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The Alpha's Secret Family: Howls Romance

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by Jessie Lane

  Dia has just moved to a new city to run her own hair salon. She doesn’t have time for the hot guy who won’t stop asking her out, yet she can’t seem to stop thinking about him.

  Stone Blaylock is the Battletown Packs’ Alpha and his mate has just moved into town. Problem is, she’s human. Therefore, he has to win her over the old fashioned, human way—by dating her.

  Things are looking up for Stone when he gets his mate to fall in love with and mate him.

  However, there’s someone out there who doesn’t like that the Alpha’s new mate is human. When their plan to kill her backfires and Dia survives, but she doesn’t remember anything, including Stone, or the circumstances that left her alone, hurt, and pregnant.

  Raves for the novels by


  Big Bad Bite

  “If you like funny paranormal romance with crazy but endearing characters, Big Bad Bite will be for you.”

  - Swept Away By Romance

  “I enjoyed the crisp, fast paced writing style that flows smoothly through the story. Within the pages, humor, action, suspense, and romance all mix together for a laugh out loud story that keeps you hooked to the very end. It’s not completely lighthearted though. Some intriguing subplots balance well against the humorous situations to reveal a serious side to the story… All in all, Big Bad Bite is steady and action packed with plenty of twists and turns that delighted me. I enjoyed the light and dark aspect that is brought into play-they blend well together… Jessie Lane is definitely an author to watch for those who love zany, adventures, romantic PNR.”

  - Smexy Books

  “Big Bad Bite was one of those books that was hard to put down. There was action, mystery and plenty of heat. There were also more than a couple of tense moments along with even a few tears. I love a book that keeps me on the edge of my seat and this one definitely did that. The world building was also great. Just the way I like it… familiar enough to make ‘sense’ yet unique enough to make it the authors’ own.”

  - Creative Deeds Reads

  Walk On The Striped Side

  “…this series is building to be a go to for PNR fans!”

  - Little Read Riding Hood

  “Seriously y’all if you’re looking for a fun and sexy paranormal romance you need to pick up Walk On The Striped Side, I’ll never look at cat toys the same way… Fans of Shelly Laurenston and Jessica Sims will fall in love with Jessie Lane’s Big Bad Bite series.”

  - The Book Nympho

  “Not only did Gage fulfill my alpha male, hot guy requirement, but this book had so many times when I was reading it that I was literally laughing out loud or giggling… This book is so good, the writing is flawless, it’s seriously highly, highly recommended.”

  - Book Boyfriend Reviews

  “Fans of outrageous, snark filled, sexy paranormal will enjoy Jessie Lane’s latest release-Walk on the Striped Side-book two in her Big Bad Bite series. A lightweight paranormal filled with lots of action, sarcasm, threats of bodily harm, and that’s just in the first few pages. Heavily character driven, our hero and heroine go balls to the wall as they fight their way through love, loss, reconnection, and annoying siblings. Per usual, Lane offers the reader a crisp, fast paced writing style that flows smoothly through the story. Humor, action, and romance all mix together for a laugh out loud story that keeps you hooked to the very end.”

  - Smexy Books

  Lone Wolf Wanted

  “Jessie Lane writes fun, sexy characters with a bit of sass.”

  - Patricia A. Rasey, national bestselling author

  Bears Do It Better

  “This is my first book by Jessie Lane and most definitely will not be my last. I have not laughed this hard at a book in a while. The quirky humor was great.”

  - Reading in Sarah’s Corner

  Sassy and a little Bad-Assy

  “Absolutely hysterical! Really enjoyed the playfulness of the characters and their word play. While not completely comedic it had just the right amount of emotion to make both H/h feel real. I do love my HEA's. Thank you Ms. Lane for bringing a little laughter to my day.”

  - Amazon Reviewer

  The Alpha’s Secret Family

  By Jessie Lane

  Copyright © Jessie Lane

  Published by Whiskey Girls Publishing

  All rights reserved.

  Edited by: Read Head Editing, C&D Editing & Shannon Webb

  Cover Design by: Jessie Lane

  Cover Images by: © Clarissa at Yocla | Volodymyr Tverdokhlib | Shutterstock

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  Copyright © 2017 by Jessie Lane

  The purchase of this e-book allows you one legal copy for your own personal reading enjoyment on your personal computer or device. You do not have the rights to resell, distribute, print, or transfer this book, in whole or in part, to anyone, in any format, via methods either currently known or yet to be invented, or upload to a file sharing peer to peer program. It may not be re-sold or given away to other people. Such action is illegal and in violation of the U.S. Copyright Law. If you would like to share this book with another person, please purchase an additional copy for each recipient. If you are reading this book and did not purchase it, or it was not purchased for your use only, then please return it and purchase your own copy. If you no longer want this book, you may not give your copy to someone else. Delete it from your computer. Thank you for respecting the hard work of this author.

  This is a work of fiction. Names, characters, businesses, places, events, and incidents are either the products of the author’s imagination or used in a fictitious manner. Any resemblance to actual persons, living or dead, or actual events is purely coincidental.

  Trademarks: This book identifies product names and services known to be trademarks, registered trademarks, or service marks of their respective holders. The authors acknowledge the trademarked status in this work of fiction. The publication and use of these trademarks is not authorized, associated with, or sponsored by the trademark owners.

  This book contains mature content not suitable for readers under the age of 18. This book contains content with strong language, violence, and sexual situations. All parties portrayed in sexual situations are over the age of 18.

  Other Titles From Jessie Lane

  Ex Ops Series

  Secret Maneuvers

  Stripping Her Defenses

  Mission Delivery

  Sweet Agony

  Sweet Recovery

  Sweet Eternity

  Bullets and Bluebonnets

  Regulators MC Series

  (co-written with Chelsea Camaron)




  Big Bad Bite Series

  Big Bad Bite

  Walk On The Striped Side

  Star Series

  (co-written with M.L. Pahl)

  The Burning Star

  The Frozen Star

  Standalone Stories

  The Alpha’s Secret Family

  Kindle World Stories

  Lone Wolf Wanted

  Sassy and a little Bad-Assy

  Bears Do It Better

  The Alpha’s Secret Family


  Jessie Lane


  To my readers. I am sincerely grateful for each and every one of you.

  Love, Jessie Lane


  There are a few ladies I want to thank for helping me with this book: Abbie Zanders, Chelsea Camaron and Heather Ray. Thank you so much ladies! I’d also like to say another huge thank you to my editors Read Head Editing, C&D Editing and Shannon Webb. I don’t know what I would do without you three.

  Table of Contents


  Chapter 1

  Chapter 2

  Chapter 3

  Chapter 4

  Chapter 5

  Chapter 6

  Chapter 7

  Chapter 8

  Chapter 9

  Chapter 10

  Chapter 11

  Chapter 12

  Chapter 13

  Chapter 14

  Chapter 15

  Chapter 16


  About the Author

  Howls Romance Stories


  Thank God for my favorite “f” word—Friday. That was all Dia could think as she walked into the first restaurant she could find after leaving her new job for the day.

  She walked into the Battletown Diner and asked the hostess for a table for one. The pretty brunette standing at the counter gave her a fake smile and guided her toward one of the tables in the back. Not that it bothered Dia. No, she wanted peace and quiet after a hard day at work.

  What had she been thinking, moving hours away from her family in Nashville to buy out a hair salon from her former mentor? Sure, she loved Betty Anne to pieces, and the woman had taught her everything she knew, but after begging her for a job five years ago, Betty Anne had been the one begging somebody to take over her own little salon so she could retire, and that person had been Dia. Now she lived out in the middle of nowhere!

  There was farmland everywhere she looked. And she had seen more cows in the past week than she had thought was possible. Seriously, how many cows did it take to make a gallon of milk, anyway? Because with the number of cows she had seen in and around Battletown, the rivers should be made of milk. This was probably what lactose intolerant people considered hell.

  The small town was bustling with locals, but it wasn’t a major city with tons of potential clients. She was worried that perhaps she should have turned down Betty Anne’s amazing offer and stayed in the city near her parents. Except, if she had done that, what would her future look like? Always working for someone else in their salon instead of owning her own? Real estate in the city was expensive. There was no way she would have ever been able to afford her own shop in Nashville. It would have taken a lot of big spenders as clients to ever work up that kind of cash, and Dolly Parton wasn’t exactly knocking down her door to get her hair done. So, Dia’s best chance of owning her own shop was here with Betty Anne’s already established clients.

  As Dia sat at her table looking at the laminated dinner menu, her mind swirled with doubts and worries. So much so, that she wasn’t reading the menu at all, just lost in her thoughts. All of that changed when the chair across from her scraped across the floor as it was dragged backward and someone sat down.

  Suddenly, every nerve ending and instinct in Dia’s body flared to life. Although she hadn’t looked up yet, she somehow knew two things. One, it was a man. The spicy scent of him wafted across the table and filled her senses until her head spun. And two, for some odd reason, her entire being knew that her life was about to change forever.

  How weird was that?

  Not only weird, but scary. Dia’s life had already changed so much in the last few days with her move to town and taking over the business. There was no way she was ready for it to change any more.

  She tried to ignore the unknown man, hoping he might go away if she paid him no attention. Just minutes later, though, she found out that wasn’t going to work, as he leaned forward and braced his arms on the table.

  “You going to ignore me all night, princess?”

  The unknown man’s voice was so deliciously deep that it tingled certain parts of her body. She loved a deep bass like that. His voice wasn’t what made her head snap up, though. No, it was her irritation.

  “I’m not a fucking princess,” she snapped back.

  She hated when people made assumptions about her just because of the way she looked. Just because she liked to have her make-up and hair done at all times didn’t mean that she was a high-maintenance woman. Dia could swing a hammer just as good as any guy in here, and if the stranger didn’t watch it, she would swing that hammer at his head.

  It didn’t take much to set off Dia’s fiery temper.

  Of course, the urge to hit him abruptly died away when she got her first good look at the man she had studiously tried to avoid only seconds before. The word beautiful didn’t seem to do the man justice. No, he was absolutely and utterly beard-bodacious beautiful.

  He had dark, shaggy hair she immediately wanted to run her fingers through, and gorgeous steel-grey eyes. His facial features were strong, like his jaw, and undoubtedly handsome. Rugged was how one might describe them. Not Dia, though. No, the word predatory was the word that came to mind as she looked at his intent eyes and the smirk on his lips. The man was staring at her like he was a starving wolf and she was the plump, little lamb he had set his sights on.

  Would it be terribly wrong if she gave in to temptation and asked him to eat her? Because looking at the stranger made her hotter than any other man had before. He was just that damn devastating. The realization made Dia feel confused because she had never had this sort of reaction to a man before.

  The stranger’s smirk spread into a huge grin as he watched her after she snapped the heated words at him.

  She waited for his rebuttal; some condescension that she hadn’t needed to be so snippety. Instead, he leaned forward and whispered, “All right, sweetheart, I get it; you’re not a princess. I just couldn’t help myself because, here you sit, in this little restaurant, surrounded by farmers and working men, prettier than anything I’ve ever seen in my whole life. You haven’t noticed that every single man’s eyes are glued to you, and you haven’t seen their pitiful attempts to get your attention. So, I had to come over here and make sure you had no choice but to notice me.”

  “Why is that?” she asked him curiously.

  “Because you’re mine.”

  Dia’s eyebrows shot up to her hairline. “Ugh, you might not want to come on so strongly, buddy.”

  “As you wish.”

  Oh boy, Dia suddenly had the overwhelming feeling that she was in serious trouble with this guy. She just hoped it was the good time sort of trouble.

  Chapter One

  One week later…

  “I told him his dick was so small that it looked like a California raisin.”

  The two clients in Dia’s shop started giggling at the story one told the other about catching their cheating boyfriend in the act. Dia knew the sting of that sort of situation, as it had happened to her in the past.

  She smiled at the women’s conversation as she trimmed the client’s ends on her angled bob. The women had come in that day, stating they wanted makeovers, and now Dia knew why. There was nothing like giving the proverbial middle finger to an ex-boyfriend, then stepping out the next day, looking better than you had while you were dating. For that reason alone, Dia wanted to make sure that she had every strand cut to perfection. That was probably why it caught her off guard when they asked her a question.

  “Miss Dia, I hear you’ve got a sexy man at your beck and call these days,” her client’s friend said in a teasing voice.

  Dia tried not to blush, but failed. Damn her pale skin!

  Shrugging as if to play it off, she admitted to the women, “He’s certainly persistent.”

  “Giiiiiiirl,” her client sang out in the chair. “You have no idea how juicy this gossip is. Stone Blaylock hasn’t ever chased a woman. Now you move to town, and he
’s on you like a dog is on a bone. The whole town is talking about it.”

  “Dog with a bone, eh?” Her friend laughed. “If that man is a dog, then he can give me a tongue bath anytime, and then I want to play with his bone.”

  The two women burst into giggles all over again. Only, Dia didn’t smile at them this time. Something inside of her didn’t like the idea of other women fantasizing about Stone. It was an irrational feeling, but damn if she could help herself. The confusion her emotions brought kept her mind busy as she finished up her client’s cut, and then checked the women out of her salon.

  Glancing at the clock, Dia saw time had flown by, and it was already five o’clock, which meant it was time to start closing the salon for the night.

  She was almost done with her routine, sweeping the floor one last time, when she started to think about the Stone. The man was impossible. Every day her little salon had been open he had come in to see her. The first time was for a haircut and to ask her out on a date. She had given him a trim and told him no on the date. Then she had charged him double what she normally would for a men’s cut just to be a pain in his ass. That hadn’t stopped the man from coming back, though.

  Every day, he asked the same question: “Will you go out with me tonight?”

  Every day, for six days straight, Dia had given him the same answer: “No.”

  And just before he would leave, Stone would say the same thing: “As you wish, princess.”

  The first time he had said that to her, she had flipped him the bird. The second time, because there hadn’t been anyone in the shop to see her do it, she had thrown a comb at his head. The man had simply ducked the flying arsenal and laughed at her. The third time he called her princess, she had been ready to rip both his and her own hair out in a frustrated rage. By the fourth day, however, she couldn’t help wondering why not? Even after he had shown up and she had once again told him “no,” she had found herself thinking about him after he had left.

  Why did he come in every day to ask the same question, knowing he was probably going to get the same answer? And why did he insist on calling her “princess?” It had to be because he knew it drove her crazy.


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