Claiming Addison: 69 Bottles #1

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Claiming Addison: 69 Bottles #1 Page 18

by Zoey Derrick

  “Nuh uh,” Kyle groans and slides himself off of Talon’s leg so that Talon can move.

  Talon wastes no time sliding off the bed and picking me up. I squeal as he throws me down on the bed next to Kyle. He forcibly spreads my legs and before I can catch my breath from the toss, my clit is in his mouth and he is sucking hard and nibbling. Sending an orgasm rocking through me as I shatter into millions of pieces and scream Talon’s name.

  That brings Kyle around and he rears up on his elbows so that we are face to face. “You’re fucking gorgeous, one of a kind and you are fearless.” He kisses me, once, twice, three times, and finally on the fourth he doesn’t pull back. His lips and tongue go to work on my mouth and I feel Talon sliding a finger inside my core. Twisting and swirling it against my g-spot until I come unglued again.

  Talon pulls off of me and then goes in search of something, condoms I’m assuming, but he’s back quickly.

  “Kyle, you got any…?” He doesn’t finish and Kyle groans, not in a good way.

  “No, I thought you had some.”

  “Fuck, I did, or so I thought. Fuck, fuck.”

  “It’s alright,” I say.

  “Damn, baby, I’m sorry,” Talon says, disappointment in his eyes and tone.

  “No, I mean, it’s alright.”

  He cocks his head at me. “Angel, I’ve never not worn a wrapper.” I watch him run his hand through his hair.

  “I can go downstairs. See if they…” Kyle says and I stop him.

  “No. It’s alright.”

  “What if… are you on birth control?” Talon asks.

  “Yes, but it wouldn’t matter to me if I wasn’t. I need you, both of you. I’ve waited so long, I don’t want to wait any longer and damn it, I don’t care. I fucking need you.” I feel like bursting into tears but somehow I manage to hold them back.

  Talon slowly slides his way up my body. “Are you sure?” he asks me. He’s terrified. Almost more terrified of this than he was of what Kyle was going to do with him.

  I stroke his hair and run my fingers through his messy beard. “Why are you so scared?”

  “Because I fucking need this. I need you,” he says with sincerity and emotion is pouring out of every inch of his body.

  “Take me. Damn it, take me, I’m here. I’m yours. I’m both of yours and nothing can take that away from me. I need you more than I need oxygen in my lungs or blood in my veins. Take me, Talon, mark me. Make me yours.”

  Talon leans down, planting his lips against mine in a warm passionate kiss just as he starts to slide inside me. His bare cock is bumpy and soft over hard steel as he slides inside. I moan, pulling back from our kiss. His cock feels so good. Deep seated pleasure blossoms from within my core, radiating outward so hard and fast that my whole body quakes in response. I watch as Talon leans sideways slightly and puts his forehead between Kyle’s shoulder blades.

  “Fuck,” he moans as he picks up his pace, thrusting and rolling his hips, the head of his cock kissing my cervix driving my need higher. My breathing becomes highly erratic. “You’re so tight, you feel so fucking good.” He slides in faster and then he starts to slide in and out in short bursts. Kyle shifts, bringing Talon off of his back.

  Kyle rolls onto his back, leaning up on his elbow looking at Talon. He sits up enough so that he can pull Talon down to his lips. I watch them kiss and feel Talon’s hard cock slow momentarily then pick up, faster and harder than before. Pounding into me. My orgasm is climbing higher and more intense the longer they kiss. The longer they’re joined by the lips and Talon and I are joined where it matters most, the more my heart fills with love for these two men.

  My eyes roll up and my whole body trembles. “I can’t, fuck me, Talon, fuck me. I’m…” Talon’s pace increases, thrusting in and out of me harder and faster and I shatter once again into millions of pieces.

  “Fuck. I’m, damn it, I have to pull out…”

  “No. Don’t,” I beg as Talon begins to growl against Kyle’s lips. Finally he pulls back, pumping once, twice and on the third time he explodes inside me. Feeling him pour into me forces me to explode once more.

  Now before you freak out and think that I left Kyle hanging, I promise you I didn’t. I was just too exhausted to recount the amazing orgasms brought on by him. After the day of crazy horniness and then finally finding my release with Talon, every orgasm I receive from Kyle was just that much sweeter. Believe me when I tell you that he passed out first.

  I learned one thing last night and it was equal time for all of us will make this easier for everyone. When both the guys were having their own moments of unbridled passion between them, I wasn’t jealous, hell no, I was fucking turned on like nobody’s business. I enjoyed every minute of it. Though I took comfort in the fact that they took reassurances from me and even more comfort in the fact that they did it for me. I didn’t realize until last night that I have a voyeuristic side to me and I like it. A lot!

  I felt a little left out at first; before I let the horniness override rational thought and embraced the gift they were offering me with each kiss, each caress they gave one another. When Kyle sought me to help and comfort him through his nerves, I knew that being with Talon alone was something he really would have never done. I just hope I didn’t push them into doing something they weren’t ready for. I guess it’s something to talk about later.

  I’d spent a good portion of yesterday afternoon and evening horny as hell, compliments of their denying me orgasms because I wouldn’t discuss the conversation with Cami and Tristan in the dressing room. So when it came to me finally being sated, despite Talon providing some seriously amazing orgasms, I didn’t feel fully satisfied until Kyle marked me as his.

  When I finally thought I was sated, for the time being, there was still a slow achy burn, but a slow burn I can handle, for now.

  We passed out much like we did the night before, the only difference this time is the fact that I’m actually aware of it, not already passed out. Oh, and the fact that we’re all naked under the covers.

  I am nestled against Kyle, my leg is thrown over his hip and my back is twisted just enough so that I can hold Talon to me. I can feel every inch of their erections pressing against my body and I do the near impossible by ignoring them.

  This wild and crazy 12 Week - 25 City - 39 Show adventure is only getting started and I can’t wait to see what tomorrow brings. Our first day off and nothing but each other to hold us together. It is with that thought that I clear my mind and fall into the most restful sleep I’ve had in a very long time.

  Monday dawns with a new light in my eyes. Last night was amazing and what’s more amazing is that I am still surrounded by the two men who make my life wonderful. Last night I was claimed spectacularly by two beautiful, gorgeous, and sexy as hell men. One is the lead singer of 69 Bottles and the other, their manager. It brings a shiver of excitement every time I think about it.

  Today is our first day off since kicking off this tour last Thursday. Now working Thursday through Sunday might sound like a dream job, but since Thursday I have been in Los Angeles, San Diego, Las Vegas, and now I am waking up in Phoenix, Arizona. Thank god, I’m not the tourist type because the idea of getting out of bed for anything but a shower is unthinkable.

  Tomorrow is another story. Tomorrow night we have a party, a party at my boss’s house here in Phoenix. Now I’ve had so much shit happen in the last four days, that having dinner and drinks with my boss and her husband, who just so happen to be one of Hollywood’s hottest celebrities, seems like old news and regular business. What I didn’t expect was last night’s concert, getting pulled on stage by Talon and then, just because I love the song I started to sing along with him. Then the next thing I knew, I was taking over the show. I roll my eyes. Yeah, I’ve always known I could sing, or at least everyone made sure to tell me that, plus four years in the church choir and solo after solo is a pretty good indication but now Cami, my boss, has offered me the chance of a lifetime.

Sign with Bold. The idea sends thousands of spiders crawling across my skin. Don’t get me wrong, I think in the back of everyone’s mind at some point in their life, they dream of being a celebrity, of being famous or at least getting their fifteen minutes of fame. I have a feeling my fifteen minutes are about to start knocking on my doorstep.

  Now to disentangle from this massive pile of arms, legs, bodies and oh yes, morning wood. I shiver in anticipation, wondering what today will bring with the men surrounding me.

  I don’t know how I manage it, but I do. I slide through them and off of the bed. Duty calls. I decide to take a shower and put on some clothes and order breakfast. That is until I get a glimpse at the clock. Fuck me, it’s after one in the afternoon. Then again, I vaguely remember catching the clock at one point before passing out and it was after six in the morning. I go looking for my stuff and find that my suitcase is the only one in the room and I cock my head.

  Then I smile. The boys gave me the biggest room in the suite, again. I don’t remember much of what the suite looks like because I was too wrapped up in these two hotties but I seem to remember a desk just outside the door. I tug my suitcase and my messenger bag out into the main suite. They deserve to sleep. They’ve worked hard these last few days. So I find a lamp and turn it on before laying down my suitcase and putting my messenger on the desk I saw. I go digging for a pair of pj pants and a tank top. I find it, find my toiletries and quickly pad back into the room.

  Once in the shower I turn the water up to as hot as I can tolerate it. I have aches and pains in various places and the water is soothing. I also vow to myself that at some point while we’re here, to take advantage of the monster tub in the bathroom. Actually, the three of us could fit in the thing and it gives me more than a few ideas and a new shot of arousal right in my pussy. My clit is sore. I can feel its tenderness with each wave of arousal that pulses through it. In all honesty, it’s not unpleasant.

  When my hair is coated in shampoo and my loofah is lathered, the door behind me opens. I squeak and turn around to find Kyle with a wolfish grin on his face. “Good morning, panda girl.”

  “Hi, there. How are you feeling?”

  He looks down at his erection. “Horny.”

  “Oh for pete’s…” I don’t get to finish when Kyle slams into me, pressing me against the wall. His lips are on mine with ardor and I melt into his body. His hard body holds mine hostage against the wall as his hands make an assault on my body. His hands slide up and down my ribcage, holding my hips tighter to him and pinning his erection between us.

  “I need to be inside you. I can’t take it another minute,” he growls in my ear. His desperation spurs me, and after finding balance on my feet, I lift one of my legs in invitation. He hisses through his teeth and begins kissing my neck as his hands wrap around my thighs, lifting me up and spreading me wide, opening me to take his cock.

  He lifts me up just a little more, lining himself up and slamming home. He lets out the most carnal noise I’ve ever heard as he takes a moment to settle himself. After a couple heartbeats, he starts to move, thrusting upward as his hands on my thighs hold me steady against the wall. His thrusts becoming desperate and needy, drawing me to my own release.

  “So. Fucking. Beautiful,” he growls, pounding into me. “Come for me, Addison.” He moans and my whole body shutters with his command. The orgasm I was working toward boils to the surface and my clit is in the path of his assault on my core. The friction is too much and I explode. Biting my lip until Kyle’s mouth crushes into mine, taking my cries of ecstasy and turning them into his own orgasm as he pours himself into me.

  We stay like that for a few moments until he gradually lets me down. My legs are stiff and my hips ache as my legs come back together, but it is a delicious ache that I will take any way and any day so long as it is with him, or Talon.

  Once Kyle sets me down, he goes about re-lathering my loofah and then he sets out to wash my body from head to toe. I don’t argue with him because I enjoy his hands all over me.

  That’s the roughest Kyle has ever been with me; he’s usually the gentler one between the two, but I’ll take it. He was desperate and to be honest, so was I.

  As he finishes washing me, I rinse off as he quickly washes himself. I can’t take my eyes off his body, watching his muscles give and take as he flexes to wash himself. Watching him sends a new wave of arousal to my sex.

  Kyle’s tattooed body is skinny sexy, meaning that he works out, which is obvious in the muscle tone, but he’s not stacked. At least not the way Talon and no doubt some of the other band members are. Despite being skinny, he isn’t bony. Well, except for the erection he’s still sporting.

  “How do you do it?” I ask him.

  He looks at me. “Do what, panda?”

  I step closer to him and wrap my hand around his cock. “Fuck me, come like you do and then you still have this.”

  His eyes roll into the back of his head at my touch. “Baby girl, until you, I was a one and done kind of guy. But being around you, looking at you, constantly hard is my new middle name.”

  “Does it bother you?”

  He tilts his head back soaking up my touch. “That he’s never soft?” He smiles, “Not really. It got pretty painful yesterday, but it just makes it all the more sweeter when I do finally get to come. But when you walk out of the room, it’s like he knows his favorite place to be is gone and he goes limp.” He gives me a wink.

  I laugh a little. “Is that even possible?”

  He presses me against the wall, putting both hands on either side of my head. “Baby girl, with you, anything is possible.”

  With that, he kills the water, pulls his erection free of my hands and backs away. I pout. “I wasn’t done with that.”

  He laughs and grabs a towel. “Come here.” He winks at me. “I’m saving it for later.” I give him a half smile and bat my eyes. He snorts. “Nice try. Now let me dry you off.”

  I’m dried off, dressed and partially sated. I am now sitting at the desk in the sitting room of the suite. Kyle took care of ordering some food for us and Talon is still passed out in the bedroom. Neither one of us had the heart to wake him up so we closed the door and came out here.

  I am powering up my laptop when my phone chimes with an email, then it chimes again, and again and it is literally blowing up on the coffee table near Kyle. “A bit popular this morning, aren’t we?”

  I shrug and power up my computer. I can access that same email from here.

  When my email finally loads it is going crazy with email after email. A lot of them are the various google alerts I have set up. Couple that with the fact that there are several from Trinity that appear to be forwards.

  “What the fuck happened last night?” I growl at no one in particular. “Get me Mills, now,” I all but shout at Kyle.

  “What’s going on?”

  “I have no goddamn clue but I can only guess that someone has done or said something because whatever it was is blowing up like nobody’s business.”

  “Shit,” Kyle says and quickly heads for the door. I hear it open. “Rusty, get in here.”

  I can’t hear any replies, but I’ll be dammed if he doesn’t get his ass in here now.

  I hear them come back, they’re chatting about something, though I can’t make it out and my iMessage pops up.

  Trinity: Call me, immediately.

  “Fuck! Fuck! Fuck!” I turn around to face the two guys. “Rusty, what the fuck happened last night?”

  He has a completely dumbstruck expression on his face. “Nothing out of the ordinary, why?”

  “Really? Because I have a demand from my boss to call her and my email is exploding with something that’s hitting the news outlets.”

  “If something happened, it happened behind closed doors. Nothing, and I mean nothing, happened at the club or in transit from the club to here. If something had happened, we’d have been in here immediately.”

  Just then the front door opens and M
ills walks in. He rounds the corner to find Kyle, Rusty and myself. “We have a situation.”

  “I’ll say, but before I get into my email, care to enlighten me?”

  “Video,” he says and all he has to say.



  “Get his fucking ass in here right now!” I shout. “I don’t care if his dick is stuck, or he’s butt fucking naked. Get him in here…”

  “What’s going on?” Talon says from behind me and Mills and Rusty cover their eyes and turn around. Kyle on the other hand is staring.

  I don’t turn around. “Get dressed, and get out here. Mills, get me Mouse and Peacock too. This is not going to be pretty. You have five fucking minutes.” I am so goddamn pissed off. We had this fucking conversation not four damn days ago.

  I walk to the coffee table and grab my phone, pull up Trinity’s number and hit send. “Jesus, what the hell happened last night?” she greets me.

  “I am working it out right now, my phone just started blowing up not three minutes ago. I haven’t even opened a single of the hundred plus littering my inbox. I’m certain I have a pretty good idea and I will take care of it here on my end and then get to work with it on the public side,” I tell Trinity.

  “This, darlin’, is where you will make the big bucks. Oh, and by the way...”

  “What?” I try not to snap.

  “Not all those alerts are regarding your drummer boy. It seems we have a star in the making.” I can tell she’s smiling just by the sound of her voice. Leave it to Trinity to get to the point and move past it quickly. I snort a laugh. “Don’t be so quick to judge. From my understanding, Cami wants her hands on you pretty bad.”

  “We can talk about that later,” I tell her.

  She laughs. “You bet your ass we will. Listen, I’m out of the office for the day, on business. I am supposed to take off for New York around six. Call my cell if you need me.”


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