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Schemer Page 43

by Kimberley Chambers

  Phil said nothing. There were strong rumours sweeping Fuengirola that Barry had murdered Jolene and dumped her body in the sea, but he didn’t want to get involved in all the tittle-tattle. Barry was his pal and, even though he had told Phil months before Jolene’s disappearance that he needed to get rid of her, Phil would never tell a soul about that conversation. He was far too loyal, and if the rumours did turn out to be true and Jolene’s body was washed up on a beach somewhere, Phil would still back his pal to the hilt.

  ‘You still there, mate?’ Barry asked.

  ‘Yeah, sorry Bal, I was miles away.’

  ‘Did you hear what I said about Jolene ringing me twice the other night?’

  ‘Yeah, course I did. I take it she belled you on a withheld number again?’ Phil asked.

  ‘Course she did, the slippery fucker. She even threatened me, saying if I didn’t agree to get back with her, she wouldn’t contact her father until after he had done away with me.’

  Phil wanted to believe what Barry was telling him, but somehow it didn’t ring true. Jolene wasn’t the type to say boo to a goose, let alone be dishing out threats of getting Barry ‘done away with’.

  ‘If the old man comes to the office again, Phil, just tell him to fuck off. Everybody thinks that Jolene is sweetness and light, but she ain’t you know. When I took her out on the boat and ended it with her that day, she threatened me with all sorts, mate. She even threatened me with the Old Bill and the taxman, the psycho bitch.’

  Realizing that Barry was probably trying to explain to him why he murdered Jolene, Phil decided to rapidly end the phone call. The less he knew about what Barry had or hadn’t done, the better. ‘I’ve gotta go, Bal, a client’s just walked in. You take care and we’ll catch up again soon, mate.’

  Tyler and Brad were lying on the carpet in the living room, squawking like hawks over their stupid PlayStation game, when Dannielle rudely interrupted them by dragging her little brother out of the room by his head.

  ‘What you doing? You gone loopy or what?’ Tyler asked, fearfully.

  ‘Get up them stairs now. Me and you need to have a little chat, Mr,’ Dannielle hissed.

  ‘What am I meant to have done wrong?’ Tyler asked, innocently.

  ‘Sit down you little shit,’ Dannielle ordered, pointing to her bed.

  Stunned that his usually mild-mannered sister had turned into a demented freak, Tyler did exactly as he was told.

  ‘Why did you tell Mum that I had a bloody boyfriend?’

  ‘Because she started asking questions about where you were and stuff. I didn’t know what to say, did I? And you have been acting well weird recently.’

  Walking towards Tyler, Dannielle pointed her right forefinger in his face. ‘I am sixteen years old and what I choose to do is none of your business, Ty. As for blabbing to Mum, I think I’ll do the same now. Does Mum know about your stash of porn, your lager, the crap you thieve, and the knife you never got rid of that you hide in the bushes, does she?’

  ‘I am gonna chuck the knife away, I swear I am, I just ain’t got round to it yet. How do you know where I hide things?’ Tyler asked, shocked.

  ‘Because I’m as bloody nosy as you are. Now, I’ll do you a deal. You keep your trunk out of my business, Ty, and I’ll keep mine out of yours.’

  Tyler immediately held out his right hand. ‘Deal,’ he said meekly.

  ‘Right, get out my room now, and if you breathe one word of this conversation to Mum, you’re dead.’

  Glancing at his sister as though she had turned into some sort of alien, Tyler darted past her, then scuttled down the stairs as fast as his legs would carry him.

  Dannielle glanced around anxiously as Barry’s Range Rover ground to a halt. Loughton Station was where Barry always picked her up from now. It was much less suspicious than using a different minicab firm to the one that her mother had an account with, and seeing as Loughton wasn’t the busiest station in the world, Danni could always have a good look around to make sure that there was nobody about who would recognize her. Satisfied that the coast was clear, Danni leapt into the passenger seat. ‘Quick, drive,’ she urged, ducking her head down as she always did as they drove away. She had once had an awful premonition about pulling up at a set of traffic lights, glancing to her left or right, and locking eyes with her mother.

  ‘Well, I have to say, Danni, you always look stunning, but tonight you have taken my breath away. You look so, so beautiful. I love your hair up, it makes you look incredibly sexy, may I add.’

  Dannielle giggled. She had chosen to wear a long red strapless dress and put her hair up as she had wanted to make herself look older. Barry was taking her to see the Abba musical, Mamma Mia, and seeing as they were staying at some posh hotel afterwards, Danni hadn’t wanted the staff to think that she was only a kid.

  When Barry put his foot on the accelerator, neither he nor Dannielle realized that they had two interested spectators spying on them from behind a nearby wall.

  ‘Fucking hell! Did you see the geezer, Brad?’ Tyler asked his pal.

  ‘Sort of, but not that clearly. He looked quite old, did you think that?’

  Tyler smirked. He had been seething earlier over the way Dannielle had mugged him off in front of his best mate, and she’d then had the cheek to blackmail him. ‘Quite old is being polite, Brad. I got a good look at him when he first pulled up and I reckon he must be about forty or something. No wonder Danni ain’t said nothing about him. My mum would fucking kill her if she knew what she was up to.’

  ‘Are you gonna grass her up to your mum?’

  ‘Dunno. Anyway, we gotta get more proof first,’ Tyler replied.

  ‘How we gonna get that, then?’

  ‘We’re gonna go to the shop and buy one of them cheap throwaway cameras. Then we will follow Danni again and take photos of her getting in that bloke’s motor. If we’re lucky we might even get one of them kissing or something.’

  Brad giggled excitedly. He had a bit of a schoolboy crush on Tyler’s older sister. ‘Shall we go and get the camera now? You got enough money to buy it?’

  ‘Yeah. I got a tenner on me. I can’t wait to see Dannielle’s face when I show her the photos. No one blackmails me and gets away with it, Brad. No one!’

  Arriving home from work to an empty house once again, Stephanie decided there was little point in cooking if the kids were both out, so warmed herself up a microwave meal. The chilli con carne was tasteless, so she ate half of it and threw the rest in the bin. Feeling rather melancholy, Steph poured herself a glass of red wine, sat on the sofa, and glanced at the photograph of Wayne on the wall. She had only hung it there because she felt it was her duty never to let the children forget who their father was, but just lately looking at it made her feel very lonely. Dannielle was all grown up now, was out doing her own thing, and Tyler had never really needed her, even as a small child. Knowing that her mum was the best tonic in the world when she felt low, Stephanie picked up the phone and called her.

  ‘You all right, love? Work been busy?’ Pam asked her.

  ‘Yeah, I’m knackered. The salon was mobbed today. I’ve only been home about half an hour or so.’

  ‘I wish you’d cut down your hours, Steph, and go out and enjoy yourself a bit more. You’re still a young woman and all work and no play is no fun for anyone. Why don’t you get back in touch with them lovely girls you used to be friendly with in Collier Row? I bet they’d be up for a couple of good nights out,’ Pam suggested.

  Stephanie had loved her friends in Collier Row when she and Wayne had lived there, but after Angela had informed them all that Wayne had taken her virginity at thirteen, Steph had kept her distance from them. Unlike her big-mouthed sister, Stephanie was a very private person, and looking her friends in the eye again after what they had been told was something she just couldn’t have stomached. ‘I think most of my pals have moved away from Collier Row now, Mum,’ Steph lied. ‘What about Tammy? Did you ask Lairy Mary where her parents have mov
ed to? I’d love to get back in touch with her.’

  Now it was Pam’s turn to lie. ‘No, love. I haven’t seen Mary yet, but when I do, I’ll ask her. Where’s the kids? Danni gone out tonight, has she?’

  ‘They’re both out, Mum. Since she’s left bloody school, I’ve barely seen Danni at all. Tyler reckoned that she had some boyfriend, but I asked her today and she says she hasn’t. She said she’s staying round Mimi’s house tonight and it does worry me. Say she has got a boyfriend and she’s staying round at his?’

  ‘You’re worrying over nothing, Steph. Danni’s such a good girl and I’m sure if she had met a boy she liked, she would tell you all about him. There is no way that girl would blatantly lie to you. If Danni said she’s staying at her friend’s house, then you can bet your bottom dollar she is, love.’

  As usual when Stephanie listened to her mum’s wise words, she immediately felt better and more relaxed. ‘Thanks, Mum. I know I’m a worrier, but I also know you’re right. My Danni would never lie to me like that.’

  In a posh hotel in London’s West End, Dannielle was having the best night of her life. Mamma Mia had been absolutely amazing; so had the restaurant that Barry had taken her to afterwards. They were now having a nightcap back at the hotel bar.

  ‘What’s this in aid of?’ Dannielle asked, as the waiter popped a cork and then poured her a glass of champagne.

  ‘The gentleman insist on champagne for the lady,’ the Spanish-looking waiter said, smiling.

  Barry put a casual arm around Dannielle’s toned young shoulders. ‘I thought a bottle of bubbly would be the perfect end to a perfect evening, babe. I’ll be honest with you, when I booked them theatre tickets, I thought I would be bored shitless watching that show, but I weren’t. I enjoyed it just as much as you, I think,’ Barry admitted, chuckling.

  Leaning towards Barry, Dannielle gave him a tender kiss on the lips. Barry was everything she had ever dreamed of in a man. He was handsome, funny, rich, a gentleman, but a man who was still grounded – and that was important to Dannielle. She adored his cockney accent and some of the rough expressions he sometimes used. She would have hated to have ended up with some posh bloke who was up himself. In her eyes, Barry was perfect.

  ‘What you thinking, babe?’ Barry asked, aware that Dannielle was studying him.

  ‘I was thinking that you should cancel my room and let me stay in yours,’ Dannielle replied, boldly.

  Barry looked into his beautiful girlfriend’s eyes and suddenly felt quite nervous himself. He already knew that he was besotted by Dannielle and, once they had made love, he knew there was no turning back. ‘Are you sure?’ he asked, his heart beating like a drum.

  Dannielle nodded. ‘I’m positive, Barry.’


  Dannielle had always imagined that losing her virginity would be the most terrifying experience in her life, but as Barry took her in his arms and their naked bodies writhed together for the very first time, everything felt so right.

  ‘You’re so beautiful, Danni,’ Barry groaned, as he gently thrust himself backwards and forwards against her soft young skin. It had been his idea to use a condom. Danni had admitted that she was still a virgin and wasn’t taking contraception on the way up in the lift, so Barry had headed straight back down to the ground floor to purchase a packet of three in the Gentlemen’s toilets. Barry had already guessed that Dannielle was a virgin but, even so, hearing it from her lips was still music to his ears. They might have only been seeing one another for a short period of time, but Barry already knew that he loved her more than he had ever loved any girl or woman in the past, and the thought of another bloke mauling her beautiful body before he had would have really played on his mind. ‘Are you OK, sweetheart? I’m not hurting you, am I?’ Barry panted, as he began to thrust harder and faster.

  ‘No, I’m fine,’ Dannielle whispered, staring at his handsome face. He was making some wonderful expressions and weird noises, and even though Danni had had no sexual experience, she could still sense that Barry was really enjoying himself. She had watched similar scenes in films in the past.

  ‘Oh, Danni, Danni, Danni,’ Barry shouted out, as his body suddenly went rigid.

  ‘Are you all right?’ Dannielle asked anxiously, when Barry rolled off her and lay flat on his back.

  Propping himself up on his elbow, Barry looked at Dannielle and chuckled. ‘I’m better than all right, babe. That was absolutely amazing. You are the most gorgeous creature I have ever had the pleasure of making love to in my life.’

  Dannielle giggled. ‘What shall we do now? Shall we put the TV on?’

  Barry kissed Dannielle tenderly on the lips, then grinned as he laid his head gently on her breasts. ‘You don’t need TV when you’ve got me, girl. I’ve got a plan. I’m gonna order us another bottle of bubbly and a plate of sandwiches. Then I’m gonna ravish you all over again, but this time I shall make sure the pleasure is all yours.’

  When Barry rubbed his finger against her vagina, Dannielle sighed with pleasure. ‘That’s just one of the things you’ve got to look forward to, Princess,’ Barry said, as he snatched his hand away and leapt out of bed. He rang room service, then went to use the bathroom.

  Watching Barry’s firm buttocks walk away from her, Dannielle lay back against her pillow and thought about him. Two of her friends had already lost their virginity and both had described the first time as a bit of a let-down. Danni let out a happy sigh. Apart from one short stab of pain when Barry had first entered her, she had found the whole experience exhilarating – so much so, she could hardly wait to do it again.

  Barry grinned as he leapt back into bed. He then teasingly began kissing Dannielle, starting from her lips, then heading downwards.

  ‘Oh my God!’ Dannielle gasped, as Barry’s tongue made contact with her clitoris. She had no idea if what Barry was doing to her was morally acceptable, but for once she didn’t give a damn about what was right and what was wrong. How could anything that felt this good be bad?

  Sunday was Stephanie’s only day of rest, so she wasn’t best pleased when she was awoken by the phone next to her bed ringing at eight a.m.

  ‘Hi Stephanie, it’s Mimi. Sorry, did I wake you?’

  Knowing that Dannielle had said she was staying around Mimi’s the night before, Stephanie immediately sat bolt upright. ‘Is something the matter?’

  ‘No, nothing’s wrong. I rang because I thought Dannielle might want to come to Lakeside with us. My mum’s driving, but she wants to leave before ten to avoid the traffic. I’ve tried Danni’s mobile, but it’s switched off, so I guessed she’s still in bed?’

  Stephanie immediately felt physically sick. ‘Danni’s not here, love. Didn’t she stay at yours last night?’

  ‘Err, no. She was going to, but I think she then decided to stay at Carly’s house,’ Mimi stammered nervously. She had barely seen Dannielle this past week or so, and now guessed the reason why. Her friend had obviously deserted her and lied to her own mother because that awful Barry Franklin was still on the scene.

  Mimi’s pause and lame excuse told Stephanie all she needed to know. ‘Don’t take me for a fool, Mimi. I know you’re lying and I also know that Danni’s got a boyfriend, so who is he?’

  ‘I don’t know about any boyfriend, honest I don’t,’ Mimi replied, near to tears. She was now desperately worried about her friend herself, but under no circumstances would she ever grass Dannielle up to her mother.

  Stephanie sighed. She wanted to shout and scream at Mimi, but knew that was the wrong thing to do. When she and Tammy were Dannielle’s age, they had always covered one another’s arses to their respective parents, so she could hardly tear Mimi off a strip for doing the same. ‘Do me a favour, Mimi, if Danni rings you before she contacts me, can you tell her to come straight home, please?’

  ‘Yes, of course I will.’

  Stephanie ended the call and immediately rang her daughter’s mobile. The phone was switched off. About to leave Dannielle
a threatening message, she somehow stopped herself from doing so. When she had first met Barry all them years ago, her mum had been dead against their relationship, which had forced her to sneak around and meet up with Barry behind her mother’s back. Suddenly feeling tearful, Stephanie put her head in her hands. Dannielle had such a bright future ahead of her and all Steph could do was hope and pray that she didn’t ruin it all by getting up the spout at a young age, like she had with Wayne. Whoever this lad was, Dannielle obviously really liked him, so all Stephanie could really do was try to like him also and hope the relationship soon fizzled out. If it didn’t, or worse still, she hated her daughter’s choice of boyfriend, Steph knew without a doubt she would go absolutely mental.

  Having breakfast in bed was Barry’s idea, but even though the food was delicious, Dannielle could only pick at hers. She and Barry had made love three times last night before they had finally fallen asleep in one another’s arms, and once again this morning, and Danni couldn’t get their lovemaking out of her mind. It had been absolutely thrilling, especially when Barry used his tongue on her down below. That was the part when Danni would groan with pleasure until her body came to one final shuddering halt.

  ‘You ain’t eaten much, babe. Aren’t you hungry?’ Barry asked.

  Not wanting to admit that the real reason she couldn’t eat was because her stomach was in knots thinking about him, Danni picked at her scrambled egg. ‘I’ve never been a big breakfast eater, to be honest. I prefer lunch.’

  ‘Well, in that case, why don’t we go for lunch somewhere before I drop you home? You’re not in a mad rush to get back, are you? Where did you tell your mum you was staying?’

  ‘I told my mum I was staying at Mimi’s, but I’d better get home sooner rather than later in case my mum rings her house.’


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