Alyssa's Autumn Affair

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Alyssa's Autumn Affair Page 24

by Tabetha Waite

  Chapter Twenty-Six

  Travell guided his horse down the long drive leading to Rosewood just as dawn was breaking. Alyssa laid her head against his back, her arms tightening around his waist ever so slightly.

  “Glad to be back?” he said over his shoulder.

  “Of course.” She smiled. “My Blue Ladies were probably lost without me here to tend to them.” He fell silent, so she added, “I’m joking.”

  He grunted, so she took that as his acceptance.

  She sighed. “I daresay it will be much nicer to spend my birthday here than at a mental hospital.”

  “Today is your birthday?”

  “Don’t sound so surprised.” She laughed. “Not that turning five and twenty has been any different than turning four and twenty, but it does mean that my trust will be released to me. I was planning to use it to go to America, but now—” She broke off, unsure if she should finish that dangerous sentence.

  “Now?” he prompted quietly.

  Unfortunately, neither of them would have an answer to their questions, for the door opened and Ives stood on the front step. He was as proper as any English butler, but his mouth was curved into a smile. “Lord Curdiff.” He bowed as Travell helped Alyssa down and then dismounted himself. “My lady. It’s good to have you back with us.”

  She realized it wasn’t appropriate to hug a servant, for they were in one’s employ and not a close friend or family member, but she couldn’t resist the urge to do so now. “Thank you.”

  “You’re welcome, my lady.” He awkwardly patted her arm and cleared his throat as she pulled away.

  Once Travell had handed his reins over to a groom, he joined them.

  “The family is having breakfast in the dining room.” Ives paused, then added, “All of them.”

  Alyssa glanced at Travell to gauge his reaction, but other than a brief incline of his head, his face was carefully devoid of emotion. Even so, she could imagine how he must be feeling, so she took his hand in hers and gave it a light squeeze. He returned the gesture and together they walked down the hall.

  They entered the room to see the Duke and Duchess of Chiltern and Dr. Perimore at the large mahogany table, but it was the sight of Lord and Lady Trenton seated together that caused Alyssa’s heart to soar with hope. While there was little conversation at the moment, the overall mood appearing rather melancholy, Alyssa couldn’t miss the empathetic look in Travell’s mother’s eyes as she looked at the husband who had been returned to her. After nearly a decade of heartache and sadness, perhaps things could finally be mended between the earl and his countess.

  “I hope there’s plenty of food left because I’m starving.”

  Travell’s dry tone caused everyone to start in surprise. Triana was the first one to her feet as she jumped up and ran across the room to embrace Alyssa. “Thank God, you’re safe!”

  “I’m fine too,” Travell drawled as he walked over to the sideboard and began to fill his plate. The duke joined him and they struck up a conversation.

  Triana rolled her eyes at him. “Brothers,” she murmured, and then turned her full focus back on Alyssa. “You must tell me all the details, but no doubt you’re hungry too.”

  Alyssa wasn’t sure her stomach could manage much of anything at the moment, so she shook her head. “Actually, I’d just like a bracing cup of tea.” She glanced at the assemblage. “In private.”

  Triana nodded. “I’ll see that a maid sends it up to your room straightaway. Unless you’d prefer to take it in the conservatory?”

  Alyssa considered it, and then decided that a hot bath and some sleep wouldn’t be amiss either. Now that the excitement of the night was starting to wear off, she was starting to feel rather tired. “My room sounds lovely.”

  Triana winked. “Consider it done.”


  Travell watched Alyssa leave the room, although he didn’t comment on the fact. She had been through a difficult night, and he didn’t begrudge her the need to rest. She was more than entitled to a nap — especially on her birthday.

  He frowned. He wanted to get her something extra special, but he honestly had no idea what it might be. As he shifted in his seat, he heard the light crinkle of paper in his pocket. He stilled. In all the chaos of tracking down Lady Fremont and freeing Alyssa, he’d nearly forgot about the special license in his pocket.


  “What’s that dark look all about m’boy?”

  Lord Trenton’s voice broke through Travell’s reverie. “Just woolgathering, Father.” He was thankful to see that the earl was having a lucid moment. No doubt it was easier for his mother. He could just imagine how she might handle one of Lord Trenton’s outbursts. But she seemed to be handling her husband’s homecoming with relative ease at the moment.

  He took in the scene before him with a light smile. It was so odd to see both of his parents together after so long apart. It was something he thought he’d never see again.

  Fearing that his musings might take him down a rabbit hole from which he’d never resurface, he addressed his sister, who was seated to his left next to her husband. “How have things been since Mother arrived?” he murmured.

  Triana kept her voice level so that it wouldn’t travel down the table and returned, “Very well so far. I took her to Father’s chamber, and he knew her instantly.” She swallowed. “As far as I can tell, he has been conversing quite normally. But I can’t tell if he knows…”

  Her voice trailed off and Travell nodded. Who knew if the earl was actually in the present, or if he still believed it was seven years ago. “Indeed.”

  The duke remained silent as they conversed, but he put a comforting arm around his wife’s shoulders. “Mother told me what happened in London with Sophie.” Triana shook her head. “I should be furious at her for the part she played in father’s abduction, but I can’t seem to feel anything but regret on her behalf.” She looked at him intently. “Perhaps we can find her a position?”

  Travell couldn’t say he was surprised by his sister’s reaction. She’d always had a kind heart. “I’ll see what I can do,” he promised. And he’d be lying if there wasn’t a small part of his conscience that didn’t feel the same.

  “Tell me what happened with Lady Fremont.”

  As Travell recounted the events of the evening to his sister, he saw her eyes widen when he revealed her fate. While she was digesting this, Gabriel murmured, “It sounds rather fitting.”

  When Triana found her voice once more, she said, “What of Lord Fremont?” She held a hand to her stomach. “Could she really have kept him as a prisoner in his own home all this time?”

  Travell tapped a finger on the table, but since there wasn’t any easy way to say it, he pushed forward. “Logan is looking into the matter, but I have no doubt that’s exactly what happened.”

  “The poor man,” Triana breathed. “What a terrible price to pay for a temporary moment of weakness.”

  Travell glanced at Lady Trenton. “I think it would be best if Mother didn’t hear of this, considering their past… relationship.” He tossed aside his napkin, pushed away from the table and stood. “If you’ll excuse me, it’s been a long night.”

  Triana grasped his hand when he would have moved off. “Thank you for bringing Alyssa home.”

  “Of course,” he returned without hesitation. “It’s where she belongs.”

  But as he headed for his chamber, a slight frown creased his brow, because he didn’t yet know if that was where she truly wanted to be. Now that she had full control of her trust, she might want the freedom that had been previous denied.

  And he loved her enough not the stand in the way of her dreams.


  The sun was high in the sky when Alyssa finally awoke. She lifted her arms above her head and stretched. If things had been different, she might be waking up in a completely different room, instead of the cheery blue walls that surrounded her. While she’d never really paid attention to the shade of the wa
llpaper before, she had to admit that it paled in comparison to Travell’s stormy gaze. With one look he could melt her heart.

  She sighed in contentment. Today was her birthday, and while she’d anticipated this day as the moment she gained her independence, now all she wanted was to marry Travell and start a family with the man she loved. She put a hand to her stomach and wondered if there might already be a life growing inside of her womb. Although childbirth itself was a scary thing to contemplate, bearing a son or daughter that belonged to her and Travell was absolutely thrilling.

  Anxious to see him, she tossed aside her bedcovers and rang for her maid. But when Daisy arrived to help her dress, instead of requesting the dour colors of mourning that had been her constant companion, she opted for a light peach muslin.

  The girl’s eyes widened. “Are you sure, my lady?”

  Alyssa thought of her dear Aunt Pearl and smiled as the older woman’s voice drifted into her head, telling her that she should stop grieving for her and to live the rest of her life surrounded by happiness and love. “Yes. It’s time.”

  A short time later she headed downstairs to the conservatory to check on her Blue Ladies. It seemed as if a lifetime had passed since she had touched their delicate petals. They had carried her through some rather difficult times over the years, becoming the friends that were always there to listen. She had told them the deepest secrets of her heart, most of which had to do with the viscount. Today was no different.

  She spoke as she watered them. “I know you’re tired of hearing me talk about Travell all the time, but I fear that can’t be helped. With any luck, you will hear about him every day for the rest of our lives.”

  “Someone’s in a good mood.” Triana’s teasing voice drifted over to her from the doorway.

  Her grin widened. “Well, it is a rather lovely day.”

  “It’s also someone’s birthday!” Triana said enthusiastically. Until that point, Alyssa hadn’t noticed the box she’d held, but now she held up the gift, complete with a bright red ribbon.

  “Oh, Tri!” she exclaimed. She instantly set down the watering can and moved to embrace the woman she prayed would soon be her sister-in-law, but had been like a true sister to her long before now.

  Alyssa took the gift and gave it a light rattle.

  Triana gasped and swatted at her hand. “Stop that!”

  She merely laughed as she untied the ribbon. Lifting the lid off the white box, she moved the delicate wrapping aside to reveal a rather scandalous, red nightdress. Her cheeks instantly reddened as she held up the lacy material to her chest with a giggle. “Tri! Whatever were you thinking?”

  Triana shrugged, although her blue eyes danced with mischief. “I’ve found that red is a rather strong enticement when it comes to the opposite sex. It’s perfect for seduction.”

  Alyssa’s mouth fell open. “Surely you aren’t suggesting that I—”

  The duchess held up her hands. “I’m only saying that sometimes my brother needs a little… shove in the right direction.” She winked. “Besides, not only am I a married woman, but I can tell there’s recently been a certain sparkle in your eyes when you look at Travell.”

  At this point, Alyssa was sure that her cheeks were as red as the scandalous garment she held. “Has it been that obvious?” she whispered.

  Triana laughed. “Only to me, but that’s because I’ve known you all my life.” When Alyssa didn’t move, but continued to stare at her, Triana put her hands on her hips and said, “What are you waiting for? Go!”

  After that, Alyssa didn’t need any further coaxing. She rushed out the door with the box and the garment and ran upstairs.


  Travell wasn’t sure what woke him, but his eyes opened with the sense that he was no longer alone. He wasn’t even sure what time it was, but it had to be about midday, for while the curtains were drawn and shadows could be found about the room, it was light enough that he could see.

  His gaze shifted about the area, looking for the source of what had disturbed his slumber. He stopped when he spied a curvaceous figure standing near the end of his bed. He blinked, sure that his eyes were playing tricks on him. The vision looked like Alyssa, the dark waves of her hair falling down her shoulders, but she was wearing something that wasn’t more than a wisp of red fabric that left little to the imagination. It was a scene from one of his torrid fantasies and surely couldn’t be real.

  “I hope I didn’t disturb you.”

  He blinked again. That voice... It even sounded like Alyssa. He swallowed. If this was a dream, he never wanted to wake up.

  The bed shifted as she climbed on top. “Mind if I join you?” she purred.

  He tried to speak, but all that came out was an incoherent croak. However, his cock had no problem responding as it twitched with anticipation.

  “Nothing to say, Lord Curdiff?” Her lips turned upward in a sultry smile that was sexy as hell. She reached out and ran a fingernail down his forearm. “That doesn’t seem like you.”

  He stared at his arm as if it was a foreign object. He could feel what she was doing. He glanced back at her and thought maybe this wasn’t a dream after all. He’d actually died and gone to heaven.

  And that’s when he saw it, a glimmer of hesitation in those green eyes. If she were nothing but a spectral being sent to torment him, she wouldn’t be having any reservations.

  Thank God he slept naked.

  He reached out and grabbed hold of her arms. He pulled her down, spinning them so that their positions were reversed. She gasped as she became trapped beneath his body and his gaze was instantly drawn to those mouth-watering breasts. Even now he practically salivated, desperate to lick those hardened nipples, the peaks clearly visible through the flimsy garment she wore.

  “What are you wearing?” he rasped, his brain still not completely coherent.

  Again, there was that flicker of uncertainty. “It was a birthday gift from Tri.” She paused. “Do you not like it?”

  His nostrils flared. “Not really.” Her face fell, so he quickly added with a wicked grin, “It covers entirely too much of that luscious body.”

  Her face flooded with color and the urge to see her in the clutches of pleasure was more important to him than anything else on earth. He lowered his hand between them and lifted the hem of her gown. When he touched the heart of her, he practically came apart, for she was already wet and ready for him. But he pushed aside his cock’s instant demand for release and found the nub of her desire, knowing his time would come.

  He started a lazy, steady rhythm, watching her face the entire time. She clutched the sheets on either side of the bed and closed her eyes, lost to her body’s response to his touch. The sight of her flushed cheeks and the contrast of her dark hair spread about his white pillow was erotic and arousing, the best aphrodisiac he’d ever known before.

  Then again, he’d never been in love.

  His pace quickened, and she arched her back. Travell knew she was close to her peak, so he lowered his head and nipped the side of her neck, until she shuddered beneath him with a cry of ecstasy. His breathing was labored as the soft sounds she made almost drove him over the edge.

  As she floated back to earth, he withdrew his hand and pulled down the fabric of her gown to free her breasts. He bent forward and feasted on her, molding that soft, pliant flesh beneath his hands. It didn’t take long before she was clutching at his shoulders.

  “Kiss me,” she whispered, and he complied gladly.

  Her full lips were better than any wine he’d ever tasted. It was as if this woman had taken over his entire soul. She was his every breath, his very reason for living.

  And when he finally entered her, they both tensed, as the pleasure was almost too much to bear, it was so intense.

  “Travell…” she cried out his name and he ground his teeth. Each exhale rasped out of his body with the struggle of holding himself back, sweat breaking out on his forehead as he increased his pace.

When he didn’t think he could take anymore, he grunted, “Come for me, Alyssa.”

  And when she vibrated beneath him a second time, he allowed his orgasm to consume him. Stars danced in front of his vision as it poured out of him on a burst of white-hot lightning.

  His arms shook with the effort of holding his weight, so he collapsed on the bed beside her. For a time, they didn’t say anything, just allowed their breathing to return to normal.

  “Well…” Alyssa sighed and Travell glanced at her. “That was a rather nice present.”

  He couldn’t help himself. He laughed, and it wasn’t just a light chuckle. It was a freeing rumble that came up out of his chest and burst forth. He reached out and pulled Alyssa against him. “I’m more than willing to oblige, my lady, whether it’s on your twenty-fifth birthday, or your fifty-fifth.”


  Alyssa didn’t mean to allow his words to dim the glow still burning within her, but she couldn’t help but wonder if they would still be together thirty years later. Thus far, they had embarked on a whirlwind affair, and while Travell had mentioned marriage any number of times and even called her his future wife when they’d left Ticehurst, she was eager for him to broach the subject again.

  Until then, she was content snuggling against him, breathing in his wonderful male scent and running her hand through the crisp hair on his chest.

  “So do you have any requests for the rest of your birthday?”

  Marry me. She wanted to say, but instead, she shrugged. “I’m not sure.”

  He shook his head, easily reading through her lies. “I doubt that’s true. Surely there’s something.” When she remained silent, he murmured, “I see you aren’t going to make this easy on me.”

  Amid her groan of protest he disentangled himself from her. When she was greeted with the sight of his firm backside as he walked across the room, though, she decided she wasn’t quite so upset that he’d left her.

  However, when he picked something up from the top of his dressing table and brought it back to her, she found that she was rather curious what was so important that it couldn’t wait until later. Preferably much later.


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