It All Started With a Lima Bean

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It All Started With a Lima Bean Page 13

by Kimi Flores

  “It’s beautiful. I’ve never felt so much peace before. I see why you enjoy surfing. Well, maybe not the actual surfing and eating it part, but this part for sure.” Abby closed her eyes and inhaled the salty air deep in her lungs. He, on the other hand, couldn’t take his eyes off her.

  “I love it out here. I don’t know what I would have done without this.” He raised both arms and motioned all around them once she opened her eyes. “After Rene died…” He looked down, not sure when he was supposed to talk about her. This was all too new for him. When exactly do you talk about your dead wife to the girl you have your eye on? “I’m sorry. That is such an uncomfortable subject.”

  “I’m fine talking about her if you are. She was obviously a vital part of your life and Madison’s. I’d love to listen to anything you would like to share. Where did you meet?”

  Looking up to see if she honestly was interested or just being courteous, he saw that she was eager to know. “We met in college. I found myself headed down the wrong path, and she took the time to help me turn around. Putting aside the fact that she was my wife, she was one of the most incredible people you could ever have known. She saw the good in everyone. There were many times I wondered why she even gave me the time of day.”

  “I’m sure she felt lucky to have you as well.” Abby leaned a bit forward so she could grab onto the sides of the board in front of her.

  “Maybe, but not at first. I was the kind of guy that you don’t take home to your parents, but she patiently waited for me to change. There are so many things I am thankful for that she did for me, but that is one of the biggies.

  She made me strong enough to stand up to my family, as well. It was expected that after my cousins and I all graduated from Cambridge, we would work at our fathers’ law firm, and then take over someday. Instead, I found a love of writing while still in school, and Rene encouraged me to explore it. I sold my first couple of novels while in college. That’s how I paid for my tuition after I told my father I didn’t want to be a lawyer, and he cut me off financially.” He remembered how pissed off his father and uncle had been.

  “I didn’t realize you were going to be a lawyer, but it makes sense because you are so knowledgeable about the law in your books. What a great opportunity to have someone in your life that encouraged you not only to follow your dreams, but also to support you along the way. She must have learned that from her parents. They are some amazing people. When did you finally meet them?”

  “She insisted I meet them before she would date me. They are amazing, but I couldn’t imagine Madison bringing someone like the old me home.” Caleb would beat any son of a bitch that tried to take advantage of his daughter. Just the thought of it burned like acid pouring straight down his throat.

  “How long has she been gone?” Although she stared intently at him, seeming genuinely interested in everything he had to say, she almost looked as though she was afraid she was meddling. But he would answer any of her questions.

  Looking out to the horizon, he answered with a constricting pain in his chest. “Four years. She died right after Madison’s first birthday. Not one single day passes that I don’t wish she was still here.” He spoke the last bit more to himself. “After she passed, her parents were my rock. They, as well as my cousins Stefen and Bri, helped take care of Madison when I just couldn’t get out of bed. I started surfing again and felt better. Something about being out here is so soothing. After about six months, I threw myself into writing again and published six books that year. I don’t think they were my best, but for some reason, a couple of them are favorites for a lot of my fans.”

  “Are any in the Unlawful Encounters series? Those are what I’ve read, and I thought they were fantastic.”

  Taking a deep breath, he figured now was an appropriate time to bring up something he’d wanted to ask her after they had replanted Madison’s lima bean last weekend. “Yeah, I actually have a meeting with a production company that wants to make them into movies.”

  “They would be fantastic movies. You know when you read a book, and can tell if they would be good movies or not? Well, those would certainly be awesome.” She smiled brightly again. Boy, she really did like reading.

  “The meeting is next week on Saturday in L.A. I hate driving in traffic so I’d planned to leave Friday before rush hour, and then come back on either Saturday or Sunday. The production company is covering the hotel cost. I have two rooms, but my manager isn’t interested in staying.” He was really nervous now. This was a big deal to ask. “I’d rather not drive by myself. Would you like to join me?”

  Abby looked dazed, her mouth open, and everything.

  “Like I said, you would have your own room. We could go out to dinner on Friday, and then come home after my morning meeting, or we could stay another night, and then come home on Sunday.” Crap. What if he’d just put himself out there and she said no?

  “That’s a generous offer Caleb. I’d love to go to L.A. It’s been a while since I’ve been there. Can I think about it, and get back to you?” She bit her lower lip, and he knew this translated to ‘Let me ask my best friend if she thinks I’m crazy for going out of town with you.’

  “Of course. Just let me know in a couple of days so I can have them reserve the right amount of rooms.” This was good. She wasn’t a jump in by the seat of her pants kind of girl, and he appreciated that. Plus, she didn’t say no. Her stomach started to rumble. “Let’s head back; sounds like we need to feed you.” Then she did it again. She giggled. He was falling in love with that sound. Wait… falling in love? No, he was really enjoying that sound.

  Abby didn’t enjoy the weekly teachers’ meetings she was required to attend every Wednesday afternoon, but it sure beat the ones they used to have after school on Fridays. The staff agreed as a whole, at the beginning of the year that they would much rather give up an hour and a half midweek so that they could enjoy their half-day schedule on Fridays. She plated some fruit and a croissant that the parents so graciously provide for them each week, and then took her seat between her co-teacher Melissa, and one of the sixth grade teachers, Sofie. Abby was convinced that Sofie was on staff for the benefit of the men who worked there. She wore tight skirts, heels, and silk blouses every day. What teacher dressed like that? The poor prepubescent sixth grade boys probably struggled through their days just to concentrate on their work.

  Moving her jet-black bobbed hair behind her ear, Sofie moved in closer to Abby. “So are all the rumors true?”

  “What rumors?” Abby placed a forkful of fruit into her mouth.

  “Don’t play coy Abby, the rumors about you and Caleb Hunter.”

  Coughing as the juice from the fruit she’d just placed into her mouth shot down her throat, Abby looked wide-eyed at the sex kitten sitting next to her. “What?”

  “There is talk going around. I of course, am curious because there’s been similar talk about me many times.” Sofie had her legs crossed, and the heel that was currently hovering at the top started swinging up and down, showing how intrigued and eager she was to hear Abby’s answer.

  “Well I don’t know why. We are friends. Can I not have friends outside of school?”

  Man. This was going to suck. She really liked Caleb, and now she was about to go away for the weekend with him. She didn’t want to deny their relationship, but there actually wasn’t a relationship yet.

  “Not hot father friends that the Power Mama’s are obsessed with. I’m telling you this as a friend. I know a lot about catty women. Either back away from him, or cover your tracks better. These moms have their claws exposed and are out for blood. Most of them have been trying to get him to pay attention to them since school started. Even I have noticed that. You can’t blame them though because he is one magnificent looking man.”

  Abby did not consider this woman her friend, but imagined she knew what she was talking about. Abby had also seen the numerous attempts that several of the power moms had made to gain his attention. A couple o
f them were even married. They acted almost as though they were in competition with each other. Those kinds of women gave all women a bad name.

  “Thanks Sofie. At this point, Caleb and I really are just friends.” They may always be friends, so she didn’t want to fret over something that hadn’t even happened.

  “Well I’m rooting for you, Sugar. Just know that you have to watch your back especially since they know you’re the one who got them thrown off the school campus on Halloween. Those women are vicious.” Abby knew Sofie had had her own experience with these women when she’d first started teaching. Quite a few fathers were suddenly interested in helping out in Sofie’s classroom and not long after, rumors about her started. As much as Abby tried to avoid paying any attention to the gossip that circulated, unfortunately, she’d heard them anyway.

  “Thanks Sofie.” Abby offered a smile but felt like this might just be the calm before the storm for her.

  “I still don’t see why you didn’t tell him yes when he asked. Granted, you finally did get around to it, but still?” Leah’s dress glided along her sides as she strolled alongside Abby through the open air mall. For a Thursday night, the place was pretty crowded, forcing them to walk close together so that they could hear each other over the noise and chatter.

  “I knew you were going to say that. I didn’t want to seem desperate. I really like him. I’m afraid of messing it all up by seeming too eager.” Abby pointed out.

  “He’s been out of the game for a long time. He wouldn’t think you were desperate by saying yes when he asks a question.” Leah stopped and gave her a ‘Hello, isn’t it obvious’ look.

  They’d already passed by several restaurants and shops that caught Abby’s attention, but this was not her favorite place to hang out. Unlike Leah, Abby did not enjoy shopping outside of antiquing. She especially did not like shopping from November to January. They’d just finished celebrating Halloween the prior week, and Christmas decor adorned everything in this mall. The decorations actually started making their way all over downtown Santa Barbara in late October. That just seemed a bit much to her.

  She did have to admit that it was a beautiful evening to be outdoors, and once Leah got her shopping bug out of the way, they’d be able to go to dinner. That was definitely something to look forward to. A salesman from one of the kiosks suddenly sprang in front of them, ready to squirt whatever lotion he was trying to sell that would change their lives. Leah was not having any of that. “Uh uh buddy. Do not spew that crap on either one of us. We are not buying it.” They both hated when that happened.

  Recovered from the harassment, Abby said. “I know, but I’m freaked out about the rumors going around about us. What if he hears about them and it scares him off?” She looked down at her jean capris and familiar canvas shoe covered feet, wallowing in her thoughts, scared Leah was going to tell her off for thinking like that.

  “He doesn’t associate with the power bitches so how would he hear about what they are saying?”

  “I still don’t need that added drama at work though, regardless if he hears or not. Ugh, I don’t know if this is even worth it. I should just tell him that I can’t go after all.”

  “Don’t you dare. You already looked up the policies, and there is nothing in there about parent/teacher relations. You have already told him you were going. Do not let this man slip through your fingers. He is one of the good guys, and you deserve him.” Leah pleaded with her friend.

  “Well I don’t know about deserving him but yeah, I agree; he is one of the good guys.” Abby took another look her surroundings. “I hate the mall; how did I let you talk me into this?” She pouted.

  “Nice subject change, but if I can go to all those stinky antique shops with you, you can certainly brave coming to the mall with me. Let’s go in here.” Leah headed into the popular lingerie shop.

  “Of course. If I’m shopping with you, I should know that the panty store is on the agenda.” She grumbled and shuffled her feet. Those canvas shoes didn’t offer the sound effect she’d hoped for, especially outdoors.

  “This isn’t for me this time. You need new underwear my friend. Those granny panties of yours have got to go. I need therapy after seeing the contents of your drawer that one night. What twenty-five year old woman wears those kinds of panties?” Leah actually looked offended. Why would Abby’s choice of underwear offend her?

  “They’re comfortable. I don’t want anything else.” It was much easier to go into those large warehouse type stores, and grab an eight pack of undies than to come into these stores that had a drawer for each style and color of underwear. She liked her comfy old faithful white cotton briefs.

  “You are about to spend a weekend with a gorgeous man. Believe me; you don’t want to be wearing those oversized chonies when you have a man.”

  “I’m not letting any man near my chonies, so you don’t need to worry about that.” Abby assured her.

  “Good. You shouldn’t, but just knowing you are wearing pretty ones is truly empowering. Trust me. It will help build your confidence.”

  Was she serious? “Underwear will change my confidence level? You have got to be kidding me. I’ve never heard of such a thing.” Now Abby looked offended, and noticed the sales girls starting to gather around them as if they knew what she wore under her clothes. Wait, could they see the elastic band showing above her capris? She felt between her top and bottom. Nope. Not this time at least.

  “That’s because you wear ugly ones. Come on, let’s get you set up.” Leah turned to the girls waiting to help them. “Panty emergency. Show us all the pretty, non-thongs you have.” Well at least she spared her a little embarrassment.

  After Leah felt satisfied that she had solved Abby’s panty debacle, they left the store and headed over to the chain restaurant located at the end of the mall. This one served soup, salad, pasta dishes, and incredible specialty pizzas. She couldn’t wait to bite into her favorite vegetarian pizza covered in several types of cheese and various vegetables.

  About halfway through the mall, she noticed a familiar smiling face walking toward them, and she cringed. Quickly, she looked around for a shop she might be able to hide in for a moment. She really loved living in Santa Barbara, but you couldn’t go out of your front door without running into someone you knew. Normally she would have loved running into him, but not while carrying the bag she currently had in her hand.

  As she heard Caleb’s deep voice addressing her, she realized it was too late, and her opportunity to escape had past. “Hey Abby. Hey Leah. Are you eating or shopping this evening? Did you find anything interesting?” He glanced down toward the bags the girls were holding.

  Abby felt her cheeks heat as she discreetly hid the hot pink lingerie bag behind her back and hoped it was out sight. No way was she telling him what they had found that was interesting. She knew what he would probably think; it insinuated she was buying sexy lingerie before their weekend away together.

  The motion of hiding her purchase only drew more attention to it as his eyes zeroed in on the bag. It felt as if it had a neon sign flashing and pointing, saying, ‘Sexy underwear. She has sexy underwear in this bag.’

  “This is Leah’s,” Abby blurted, shoving the bag into Leah’s arms, and fumbling to untwist the string handles from around her fingers.

  Caleb looked at the label across the front of the bag, and then snapped his eyes back to Abby. His eyes had darkened, and she was trapped in his lustful gaze. Oh my!

  Leah’s all-knowing voice broke through their trance. “Looks like you got some new cologne from the department store, Caleb.” They both turned to find Leah smirking and looking at the bag that he held at his side. From the corner of her eye, she saw Caleb winking at Leah in response.

  Heat now flushed through her whole body, and she looked back down to her feet to conceal it from their view. She really needed to learn to control it, or at the very least mask the emotions that showed all over her face whenever he was around. Maybe these new un-
granny panties were a brilliant idea after all because she could use all the extra confidence she could get around him.

  “We were actually just heading home. I’m really tired, and need to get all the rest I can for this weekend.” Abby looked surprised by her own words. “I mean, I don’t want to be tired, and knock out on you during our drive tomorrow.” Caleb watched her as she spoke, and then looked at her mouth as he’d done so many times before. He was slowly killing her every time he did that.

  “Oh? I thought we were going to eat some pizza over there.” Leah pointed toward the restaurant with the hand holding Abby’s pink bag. It dangled from her wrist in the air for all to see. Leah was really enjoying herself during this humiliating interaction.

  “No, I really just want to head home now,” Abby said between gritted teeth to this best friend of hers that was going to get it.

  “Okay, well I won’t keep you then.” Caleb looked at Leah and then turned toward Abby. “I’ll pick you up at 3:00 tomorrow if that still works for you.”

  Abby bit her lower lip and slightly rocked her hips back and forth. “Uh huh, sounds good.”

  “Okay, I’ll see you tomorrow then. Bye ladies.” He raised his hand then turned to walk into another shop.

  Once he was out of sight, Abby decided it was the perfect time to smack Leah’s shoulder.

  “Ow. What the hell was that for?”

  “Are you kidding me? That was so embarrassing. I don’t want to eat with him and our underwear bags. You practically swung them under his face.”

  “Calm down. Everyone wears underwear. You have to buy them at some point.”

  “Yeah, but merchandise from this particular store could insinuate that there was something a little more scandalous in the bag.” Abby pointed to the sack now dangling from Leah’s fingertips.


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