The Sword of Light: The Complete Trilogy

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The Sword of Light: The Complete Trilogy Page 80

by Aaron Hodges

  Staring up into the empty sky, Inken wept for the future that might have been.


  “This doesn’t sit right with me,” Antonia sat on a rock, staring across at her brothers.

  Two months had passed now since the events at Fort Fall, and peace had finally settled over the Three Nations. Together they had worked with the new leaders of Plorsea, Lonia and Trola to put the pieces back together. Each nation had suffered horrible losses and without her help many would have starved in the harsh winter snows.

  But spring was now approaching and the Three Nations were safe. They had hunted down the last of the dark creatures Archon had unleashed on the Three Nations and a fragile peace had finally settled, breathing life back into the land.

  Archon was finally gone, his army defeated, his magic finished.

  Antonia could hardly believe it.

  Days ago the Three Nations had begun to send their emissaries into the wastelands of the north, to talk with the people there and offer the hand of peace. It would take time, but King Fraser and the councils of Lonia and Trola were eager to welcome the innocent back into their lands. In truth, they needed them now, after all they had lost.

  “I agree,” Darius interrupted her musings. “There is peace, but in my heart I feel a wrongness. Our rebirth has sown the same seeds of hate that led to our fall the last time,” he closed his eyes. “And I’m tired.”

  “But they need us,” Jurrien answered, his blue eyes looking from Antonia to Darius. “Look what happened in your absence, Darius. The world was torn apart again, and a darkness far worse than we could ever have imagined almost took our place. Now they finally have peace.”

  “Ay,” Darius met their brother’s gaze. “But for how long? How long before another rises up to strike at us, to stab us in the back when we least expect it? How long before the hatred we have sowed bears fruit?”

  “And how many will die without us?” Jurrien argued. “How long before the wars begin again?”

  “That is up to them,” Antonia whispered. She closed her eyes, feeling the soul dying within her. “It has been five hundred years since the priests called on us to save their lands. The people have changed, grown. They want peace, they want freedom. Two of the Three Nations are now ruled by councils. What is our place now? To rule over those elected by their own people?”

  “We will become tyrants to them, Jurrien,” Darius added.

  Jurrien scowled. “At least we’d be benevolent ones.”

  Antonia laughed, enjoying the warmth of her brother’s humour. It was good to see the weight lifted from his shoulders. In Darius’ absence, Jurrien had shouldered the burden of his brother’s responsibilities. They had not sat well with him, and he had grown unbearably grim.

  She took a breath, sensing the soul stirring in her chest. “I cannot bear the guilt again,” she looked at her feet. “To feel another’s soul die within me.”

  Jurrien sighed. “You’re right, of course, little sis.”

  Antonia scowled and flicked a hand. Jurrien yelped as the rock beneath him shifted, sending him tumbling backwards. He came back up with his hands raised in surrender.

  “All right, all right,” he grinned. “You win.”

  Antonia sighed. “So it is time?”

  Darius nodded. “They don’t have long, I think. If we don’t act now, there would be little point.”

  “You truly think they can be trusted?” Jurrien asked. “If we return ourselves to the spirit realm, there will be no one to save them should the darkness come again.”

  “You’re wrong,” Antonia smiled. “They will stand together; they will find a way to win, whatever the odds. It’s what they do.”

  Letting out a long breath, Darius nodded. “It’s decided then?”

  One by one, each of them nodded.

  Antonia smiled, reaching out to grasp the hands of her brothers. Their skin felt soft beneath her fingers, and she took joy in the touch. Soon they would feel no more, see no more, hear no more. They would be spirits once more, watching over the land, but never able to touch it.

  In a way, it was a relief.

  Looking from Darius to Jurrien, Antonia smiled.

  “See you on the other side, brothers.”


  Eric blinked as sunlight pierced the canopy of trees stretching out overhead. Rubbing his eyes, he looked up at the leafless limbs, glimpsing hints of blue between the branches. The trees swayed to a gentle breeze, but beneath the canopy the air was still, at peace. He yawned then, struggling to find the strength to sit up. A dull ache throbbed in his chest, stretching down to his very soul.

  A surge of elation took him as realisation finally struck.

  He was alive, free, his body his own again.

  Looking around, he found his own amazement reflected on the faces of Gabriel and Enala. They blinked back at him, their eyes wide, their mouths open with astonishment. The rustling of nearby animals carried to their ears, but the peace in Eric’s soul did not relent. In his heart he knew they were safe, that it was only the gentle creatures of the forest. The chirp of birds and buzz of insects rose around them, mingling together to form the sweetest song he had ever heard.

  Farewell, children, the words whispered on the air itself, and Eric had to fight back tears.

  Thank you, Eric thought back, wonder at his sudden freedom replacing the grief of the God’s departure.

  Eric stood with a groan and stumbled across to his sister. Offering his hand, he drew Enala to her feet and embraced her. Gabriel joined them, the tears streaming down his face matching their own. They stood together, overwhelmed by the raw emotion of the world, of life.

  Finally they drew apart and looked at the wilderness surrounding them.

  “What now?” Enala asked, a smile on her face.

  “Now, we live.”

  Here ends the final chapter


  the Sword of Light


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  Note from the Author

  Wow, what a journey. It still amazes me that the concept for this story came to me in a first year English class for high school. It took another ten years for those first stumbling words of Eric’s journey to be introduced to the big wide world.

  But anyway, thank you to everyone who has joined me on this journey. I hope you enjoyed the Sword of Light Trilogy! And fear not, I will be returning to the world of the Three Nations in the future. Be sure to signup below if you’d like to be kept in the loop, and of course, for the chance to win free stuff!

  For now though, I find myself in need of a change, and a new story in my head is just dying to be told. If you signup to my readers group above, you’ll have a chance to receive a free Advance Review Copy of my next book.

  Finally, as always, reviews play a massive role in whether readers decide to purchase my books, so your feedback over on Amazon would be hugely appreciated. You can find a link to the Amazon page for Soul Blade below.

  Amazon page for The Sword of Light Trilogy




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