Heal Me (Coopers Creek Book 2)

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Heal Me (Coopers Creek Book 2) Page 6

by Bronwen Evans

  “What about?” Chase asked, his brown eyes filled with concern. For once, he was actually in his office instead of on the Rooftop headquarters. “You seem awfully serious. What gives?”

  Ric cocked his head. “Can you please take out that ridiculous man-bun?”

  Chase let out a shout of laughter and released his hair from its restraints. He shook out his long, deep brown hair that fell a little past his shoulders. “I lost the damn bet!”


  “Yeah. Smiley and I bet on how long it would be before you or Ty made me take it out. I said that it would be this morning, but Smiley said that you guys would let me get away with it until noon. I owe him two hundred bucks,” Chase replied.

  Ric laughed. “I’m surprised that Ty didn’t say anything about it this morning, too.”

  “Me, too. Anyhow, what kind of advice do you need?”

  “You know that I went out with Kate the other night, right?”

  Chase nodded. “Yeah. How’d it go?”

  A smile stole over Ric’s face. “Amazing. I took her up to the Hamiltons’ little cabin for dinner. I had Emily make us a romantic meal and take it over there ahead of time. We ate, drank a little wine, and talked.”

  “That’s fantastic,” Chase said. “I’m glad you hit it off.”

  “We did. I didn’t expect to, you know? I mean, I figured that we’d have a good time, but I didn’t know that I’d end up liking her so much,” Ric said.

  “So, I take it that you’re gonna see her again.”

  Ric ran a hand through his hair. “I don’t know. I want to, but…”

  “Uh, oh. What did you do?”

  “What makes you think it was my fault?”

  Chase smiled. “Because it’s usually the man’s fault when things go wrong with women. Naw, I’m just kidding. What happened?”

  Ric felt a little uncomfortable talking about the situation, but Chase didn’t have a judgmental bone in his body. He didn’t make assumptions about people and always gave them the benefit of the doubt until they screwed him over. Chase also didn’t shy away from talking about feelings the way a lot of guys did, which was why Ric had wanted his input on things with Kate.

  He relayed the events of his evening with her to Chase and then waited for his reaction.

  “Well, first off, kudos on breaking the bed,” Chase said. “That’s some sexy shit right there.”

  Ric cracked up. “It wasn’t planned and now I have to get that bed replaced before they find out about it.”

  Chase nodded. “What exactly are you asking me, Ric?”

  “Kate and I were just going to have some fun for the next few weeks, but I’m thinking that she’s not that sort of woman. So, do I try to see her again, or leave it be?” Ric asked.

  “Ah, it becomes clear,” Chase said. “She got under your skin.”

  Ric felt lost. “Yeah. We’ve only been out twice, but…this is the worst time for something like this to happen.”

  “Or maybe it’s the perfect time,” Chase countered. “I believe that everything happens for a reason. Maybe you were supposed to meet Kate. Are you sure it’s not just because you had great sex?”

  Ric drummed his fingers on the desk. “I’ve been asking myself the same thing. It wasn’t just great, Chase. It was phenomenal. I’m talking off the Richter scale.”

  Chase leaned forward and put his elbows on the table where he sat. “But what made it phenomenal? Did she do something that other women haven’t in the past?”

  “Well, I’ve had a few women attack me before, but it didn’t affect me the way it did when Kate did it. The thing is that I really wasn’t expecting to sleep with her that night. Did the thought run across my mind? Only every five seconds, but I didn’t think anything would actually happen,” Ric said.

  “Why not? If you’d taken any other woman up there, wouldn’t you have pushed the issue of sex? I mean, convince her with your considerable powers of persuasion?” Chase asked, waggling his eyebrows.

  It was true. Ric was a master at seduction and there had rarely been a woman whom he couldn’t talk into bed, but he’d wanted more from Kate that night. He hadn’t just suffered his way through dinner making polite conversation the way he usually did. Unlike with other women, he’d connected with Kate on more than just a physical level.

  “Ric, the fact that it’s taking you this long to answer my question says that you care about this woman.”

  Ric shook his head. “We just met. How can that be?”

  “My granddaddy was the smartest person I’ve ever met, Ric. I once asked him about this very topic. He told me that when it comes to love, there is no such thing as too soon or too late. Love happens in its own time, not when we think it should,” Chase said.

  “Love?” Ric scoffed. “Who said anything about love? I just really like Kate, that’s all. It’s not like I’m looking for anything serious. I’ll be going back to New York in a few weeks. I don’t need any entanglements.”

  Chase grew very sober. “Ric, if you don’t think that you’re in love, why are we having this conversation? As long as I’ve known you, you’ve never asked for advice about women from me, or anyone else, as far as I know. You never even asked for my advice about Lizzie and you loved her.”

  “How did you know?” Ric had never mentioned his attraction to Lizzie to anyone until he’d recently told Emily and Ty.

  “Because I got eyes and I pick up on that kind of shit. I just never mentioned it because I could tell that you were trying to hide it,” Chase said. “I figured that if you wanted anyone to know, you’d say something.”

  “I’m glad you didn’t,” Ric said. “Especially because nothing was ever going to come of my feelings for her.”

  “Because of Simon. I understand.” Chase scratched his jaw. “Ric, you have a decision to make. You either leave things the way they are so that neither of you gets hurt when you have to go back to New York, or you see where things lead and think about the possibility of a long-distance relationship. What you’re willing to do depends on how much you care for her. Seems to me like she’s pretty special to have gotten you twisted up like this already.”

  Ric nodded. “Yeah. She is.”

  “In that case, don’t let her get away, my friend.”

  Ric narrowed his eyes at Chase. “How come you haven’t given serious consideration to finding someone to settle down with?”

  Chase grinned. “Happy families are not for everyone. I’m not really looking for the family life. I don’t think any woman would put up with my strange habits.”

  Ric noted the sad look that had entered Chase’s eyes as if he didn’t want to believe what he was saying. Chase had always said he would never have a wife or family and yet he was the one man who had such a big heart. He was great with other people’s kids, and he loved Hayley to death. Something didn’t ring true.

  “It seems to me women flock to your strange habits. Don’t let your parents’ marriage cloud your judgment.”

  “I don’t. My ass hat father is one of a kind, that’s for sure. Nah, the babes like my money, nothing more.”

  “Partly true, but it’s always you that ends the relationships so I think you’re full of bull as usual. You just haven’t met the right woman.”

  “I’m not sure there is a right woman for me. But it seems you have found one that raises the possibility of commitment. Of course, it could be Emily and Ty rubbing off on you.”

  Ric smiled and shook his head. “It could be. That’s what I’m worried about. What if I go back to New York and find I like my life just as it is?”

  Chase shrugged. “Then you’ll have to let her down gently. You have to be true to yourself or it’s not fair on either of you.” He gave a wry smile. “Keep me posted on how things are going, good buddy.”

  “Thanks, good buddy. I will.”

  Ric hit the end button and closed the lid on his laptop. Coco had been laying at his feet, but when he turned in his chair, she stood up, waggin
g her tail.

  “What do you think, Coco? Should I date Kate?” He ruffled her ears and scratched them for her as he looked into her light brown eyes. “You’re such a pretty girl. I’m so glad you’re feeling better. No more waste can scrummaging for you.”

  Coco wiggled her whole body and licked Ric’s hands. He laughed and asked, “Do you want to go out?”

  Coco cocked her head to the side for a moment and then took off running for the kitchen door. Grabbing his crutches, Ric followed Coco. A smile spread across his face as he put on his jacket and opened the door for Coco. He’d made up his mind about what to do about the stunning Dr. Donoghue and decided that a personal visit was in order.

  Chapter Seven

  Kate washed her hands at the sink located near the back of the exam rooms and went to meet her next patient. She opened the door, entered the exam room, and froze. Ric stood on the other side of the stainless-steel exam table, a devilish smile on his chiseled face.

  “Hi, Doc.”

  Kate’s heartbeat kicked into overdrive and her mouth went dry. He looked amazing in a pair of dark dress pants, and a red sweater worn over a white dress shirt. The vivid color suited him to a T and showed off his broad shoulders and chest.

  “Hi. I think there’s been a mix-up. I didn’t know that I was seeing Coco today,” she said, consulting the record on her tablet. “I’m supposed to be seeing a Bernese Mountain dog called Lola. He belongs to a Mr. McIntyre.”

  Ric laughed. “Yeah. Sorry about the subterfuge, but I lied so that I made sure I could see you. I never got your cellphone number and I didn’t think your office would give it out, so I resorted to creative means to get to you.”

  Images of his delectable naked body flashed through Kate’s mind and her body warmed even as her ire rose. “So there is no Lola?”

  “Oh, there is. Lola belongs to my partner, Chase McIntyre, but they live in L.A.”

  She sat her tablet on the table and glared at him. “So you decided to take up valuable time that was originally intended to treat a sick animal? That appointment should’ve gone to a patient who needed it. This is my business, Ric. Not a place for games.”

  Ric sobered. “I understand that, which is why I won’t take up much of your time. May I have your number so I can call you?”

  Kate couldn’t believe that he wanted to talk to her after what had happened between them two nights ago. “Why? Things didn’t go very well the other night.”

  Ric came around the table, but Kate held her ground as he came to within inches of her. She tilted her head up to meet his gaze and felt her breathing quicken as she looked into his eyes.

  “I respectfully disagree, Kate. Things went incredibly well until something upset you. I’d like to talk to you about what happened, but in private,” he said.

  Kate didn’t want to talk about it, but she knew that he deserved some sort of explanation.

  “Kate, I think we moved a little fast,” Ric said. “I know we talked about having fun together, but maybe we need to just slow things down a bit.”

  Kate looked down and took a step back. “You can’t undo what happened, Ric. I don’t think I can do this. You should go.”

  Ric advanced on her again. “Kate, I know we can’t take it back and I don’t want to. It was hot and fun and I don’t want to erase it. I sure as hell won’t forget breaking that bed.”

  Kate giggled and covered her face. She couldn’t deny that it was funny, nor could she deny that being with Ric had been one of the most intense experiences in her life. “Neither will I, but the fact that the sex was incredible doesn’t mean that we should see each other again.”

  Ric nodded. “You’re right. Kate, I won’t lie to you. Most of my romantic life has been a string of one-night stands and brief affairs. My work life is hectic and getting tied up with someone wasn’t high on my list of priorities. But then we met and I really like you. I want you, especially after the other night, and I want to spend time together and get to know you better. I get you have doubts but so do I. I don’t want to keep you, so can I call you tonight to talk about all of this?”

  Ric’s honesty and consideration of her touched Kate and she couldn’t resist his coaxing smile. “All right. Give me your phone.”

  His triumphant grin made her laugh as he put his phone in her hand. It was warm from his palm and the memory of the way his hands felt on her bare skin made her mess up a couple of times. Finally, she got it right, gave his phone back, and put his number in her phone, too.

  Ric said, “Call me when it’s convenient for you. I don’t have any plans tonight, so it makes no difference to me what time you call.”

  She couldn’t resist teasing him. “So you’ll be waiting with bated breath?”

  His deep laugh gave her goosebumps. “Not sure about bated breath, but I’ll be waiting.”


  Kate opened the door to the waiting room for him. When he drew even with her, he stopped and gave her a lingering look full of heat before continuing on his way. As she shut the door, Kate leaned against it until her nerves had calmed down a bit. The man was almost overwhelming.

  Since her next appointment wouldn’t be there for another half hour, Kate went to Robert’s office. He was on the phone, but pointed to an empty chair, inviting her to sit. She did and crossed her legs. Nervous energy made her legs bounce until she saw Robert’s raised eyebrow. She stopped and gave him an apologetic smile.

  Robert gave her a curious look as he hung up. “What’s up?”

  “Ric came to see me. He wants me to call him tonight to talk about things,” she said and filled him in on the rest of their conversation. “What do you think?”

  Leaning back in his chair, Robert thoughtfully scratched the back of his head. “I think he’s smart for seeing what a great woman you are and I like that he’s suggesting to slow things down. I don’t want you to get hurt. You’ve had enough pain to last a lifetime.”

  Kate rolled her eyes. “I know that, but what do you think I should do?”

  “It all depends on what you want out of a relationship with Ric. I think that it would be a big mistake to get serious. He lives in New York. The type of vet work in New York is not really what you enjoy. And what about the Alpine Rescue Club? You’ve always lived in Colorado.”

  Defiantly she uttered. “Perhaps it’s time for a change. You’re right, I’ve never really lived anywhere else”

  “So you want this thing with Ric to be serious?”

  “I didn’t say that. I’m not getting serious, I’m just asking if you think I should see where things go?”

  “Katie, he’s going back to New York. Where do you think they’re going to go?”

  Kate took offense to his hard tone. “Don’t treat me like a child, Robert. People do have long-distanced relationships that work. Plus, I’d be perfectly happy just seeing him once a month or something like that. I don’t have time for a committed relationship, but something casual like that would be perfect.”

  Robert sighed as he looked around his messy office. “I’m sorry. I’m not trying to put a damper on your fun, but he’s the first guy since Phil and you were upset about sleeping with him when you went out the other night.”

  Kate nodded. “I know and I’m still somewhat nervous, but I also had so much fun with Ric and I need some fun, Robert. I’m tired of being sad and angry. I think I’m finally ready to start living again and Ric seems like the right guy to do that with.”

  “Well, he is rich, so he has that going for him,” Robert said.

  Kate frowned. “He’s rich? I know that he has a business in New York, but I didn’t know that he’s rich.”

  Robert shook his head. “I’m always telling you that you need to pay more attention to gossip. He’s one of Tyler Jeffries’ partners. Their company is the one that just bought the hospital. Ric runs their New York division and their other partner runs the L.A. office.”

  “Chase McIntyre?”

  “Yeah. They all grew
up here,” Robert said. “They started an investment firm in New York as soon as they graduated from college and the rest is history. So, he could afford to fly you to New York for a weekend or something.”

  Kate laughed. “I’m not going to be a kept woman.”

  “I think that you just made up your mind about Ric,” Robert said.

  “I guess I did,” she said. “And now I have to stop acting like a college girl and go be a vet. Thanks, Robbie. I really appreciate it.”

  She went around the desk and hugged Robert.

  “You’re welcome. Now get going. Some of us have work to do,” he quipped, shooing her out of his office.


  Settling on the couch that evening with Cinders, one of her four pets, Kate took a few moments to decompress before calling Ric. The black Scottish Terrier nudged her hand with a damp nose and she pet his silky head. He’d been Phil’s dog and had been as lost without him as she’d been. Since then, Cinders had been her constant companion whenever she was home and had been a great source of comfort to her.

  Taking a deep breath, Kate dialed Ric’s number.

  “Hi, Doc. How was the rest of your day?”

  Kate was glad that he couldn’t see her big smile. “It was busy, as usual, but I was able to get out of there at a reasonable time.”

  “Glad to hear it.”

  “So, I heard something about you that you didn’t tell me the other night,” she said.

  “It’s not true. I swear.”

  “Then you’re really not rich?”

  His laugh sounded in her ear. “Okay, I take that back. Yes, I am, and I make no apologies for it. What else did you hear about me?”

  “That your company is the one that bought the hospital.”

  “That’s right. I assume that you know about Hayley’s injury last year?”

  “Yes, Emily told me about it. You must’ve all been terrified,” Kate said. “Post-concussion syndrome can be severe and there are still varying opinions as to how many long-lasting effects it can have.”

  “Yeah. It was a tough time. Hayley’s always been so funny and full of life. Seeing her so sick was horrible. But, she’s doing great, as you know. After she was hurt, Ty told us that he wanted to buy the medical center and expand it. He was upset because they had to take Hayley to Denver for a peds neuro specialist since we didn’t have one.


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