caught his breath. “She was gone.”

  “Gone where?” Britt bounced Anna in her arms, keeping her smiling.

  “I don’t know, but I have a good idea who took her.”

  “No. There is no way she could have found you. We were careful. No one knew where you would be except the three of us.” Nick shook his head. “I know we didn’t tell anyone else.”

  “I believe you. I think she tailed me or . . . . Oh shit. She has me tagged somehow. I need a change of clothes, now!” Images of his empty house flashed through his mind. He didn’t think it was odd at the time when he found all of his clothes neatly folded and on his bed. But she’d done something to make sure she could find him, something he’d never expect.

  Nick ran out to his car coming back with his gym bag. He tossed it at Drakkar. “Bathroom is through there.” He pointed at the door in the hall.

  Drake dashed inside, closing the door. He stripped off all of his cloths and threw on Nick’s sweats. When he emerged, he’d thrown all of his clothes in the bag. Then he grabbed the diaper bag and tossed both of them at Nick. “I don’t care what you do with these just get them as far away from here as possible as fast as you can.”

  “Uh, you need the stuff for the baby. I can’t ditch this,” Nick countered.

  “It’s okay, babe. I got the baby stuff covered. I have plenty of diapers and clothes from babysitting my niece. Get rid of it.” Brit kissed Nick on the cheek. “It’s more important to protect her right now.”

  “Alright. But don’t go anywhere till I get back.” He focused on Drakkar, who nodded and sunk onto the old worn plaid couch. Nick slipped out the back door, leaving them to get rid of the evidence and tracking bug, where ever it was hidden.

  Once he was gone, Britt placed Annabelle in the bassinette with the ring toy Drakkar gave her. When the baby was content, she sat across from Drakkar. “She really took Serenity?” Britt rubbed her arms chasing away the chill that came over her.

  Drakkar nodded, staring at the brightly colored throw rug under his bare feet. He’d thrown his sneakers in the duffel bag with the rest of his clothes. Even with the rug, the floor was chilly, but he didn’t feel it. All he felt was the ache in his chest which formed after he realized Absinthe took Serenity.

  Britt stood and left the room. She returned moments later with a pair of white tube socks and a pair of converse sneakers. Handing them to Drakkar, she smiled. He was confused, but accepted them, only to put the bundle next to him on the couch.

  “Drake, they are my brother’s. Put them on. Your toes are turning blue,” she urged him.


  She pointed at the pile next to him. “The socks and sneakers, put them on.”

  “Oh, thanks.” He pulled them on. “Thanks.”

  “No problem.” She placed her hand on his. “We will get her back. I promise you.”

  He nodded absently. She meant well, but he knew Absinthe better than anyone. There was no way he’d be able to save both Serenity and Giovanna. Not unless a miracle was thrown his way.

  It was ironic, really. He was a vampire. He and his kind were stronger than any human. Yet there he was, helpless even with the powers growing inside him. He’d never questioned Absinthe about where they came from. It was apparent they came from his father’s bloodline.

  Drakkar flexed his hands and they took on a blue glow. He brought them together in front of him. A glowing ball of energy formed between his palms.

  “Uh, Drakkar? What are you doing?” Britt inched away toward the bassinette.

  “I’m not sure.”

  The ball spun slowly. With every rotation it picked up speed, until it didn’t appear to be moving at all, merely floating between them. The center of it cleared and the image of Serenity and Giovanna formed in it. They were locked in an iron cage. He focused on the area around them, but it was hazy. It almost looked like a cave. But that was impossible. There were no caves nearby.

  “Is that them?” Britt came closer again, reaching out to touch it.

  “No, don’t.” He caught her hand before it made contact. “Yes, it’s Serenity and my mother.”

  In the ball, Serenity picked up her head. Tears streaked her cheeks. “Hello? Is someone there?”

  Drakkar’s heart leapt. “Nettie? Can you hear me?”

  “Drakkar? How?” She stood and approached the bars. “Where are you?”

  Absinthe bound her wrists with some sort metal cuffs, most likely to bind her from using witchcraft. That didn’t surprise him. Absinthe took no chances.

  “Shh. Don’t say anything more. I’m going to find you. Just hold tight. And Nettie?” His voice wavered. “I love you.”

  Before she could answer him, another voice echoed through the cave. “Drakkar, you disappoint me. At every turn when I think you might actually come back and heel, you scurry away and hide.” Absinthe stepped into view. “If you want them returned to you, bring the child to cliff overlooking Lake Minnewaska tomorrow night. Come alone and leave your Scooby gang at home. Or they die.”

  The ball of energy in his hands vanished. Drakkar roared. His hands gripped the couch cushion, nails digging into the thick cloth. He needed to go to her. Drake lifted his gaze to the bassinette. How could he just hand over Anna?

  Too many lives were at risk. He was in way over his head.

  “Drakkar.” Britt knelt in front of him and placed her hands on his face, making him look at her. “Drakkar, you can’t do what she said. We need help.”

  “But how? Who would help me? Help us?”

  “I think it’s time you met your family.” She smiled.

  “I -I don’t think I can,” he stammered.

  There were too many people in that house who wanted to kill him. There was no way he could show his face there again. They would never offer to help him, a stranger; the one who took the Princess from her parents.

  “You can and you will.” She sat back on her heels, took out her phone, and dialed. “I know just the person to help us, too.”

  Britt put the phone to her ear. After a few moments, she said, “Hey, Mrs. A. A friend of mine needs some help.”

  Drakkar couldn’t believe he was actually doing this. How could he let Britt talk him into something so insane? When the black Towncar pulled up and Serenity’s mother got out, he thought he would drop right there on the sidewalk. If he wasn’t holding Annabelle in his arms, he probably would have.

  He cringed when she and Jake approached, waiting for one of them to strike him. He deserved it. He knew it. Instead, Sheridan wrapped her arm around him and led him to the car. Jake inclined his chin, but said nothing. The guy still had issu
es with him. Drakkar expected no less. He got Serenity kidnapped.

  Britt waved at him from Nick’s van. They insisted on following him to the Prince’s home. She said he wasn’t going to be alone. They would be there to back him up and accept their role in the whole plan.

  He truly didn’t deserve friends like them.

  The ride to Bonatelli’s compound was the longest ride he’s ever taken. Drakkar didn’t remember anything they passed. He distracted himself by keeping Annabelle amused. A few times he caught Sheridan watching him in the rearview mirror, catching the hint of a smile at one point.

  By the time the car pulled up to the front of the blue Victorian, Drakkar’s stomach was so full of butterflies he was afraid a few might escape it he opened his mouth.

  Drakkar reached over and unbuckled Anna from the car seat. He lifted her into his arms as Jake opened the door for him. Holding her close, he got out of the car and stood at the bottom of the steps looking up and the daunting façade.

  “I can’t do this,” he whispered.

  “Well you damn well better man up and do it.” Jake gave him a gentle shove. “The sooner you do this, the sooner we get Serenity home.”

  “And my mother,” he mumbled.

  “Yeah, kid. And your mother.”

  Drakkar gulped. A hand clapped him on the back. He turned to see who was there. A wave of relief rushed through him when he saw Nick and Britt.

  “We’re here for you, Drake. We said you weren’t going to go through this alone,” Nick said.

  The three climbed the steps behind Sheridan and Jake. She knocked once and opened the door. Everyone except Drakkar entered. His feet wouldn’t obey his mind. The more he willed them to move, the more they stayed planted on the porch.

  Sheridan opened her mouth, but closed it immediately when Lance stepped around her. He motioned for the four of them to go into the living room, then turned his attention back to Drakkar.

  Drake hugged Anna.


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