Executive Enslavement

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Executive Enslavement Page 6

by Bruce McLachlan

  Eddy had moved from his native soil to seek his fortune in distant capitalist lands. That was what he said anyway. Samantha was fairly sure that he had fled the consequences of some savage felony.

  Without a word, the man extended a large ring-encrusted hand in demand of her earnings. Samantha was tempted to only hand over some of it, but the other girls had to have informed him that she had entered a car of significant wealth. Equipped with that information, should the money be anything less than spectacular then he would roughly search her to find if she were holding out on him. Her body ached too much to endure his manhandling so she decided to maintain the façade of honesty and was committed to simply placing the whole collection of bills into his grubby fist.

  Reaching into her bag, Samantha gave a soft gasp of astonishment as she felt delicate nylon brush her fingers. Stifling her smile, she brushed the tights aside and extracted the total sum of the night’s takings. The bills of her final client had vastly bloated the sum. For a moment, she tried to recall the two other men that had commissioned her earlier, but she could barely even recall their faces or what they had wanted. The female client had driven them from her mind with her depraved sexual theatre.

  Eddy counted the money slowly with a frown of intense concentration and while softly mumbling the tally in Russian. His unfamiliarity with the uniform green notes caused him to check and then recheck the count.

  “Not bad. Not bad at all,” he said with his thick accent and a grin. “But it looks like you earned it all right, bitch.”

  Samantha refused to feel any animosity toward him and limped upstairs to seek her bed and rapid recourse in slumber. The night had been long and although she had slept more soundly than at any other time in her life in the client’s sumptuous bed, tiredness still ruled her.

  After opening her door, she pushed the ill-fitting and flimsy board back into place and threw the small latch behind her. Eddy did not permit locks on their rooms. He did not want anything significant preventing him from just strolling in on his property at any time that pleased him.

  Samantha eased herself out of her vinyl attire and into her bed. She reached down, pulled the parting gift of the tights from her bag, then opened out the dark material. She felt tears of gratitude gather in her eyes as she looked at them. It seemed so alien to have been given something so wonderful and yet trivial as a memento of the night. The intimate hose seemed more precious and valuable than the hundreds of dollars she had been given for her services.

  Filled with gladness and a sense of loss that it could not be permanent, she placed the crotch to her nose and drank of the female perfume and the soft hesitant aroma of the latex shorts. Arousal curled up through her body like a serpent and Samantha filled her mind’s eye with images of what had occurred last night. With her legs spread, she dreamed of being restrained and of having the amazing tongue of the client delving into her again.

  Samantha reached down and as she took deep drafts of air through the garment, she began to stroke her roused sex. Shudders of ecstasy tightened her battered frame and the mild discomfort only served to heighten her response. Samantha so rarely masturbated. It was difficult to find anything in fiction, fantasy, or reality to fixate on and assist her to climax. Now she had a true treasure to cuddle and ferry herself into sumptuous orgasm, especially when she projected the fantasy and indulged herself with the fancy of a perpetual relationship with the still-anonymous client.

  When she came, her body arched upward and she diligently enjoyed the meteoric eruption of rhapsody. It was nothing compared to what had been forced into her that night, but it was a delightful treat none the less.

  Panting softly, Samantha slowed her rhythm then lay still. With eyes closed, she dreamed of the latex-covered rear of the client, her breasts, tongue, dextrous fingers, and stern silken voice.

  Putting the tights in her bedside drawer, Samantha let her mind float into a relaxed snooze.

  Chapter Three

  Karen laid back into the soft arms of the chair and let her mind rest and drift on soft memories of sessions and slaves. Her hectic and demanding profession offered little chance for relaxation. Even when she could grab an opportunity, it was hard to banish the static of the day. Nevertheless, when she was the entity known as Lady Morgana, all of that went away.

  Her dominant aspect was better at easing her spirit than any meditation, any spa, any affair, any drug, and the more she dedicated herself to it, the more pleasure she extracted. With a sigh of contentment, she slid down a little and crossed her legs.

  Karen had chosen to go with vinyl today. A set of tight shimmering leggings embraced her legs and wandered beneath a set of knee-high boots. The dagger-heeled footwear had a slight platform to ease the rise and they were zipped at the side to make it seem at first glance as though they were part of the leggings. A patent corset drew in her waist and rose up to the PVC bra that held her breasts and which cast slender arms over her shoulders. On a whim, she had worn one of her patent military-style caps. The only decoration on the hat was a thin silver chain at the base of the stern bill.

  Her male possession stood at her side. His name was Tobin, but she could not even recall the last time she had used it. He was always simply referred to as slave. Her other two servants had identities and so could be referred to without causing confusion in the ranks of her property.

  Tobin stood obediently still and was dressed to fulfil his role as her maid. He served numerous castes as her whim demanded but today she wanted him as a transvestite servant.

  The slender male was clad in an imitation maid’s outfit that had been crafted from thick latex. It also had the requisite white rubber frills and a plain white apron. The high neckline and moulded cups of the dress accepted fake silicone breast enhancers that gave him a set of minor assets. The sleeves reached to mid-bicep and the short skirt barely covered the tops of his thighs. Suspenders emerged from under the tight black sheath and grabbed fishnet stockings. Tobin’s familiarity with being a transvestite servile meant that he moved easily on the stiletto-heeled ankle boots that he was always committed to wearing. A band around the top of the laces allowed two tiny padlocks to be applied to prevent him sneakily removing them while he was doing his chores.

  However, at present there was nothing he could do. She had pulled a blindfold hood over his head and his mouth was full of a bright pink ball gag. A set of leather cuffs was also fastened at his wrists and a lock currently held them behind his back. A small tray with a moulded indent was fixed to his waist. A buckled belt ran around the back to keep it from moving and two chains from each corner of the front reached up to connect to his tall leather collar. The high suede-lined affair was armed with many D rings and ran over the subtler steel version that all of Morgana’s slaves wore as a perpetual mark of her rule. The edges of the tray were riveted with a raised perimeter of padded leather to stop items sliding or rolling off. At present, two fluted glasses and a bottle of wine were set upon the tray that he bore with continuous stable patience.

  Karen reached over, poured a little into a glass, and took it down for a sip. Transferring the glass to her other hand she had an iniquitous notion and reached under the skirt. Her hand found him still within the latex underwear and she began to massage the rapidly stiffening bulge. Soft whimpers emerged over the gag as he tried to stay perfectly still. However, it was clearly no easy feat.

  “Don’t spill anything, slave,” she warned with a broad smirk then started to apply more skill to her manipulation. Tobin’s body started to shiver and the second glass swayed a little.

  “I have a prospective candidate who might perhaps turn into another addition for our little family, slave. One that you’ll really enjoy,” she said softly and continued her dextrous exploitation.

  Karen knew Tobin well. She doubted that he was convinced of his Mistress’s benign intentions. Her other two slaves were either hideously cruel to him or ignored him completely. It made him more devoted and appreciati
ve when Lady Morgana was with him. The others had a finicky appetite, one that was dedicated solely to the attentions of another woman. Karen often used that trait to frustrate Tobin beyond measure. Despite her affection for making his submissive existence a trying one, she still loved him and wanted to please him. Samantha would definitely please him. Karen and Tobin had exchanged their wedding rings for a collar and a key and had never been happier. He had the life he yearned for, and so did she.

  “She’s a sweet young thing who is submerged in trouble and strife. I’m going to try and rescue her, make her ours. You’ll have the chance to reawaken her affection for males, slave. It’ll be like having a virgin, only it’ll require more work, patience and commitment from you. You think you have that in you, slave?” she asked.

  “Lady Morgana?” asked a female voice.

  “Just a minute,” she said and continued with her previous line of questioning. “Well? What do you say? Or maybe I should just hand her to the Thumper over there? I’m sure she’ll happily make her part of their little dynamic. Another abusive female slave in your life. A trio of unavailable women all eager to starve this thing,” she said and through the rubber she squeezed his length in her hand.

  Tobin had been nodding his willingness to assist since she had first mentioned it, but she liked to taunt him with dreadful possibilities. It gave him masturbation material for later. Such things made fine fantasies but he would prefer that they stayed firmly in the realm of fiction.

  “Lady Morgana, it’s quite important,” said Thumper.

  “You were lucky there, slave,” commented Karen and settled back to stop hassling her property. A soft sigh of relief escaped his gagged lips because although he clearly relished the attention, to spill or knock something over would bring harsh reprimands. All of Lady Morgana’s slaves were well aware that errors often meant prolonged chastity and some exceedingly stringent bondage.

  Karen turned to see one of her two other slaves standing in the doorway. The lesbian couple had been seduced and enslaved to her rule as one unit. Tom and Thumper had been their adopted butch names and these names had been transferred and remoulded to become their submissive ones as well.

  “What is it, slave?”

  “Master Talon is here as you requested, Lady Morgana,” politely reported Thumper.

  “Show him in, slave,” she said and lifted herself out of the chair. Wandering out into the middle of the floor, she turned to welcome the new arrival.

  Master Talon strolled confidently through the doorway with a leash in hand and a slave girl in tow.

  Talon was a tall imposing individual with an air about him that typified that of refined country gentlemen. He was handsome and had long auburn hair that was tied back into a loose ponytail. His eyes alternated between a chill blue and a subtle green depending on light, mood, or the interpretation of the viewer. Talon wore gloss trousers that were laced up the sides and held about the waist with a studded belt. He wore a plain black vest that had a stylised dragon silhouette on the front. The beast was depicted in dark red and was plunging from the skies with claws outstretched and with its fanged maw stretched wide.

  The girl that he had brought with him was unfamiliar to Karen. She was very petite and deceptively youthful looking with a neck length wreath of black hair that had several streaks of purple dyed into it. She had several spiralling tattoos on her upper shoulders and her pert breasts bore purple horseshoe rings, as did a central nose piercing. A slender leather collar was fastened about her neck with matching cuffs on her wrists and ankles.

  “Well, well, well, Talon, and who is this delightful little toy you’ve dragged over here with you?” Karen asked.

  The girl looked briefly up then dropped her gaze again. It was clear that she was fixing her peripheral vision on Karen’s body but did not wish to risk irking the Mistress with direct eye contact.

  “This is Envy,” reported Talon and he stepped aside to present her in full.

  Karen wandered over and saw the girl visibly shiver with anticipation as the PVC-clad form of Lady Morgana walked around behind her and trailed a hand upon her bare flesh. Morgana was highly regarded by the circle of dominants and submissives in which she moved, and that reputation extended to those people such individuals knew and owned.

  Master Talon liked to name his slaves after deadly sins. So far, Karen had encountered and played with the radiantly beautiful Vanity, the exceedingly sassy and rebellious Anger, and the near insatiable, ultra-masochistic Gluttony.

  “She’s a fine specimen, Master Talon,” she said and accepted the leash from him.

  Karen wound the chain around her palm then tugged downward to deliver Envy onto her knees.

  “Have you brought anything else with you, Master Talon?” asked Karen as the girl stared longingly into the tight plastic skin of the dominatrix’s legs.

  “Of course. It’s in the trunk.”

  “Thumper!” broadcast Karen with a stern tone.

  Envy flinched from the volume of the barked order and Karen sighed with desire. It was such a delightful sight to see another person cringe as they knelt down humbly before her. It was such a glittering sensation of pleasure, power, and devotion.

  A moment after the command had been given the woman appeared. Thumper was tall and strong of build. Her physique was a little more developed than that of an athlete, but nowhere near as bloated as the form of a body builder. She wore a short cropped head of bleached white hair and nothing else save for her collar.

  “Yes, Lady Morgana?”

  “Get Master Talon’s things from his car, and get Tom to bring me some polish,” she ordered.

  Thumper’s bare feet carried her out and Tom entered a moment after. The enslaved couple was similar of build and features, with identical hair. In fact, one could have assumed that they were twins because of this high degree of similarity.

  Karen indicated, and the near-identical slave handed the bottle of PVC polish and a rag to the humble form of Envy. Tom glared down at the lithe girl with a libidinous thirst. There were few things the butch pair loved more than snagging a fresh slave and ravishing her in every way with their own brand of rough sapphic lust.

  Karen spied Tom’s eyes light up, her jaw tremble, and her lips part to reveal a tight, cruel smile. She decided then that Samantha would definitely have to undergo a round or two with the pair. Perhaps if she kept them chaste for a few days and deliberately titillated them it would make for an even more frenzied show. The barbarity of their lovemaking would be a useful tool in ensuring that Samantha got over any alienation toward the male gender. After all, Samantha and Tobin were destined to become very close as they languished under the divine and unwavering thraldom of Lady Morgana.

  “Off you go, Tom,” said Karen and hid her amusement as she saw the woman trudge away. Obviously, Tom had hoped for a part in this session and would no doubt be waiting with open arms and lips for her lover after she left the room.

  “Shine me, slave.”

  Envy visibly swallowed as she held the bottle and poured some of the blue liquid onto the cloth. With a reverent hand, she started to buff Karen’s boots and leggings. Karen felt renewed gratification at the delicious feeling of the power she held. The power to have another human being on their knees and performing such a task was entrancing and addictive.

  Thumper entered the room with a large duffel bag that she gently set down on the floor. Envy moved onto Karen’s rear and corset and conducted this part of the cleaning ritual with extra devotion. She repeated her work several times to savour the feel of the dominatrix.

  Master Talon removed a leg spreader and some lengths of chain. Two small cases were taken out along with one long version. Leaving the cases for a moment, Talon walked out and reached up onto tiptoe. With a little strain, the tall man managed to clip the chain to the thick ring that hung in the centre of the ceiling from a riveted plate.

  “I’m about ready,” he said.

sp; Stepping back, he put the cases on one of the tables by the wall then leant against them to watch his slave work.

  “She’s almost done,” replied Karen.

  Envy worked her way up to the bra and took great delight in polishing the smooth cups. When she had finished and lingered enough, Karen shuffled off the attention and cupped the girls chin. Lifting it up she regarded the libido-charged stare then drifted her gaze across the nubile body.

  Sticking out a leg and turning her boot, she checked every part of her vinyl attire. The soft creak of the plastic on her body sent a shudder through the girl that was distinct enough for Karen to feel it in her own hand. It was clear that Envy had a strong fetish streak that might well cover more materials but it was very fixated on every aspect of PVC.

  “There we go. All done. And not a bad job, either.”

  “Over here, Envy,” commanded Talon.

  Karen gave the girl’s cheek a congratulatory pat. Envy set the cleaning items aside and sauntered out until she was beneath the shadow of the chain. Master Talon lifted her arms up over her head and used clips to fasten the D rings of her cuffs to the chain. His hands trailed down the sides of her body to make her shiver then he drew her ankles apart so that the long iron bar of the leg spreader could be set between them. The hefty strut was clipped into place and Envy gave a subtle jiggle to test her bonds and enhance her feeling of vulnerability.

  Lady Morgana walked over to the cases and opened them up to reveal two small boxes of S&M toys and gadgets. The longer case contained a decent arsenal of quality weapons for corporal punishment.

  Master Talon removed the leash from the girl and put it on the table. He then ran his hands over the various items on offer to see what one would catch his fancy.

  “What do you think?” he asked.


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