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Greed Page 19

by Lana Pecherczyk

  He walked around the line of paparazzi to the street, then walked back along the red carpet toward the gate where a woman he recognized waited with a clipboard, ready to sign off the invited guests.

  The tall, buxom red-head was the Lazarus Industries publicist, Amelia the Amorous. Amorous because she was also a woman he briefly dated and was a little over excited in the bedroom. She would scrape her nails over his back, to be precise. Needless to say, he didn’t enjoy the sensations.

  The moment she saw him, she grinned.

  A hundred cameras and questions pointed his way. Bulbs flashed, words were hurtled.

  “Who are you?”

  “Are you important?”

  “Who are you wearing?”

  Griffin put his hands in his pockets. Outwardly, he had a blank face, but on the inside, he smiled. He liked that he was one of the more anonymous members of the Lazarus family. He ignored them all and walked up to Amelia.

  “Griffin, babe, you made it.” She leaned in to kiss him on the cheek, then rubbed her thumb to wipe her lipstick stain off. The residue felt thick on his skin. Irritating.

  Lilo rarely wore makeup.

  “Sorry about that,” she said with a wink. “Couldn’t help myself. It’s been too long since I put my lips on that gorgeous face. Had to do it.”

  “It’s fine.” Griffin used his hand to finish rubbing his cheek.

  “The rest of your family are inside. Except Sloan. She’s late.”

  “Not surprised.”

  Amelia looked him over. “Wow, Griff. You’re looking good.”

  He surveyed her in return. She wore a red, tight dress that accentuated her curves, and flashed a long leg along the front split. “You look good too.”

  “Stop it.” She waved him down and batted her eyelashes.

  Griffin had learned that when women said one thing, they often meant another. And this felt like such an occasion, so he offered a second compliment. “Your lips are very red.”

  She laughed. “Oh, Griff. Still not with it on the lady-talk, are you?”

  He wasn’t? He thought he did rather well.

  The paparazzi relentlessly fired off questions about his identity, and being the publicist she was, Amelia slid him a coy smile. “Come on. You have to pose for a photo, Parker insisted.” She waved to the side where a banner with the Lazarus Industries logo stamped over it. “Just tilt your head to the left and no one will see the lipstick stain. Show off that hot bod of yours and give the cameras a smile they’ll never forget.”

  As he stood there, awkwardly with his face tilted to the left, he couldn’t help but wish for Lilo’s reassuring presence. He had hoped she’d be here with him, holding his hand, keeping him sane and grounded. He didn’t want to be alone. He didn’t want to end up like the main character in Casablanca, bitter and lonely and watching another man go off to save the world with the woman he loved.

  Lucky for him, Lilo hadn’t met another man… yet. There’d be no other man taking her. It wasn’t too late.

  Griffin counted to ten in his head, then to ninety-nine in multiples of three. When he calculated enough time had passed to be considered appropriate, he said his goodbye to Amelia and entered the club. The pounding base was already vibrating the walls, and he checked his pockets for the earplugs he put in earlier. If the sound got too much, they were his back up. And failing that, he’d slip out the back, or out the secret door in the upstairs office.

  When he crested past the cloak-room, he stood on a dais that overlooked the club. It was truly magnificent inside. Parker had designed the interior extremely well.

  Hell was an amphitheater with a circular sunken dance-pit in the middle of the room. The floor glowed red. Each shallow step up from the dance floor was a few meters deep and contained either booths, dancing poles, or a bar on the level. A cage hung from the ceiling with a DJ inside. Glowing red, orange and yellow stalactite chandelier lights dangled from the roof as though they were in a cave dripping with flames.

  Griffin checked his watch. Officially the invite said to arrive in thirty minutes time, but he preferred to make his appearance early. The rest of his family had similar thoughts because they were already at the bar on the lowest level, except Sloan of course. She would probably arrive sometime later in the night, if at all.

  Evan sat on a bar stool with Grace perched on his knee. She wore a black, tight dress that Evan obviously appreciated because he couldn’t keep his hands off her. Mary and Flint stood to the end looking a little uncomfortable but deep in conversation with each other. Griffin didn’t think they’d stay long before retiring to the basement, or their upstairs apartment. Liza was in her standard designer jeans, blouse and heels, and next to her was Parker, wearing a navy suit with a T-shirt that stretched precariously over his muscular frame. He’d grown a short, trimmed beard for the event, and his hair had been tied back in one of those modern ways—half in a bun, half down.

  The last of the family, Tony, was sprawled leaning with his back to the bar, arms stretched out on either side, staring at the red dance floor with disinterest, no doubt waiting for the party to begin. The two resident Lazarus wild boys, Tony and Parker, would be on the dance floor later, jackets off and sweating up a storm with the ladies, and then Liza would probably intervene at some point and scare the ladies away—because she liked causing a scene.

  Dancing was the very last thing Griffin wanted to do.

  “Griffin,” Grace hopped off her manmade seat and walked over. “You’re looking snazzy tonight. I love that color on you.”

  She took him by the shoulders and kissed him on the cheek, the same cheek Amelia had earlier, most likely adding another layer of lipstick stain. He smiled back at her, all the while feeling the stickiness of what she’d left, wondering when it was acceptable for him to find a napkin and wipe it off. Amelia didn’t seem to care that he did it immediately. He gingerly lifted his finger to wipe.

  “Thank you, Grace. You look beautiful yourself.” In fact, she was a vision. Out of her usual casual attire, or doctor’s uniform, he was completely taken. The black halter dress suited her smaller frame and accentuated her smooth shoulders and graceful neck.

  Evan came up behind her and slipped his hand around her back to rest on her rear, then growled at Griffin. “Keep your mitts off my girl.”

  “I barely touched her.”

  “Evan!” Grace slapped him lightly on the arm. “That’s no way to talk to your brother.”

  “I sensed your envy,” Evan insisted. “Don’t pretend.”

  “It’s not what you think,” he explained.

  Evan arched an eyebrow. “Oh, really?”

  But he didn’t need to explain. Grace leaned over to Evan and whispered something in his ear. The resulting look of pity in his brother’s eyes wasn’t missed.

  “Sorry, bro. This mating bond kinda makes me go caveman.” Evan clamped Griffin on the shoulder. “Let me get a drink to make up for it. You want the usual?”

  Griffin nodded and when Evan left, he turned to Grace. “What did you say to him?”

  “That you miss Lilo, and seeing us together reminded you of that.”

  It was true. He must be completely transparent. He looked away, and slipped his hands in his pockets, fumbling for those earplugs wondering if anyone would notice if he put them in early.

  “Not going well, is it?” she asked.

  “No.” He didn’t elaborate. Didn’t want to. Especially not to the couple who made it look so easy. Griffin had the powers now, but he didn’t feel powerful.

  “You know you can talk to me about it, Griff. I’ve been in Lilo’s shoes, literally and figuratively.” She laughed. “But what I meant was that I might be able to provide some insight. Does she know about your secret yet?”

  His secret… the one filling his apartment with expensive junk, or the one where they all dressed in leather and fought the city’s worst at night, or the one where he was terrified of losing control and killing everyone he loved. Any of
them would probably do, and the answer was no. Lilo didn’t know anything about the real Griffin. He was virtually a stranger to her.

  “How did you feel when you discovered the truth about Evan?” he asked, swallowing.

  “It took me a while to adjust, but Evan answered my questions honestly, so I learned to trust him.” She smiled gently. “So, she knows nothing yet?”

  He shook his head.

  “And how do you feel about her?”

  At that moment, Evan returned with two glasses of champagne and handed one to Griffin, and one to Grace. He’d caught the end of Grace’s question and scoffed. “Doc, that’s a silly question. Of course he’s in love with her. You can’t fight it.”

  “My feelings aren’t the problem,” Griffin confirmed.

  Evan was right. He’d tried to tell Griffin months ago what it felt like to have that mating bond triggered, but Griffin had been unprepared for how much space Lilo occupied in his heart. If he had accepted it from the start, he wouldn’t be in this mess.

  “Well, Griff, the only advice I have is to give her time, and to be honest with her. It’s not like she’s just some woman you’ve met off the street—she’s someone your biology has recognized as your perfect partner.”

  “Can we talk about something else?” It was all getting too personal.

  Parker came over at that moment and clapped him on the back, grinning from ear to ear. “Griff.”


  “I’m glad you could make it.”

  “You said I had no choice.”

  His brother smirked smugly. “I know.”

  Parker wore his favorite expression tonight. It was the You’re welcome, ladies look. This was the playboy persona he’d crafted for his public figure. The world saw him as a handsome and reckless billionaire who liked to splurge on risky business ventures and glamorous establishments like Heaven and Hell. A man who loved his hair, took pride in his appearance and knew he was the smartest man in the room but pretended he wasn’t.

  “Did you catch the meaning behind the interior design, little brother?” Parker’s eyes sparkled as he scoped the room.

  “It’s hell. Obviously.”

  “Nah, come on. I thought if anyone were to get the layout, it would be you.”

  “Not in the mood tonight, Parker.”

  “Of course you haven’t figured it out, so I’ll just tell you. It’s the nine rings of hell.” Parker pointed at the pit. “Ring one, Limbo. Next step up is Lust. Notice the hidden alcoves there for some privacy for our guests. You can thank me later. Third ring is where the bar is.” He looked at Griffin expectantly.

  “Gluttony?” he offered.

  “Good man. What about the fourth ring.” He surveyed the group. “Seriously, am I the only one who’s read Dante’s Inferno?” He didn’t wait for an answer, but continued. “Fourth is Greed. That level has a few poker games going on. Fifth is Wrath. I wouldn’t head into any dark nooks up there unless you want to be punished.”

  “Ooh. Do tell.” Tony materialized from somewhere and looked up the steps. “Fifth you say?”

  “I knew you’d be into that,” Evan laughed.

  Tony’s shrug of acceptance made Parker happy. “Then, Tony, you might also like to check out seven: Violence. But that’s where a lot of the bouncers are watching over the club, so maybe… you know what? Stay away from that level. I don’t want any trouble tonight.”

  “What’s six?” Liza asked, also arriving.

  “That’s boring: Heresy. I left that ring just a vacant step because we had limited space.”

  “I count only seven rings,” Griffin said.

  “That’s because the eighth and ninth are up behind the mirrored ceiling. Fraud and Treachery.”

  Tony took a swig of his glass. “You do love your mirrors, don’t you, Parks?”

  “Absolutely. Why not? We can see out, they can’t see in. We’ve got security up there keeping an eye on things, so behave yourself.” Parker rubbed his hands together, looking all together gleeful. “Saying that, you’re all here to have fun, and that’s why I prohibited the press. Let your hair down. Have a few drinks, Griff, find your girl. I’d love to meet her at some point, and maybe I’ll even see you two on the dance floor.”

  He flinched. The entire family assumed because he’d triggered his bond, that being in a relationship with her was the natural progression.

  But what if it wasn’t?

  Griffin took a sip of his bubbly, wet his lips, and then lowered the glass. He wasn’t a drinker, but the champagne did well to make others believe he was.

  “Oh, and one more thing,” Parker said, leaning in close. “Just quickly before more people get here. You should know we let the imposter go.”

  “What?” A jolt of panic went through Griffin. “Why?”

  “Before you get all worked up, there was a reason.”

  Griffin’s hand clenched around the glass as he forced himself to leash his wrath. If Wyatt were there, he’d be giving Griffin the evil eye. They let Doppenger go. Why?

  The sound level in the place picked up as more guests filed in. Parker glanced at a few people he knew, smiled and held up a finger to indicate he’d be with them in a moment. When he turned back to Griffin, his expression had gone dark. That man was almost as good an actor as Tony.

  “We questioned him,” Parker said, voice low, “and he wouldn’t give up much so we released him so he’ll go back to the Syndicate.”

  “He’s bait,” Evan elaborated.

  Grace smiled and excused herself. “While you’re all talking work, I’m going to welcome the ladies.”

  Evan kissed her before he relinquished her and Griffin couldn’t help the stab of jealousy that rode him again. Griffin’s gaze followed Grace to where Lilo had arrived at the bar, only meters away. He barely noticed the leggy blond with her because Lilo looked incredible. She wore a blue gown that flowed over her hips to kiss her ankles. The neckline was V-shaped and plunged from her shoulders to below her breasts, giving him plenty of skin to appreciate. The skin reminded him of her taste. His mouth watered.

  She turned and their eyes clashed across the distance.

  They held each other’s gaze for a long, hot minute, then Lilo smiled and turned back to her friends.

  Was that a good sign?

  “Does Doppenger know who held him captive?” Griffin asked, without taking his eyes from Lilo.

  “It wasn’t my first interrogation, Griff. Of course he never discovered our true identities. As far as he’s concerned, the Deadly Seven took him, and that’s all he knows.” Parker indicated for the rest of the family to head up to a booth on one of the higher levels that overshadowed the red dance-pit. “I’ll explain when we’re all seated on the fourth level.”

  Griffin had no choice but to follow. He cut across the room, stepping down the steps to the dance-pit, then went up the levels on the other side until he hit the fourth floor and slid into a booth marked VIP with a sign on the table. From his vantage point, he could see to where Lilo laughed at the bar with her friends.

  Griffin plucked his collar from his neck. How was he going to last the night with her looking so enticing? Scratch that, how was he going to handle other men looking at her all night, because they already were…

  “Just fucking ask her out, already.” Liza slid into the booth next to him. “Your lust is killing me.”

  He opened his mouth to disagree, but knew it was impossible to lie about that. No use denying it now.

  “I already asked her out,” he said as Tony, Mary, Flint, and Evan arrived at the table, and sat on the other side.

  “She said no?” Liza’s brows lifted. “Dude, that’s harsh.”

  “I don’t know where to go from here.”

  “Well, what the fuck have you been doing? Because when I see her looking at you, her lust makes me all hot inside.”


  “Yeah. Look. It’s like this: girls need to be asked a few times. We can have entire
conversations with ourselves in our heads about why or why not we should date a guy. Your job is to keep showing up. Keep wooing her. But be respectful, you know?”

  “I thought I was already. I’ve been making her coffee every morning at work. I brought in breakfast for her yesterday. I apologized for bossing her around.”

  Liza sighed. “You need to up your game. And for the record, apologizing for being a dickwad is not considered wooing.”

  “So, what is?”

  “Oh my Gawd, you’re so clueless. But I love you.” She ruffled his hair to his eternal annoyance, then added: “Give her a compliment. Buy her flowers. Ask her to dance, or buy her a drink. Look after her. Treat her like there’s no one more important to you than her. She comes first, and by that, I don’t mean you go all caveman and protect her like she’s your fucking precious. I mean, ask her what she wants, and listen to her.”

  Griffin rubbed his chin. “I don’t know how to dance.”

  “Sometimes you need to do something you’re not comfortable with because she likes it. It’s called being in a relationship.”

  “Can we focus, here?” Parker tapped his finger on the table.

  Right. They were up there to discuss what happened to Doppenger.

  “As you know,” Parker began, “We questioned the imposter, he gave up little except that he was given a serum in exchange to put sinners of greed out of their misery. This serum allowed him to actually sense sin like we all do, plus it temporarily mimicked our enhanced strength and healing. We decided the best course of action would be to release him, but not before we planted a tracker. He hasn’t left his apartment all day, but from what we know, we expect him to go chasing the Syndicate for more of his special juice. He exhibited classic symptoms of a junkie going through withdrawals.”

  Liza shot Griffin a wry look. “Probably hasn’t moved because he’s still recovering from the beating you gave him.”


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