Playing Cat and Mouse: A Zodiac Shifters Paranormal Romance: Leo

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Playing Cat and Mouse: A Zodiac Shifters Paranormal Romance: Leo Page 3

by Tl Reeve

  “May I help you?” A kindly woman asked, coming up beside her.

  “I would like this dress in a size four.” She couldn’t take her eyes off the garment almost afraid it would disappear if she did.

  “It is exceptional,” the woman stated. “I believe I have a four in back. Why don’t you have a seat in the fitting room, and I’ll be right back.”

  “Thank you.” She spotted Bibi at a different rack. She glanced at each of the pinned-on tags before pushing the dress aside. Samiyah pursed her lips and shook her head. The girl truly didn’t have much. She’d taken the job at the office to help her cackle and to provide their food and water, electricity and heat. Common enough commodities, but for where the girl lived, they were always struggling to make ends meet—another reason to dislike the incoming alpha.

  “I told you to pick whatever you like. Don’t bother with the tags.” She tried to keep her voice light, almost playful. “Don’t you ever want to dress up and pretend for a while?”

  Every day,” Bibi murmured. “But, it’s too much, Miss Lisimba.”

  “Nonsense. Show me what you’ve liked so far.” She motioned to the dresses in front of them.

  The girl drew her bottom lip between her teeth. “Well, I did find one.” She stepped away from Samiyah and stopped in front of a diamond designed dress. It was silver, with gold and black diamond shapes. The lamé wrap plunged in the front which would accentuate Bibi’s curvy frame.

  “You should get it,” she encouraged the girl.

  “It’s too much.” She said the proper words, however she couldn’t hide the yearning from her voice or the way she stared at it with such longing.

  “It’s perfect.”

  “Are you ready?” The sales associate appeared at the threshold near the fitting rooms.

  “We are,” she answered. “And we’ll take this one in a …”

  “Size twelve,” Bibi answered.

  “Splendid.” The woman smiled. “Your dress is in the first room on the right, and I will gather yours from the back.”

  Samiyah took Bibi’s hand in hers. “Let’s go have an adventure.”

  Chapter Four

  He’d pulled it off.

  Wilhem would have to give his brother credit for this. Christoph would also remind him of it later, when they were drinking after the festivities. He smirked. The asshole never let him live anything down. Tonight, wouldn’t be any exception. If anything, Christoph brag about it for years to come.

  Wilhem glanced around the glass and wood pre-fab venue situated on a parapet of a castle vineyard. Three evenly spaced heaters circled the inner wall, along with a small grouping of tables. Six strategically placed hinges along the back wall concealed a surprise for the guests. At midnight, the enclosures would unlock, and the walls would be pushed open, turning the indoor conservative gala into a midnight rave.

  His heart pounded. Anticipation raced through his veins. He’d smack his brother on the back if he stood behind him. Wilhem stepped inside. The string quartet played a soft melody near the stage where the DJ would be in a few hours. Around him, men dressed in tuxedos and women wearing classic ball gowns dazzled in the muted lights. His cock stiffened. Though he doubted this would work, it didn’t stop the hopeful thrum of need working through him either.

  Christoph stood near the bar across the dancefloor from where he stood at the entrance. Wilhem strode past people he knew, saying a quick hello, while nodding to those he didn’t recognize. His brother laughed at something an older woman said, before placing a kiss on her cheek.

  “Brother,” he said stopping beside him. “You outdid yourself.”

  “You haven’t seen anything yet,” Christoph stated, handing him a mixed drink. “Relax and enjoy your night.”

  “And you?”

  “I’m already having fun, brother.” He smiled. “This is for you.” He squeezed Wilhem’s shoulders. “Father is counting on you.”

  He shook his head. “You’re incorrigible.”

  “I’m practical. I understand what this night represents. We have to finish this for you.” His brother spread his arms wide. “You have the pick of the women here. Take advantage.”

  Wilhem took in his surroundings. “Yeah, sure.”

  “Gentlemen.” A lithe, brunette with mocha colored skin and honey-colored eyes, approached them. Her curly hair had been piled on top of her head, allowing some of the tight curls to frame her face. The plunge of her gown drew Wilhem’s eye as did the mite of a woman behind her.

  “Hello,” Wilhem answered, stepping forward. Power radiated off the woman, along with a hint of feline. The scent of sage and jasmine drifted from her and went straight to his head. His cat sat up. “I’m Wilhem.”

  A sensual smile slide across her lips. “I know.” She glanced over her shoulder at the other woman who smelled of scared hyena. “Happy birthday, king of the jungle.” She winked before gliding away.

  “Who is she?” Wilhem all but growled out. His lion wanted her. Wanted to strip her bare and rut with her. He yearned to hear her scream his name while her claws dug into his back. Mate. Hell yes.

  Could it be this easy? He shook his head, shocked by the prospect of finding, ‘the one,’ so quickly. It felt odd. Too simple. Wasn’t that what this was for? A mate? To appease their father while also gaining something he wanted? Craved? The games were nice. The women were a perk, but after so many years it’d grown boring for him, now… he had his eye on his prey, and he’d find her.

  “I don’t know. Sandy sent the invitations out. She’s got a great eye for women,” Christoph replied. “She is amazing though. Did you smell it. Sage and jasmine.”

  He nodded. “Yes.” Wilhem tried to track her through the crowd. However, as quickly as she appeared, she’d disappeared. It didn’t make sense. He gulped down the drink his brother handed him then went on the prowl. He had to find her.

  Wilhem never obsessed over women, yet he couldn’t get her scent out of his head. He swore it surrounded him. Every time he took a breath, it lingered just out of his grasp. He followed it. Lifting his head, Wilhem inhaled. He could almost taste her. He groaned. Never had a woman affected him as much as the secretive beauty. Hell, she didn’t even tell them her name. Other than to say happy birthday. Even her voice oozed sex, and what was to come if he could find her.

  “Wilhem,” a man said, stopping his hunt.

  He glanced up and pasted a smile on his face. “Edmundo, it’s good to see you. Did you bring some of your best wine for us to sample?”

  “I would be doing you a disservice if I didn’t.” He chuckled. “I see your brother has another one of his schemes working here.”

  He shrugged. “He’ll do whatever he can to help me out. I am grateful.” He tapped his foot, impatient to get back out there and search for the woman wearing a dress barely decent enough to be called clothing. When she stepped away from him, he’d glimpses mocha skin and the curve of her hip. Shit. He had to keep a level head.

  “Yes. Brothers.” He took a sip of his drink. “Happy hunting.”

  Edmundo strolled over to the buffet, allowing Wilhem to continue his quest. A part of him felt horrible for being so intent on the woman rather than the guests who’d gathered there for him. This, as much as it would help him find his mate, was also a birthday party. He had to accept it as such and mingle. Still, he couldn’t stop thinking of her. He’d never felt so out of sorts, or been so twisted over a woman.

  Damn it. Get yourself under control. You’re the alpha, they come to you. He snorted, not going to be happening any time soon.

  Christoph watched his brother take off after the woman who’d dried the spit in his mouth and caused his groin to hurt as though he’d been left hanging after the most incredible blow job. He cursed everything, confounded by his reaction and what it could mean for he and Wilhem.

  He’d never been the one the pride expected anything from. Yes, he’d been Wilhem’s twin, but as the second in line, things were different. He’d h
ad fewer restrictions placed on him. He could come and go as he wanted and no one cared. Whereas Wilhem had the best education and went to the best schools, Christoph chose where he wanted to go to school, and most of the time, he couldn’t stand the idea of being parted from his twin.

  They had a bond. Most called it a metaphysical reaction. The idea of any distance between them made him anxious. Physically sick. He didn’t sleep well and didn’t eat. His parents figured it out when they were eight when Wilhem had been sent to England for school and Christoph stayed behind.

  Two weeks later, he and Wilhem were reunited. This though. He didn’t understand it. The minute the woman stepped up to them, he scented sage and jasmine and felt this insatiable need to keep her near and fuck. It turned his lion inside out. Clawed at his gut, made his heart pound. His knees weak.

  This hadn’t been for him though. He pushed the feelings aside and tried to figure out the best way to help his brother find the woman who stole even his breath. Afterwards, he would take the time he needed to understand why he’d been drawn to her and why it was a bad idea to pursue it.

  He shoved through the crowd in the general direction of where he’d seen her disappear, but found nothing. She’d disappeared. Evaporated in front of them. He heard a tinkling laughter behind and spun. A petite blonde gasped, startled by his quickness.

  “Sorry.” He grimaced. “Have you seen anyone go this way?” Christoph pointed in the direction of the castle.

  “No,” she answered. “But, I can pretend I went that way.” The flirtatious edge to her voice was bitter to his senses and he recoiled.

  “Not tonight,” he answered, sidestepping her. “Thanks.”

  He spotted his brother doing the same as him. He waved to Wilhem and pointed to the bar. They needed to regroup. Take a moment to think about what they were doing. Right now, they were acting like a couple of roosters without their heads.

  “Anything?” Wilhem asked.

  “Nothing,” Christoph replied.

  “Shit,” Wilhem placed his hands on his hips. “She’s the one. I can’t explain it. The urge to mate is strong.”

  Yeah. He got it. The same emotions she brought out of his brother were welling inside Christoph, but he wouldn’t put them out there. They never shared bed partners, though the offer had been put out there to them several times. It wasn’t something they even thought about. This woman though… could they?

  “We’ll find her. I promise. The night is young. Have fun. I’m sure when you least expect it, she’ll return.” He raised his hand. The bartender approached him. “Two waters.” They had to keep their heads. Drinking could make them sloppy, miss something important.

  “Sure. You’re right. Enjoy myself. I can do that.” Wilhem smirked. “Tons of beautiful women. Good music.”

  “Now you’re getting it.”

  Wilhem laughed. “What about you?”

  He shrugged, trying to push away the craving for the woman his brother was meant to mate with. “I’ll find someone.”

  “Good. You don’t need to be alone anymore.”

  He shrugged. “I’m not the one in charge.”

  Wilhem sighed. “You’ll do fine. We’ll do this together, brother. An alpha needs his second. You’ll be mine, and the women will flock to you.”

  He didn’t want them. He wanted the beauty who smelled like jasmine and sage. “True, brother. Let’s find your mate.”

  Chapter Five

  “What are you doing, Miss?” Bibi, glanced over to where Samiyah’s mates stood. “Shouldn’t you be offering yourself to them?”

  The girl had so much to learn.

  “This is called playing with your mates. You don’t have to roll over for them.” She trailed them as they entered the crowd on the dance floor.

  “But the alpha … and …”

  Yes, Samiyah knew all about the alpha and what he did. “Not all are the same. Some, are kind, even generous. They don’t force a mating. They don’t make you choose between clean water or food. A great alpha protects those around you at all costs, not thrusts you into the fray to shelter yourself.”

  “It’s a wonderful concept, Miss, but not practical. I’ve seen what alphas can do.” Bibi’s sadness wouldn’t do.

  “For tonight, I forbid you to think about such things. Tonight, you are Bibi, my assistant and friend. You’re here as my plus one and you are here to have fun.”

  A small smile tugged at her lips. “Okay.”

  “Samiyah,” a man said. “It’s good to see you again.

  She turned. Edmundo. Perfect. “Ah, Mr. Stellari. The pleasure is all mine.” She pointed to Bibi. “This is my friend, Bibi.”

  “Hello, princess.”

  Bibi bowed her head. “Hello.”

  “She is a timid one, Sam.” He chuckled.

  “She is.” She smiled. “But, I promised she’d have fun tonight. How about you take her a turn around the venue.”

  “It would be my pleasure.” He held his arm out to her. “I promise I won’t bite, petite.”

  Bibi placed her hand on his arm and followed. The anxious energy crawling through her disrupted even Samiyah. It made her jittery and unsure of herself. The girl needed to relax and breath.

  When the girl and the God of Saturn were out of view, she set her attention to playing with her little chew toy. Samiyah grinned. He was a pretty toy after all. The minute she stepped into his personal space, she breathed in his spicy scent of desert sun and something wild. The muskiness of it drove her senses into overdrive. She wanted to rub all over him. Make sure she coated herself in his scent. Walking away from him had been the hardest thing she’d ever done.

  A goddess, however, doesn’t give in too quickly to her baser needs. She glanced at the people on the dance floor. Why should she be the only enjoying herself? She cast a small spell over those surrounding her. As the goddess of fertility and life, allowing these mortals to release their inhibitions and enjoy themselves would also give her time to seek out her prey.

  The music changed as the chimes tolled midnight. The structure around them opened up, and a DJ took his spot on the small stage she’d been curious about when she’d entered the event. A deep, throbbing beat took hold of the patrons moving around her. Their bodies were pressed close, even those who were old enough to know better, but they didn’t care.

  She spotted her mate-to-be and growled. He’d pulled the bowtie from his neck and opened the first few buttons on his shirt, exposing his sun-kissed skin to her perusal. Sam licked her lips. Excitement coiled low, causing her to ache for the man. His jaw clenched and his hands were fisted at his sides. He lifted his head and inhaled, she swore she orgasmed at the sexy as sin sight of him trying to find her.

  Not yet though. The night was still young. She wanted him to continue to track her, and when she was ready, she’d give over. On her terms, of course. She turned, and came face to face with Wilhem’s twin.

  “My brother has been searching for you.” He reached for her before quickly yanking his hand back. “Are you doing this to us?”

  Depended. “Define this.”

  He swallowed hard. She watched in heated fascination as his throat worked. What she wouldn’t give to bite him there and mark him as hers. She might be considered greedy for wanting both men, but she was a goddess after all and she could have her pleasure any way she wanted it, at any time.

  “This urge to fuck. To strip you bare and watch you climax over and over.” A scent matching his brother’s filtered from the man in front of her. “I can’t keep you. But, I can’t let you go.”

  She ran her hand down his chest, not ready to give him the same answer or to tell him she’d take both. Instead, she went with the easy answer. “Yes. It adds to the party, don’t you think?”

  “So, none of this is real? Tomorrow we’ll wake up and this will all be a dream?”

  Oh, it was real. Completely and totally real. She just took away their self-restrictions. “It’s all real. How much. Who they end up
in bed with, is their decision. I’m helping them…find themselves.”

  “And us?” He stepped closer. His scent intoxicating her. Overwhelming her ability to think. She had to put distance between them, but couldn’t do it. “What will happen to us?”

  Shit. His lips were the barest of inches from hers. His green eyes bore into her own dark-brown ones. The intensity built, lashing them together and stealing her ability to breathe. “Whatever your heart desires.”

  He gripped her hip. The heat of his palm soaked into her skin, sensitizing it. She licked her lips. “I want you, but I don’t even know your name.”

  “Samiyah,” she whispered, then ran her tongue across his bottom lip. “But you can call me goddess Bastet.”

  He growled. “Goddess it is.” His lips pressed to hers, sending her tumbling with pleasure.

  Every suck of her tongue, or lap of his, built the growing arousal inside of her. It would be so easy to take him to a dark corner and give over to this insatiable need to have him. However, she couldn’t. Not without Wilhem. That didn’t mean she couldn’t have a good time with Christoph. She rubbed against him, enjoying the sounds he made at the back of his throat and the way his lust fed her own.

  “No,” he whispered. “I can’t.” He pressed his forehead to hers. “You belong to Wilhem. I shouldn’t have done this.” He took a step back. “I’m sorry.”

  Before she could say anything, he disappeared into the writhing crowd. Weak-kneed, she stood there listening to the sound of her blood whoosh through her ears and drowning out the music. A part of her missed the budding connection between them. The way it sizzled along her skin, leaving her pleasantly lightheaded.

  She started to give chase, but stopped when Bibi bumped into her. The girl’s wide, frantic gaze bothered her. She opened and closed her mouth several times as she paled before Samiyah.

  “What’s wrong?” She grabbed Bibi, holding her steady, as her lips parted. “Whatever it is we can fix it. Tell me.”

  Her assistant whimpered and shook her head, before yanking out of Samiyah’s hold. “No…I…I can’t. I must…please forgive me.”


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