The Christmas She Rules

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The Christmas She Rules Page 2

by Jennifer Leeland

  The flogger she’d obtained lay discarded on the floor beside him and she snatched it up. With a snap, she readied him for what was coming. But instead of striking him immediately, she slid the strands over his back and his ass. He shivered and goose bumps appeared on his skin. A flick of her wrist and the strands slapped against his ass. Again, she struck him. He thrust his hips forward and arched his back. Over and over, she whacked the strands against his skin. God, his reddened skin was sexy. His cock bobbed as he threw his head back from pleasure. She increased the speed of her strikes until he moaned a long keening cry. Then, with practiced ease, she stopped and thrust two fingers into his anus and slammed into that spot within.

  Sweat gathered on his brow and she could tell he held back. For her. She leaned near his head, her fingers still jammed into his ass. “Come for me, Christian,” she whispered.

  He exploded, his come hitting the floor with a dripping sound, the smell hot and musky. The muscles around her fingers tightened and squeezed. His hips thrust faster as he continued to come in a long contraction. Then his head dropped and he panted for breath.

  She removed her fingers slowly and carefully and picked up the flogger and the glove. The scent of his come was overpowering and erotic. It would fuel her fantasy tonight as she used a vibrator on her aching pussy. She twined her fingers in his hair with her free hand and yanked his head back. “I will be here tomorrow night. Present yourself if you wish.” Her fingers shook as she unhooked the collar from around his neck. His skin was warm with sweat and she longed to lick each bead away, but the show was over.

  With difficulty, she walked away. It was then she noticed every patron in the place had been watching them. Women still had their fingers pressed to their clits. Men held limp members in their sticky hands. The mixed smell of many wafted in the air. Pamela blinked, stepped to the counter to drop off her toys and headed for the door.


  What the fuck just happened? Chris was still on all fours in the middle of the cage. When the woman had approached him, he couldn’t believe his luck. She was tall with long dark straight hair he thought might be a wig and intense brown eyes that saw more than he wanted them to.

  On a whim, for Christmas, he’d renewed his club membership at The Cage even though he didn’t like the crowded scene all that much. Work had been stressful. As a security consultant with big-name computer businesses as clients, he didn’t have much time to relax. The Cage was supposed to help him with that. What a shock to find that release and yet still be keyed up. All because a woman had shattered his resistance. His legs trembled as he staggered to his feet.

  In the ten years he’d been in the lifestyle he’d been both top and bottom, enjoying both as a pathway to pleasure. But no submissive had ever made him feel as powerful as being a submissive to her had felt tonight. Those moments he’d known his submission had made her wet had given him a rush of adrenaline. Her smell was on his neck. She’d marked him with her scent and the collar she’d placed on him. He rubbed his neck and pulled up his pants.

  Abstractly, he understood the energy exchange. He was aware of it between two players, but he had never experienced it. As a top, he didn’t get the same pleasure from submission that other Dominants did. As a bottom, it was the pain that turned him on.

  Until tonight.

  He waved off one of the club’s guardians and stood on shaky knees. Jesus, he felt like he’d been sucked dry. It took a few moments for his system to level and he gathered his belongings from a cubby near the front of the club. He stumbled toward the door and to his car. The woman had stripped him of his control, his ability to think, so fast he’d been hers before his knees hit the floor.

  Tomorrow night. His heart thumped. His thoughts whirled out of control as he fumbled with his keys. All his life he’d been aware of something missing, something different about his needs. He’d wandered into the lifestyle with some idea that he’d find the answer to the emptiness that filled him. Pain seemed to be the thing he needed, but even that seemed…incomplete.

  Until tonight.

  The fact that being submissive might be his path to wholeness rattled him. He drove through the slashing winter rain, negotiating the heavy San Francisco traffic, and his heartbeat slowed a little. It must have been a fluke, just the holidays fucking with his head. That was it. He slid into his parking garage, climbed into the elevator and leaned against the wall. He wasn’t going back. Now that his brain had the blood back in it instead of down in his nether regions, he saw the stupidity of going back. He was no submissive.

  Was he?

  Chapter Two

  One more check to his watch and Chris knew his client would guess he was in a hurry. The suit turned another page of security concerns and droned on. Finally, the man wrapped it up. Chris shook the client’s hand and smiled. “I’m sure I can address all your issues, Mr. Wrayburn.”

  “You come highly recommended, Mr. Nolan.” The suit didn’t smile and his hand was limp as spaghetti. “When can we expect your estimate?”

  “I’ll fax it to you tomorrow morning.” He practically shoved the man out of his office. He whipped through his final paperwork and grabbed his duffle bag as he sprinted for the elevator. He tapped his foot impatiently as the car seemed to drag down the fifteen floors to the street.

  The sun dipped below the fog line as evening lengthened. The rain storm had cleared and warm air dragged the fog into the San Francisco bay and covered the streets with an eerie otherworldliness. Chris took a moment to enjoy the fog. He loved the way the air was heavy with moisture and the wispy blanket hid the buildings like blurry paintings.

  A sleepless night filled with erotic fantasies of his Mistress had ended finally with the grey morning. All thoughts of not going to the club, of not meeting the mysterious Domme again had fled when the muted morning light had peeked through the fog and streamed through his window. Even though he’d sported a huge morning erection, he’d left it hard and yearning as he showered and dressed. But as he’d pushed through the glass doors of his office building he had determined he wasn’t going to be on his knees for the mysterious Dominant again. The club was only a short distance from his office, so he’d parked his car in the club’s lot and walked to work. Of course, he changed his mind three or four times while he walked.

  All day long he’d gone back and forth about what he would do after work. But as the day waned he couldn’t stop the sexual anticipation that had little to do with the fact that the woman had a body to drool over. He wanted the flogger, the boot on his body, the pussy bearing down on his neck. None of that had to do with her well-formed thighs or her sexy cleft where her pussy soaked her pants. And those eyes, demanding, chocolate brown, intense. They haunted him as the day ended.

  He reached the club in record time and out of breath. When he entered, Dominique’s amused gaze swept over him. “She’s not here yet.”

  “May I please have my collar?” he asked as he kept his gaze lowered. Dominique was a Dominant who didn’t demand respect but commanded it.

  “My, my. How long have you been coming here, Chris?”

  “Ten years, Mistress.”

  “That long?” She sounded surprised. “Yet, no one has collared you for more than a night?

  “No, Mistress.”

  She laid the collar on the counter, but when he grasped it her hand clutched his. “Look at me, Chris.” His gaze jerked to her face. A frown creased her brow. “I’ve watched you. You’ve always kept it light. I assumed you were playing here for your own reasons.” Her blue eyes glittered dangerously. “But what I saw last night was serious. Had you not been a member I would have interfered.” She released his hand. “Mistress Dane comes highly recommended to us, but I don’t know her. You need to be careful, Chris. As far as I know Mistress Dane plays by the rules, but she’s very intense. If you’re looking to keep it light she’s not the one for you.”

  A mixture of fear that Dominique would rip him from his Domme and gratitude she would w
ant to protect him made him stumble over his words. “I-I-please, Mistress, I had no intention of—”

  He didn’t know how to say what he needed to say.

  Her face wore a thoughtful frown. “I’m going to recommend to Mistress Dane that she keeps your sessions public.”

  He bowed his head and nodded. “Yes, Mistress.”

  She snorted. “You say the word, but you don’t mean it. With her the word Mistress meant something, didn’t it?”

  Confusion, fear and anticipation all rocketed through him. He gazed at Dominique and some of his jumbled emotions must have shown. She shook her head slowly. “You are in for a rough ride.” She turned abruptly and slipped into her office.

  “You’re still clothed,” a husky voice he knew like his own sounded behind him.

  He whirled around and immediately lowered his gaze to her boots. “Yes, Mistress.” Shit. Dominique was right. His voice sounded different, huskier, more intense, when he said “Mistress” to this woman.

  “Fix it,” she snapped.

  He didn’t hesitate. With quick, economic movements, he slipped off his shoes and removed his jacket and his shirt. His hands fumbled with his belt and she stopped him with her fingers. “Leave that. Pick up your things.”

  She ran her nails over his back when he bent down to retrieve his clothes and he gasped. He smelled her arousal and knew his instant obedience had turned her on. His hands itched to stroke her skin, touch her breasts, lick her clit. Never in his life had he wanted—no, needed—a woman so much.

  “Put your clothes there.” She pointed to the cubbies on a wall beside the cage. He complied and stood barefoot, bare-chested in front of her. She was dressed differently tonight. The corset was replaced with a leather vest with loose ties that gave him a tantalizing view of her tits. A tight leather skirt reached just above her knees and pantyhose covered her perfect thighs. He desperately wanted to delve in the dark recesses beneath the hem and see what secrets she held there.

  “Crawl.” Her demand was issued in a hard, tense voice.

  Again with the crawling. Okay, he knew some Dominants liked to make their submissives crawl, but with Mistress Dane it seemed like a test. What the fuck was that all about? Even as his mind questioned it, he dropped on all fours and lifted the collar up to her. For a moment, she didn’t take it, but then her fingers slipped it from his fingers and wrapped it around his neck. The spikes dug into his skin and pain arced through him. But the way it hugged him, the way it smelled of her, kept his cock hard as steel.

  She tugged on his collar and he crawled behind her, the temptation of her ass driving him wild. His mouth watered and his dick swelled. God, she was fantastic. The sway of her hips, the confidence of her gait, everything.

  A man stepped out from the shadows. His hooded gaze took them both in and Chris tightened his lips, though he was careful to keep his head down. He’d seen this man before. The guy was a submissive, but one who enjoyed fucking with female Dommes. And not in a good way. He just didn’t get away with it at The Cage Club.

  “Mistress, I present myself.” He bowed. Chris held his breath. Another man in the mix wouldn’t do much for him, though he wouldn’t object if she wanted it.

  “I thank you, but I like to concentrate on one submissive at a time.” Her voice was cautious.

  “He’s no submissive,” the man sneered at her.

  Big mistake, dude. Chris, in tune with her to a frightening degree, felt rage come off her in waves.

  She snapped her fingers and Chris crawled closer. She stared at the intruder. “For me he’s a submissive. I’m well aware it’s not his usual choice but he’s been completely appropriate for me. Unlike you. It’s interesting that you would sneer at him.” She cocked her head to the side. “Perhaps you envy his ability to be both and neither?”

  Rage suffused the other man’s face. “I wish you luck. Perhaps he can train you.”

  Christian snuck a glance at her face. She raised her eyebrows. “I assure you, I learn from all those I play. Perhaps that’s a practice you could try.” She tugged on his collar and they drifted away.

  The cage had few patrons and she led him to the center again. She removed his belt on his pants and whipped it out. “Sit up on your haunches.”

  He sat up and she manacled his wrists behind his back with the belt. She cinched it so tightly it bit into his skin, but that only made him hotter. She ran her nails across his skin and his muscles jumped. She faced him. “I’m going to see how well you follow instructions tonight.”

  Behind her the crowd had grown. A strange quiet flowed through them. The mesmerizing music that was in the background drifted around them like an accompanying soundtrack. It was moody and intense. A fitting soundtrack for tonight.

  Chris’s gaze focused on a small gap in the front of her vest where the ties were loosely bound together. The valley between her breasts was shadowed and the heady perfume of female arousal reached his nostrils. His stillness would communicate to her that he waited for her instruction, her desire.

  For the first time in his life the energy he’d heard others talk about and seen others experience lifted him. Both power and helplessness combined inside him and expanded. Once he’d heard a woman describe something called “subspace”. It was a word bandied around BDSM clubs, but she actually gave it description. Her voice floated through his mind now. It’s as if the whole universe is in my hands, but I can release it because someone else will cradle it for me. It’s both strength and weakness, everything and nothingness. It is the moment of birth and it feels like death. In this moment, with his hands bound and this woman towering over him, the words came back to haunt him. Now he understood them. There wasn’t anything he wouldn’t do for her, his Mistress.

  She lifted her booted foot and dug the heel into his shoulder as she balanced on one foot and then hooked her leg around his neck. Her hand dug in his scalp and tugged until his nose was buried in her sweet-smelling crotch beneath her leather skirt. He inhaled, desperate to taste her, touch her. But when his tongue flicked out, she smacked his cheek with her other hand. “I did not give you permission, Christian.” He shuddered as she said his full name. From her lips it was sexy and hot.

  Her leg dropped back to the floor. “You will remove my panties using your teeth. No other touching.”

  Sweat broke out on his brow as he scooted on his knees to thrust his head under the hem of her skirt. He managed to get his teeth on the material but almost lost his balance when his mouth got a taste of her essence. As he slid the panties down her legs, she raked her nails over his back and he almost came in his pants.

  As it was, his cock leaked and a wet spot showed on the front of his pants. He dragged her underwear over her boots and she lifted one foot and then the other. Awkwardly, he struggled to straighten. With her thong in his teeth, he tipped his chin to present them to her. She wadded them up and managed to shove them closer to his nose before she tossed them aside. Again, her leg rose and her heel pressed on the side of his neck, pushing him down until his nose was against the floor.

  The snap of a flogger penetrated his senses and his cock strained. He was going to explode. With a long inhalation, he tried to get control. For once, he wanted to come for someone else. All those other times he’d been a submissive he’d gone through the motions of obedience, but this was the first time obedience was part of the sexual experience for him. It was odd to consider this as his nose was pressed into the floor.

  Controlled blows to his back added to the smell of his come and her arousal, and his cock hurt from holding back. As she whipped him, he rotated his hips as if he was fucking the floor. Only his determination held back his orgasm.

  When he didn’t think he could take anymore without coming all over himself, she stopped. “Excellent, Christian.” She stepped in front of him and hooked her leg around his neck again. “Now, lick me until I come. Give these patrons a good show.” Her voice rolled over him. He trembled a little when she lifted her skirt so ever
yone could see him work her clit. Though he was eager, he savored the moment. Her scent was enough to send his cock into overdrive, but he wanted to please her, make her come. He ran his tongue on the inside of her thigh and worked his way toward his ultimate goal. She was pink, perfect, throbbing. He noted how her hood quivered over her erect nub. His breath blew out over her skin and she sighed. He ran his tongue slowly from her weeping hole to her clit, tasting her cream. Nothing could be better. She was salty and sweet with a tangy flavor that was uniquely her.

  He flicked the tip of his tongue over her clit in a rhythmic and fast touch. Her thighs quivered and he increased the pressure and the speed. When she appeared close to flying over the edge, he sucked her clit in his mouth and scraped her sensitive flesh with his teeth. She moaned and suddenly exploded in his mouth. It was like a waterfall of heavenly liquid. He groaned as he licked each drop, enjoying the taste and the smell.

  She ran her hand through his hair in a slow, tight circle as she thrust in his mouth and her orgasm went on and on. He glanced up and the sight almost made him spurt all over. Her dark hair was thrown back like a curtain down her back, her eyes were closed and her face was suffused with intense pleasure. It was absolutely beautiful, spiritual. He couldn’t describe his own incredible joy at her expression of pleasure.

  She glanced down at him and her chocolate brown eyes studied him. “Very good.” She backed away from him slowly. “And you didn’t come. You are a treasure.” She smiled faintly. He dropped his gaze in subservience. Why didn’t he beg her to let him come?

  Because if he walked away tonight with a fucking hard-on, it still would be the most amazing sexual experience he’d ever had. His thoughts were spinning, confused, blurry. He didn’t understand it, but he didn’t care.


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