A Force of Nature

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A Force of Nature Page 11

by Kara Liane

  I smiled back. I couldn’t wait to play her game again.

  Chapter 13: The Heat Is On


  I still hadn’t said anything to her. I couldn’t. I couldn’t think about anything but the need to feel her body and ravish her fully. I’d have to be careful not to be too forceful and attack her, but I’d friggin’ ambush her like she had ambushed me.

  I moved toward her like a heat-seeking missile. I reached for her arm and yanked her toward me. She let out a squeak, but I think it was out of surprise and not discomfort. I looked into her eyes. Her breathing was erratic. Her pupils also gave away how affected she was by the situation. Nope, definitely not afraid. She was turned on and in tune with my body, just as I was with hers. I felt her soft curves mold to my hard build perfectly. I groaned and stared her down.

  She knew what was coming. I cupped her face and moved in. I tongued her in the deepest, wettest, most scorching way a kiss could ever be delivered. I devoured her like my life depended on it. I had never been so starved for a woman. I wanted to fuck her right there on the pristine patio table next to me. I wouldn’t care who watched either. To hell with the food and dishes that would be destroyed in the process.

  In a small part of my brain, I heard throats clearing. I registered my sister clapping and jumping up and down. But I could care less. The gawkers and voyeurs could watch me swallow her up. The best part was, she didn’t seem to mind or protest. She was lost in the moment with me. I was a man on a mission, and a man who had been deprived for six months was not one to be trifled with.

  I didn’t just want to fuck her, though; I wanted to make real love. It would be everything, because she was everything. There were so many unspoken things between us still, but all that shit could be worked out later. I wanted to scoop her up and carry her off into the sunset like the scene in An Officer and a Gentleman, but I knew I couldn’t abandon my family so soon. My dick was crazy angry, my heart burned deeply, and my mind raced uncontrollably. I could hold out a little longer to get her alone. She was worth the wait.

  Everly sat next to me at the patio table—yup, the very table I had just fantasized about making love to her on. Inwardly, I smiled to myself at that idea again. Then I had to tell myself “down, boy” so I wouldn’t rethink my choice. We comfortably conversed with my sister, Alexi, and Mom and Dad. The party was pretty much over by that time and all the guests had left, but the people who mattered most remained. It had gotten a little cool once the sun went down, but the staff had turned on the deck heaters. Soon enough, a cozy and tranquil ambience was created. Lights were strewn about the back deck; my sister had quite the little utopia back there. Very fucking romantic, I might add. Ev’s skin looked even more tan and glowing in the light that they cast.

  I was making funny faces at my niece, and she was squirming and squealing away in my sister’s arms. God, she was the cutest kid. I blew kisses at her adorable chubby cheeks and affectionately admired the bow on her head. I couldn’t stop laughing at how much Alexi grumbled about that headband. Secretly I knew the bastard loved it; he was the happiest, luckiest son of a bitch. Maybe I would be as lucky one day.

  I kept looking over at my girl. Whenever we locked gazes, we made a charged connection. My need for her matched the strength of a powerful electrical storm. Neither of us said much to the other, but we didn’t need words. My parents took to her immediately, and she seemed more than content with my sister and brother-in-law. Clearly I had missed a lot while away, because the two women giggled and chatted away like they were old friends. It was an amazing sight to see, though. There was no awkwardness at all; she fit right in with the most important individuals in my life. I needed to pinch myself again.

  Everyone steered clear of asking me any questions related to my deployment. My family knew better, and I was grateful they didn’t pry for details or information. I was not the sharing type with that shit, probably never would be. No one could understand what it was like unless they’d served. I’m sure the journalist in Everly was burning with questions, but she refrained from asking any either. It was comfortable. Everyone just let me be; it was the best homecoming ever.

  I was finally home, and I knew I would never have to contemplate where that was again.

  My parents did do one thing I didn’t expect: they announced to everyone that I had made the next rank. I never made a big deal about those things, so I was relieved that my parents had waited until only our small group remained before spilling the beans. I had tested out of cycle because of the deployment. Luckily, my board scores and test scores were enough to get me the promotion. I’d be sewing on master sergeant (M.Sgt.) stripes soon—probably the next month. Some people moved through the ranks fairly quickly, and then there were others, like me, who didn’t. There was always the worry about being high-year tenure, which could ultimately lead to your being discharged from the military. Basically, if you don’t make rank within a certain amount of time, then you’re discharged. My goal was to retire as a M.Sgt., so at least in four years that dream would be realized. After the round of congratulations rang out from everyone, we finally moved on to other subjects. I knew everyone was proud, but I could do without any fuss.

  At one point, I heard Ev’s phone chime with an irritating sound. She didn’t even look at the screen, just made a passing face that showed her annoyance. I made a mental note to remember to ask her about it later. As I said, there was a lot we had to work out. I was anxious to get her alone so we could do just that—physically and verbally.

  I’m sure no one wanted the night to end; well, besides my libido and maybe hers. But it was getting late. Mom and Dad were early-to-bed-early-to-rise types, so they were ready to head out. Em needed to be put down for the night too.

  I was more than ready to put the story of Everly and me to bed once and for all. This drama had gone on long enough; it was time to take action. I was willing to get a hotel room, but she swooped in before I could again, informing me she had already planned the sleeping accommodations. She leaned into me just as my parents were getting up from the table.

  “By the way . . . you’re staying with me tonight, at my place.” She delivered the news with absolute conviction and control.

  Fuck! She was so sexy, it was scary. Where had she been all my life? I closed my eyes. I needed a moment to get myself under control—and to absorb the fact I would get to have her. Finally.

  I responded in the most simplistic terms, “Fuck yeah, I am.”

  She gave me a saucy grin. She knew exactly what she was doing. I would let her. I would have walked on hot coals to be with her. I worshipped her. She was everything I wanted in a woman, and everything I didn’t even know I needed.

  We bid good night to my parents. I told them I was going home with Ev. They didn’t even bat an eyelash. My mom just kissed me on the cheek and whispered a sweet warning for me to “behave.” My dad clapped me on the back and then pulled me in for one of his famous Dad hugs. They were the best in every way. I was so damn lucky. They also took Maverick with them. I said I’d collect him later.

  I smothered Emeline in kisses and shook hands with Alexi as he carried his daughter off to bed. The staff was tending to cleaning up the rest of the mess, so Ev and I were left with only my sister. Caylan was having a hard time letting me leave, but I got it. She needed reassurance I would come back again soon. I held my baby sister tightly, extracting all her love and support in that embrace. She infused me with relief, acceptance, and trust.

  “Caylan . . . you know I’m coming back,” I reminded her gently in her ear.

  She sniffled, and I hugged her even tighter. I let her collect herself before I released her. When I pulled back, she gave me a lovely, watery smile.

  “I know. I just love you. I missed you. I’m just so glad you have Everly,” she replied.

  I could see Everly blush out of the corner of my eye. I was surprised. It was a new thing to see her almost embarrassed by sentimental words. But just as I loved everyt
hing about the curly-haired siren, I sure loved the way she reacted to that phrase. That moment was such a stunning thing to be part of.

  “I love you too. I won’t be a stranger, I promise. We’ll get together very soon. I need to spend time with you guys, and I need for Emeline to get used to having an adoring fan of an uncle around,” I said.

  Caylan smiled and dried her eyes with her fingertips, and nodded in agreement. She walked over to Everly to give her a hug too. Everly enfolded her in her longer arms. Seeing the two women together like that melted my fucking heart. I knew Caylan was loved by everyone, but for Caylan to love Ev right back . . . wow, that was sheer heaven. Ev said goodbye. Caylan turned to head into the house, then stopped to say one last thing. And in true Caylan fashion, she botched it.

  “It is so fantestical that you’re both here together. I mean . . . fantastical. I mean fantastic. Gah! Good night, I’m sure you two can show yourselves out, all the while behaving.” She giggled, realizing her Freudian slip, then ran off into the house. But somehow she still managed to end the situation on a carefree and light-hearted note.

  Everly and I laughed at her retreating form. My night was just getting started. It was sure to be “fantestical” indeed.


  I would explain everything to Brent at some point about how the whole night came to be. We were heading to my place. He was behind the wheel, and I was in the passenger seat, a prisoner to my thoughts. I was reflecting on the night and all the planning—or, rather, I should say conspiring—I did with his sister to make it happen. I even made sure his parents drove so both his truck and my car wouldn’t be left at his sister’s. I had coordinated with Caylan to ensure the cookout was planned in every detail. She wanted to make a big production of it, but in the end, we both agreed a small-scale welcome-home party was best given Brent’s nature and state of mind.

  I had come to love Caylan just in the few weeks I’d known her. She was like my sister from another mister. We’d gotten together a few times to plan and to just be women. It was the best thing, having a friend like that. It was something I’d been missing for thirty-something years. I finally had an actual girlfriend that I could just pal around with, and it was amazing. I took to her like a duck to water. I couldn’t get over the fact that his parents were so loving, giving, and supportive. I sure didn’t have that growing up, but enough on that sorry subject.

  Caylan did say one thing that stuck with me when we were sitting at lunch a few weeks ago. Her words had been hovering in my mind. As she casually did her mommy thing and breastfed Emeline, she told me something that resonated with me.

  “Mamas give you roots and wings: the roots to your family and the wings to fly to wherever that may be one day,” she imparted.

  Caylan had no idea how profound and meaningful that statement was. It hurt my heart that I had never had—and never would have—that. She also said the saying might mean something different to each person, but I didn’t even know what it really meant to me. I just know the phrase had been toying with me.

  My first impression of Caylan reaffirmed the fact that I believed she was a very astute individual. Again, it was no wonder her husband adored her and her brother idolized her. It wasn’t lost on me that she had subtly slid into our first real conversation the story of how she met Alexi. She also kept driving home the point that you didn’t have to know someone forever to fall in love with them.

  “When you know, you know,” Caylan kept repeating with goo-goo eyes and merriment written all over her face.

  Jeez, she really wants this thing between Brent and me to stick.

  She must have thought we were a done deal. I was trying not to think prematurely about our relationship, though. Things would fall into place the way they were meant to happen. I kept thinking about his letter and about Caylan’s poem. I sighed to myself. I needed to forget everything about yesterday, today, and tomorrow. I just needed to think about Brent and the way he made me feel in the moment. I tried to let his words from the letter float through my bloodstream, to give me the courage and strength I needed to bring my heart in sync with my brain and body.

  I looked over at Brent. He was handling my older Jeep like a pro, and even managed to do the “Jeep wave” at passersby in the “Jeep club.” Good thing I had him plug the address to my apartment into the GPS in his phone; I was lost in my own head and would have been useless to help him navigate even to my own place. I realized I was also fairly useless at keeping him company at the moment. However, it was a comfortable silence between us; I think we both had a lot on our minds.

  Or maybe we just had one thing on our minds.

  I was trying not to overthink things. I was nervous, excited, anxious, horny—you name it. I had tried to plan everything for tonight, but maybe I was trying to plan too much. Better to just let things unfold. I had even methodically planned my outfit so it would reflect a patriotic theme; maybe that was over the top as well, even though I was going for charming with a hint of come-hitherness. He hadn’t said anything about it, so maybe he wasn’t impressed.

  I didn’t know why I was second-guessing myself all of a sudden. I was second-guessing everything the closer we got to my apartment, probably because of nerves again.

  Ugh, this is hard . . . I mean difficult.

  Now I sounded like Caylan, with all the innuendos. Man oh man, I needed a stiff dick.

  I mean drink. Shit!

  We finally pulled into my apartment complex. I knew it wasn’t the nicest area, but it was what I could afford on my salary, and the location was convenient. Brent didn’t seem like the judgmental type. I was grateful for that, especially after seeing Caylan’s house. I was not jealous; she and her husband earned what they had. Actually, I was the exact opposite of jealous. I didn’t covet what others had when it came to material possessions. I wanted to earn everything on my own, and I’d be damned if I ever had anything handed to me. I didn’t like the feeling of owing anyone anything. That’s probably even why I had assumed Brent reduced our encounter to just a fuck—because I didn’t want to owe him, emotionally speaking. I misjudged him. But his parting words about “reciprocating” really stung. That’s why I found it hard to let him in again. The letter changed all that, though.

  I led him up the three flights of stairs, and he entered my place. It was a good feeling, having him there. He looked around. I could tell he was trying to get a sense of my style. I loved the way I kept everyone guessing. I thought I could pull off just about any trend when it came to fashion and clothes, but what I went for in terms of home décor, though, was comfortable and just simply “Everly.”

  Pussy came out for a second, and Brent moved to greet her. She snubbed him by sticking her pretentious tail in the air and walking away from him. She strutted down the hallway, shaking her ass. She’s a twat and can be very cunty. I can’t say I blame her; after all, she is a product of my influence, and I don’t easily let people in either. I’m sure some would say I’m the toughest nut to crack. Not only is there an outer shell, there’s also an interior one. Brent thought she was adorable, and I loved him all the more for it.

  Wait . . . what the frick did I just say to myself? Nope, never mind. I’ll just hit the backspace button on my mental keyboard and delete that shit faster than I even thought it. It never happened.

  After he laughed at Pussy running off, Brent became as still as a statue. I realized that he was breathing heavily. I turned toward him. Sure enough, he was standing there, fucking me with only his gaze. I never, ever blushed, but I did then; come to think of it, I think I had earlier too.

  Goddamn side effect of hanging out with Caylan! She was an angel, though, in so many ways. Namely for taking on a friend such as myself. I made a conscious effort to push thoughts of her to the side just then, though—because of what I was about to do to and with her big brother.

  I had been taking the lead all night, so I wasn’t sure if he was waiting for me, or if he wanted me to wait for him. I was about to come o
ut with one of my famous smart-ass comments, but there was no time.

  In two seconds flat . . . well, I was.

  I was flat on my back on the couch with his big, solid, muscular, oh-so-fucking yummy body hovering over mine. He was supporting himself just enough to keep the bulk of his weight off me, but he was still pressing against me so I could feel the presence and heaviness of his entire manly form, from head to toe. It felt so good to have him against me. We both groaned, and he hadn’t even done anything to me yet. We were still fully clothed, but it was erotic, delicious, and intense all the same.

  Damn. The man could make me feel so much for him, it was scary. My knees fell to the sides as I opened my legs wider so he could fall farther into place. Everything of his aligned perfectly with my most intimate, moist parts. He smelled my hair, and I moved in to suck his earlobe; I couldn’t help it. I didn’t even know I had a thing for earlobes, but with Brent, apparently I did. He had used that same move on me the night before he left, and I had always thought it was the ultimate erotic act. So I sucked and bit down gently, hinting at the tonguing action I so wanted to give his ball sac. He growled and reared back. He got up off the couch and stood there. He was clearly trying to calm himself down—I could tell by his overactive respiration.

  I was so confused. I thought for a second that I had done something wrong.

  “Before you go and get any ideas that you just did something wrong, or that I don’t want this, or some bullshit thing about me being too much of a pussy to take you right now, let me set the record straight. If I’m going to fuck you, sweetheart, or rather, try and make love to you and last more than one fucking nanosecond, then I need to go rub one out in the shower.”

  I was actually grateful that he had just allayed my fears.

  “So go lie down on the bed and give me ten minutes. Then your sweet, sexy, body is mine. Got it?” he asked with just the right edge of aggressiveness.


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