To Want A Billionaire (The Billionaire's Baby Series Book 1)

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To Want A Billionaire (The Billionaire's Baby Series Book 1) Page 1

by Ava Claire

  To Want A Billionaire (The Billionaire’s Baby Series, #1)

  Ava Claire

  Copyright © 2016


  The Billionaire’s Baby Series

  To Want A Billionaire, #1

  To Need A Billionaire, #2

  To Crave A Billionaire, #3

  To Trust A Billionaire, #4

  To Love A Billionaire, #5


  E-book License Edition Notes

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  Table of Contents

  Copyright Page

  Chapter One

  Chapter Two

  Chapter Three

  Chapter Four

  Chapter Five

  Chapter Six

  The Billionaire’s Baby Series

  About the Author

  Chapter One

  The sun kissed my skin, stoking a deep seeded desire buried within me. The breeze whispered coconut secrets that made me sigh with bittersweet happiness. I longed to freeze this moment. I wanted to stay here forever.

  The invisible timer that would whisk us back to reality seemed close enough to touch. Soon, we’d put Hawaii in the rearview, and it would be back to the work I’d reluctantly left behind. Work I’d tried to sneak into our vacation, checking my phone constantly in between sightseeing and sunbathing.

  Last night, Jacob caught me ignoring his plea to unplug after I cc’d him out of habit. His phone had dinged during the luau, right as he noted, with an edge, that I was missing the fire dancers. Contradicting himself, he’d paused to check his own phone. When he saw the email I’d sent, he all but threw both phones into the ocean. It was the wake up call I’d needed. For the first time since we touched down on the island, I turned off my phone. I even paused to smell the tuberose blossoms wrapped around my neck.

  Now, six days into our seven day getaway, I dropped my hands to my belly. I stroked the round curve gently, sizing up the man beside me.

  Naturally, Jacob Whitmore had figured out a way to turn lounging into an erotic act. His ball cap was tipped over his face, masking most of it in shadow. Still, the angular line of his jaw made my pulse race. His lips were ripe for the taking.

  They belonged on me.

  Inside me.

  The muscled lines and squares of his body were on full display, the sun all but licking his golden flesh. Like this was his plan all along, tempting me, making anything but having him my top priority, the fly of his board shorts was left tantalizingly open.

  Lust flared between my thighs. I wanted to lick. I wanted to seize this moment so it wouldn’t be like all the other moments I’d let pass me by.

  I wanted to seize his cock.

  Since we were on vacation, and what happened in Hawaii stayed in Hawaii, I decided to test the water.

  Three of my favorite words fell from my lips.

  “Let’s have sex.”

  I glanced over at Jacob, wondering if he was annoyed by my brazen demand. Even from behind the tinted hue of my shades, Jacob glowed. He wasn’t a mirage, but it felt impossible that this man was all mine.

  Why wasn’t I tracing every perfect, golden square inch of skin that glittered within reach? Why wasn’t I stroking my fingertips through his ebony waves as I pulled his mouth to meet mine? Why wasn’t I grinding my hips, teasing him as I felt him harden with arousal? With unbridled need?

  I saw the very same questions coursing in his fierce blue eyes. We’d both been so busy, adjusting and building our new life that I couldn’t remember the last time I’d been so bold. I couldn’t put my finger on the last time he dominated me.

  The warmth that settled over me had very little to do with the sun that glittered above us. This moment, these sensations, were all about Jacob. I relived the thrill of him. The way his strong, powerful hands felt when they gripped me. The hiss when one of those hands cut through the air and delivered stinging, delicious pain as it connected with my bare skin.

  And then there was his eyes, blue and intense, dancing with all the things he wanted to do to my body. There wasn’t an inch of me that he hadn’t kissed, licked, or spanked, but he gazed at me in awe, like there was still so much to discover.

  Or at least, he used to.

  I peered down at myself glumly. I hadn’t even bothered with a bathing suit today, opting for a caftan instead. I went for function over fashion, something easy to get in and out of since my bladder seemed to have a mind of its own these days.

  Shapeless caftans, the reek of sunscreen, and unpredictable bladders: it was no wonder I wasn’t climbing on top of him. I felt huge and bloated and-


  I gave myself a mental smack upside the head and stopped that train of thought dead in its tracks. Yes, my body, bigger than normal, with a tiny human growing inside it, was lost somewhere in the silk of my cover up. And it had been weeks since we’d used a bed for anything more than sleeping. That wasn’t because I stopped being sexy. Or because he stopped being the hottest thing I’d ever laid my eyes on. We just had to make time for us.

  I had to remind him that I was still a submissive who craved her Dominant’s touch.

  I perched my shades on the crown of my head and scoped out our general vicinity. We were sprawled on plush lounge chairs. They were probably a pain in the ass to maintain with all the sand and sweat and sunscreen, but I’d learned that ‘wealth’ was too often synonymous with ‘waste’. A crystal blue pool that was ours alone laid out before us, leading to a private beach, and a priceless view of the ocean, blue diamonds sparkling as far as the eye could see. The concierge had stocked us well, with staff ready to cater to our every need if we hit the golden button on the chrome panel affixed to one of the pillars that supported the cabana above us.

  There was a need I had that only one person could cater to, but he seemed content to pretend I hadn’t just fired off a command. That very act should have been enough to at least get a growl, and at best, well...

  So I did the only thing I could do, something I knew would elicit a reaction from my brooding billionaire.

  I rose to my feet, slower than usual, sweeping a hand over my belly. I bent slightly at the waist, gathering the silky fabric in my fists. Without a word, without warning, I pulled the caftan up and off my body.

  I thought I’d have to do something like clear my throat or turn the strip of marble in front of us into a runway, but no announcements or prancing was necessary.

  The ball cap was long gone, his pale eyes sweeping over every part of me.

  The wind gusted my hair into my face, my shades no match for the unruly strands, but I didn’t care. I took off the shades and tossed them on the cushion I’d abandoned, right on top of the caftan.

  I waited, basking in the glow of his eyes, the way the very air that surrounded us had changed. It was charged with sexual energy now. Tension.

  Jacob pulled his body to 90 degrees, his full attention on me. Studying me. Those blue orbs that I could swim in dropped from my mouth to my belly.

  Panic flared in my throat. I didn’t want him to treat me like a china doll. Not when I suddenly needed him as badly as I needed oxygen. “Before you worry about the baby-”

  “Oh, I’m going to worry about the baby, and you, until I draw my final breath,�
�� he interrupted, his words lassoing my heart. His tone immediately darkened, his gaze narrowing. “And you wrongly assume that I take orders from my submissive.”

  His voice was like caramel, chocolate, blackberry pie, and moose tracks ice cream, all rolled into one. It was the most decadent thing I’d ever heard. Had his voice always been so sexy and I was too wrapped up in everything else that I stopped noticing? That was hard to fathom since he’d just turned a few words into the most delicious foreplay.

  “I’m much more concerned about your flagrant disregard of how things work around here, little sub.”

  He stopped a few feet from me. Close enough that I could feel the heat coming off him in waves, far enough away that my pussy clenched in protest because I could see his growing bulge tenting the front of his black trunks.

  “Jacob,” I whispered, my voice cracking and giving me away. His smirk told me that he could have read my desire even if I hadn’t opened my mouth. He knew me, and I’d learned the language of Jacob as well. That smirk said he wanted and needed me too.

  He erased the remaining distance between us, my round tummy no barrier to his touch. His fingers drifted from the curve of my stomach to my hair. He swept a bundle of curls from my eyes and tucked them behind my ear, leaning into me.

  His lips brushed my lobe as he breathed, “Say it again.”

  My whole body was alight with bare naked want, but I managed to sputter, “J-Jacob?”

  His lips ran down the slope of my neck, setting me on fire. “No. I’m aware of my name.” His teeth grazed my skin and I struggled to not rip his trunks off. “I want you to repeat your proclamation from a few moments ago.”

  Heat stomped through my cheeks and a knot grew into a boulder in my throat. “Let’s-” I swallowed a moan as he added his tongue to the mix, drawing a circle that made me dizzy and delirious with need. “I-” His hands swept around me, his fingertips digging into my buttocks like he couldn’t help himself. Couldn’t keep his hands off me. “I-I said, ‘Let’s’-”

  I pumped the brakes, lost in him. He gripped the tender skin of my neck with his teeth and tugged. I had no choice but to stop because my brain was malfunctioning. Two words echoed through my head.

  ‘Sex’ and ‘Yes’.

  “No fair,” I whined breathlessly.

  “Oh, I said nothing about fairness, Mrs. Whitmore,” he breathed into me, bringing my whole body alive. I couldn’t see him since he was occupied with turning me into a trembling, wet mess, but I felt him smile against my skin. “It wasn’t exactly fair for you to snatch your clothes off when you know what your body does to me.”

  Just in case I didn’t, he took my hand and brought it to his groin. Every inch of him was rock solid. For me.

  He released me, but I didn’t let go of his cock.

  “I said, ‘Let’s have sex’.” I was surprised I got every word out, blushing even deeper when I realized I’d blurted the sentence, each word coming in rapid succession after the other. I met his gaze and faded into the blue.

  “Good girl.”

  His voice hypnotized me but when his fingertips found my nipples and squeezed, I snapped from my stupor. Sensitivity had been dialed up during the pregnancy and he used it to his advantage. To mine.

  This was what I wanted and I had a feeling that I’d experience the echoes of this, of us, for days to come.

  “And are you in charge?” he continued. “Are you in any position to be giving me orders?”

  It was a rhetorical question, and as barbed as the Wartenberg Wheel I wished we’d packed. His fingertips would have to do. “Of course not.” I sucked in a breath, knowing my offense as soon as it left my lips and welcoming the swift punishment it would garner.

  He pulsed his fingers around my nipple and I dueled with the slice of pain and the wave of pleasure that pulled me under.

  He released me and took a slight step back, the playful smirk long gone from his lips. I saw flickers of it in his eyes, but it was clear that he wouldn’t abide me throwing the whole rulebook out.

  “No sir,” I corrected, licking my lips.

  Standing before him—naked, sunscreened to death, hair a curly, windswept mess—and I’d never felt sexier. Never felt as whole as I did when I looked at him and saw love and lust in equal measure.

  Apologies were as hard for me as they were for him, but I knew it was necessary and dire. I flexed my toes and peered up at him, as conciliatory as I could manage, considering my current state. My nipples tingled, and my body was slicked with SPF Fuck Me Now. I parted the lips on my face in hopes that if I submitted, properly, he’d be parting another set of lips very soon.

  “I’m sorry.” I kept my excuses to myself. Me being horny, finally discovering the libido that other pregnant women seemed to trumpet, morning sickness be damned; being too consumed with work; none of that mattered. What mattered was the way we slipped and weaved in and out of the roles that we were destined to play. The roles that we embodied in these naughty moments, when we just let go.

  Getting on my knees, locking my arms behind my back, then waiting for his instructions was my usual show of respect. Pregnancy demanded that I adjust, or I’d be using the safeword sooner than either of us would like.

  I adapted, spreading my legs shoulder width apart, locking my hands behind my back. My body waited for him, my swollen breasts and nipples arching, whispering, ‘Taste me’. My legs were spread far enough that the breeze stroked my skin, all of my skin, including my erotic folds. My pussy beat in time with my heart. I tucked my chin to my chest and drifted my eyes closed, wondering how I got so lucky. How he knew, then and now, just what to say, what to do to set my body on fire with want for him. To want to hand over the reins to my body, to my ecstasy, knowing that wherever he led us, it would be better than just ‘sex’. More than domination and submission.

  His fingers clutched my chin and he gently raised it, bringing my eyes from my glitter painted toes to his raging erection. I continued my ascent and paused on his muscled, golden chest. I continued the journey to the clear eyes that turned me into putty in his hands.

  “Tell me what you want, Lay.” His words ran as deep as his ocean blue eyes. “To have sex?”

  “There is no such thing as just sex with us,” I joked. His eyes flashed and I quickly added, “I mean, I want-” I paused, my nostrils flaring. “I want you to use my you see fit.”

  The slightest smile danced across his lips, turning my stomach into a flurry of butterfly wings. I was still falling, still craving him like I had at the start.

  “We don’t have nearly enough time for me to use your body as I see fit. That’s going to take a lifetime.” Not one to dwell on romance and ooey gooey Hallmark moments, he stepped back and gestured at the chair I’d abandoned a few moments ago.

  His voice was dark with erotic promises. “After you, Mrs. Whitmore.”


  Hearing him call me ‘Mrs. Whitmore’ made every step I took harder than the last. The syllables rippled over me, starting at my toes. The marble beneath my feet was as cool as his glacial blue eyes, eyes that felt like blue flames as they lingered on my ass. That intensified the thrill as I took the second of four steps. Would he tell me to get on all fours, with my ass in the air? It would take a little more effort than usual with the bundle of nonstop energy that was growing in my belly, but it would be worth every iota of exertion to feel that sting as he doled out a punishment I deserved. That I craved.

  The multicolored braided fibers that made up the rug beneath the chairs gave my toes something else to taste. Equal measures of rough and soft. Like his touch, when he was making me work for it. Taking me to the edge of pain and bliss and stroking away any urge to use the word that would bring it all to a screeching halt. In that space, in those moments, the only word I knew was, ‘More’.

  I reached the edge of the iron legs of the chair, leaning in to the kiss of metal for a moment before I ducked my chin against my shoulder and peered back in his directio
n. All the excitement that exploded in me like fireworks wrapped around my question.

  “What’s next?” I sucked in a breath when I realized he’d moved like a ghost and was right behind me, his fingertips skating along my spine.

  “I know it’s been awhile since we’ve explored, but I assure you: the rules have not changed.”

  He gathered my hair in a low ponytail, his grip gentle, almost soothing and I inhaled, heat rushing to my cheeks, to my pussy because I knew the other side to the coin was coming.

  “But you know that, don’t you?” His grip tightened, his tug jolting my head back.

  My exposed neck wasn’t that way for very long, his other hand sweeping across my collarbone, his fingertips gliding across my taut flesh. I gulped and breathed in the moment. The ocean, the sun warming my skin, the hiss of discomfort, followed by the heat of desire as he teased my neck. He had a direct line to my nipples, engorged and pointed skyward. My core hadn’t stopped clenching, fluttering like the first time, from the moment he looked at me like I was the beginning and the end. The reason the sun rose in the sky and the moon gleamed among the stars.

  He released my hair when I whispered ‘Yes sir’, tears pricking my eyes. The hand that disciplined me joined the other that pleasured me, roping around my belly, stroking the curve gently before veering downward, to the apex of my desire. The wetness between my thighs.

  His digits strummed my quivering folds and moans whispered from my lips.

  “Oh, Jacob,” I groaned, spreading my legs wider, knowing I was being bold and incapable of helping myself. The spanking I was gunning for was about to be mine. I heard him cluck his tongue with disapproval, but he dipped his fingers deeper inside me. Pushed into my warmth and my body sighed around his touch.

  “You’re so wet for me,” he breathed into my ear, his lips brushing a hot trail up and down my neck. “It’s been too long since you’ve let me touch you.”

  Let me? My eyes flew open, my heart twitching in my chest. No one let Jacob Whitmore do anything. The first time we’d met, we didn’t waste time on my misgivings or any concerns about public indecency. He took what he wanted.


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