Dragons Of Udora: The Complete Series (Books 1-4)

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Dragons Of Udora: The Complete Series (Books 1-4) Page 132

by Maia Starr

  “The Commander can go to hell for all I care,” I grumbled.

  Trillis was quiet for a moment. “The Commander adores you. He adores us both. You would do well to show him some respect.”

  I scoffed inwardly, but I knew a battle with Trillis would land me nowhere. She had been groomed to believe she could only rest easily if Zerk’k had everything he needed. She would feel like she had done a good job in life if she served him to the fullest. But what did Trillis want to do with her life? Did it matter? It probably didn’t matter to Zerk’k any more than it mattered what I wanted to do with my life. Why was he such an asshole?!

  We were quiet for a while before my guilt for lashing out at Trillis welled up inside of me. She was just another victim of a cruel system, but she tried to see the positive aspects of the world she was raised in.

  “I’m sorry, Trillis,” I said. “This is all really strange for me.”

  Trillis beamed.

  “Really, don’t apologize. I just want you to know that Commander Arkti isn’t a bad man. He is only doing what he thinks is necessary under the circumstances. And I respect his mind; he consistently makes good decisions.”

  I held my tongue for the rest of the ride. It seemed like forever until we finally made it back to Zerk’k’s house, and once again I nearly fell to my knees as a strong wave of heat crushed me. I was beginning to see why they were so worried about my clothes.

  “It gets like this every afternoon and lasts well into the evening,” Trillis said. “The Commander thought it best to keep the humans in the mountains as our climate is far different from Earth. The mountains are relatively similar to some areas on Earth and your comfort is guaranteed there.”

  “And yet he thought it would be a good idea to bring me here,” I said, pointing out what I thought was perfectly good evidence of the fact that he didn’t give a damn what was best for me.

  “Yes,” Trillis said, unlocking the door and stepping inside. She paused and waited for me to follow. The cool atmosphere of the house immediately made me feel better. “I have a feeling that he didn’t want the other Thressl’n men to come and treat you with disrespect. He thought it best to hide you away as quickly as possible, before inquiries were made about you.”

  The information gave me mixed feelings. Trillis seemed so convinced that Zerk’k put everybody’s best interests at heart. It would take a lot more than that to convince me that she was right. If he cared so much about respect, he wouldn’t have abducted so many women against their will. I was fairly certain there were groups of women on Earth who would line up for the chance to breed with an unknown alien species. Hell, I may have gone voluntarily just to experience their world. But this? I couldn’t accept it.

  Once inside, Trillis immediately got to work on serving yet more food. I was surprised; we had already eaten just a couple of hours ago, and there was no way I was ready for another meal as elaborate as the one we’d had for breakfast.

  “Why don’t you put your things away for now, dear, and I’ll call you when the food is ready.”

  I nodded, grateful for the chance to escape by myself and write about my adventure to the Thressl’n’s downtown area. I walked into the bedroom, stricken suddenly by how much it smelled like Zerk’k. I felt oddly comforted by the fact, though I couldn’t help but fight a twinge of nausea as my mind made its way guiltily to the night before, when all of my inhibitions had somehow blown out the window.

  Sure, Zerk’k was a gorgeous man in his own right, but that wasn’t enough to make me happy about being his captor. What did he expect from me? Total obedience? I wasn’t a slave to anybody; least of all some arrogant extraterrestrial who disguised his controlling behavior as a concern for my best interest.

  Now that I was alone in the bedroom and Zerk’k wasn’t due home anytime soon, I realized that I had a good chance to do some snooping. Trillis had been given strict instructions not to interfere with me or my relationship with Zerk’k. Knowing that made it possible to relax for the first time since I had been abducted.

  The bedroom was big. Really big. It was clear that Zerk’k was given a position of power and was compensated generously for it. There was plush carpet, softer than the carpet on Earth. The fabrics were different somehow. Everything was a pure white color, but it seemed deeper than the whites on Earth. At the far end of the room, across a vast space of carpet, was a door.

  I crept close and examined the electronic mechanism that served as door handles in this place. I had watched Zerk’k and Trillis enough to have figured it out, despite being automatically allowed into the bedroom space. With trembling hands, I tried a few different button combinations before the door hissed open.

  I gasped softly when the open doorway revealed a closet bigger than the living room of my apartment on Earth. In the back were rows of shelves full of brutal looking machines that I was positive were weapons. To the side was a long row of intricately designed outfits, and a replica of the black armor that Zerk’k had been wearing the first time I’d seen him on the ship.

  I couldn’t help myself from venturing further into the closet. On the opposite side was an empty row with one outfit hanging up; it was the gown I had worn the night before. The rest was empty. I cast a glance back at the full bags of clothes I had carried into the bedroom. Half of this closet was intended to be mine.

  My heart raced as I ventured deeper inside. I fingered the soft, light material of Zerk’k’s outfits, once again stricken by his scent. I felt an unwelcome surge of longing as my mind involuntarily returned to the rapture I had felt the last time I had smelled Zerk’k’s body in person.

  Suddenly, a blinking light caught my eye. It was coming from the shelves in the back. I felt suddenly uneasy, but couldn’t keep myself from moving toward the shelves.

  The object that was blinking was long and cylindrical. I touched it, and it was ice cold. A few lights became illuminated from my touch, and a strange whirring sound filled the small space. I realized with a start that it was charging, and the cold metal was heating up rapidly.

  A robotic Thressl’n voice began speaking, and a loud, rhythmic beeping began. It sounded like a countdown. Fear flooded my breast as the little room became hotter and hotter, and a blinding ball of white energy began to grow at the base of the weapon.

  “Fuck,” I hissed. It was going to go off. And it was going to cause a lot of damage. I studied it, sweat building on my brow. I had to disengage it somehow. If Trillis got hurt it would be my fault, and the special treatment I’d been given so far would come to an end. I might never see Earth again. Worst of all, I could die.

  I had no idea how to read the Thressl’n written language though, and try as I might, everything I did was futile.


  Zerk’k’s masculine voice made me nearly jump out of my skin. His strong arms were suddenly around me, and I was being hauled outside the closet. Zerk’k ran back inside, and I could hear machinery clicking as he dealt with the weapon.

  Soon he was standing in front of me, a wild expression creasing his otherwise flawless face.

  “Are you all right?” he asked, his hands roaming me as if to make sure that I was still in one piece. The fear in his voice was unmistakable, and I couldn’t fight the surge of pleasure that Zerk’k’s long fingers elicited. I felt an odd sort of relief now that he was near, as if I had been waiting to be close to him again since I had woken up.

  “Yes, I’m fine,” I said, shrugging his hands off of me and taking a step back to examine him. He looked like a wreck. “What was that thing?”

  “Somehow you managed to find my most powerful weapon,” Zerk’k said, sighing heavily. “If I hadn’t come home and heard it charging up, I wouldn’t have had much of a home left to come back to. Are you sure you’re all right?”

  The sincerity in his eyes made me uncomfortable. Maybe Trillis had been telling the truth after all. Maybe his sole concern was protecting everybody around him. But where did that leave him any time to take car
e of himself?

  “I’m really fine,” I said. I bit back words of gratitude toward him. There was no way I would thank a man who had kidnapped and taken advantage of me.

  “Good,” he said, dropping heavily onto the bed. He put his head in his hands, and for a moment I was afraid he was going to fall asleep right there.

  “Maybe you should lie down,” I said quietly, gently guiding his shoulder back onto the bed. He resisted for a moment.

  “I have work to finish,” he said. But I knew he couldn’t possibly have gotten enough sleep.

  “Work can wait. Try taking care of yourself for once.”

  Zerk’k’s metallic eyes widened in surprise, as if I had touched on something very personal to him. What Trillis said really must have been true in his case. Still, it didn’t excuse him from the way he tried to control me.

  “Come on,” I said, covering his muscular torso with one of the incredibly soft blankets. “Just rest for now, please.”

  “I’m glad you’re okay,” Zerk’k breathed. He tried to fight a moment longer, but soon his eyes fluttered closed. Before I knew it, the handsome Thressl’n man was asleep.


  I watched Zerk’k sleep, my mind roaming in a million different directions. So he cared about me to some degree, that much was clear. But it was possible he only cared because that’s the way he was programmed to care. It was his job to put others before himself. That’s what Trillis had implied to me. Still, the way he had touched me…I couldn’t imagine his eyes filling with fear over one of the Thressl’n whom it was his duty to protect.

  As Zerk’k’s broad chest rose and fell lightly, my eyes roamed back to the closet. So he kept his weapons in there. That meant I would have a chance to escape. I could find one that looked easy to operate and carry it with me in case anybody tried to stop me.

  But how would I get back to Earth? I would need a ship, and someone who was experienced enough to navigate the space between the planet Jenal’k and Earth. So much for that idea.

  Still, the knowledge of the weapons right at my fingertips seared a place in my brain. If I ever needed a weapon, I would know where to find one. And maybe I would be able to learn how to use it from Zerk’k himself.

  As Zerk’k slept, I began to feel restless and rummaged through the bags of Thressl’n clothing Trillis has bought for me. It was all clearly made for Thressl’n women, and appeared lumpy and shapeless on my much smaller body. There had to be a way to make the clothes work more in my favor.

  I set to work rummaging quietly through the large house as Trillis hummed, obliviously cooking food, until I stumbled upon a repair kit for the hovercraft. Inside were a needle and thread suitable for puncturing the durable Thressl’n fabrics, and I returned victoriously to the bedroom, where Zerk’k was still sleeping deeply.

  Careful not to wake him, I lifted the prettiest of the Thressl’n gowns from the bag. With a few minor alterations, I would be able to wear it with pride, rather than feeling like a scrawny alien from another world. And so, I made myself comfortable on the floor and set to work, hoping I would be done by the time that Zerk’k awoke.

  Chapter 14

  Commander Zerk’k Arkti

  I opened my eyes in a panic, wondering where I was and how I had gotten there.

  “Shhh,” a beautiful voice said, stroking my forehead gently. In all my years of life, I had never felt so soothed.

  My gaze focused on Lain’s face, and I was stricken by her beauty. She smiled at me, and I swear, both of my hearts were seized momentarily.

  “Were you dreaming?”

  “Dreaming?” I asked, sitting up. “What is a dream?”

  Lain frowned and looked upward as if attempting to retrieve a thought.

  “When humans sleep, we dream. Dreams are like stories we tell ourselves in our sleep to make things more interesting. Sometimes the dreams help us to figure out problems we’re having when we’re awake.”

  “That sounds useful,” I said, sitting up to study her. I had never heard of anything like a dream before. When Thressl’n slept, we just slept a dark, black sleep that allowed our impressive muscle mass to heal from the toils of the day.

  “I guess so,” Lain said. “Some people don’t think it means anything, while others think dreams mean everything.”

  “What do you think?” I asked, fascinated by this beautiful human and her customs.

  Lain laughed and looked down at the bed. She seemed embarrassed to answer. Eventually, she met my eyes again.

  “I think sometimes it’s useful, while other times it’s not necessary. Human brains are very active, but we don’t use all of our capacities at once. It might be that it’s the brain’s way of getting the exercise we don’t give it ourselves.”

  “Hm…” I said thoughtfully. Humans seemed more creative than the Thressl’n gave them credit for.

  “I’m glad you rested,” Lain said as I sat up and took a look at the time. I wasn’t due anywhere anytime soon, but I still liked to be prepared. As Second in Command, I was always on call. “You looked tired.”

  It was strange for the human to be showing any caring toward me at all. I had been expecting the total opposite. I knew she hadn’t been ready when we had shared the bed together, and it was my fault. How was it that she could be so kind to me even after that? Perhaps it was because I had saved her life.

  “The meal is ready!” Trillis called from deep in the kitchen.

  “The Thressl’n eat a lot,” Lain said, quirking her eyebrow.

  Lain stood from the bed and stretched, and I suddenly realized that the outfit she was wearing was of Thressl’n origins, but it had been tailored to fit the perfect contours of her body.

  Lain’s eyes settled on me, and a wildfire erupted inside of me. She looked more beautiful than I had ever seen another living being look before; even the depictions of the Thressl’n deities didn’t hold a candle to Lain in the elegant satin, wrapped snuggly around her perfect features.

  She stared at me as I rose from the bed and her cheeks darkened into an attractive pink when I reached out to touch her.

  “What are you doing?” she asked, not meeting my eyes. But she didn’t move away.

  “I’ve never seen anybody so beautiful,” I said. And it was the truest thing I had ever said.

  “You hardly know me,” she whispered.

  “But I’d like to,” I said, moving close to her and burying my mouth against her hair. God, she smelled good. “I want to know everything about you.”

  She pushed me away and looked me hard in the eye. The determination on her face just made her look all the more attractive. But I held back from touching her until she said her piece.

  “You have to show me more respect. I might be stuck here for now, but don’t treat me like some little toy who has to obey you. I have my own mind. My own needs…”

  Lain’s cheeks flushed dark pink again, and I was consumed by the electricity between us. I could tell what she wanted without her having to say so. I didn’t know what she meant by respect, but if it was what she wanted, if it was what it would take for me to make her mine, I would let her teach me all about it.

  I couldn’t help myself any longer. There was a fire engulfing my entire body, and all I could think about was just how good it would feel to touch Lain again. It had been all I could think about all day long, and it was exhausting. Especially having no clue when my next chance would be…and thinking that Lain would rather die than be near me again.

  But she was holding my gaze, even as I tested her and touched her, the deep flush on her face turned to soft gasps of pleasure. I continued to stroke the silky contours of her body, pressing my lips firmly against the soft nape of her neck as I selfishly explored the female who had been haunting my memories all day.

  Finally, Lain’s brilliant eyes closed and she grew weak against me. I could feel her making room for me, her many icy barriers giving way to the heat of my heat of my body against her. There would be no stopping me at
this point. I was thinking purely with my senses; with the deep, all-consuming longing that had continued to bring Lain into my thoughts, again and again, since the moment I had laid eyes on her.

  I carefully guided her backward, until her back was pressed firmly against the wall of the bedroom. I gently pried her legs apart and explored the opening with my middle. There was a strange cloth blocking my way inside of her. I gazed at her curiously and the flush on her cheeks deepened. She hurriedly pushed the cloth down, and it fell delicately to the floor, leaving her open for the taking.

  I didn’t waste any time and left her gown in place, quickly freeing my member from the tight confines of my armor. She gazed down at it with a soft gasp. It was the first time she had seen me in the light, and I’m sure the first time she had seen a Thressl’n male’s appendage up close.

  Lain finally tore her gaze away and looked up at me, her eyes softly pleading. It brought a surge of fire to my loins, and an aggression that couldn’t be helped overpowered me. I pushed her against the wall, holding off all pleasantries in order to submerge myself immediately inside her. I was embarrassed by my animalistic display, but quickly forgot my reservations when Lain groaned loudly in pleasure. Her fingers gripped my shoulders tightly, and my mouth searched the gown, moving it out of the way just enough that I could bring the soft mound of her erect nipple into my mouth.

  Lain threw her head back in pleasure, her body shuddering as I thrust deeper inside of her. I was enveloped by her incredible heat, and I could feel every muscle inside of her tightening around me. I grunted, tightening my mouth’s grip on Lain’s nipple as ecstasy coursed through me.

  She cried out, moving her body against mine and wrapping one of her legs around me. She used it to push me against her. Lain’s every tiny movement brought me untold bliss, and she soon began moving of her own accord, pleasuring herself on the length of my shaft. I had never experienced anything so ingratiating, and soon my abdomen was tingling with a hot pressure to release.


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