It All Started With a Lima Bean

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It All Started With a Lima Bean Page 18

by Kimi Flores

  Stefen started with the banter as soon as he’d joined Caleb in the large sterile-looking room. “Why didn’t you bring this woman that has you acting like such a chick?”

  “She’s with her best friend’s family. Honestly, I’m okay with it now that I’m here and remember what it’s like. I don’t want to scare her off. I’d rather have a stronger commitment from her before bringing her home to meet you.” Immediately, Caleb punched his cousin in the arm. Surprised it had even taken that long for one of them to hit the other, Caleb prided himself for doing it first.

  “Ow, you prick. You’re going to leave a bruise.” Stefen rubbed his bicep before smirking.

  “Pansy ass.” They loved messing with each other the way only guys could.

  “Are you afraid I’d steal her from you? I AM the handsome one after all.” Stefen ran his fingers down his chiseled scruff-covered jawline while lifting one of his well-groomed eyebrows above his hazel eyes.

  “With your ego? Hell no. My girl would never give you a second glance. YOU and your high maintenance looks are not her type.” Caleb felt confident about Abby. Her beautiful blue eyes would not even give his cousin a momentary look, even if Stefen did resemble a male underwear model.

  “What the hell does that mean? I’m every woman’s type. I’m flexible like that.” Damn, his little cousin was arrogant. It was fun teasing him, but Caleb was also bothered. He really wished Stefen would wise up, see what life was really about, and stop living the pompous facade they grew up in. Staring absently at the chandelier hanging from the ceiling by the entryway, Caleb let out an exasperated breath. This same long-standing argument with his cousin was getting old.

  Moving forward a bit, Caleb peered around his cousin toward the nearby dining room, and spotted his overly made-up mom and aunt sneering at each other past their wine glasses, same as usual. You’d never guess now that they had actually been best friends at one point in time. Caleb imagined that their fathers were in the office talking business. He expected the summons for Stefen to join them soon. Yep, this was their typical Thanksgiving gathering.

  Sitting back into the unpleasant couch, Caleb inquired, “So what ever happened to that sweet innocent girl you were going out with the last time we talked.”

  “I’m done with her. Let’s just say that she’s not so innocent anymore.” Stefen wiggled his eyebrows. Un-freaking-believable.

  “You are an absolute asshole; you know that right?” He snorted at the absurd attitude someone who was meant to be a grown professional would have. Caleb couldn’t believe Stefen was still playing the same games they’d perfected during college. He imagined his cousin did very well with women since he did have a successful career, a crap load of money, charisma, and yeah, Caleb could admit, devilishly good looks. His sense of superiority was ridiculous though.

  “Yeah but I don’t really give a damn. I didn’t force her to be there. She was free to leave whenever she wanted. I never lied to her. She knew what the deal was.” Stefen defended his actions to Caleb, confident in his stance and his words.

  “Despite what you want other people think of you, I really do have hope. One day, I promise you are going to meet THAT girl, and you are going to have to change. You will hate every stupid decision you made in the past, and will wish you had made better choices.”

  “You keep those false hopes. I’m not you, and that’s not what I want. I enjoy having many women in my life. No woman has ever stood a chance of being asked to eat breakfast with me, let alone have enough influence to make me regret any of my choices. It’s never going to happen.”

  Caleb stood up with his arms crossed over his chest. Looking down at his still seated cousin, he shook his head, fed up with this chauvinistic viewpoint.

  “Not everything is about you. Have you considered the fact that the women you take home may not want what you have to offer?” He knew Stefen would never force a girl into anything but worried he might use his womanizing skills to confuse them long enough to do things they would regret later.

  Trying to match Caleb’s stance but failing, since, unlike his cousin, he was less than six feet tall, Stefen stood up and pointed to himself. “Please. Look at me. Women fall all over each other to get to me.”

  “You are so damn arrogant, I swear Stefen. I’m not even talking about your looks. Those can only take you so far. I’m talking about what you bring to the table. What if a woman really doesn’t want to have sex? With you or anyone else? What do you do when a woman refuses you?”

  “That’s never happened before, but if it were to happen, there would be plenty of others to choose from.”

  Caleb’s body was starting to vibrate because he was letting himself become upset with Stefen. Things were getting a little heated when Bri entered the room. As usual just her presence around them softened any egotistical attitudes. Although Stefen disrespected other woman, he loved his sister and treated her like royalty. Caleb felt the same; they were all each other’s rocks.

  “What are you guys talking about?” Bri had only been in town for about an hour. She’d flown in from Barcelona where she’d just broken up with yet another boyfriend.

  “Your manwhore brother.” Stefen wasn’t even offended by Caleb’s insult. He just shrugged his shoulders.

  “Ah, so nothing new huh?” Bri did not look surprised in the least.

  “Nope.” Caleb was clearly disappointed by the lives both of his cousins led.

  “So Bri, you’ve flown in on your own?” Stefan changed the topic, concern lacing his voice. She sat down and started fidgeting with the couch’s arm. “Yeah, I broke things off with John just before I left Barcelona.” Stefen dropped beside her and pulled her into a hug. Caleb placed a reassuring hand on her shoulder and squeezed. He really hoped they both would each find someone and settle down soon. He wanted them to experience the true bliss he’d been so blessed to discover.

  Abby sat at the lavishly decorated rectangular table. The dining room was cozy, and scents of Leah’s mom Marie’s extravagant cooking filled the air. “So Leah tells us you are dating that gentleman from Leticia’s wedding, Sweetie he is so handsome. Muy Guapo. Congratulations.” Maria gushed, her whole face lighting up.

  “Yeah it’s only been a couple of weeks, but I really like him.” Unable to contain the smile that broke out on her face, Abby cherished talking about him.

  “Stop pretending Amiga. Your words do not match the little twinkle in your eye.” Leah made a gesture by her eye as though it was sparkling, then patted Abby’s forearm. “Mama, this girl right here has found the man of every woman’s dreams, and she is in love with him.”

  Abby couldn’t hold in her nervous little laugh nor could she deny what her friend just announced to the Thanksgiving dinner table.

  “Oh Mija I’m so happy for you. Abby you are like one of my girls and seeing you glowing just warms my heart. You are so deserving of a good man.” Maria reached passed Leah, held Abby’s hand, and rubbed the top with her palm.

  Abby chanced a glance at Leah’s oldest sister, Elena, who sat across the table from her, holding a glare. Abby knew that Maria didn’t approve of Elena’s husband, and she imagined this statement probably hurt Elena’s feelings. Elena had never brought a guy home that her family accepted. Her oldest son’s father was never introduced to the family. Once she found out she was pregnant, the sperm donor admitted that he was married. Abby was told that he’d been Elena’s teacher at the University.

  Abby didn’t know too much about the father of Elena’s second child, but thought she was the result of a one-night stand. Her current husband owned his own corporation and worked a lot. He didn’t enjoy spending too much time at home with the family. Abby supposed it might have something to do with the fact that his children were grown adults and these kids were not his. He didn’t join them for Thanksgiving. Abby continued to scan down to the other end of the table where the kids sat, unsociable with earphones in their ears, ignoring everyone around them. Leah bumped Abby’s elbow. />
  “Not your problem. Don’t worry about her.” Man her best friend really could read her like a book. Daniella or as they liked to call her, Dani, their middle sister, sat on the other side of Abby. There were many times that Abby felt as though she was the third sister in this family and not Elena.

  “This turkey is amazing as always, Mama.” Leah praised her mom’s cooking whenever she sat at her dinner table. Leah spoke to Abby. “The original recipe is for gallo en chicha which is basically Coq au vin, but it works well for Thanksgiving turkey, too.” Realizing her mistake, Leah backtracked. “I don’t know why I tell you these things. It’s not like you are ever going to make it.” Then she took another bite of the white meat full of juice on her plate.

  Maria’s boyfriend, Sal asked, “Why wouldn’t you make this Abby? It’s delicious and has become a Thanksgiving staple for us. You can have it at your dinner table when you marry this boyfriend of yours.” Sal winked teasingly. Abby really liked him and thought he was a great man for Maria. Sal had been Leah’s father’s partner on the police force when he was alive so many years ago. Sal’s wife died early on in their marriage as well. Abby was told that their mutual sorrow had brought Sal and Maria together to ultimately heal.

  Across the table, Manuel sat and hadn’t looked at her since Leah proclaimed Abby’s love for Caleb. Manuel must have thought this was a good time to speak his mind. “She’s a vegetarian and apparently nothing at this table is good enough for her.” What the heck was that for? It wasn’t like they’d dated or anything. She had actually considered it when she first met him because he was really good looking, but then he had to go and ruin it by opening his mouth.

  After clearing his throat, Sal took the opportunity to change subjects by standing to make a toast. “I’m so glad everyone was able to make it today. Thanksgiving has always been a special time for us, so I think it is only fitting to finally make an announcement today in front of all of you.” He pulled Maria up to stand next to him. “After all of these years, I finally got up the courage to ask this beautiful woman to become my bride.” Elena started to choke on her food, her face turning a violent shade of red as she struggled to cough up whatever was stuck. Manuel’s chair fell back and banged loudly against the wall as he jumped up and started frantically pounding on Elena’s back.

  “Pendejo, that’s not what you do when someone is choking.” Daniella then shot up and started to help her sister out. Once she was okay, all eyes went back to Sal and Maria.

  “Well Mama?” Leah asked with hopeful eyes.

  Maria threw her hands up in the air as if she was declaring the most obvious thing in the world. A sparkling diamond ring glistened for all to see. “Of course I said yes!”

  Every person at the table jumped up to congratulate the couple, except Elena. It was apparent that her pride was hurt from everyone staring while she coughed up her food. She sat slumped in her chair with her arms crossed tightly across her chest and a frown on her face.

  “There is more though. As you know, Sal is also running for congress, and if he wins, we’ll be moving to Sacramento.”

  “What? When is THIS going to happen? What am I supposed to do?” Elena screeched. She relied on her mother’s help with her kids. Abby cringed and sensed this dinner was about to go from bad to worse.

  “ELENA!” Both Leah and Dani yelled in unison, glaring daggers at her.

  “Don’t you think it’s a coincidence that mom is marrying Papi’s best friend after he died?” All shocked eyes were on Elena and her almost visible fangs. “Were you guys having an affair when Papi was alive, too?”

  Maria’s gasp was audible. “Nina, cómo te atreves! How dare you!”

  “What the hell is wrong with you?” Dani yelled across the table. “Papi has been dead for thirteen years. Can’t you just be happy for Mama?” Elena’s death glare toward her sister would have made another woman back down but not Dani. “Why don’t you leave? The kids can stay.” Dani pointed toward the front door.

  Elena jolted up from the table popping her hip and resting her clenched fist there, an unspoken challenge to her sister. “Are you throwing me out of my mother’s house on Thanksgiving?”

  “No. I am.” Everyone in the room went dead quiet as Leah’s normally soft-spoken mother announced. “You need to leave now and come back when you have an apology young lady.” She silently fumed while Sal held his palm lovingly on her back for support.

  “Fine. Come on kids.” She grabbed and pulled their arms. Neither knew what was going on because they’d sat at the table focused on their video games.

  “Pedo Mami, I haven’t finished my food yet.” Her oldest, Paul said.

  “Well tough shit, let’s go.” She continued to yank at both kids.

  “Do not treat my grandchildren like that.” Maria growled.

  “Fine, you keep them then.” Dropping their arms, Elena stormed around the table and slammed the front door on her way out.

  Abby wished that she wasn’t standing in the middle of the drama. She’d wanted to melt into the chair somehow.

  “She is such a selfish bitch sometimes.” Leah murmured as she sat back down, throwing her napkin onto her half eaten plate.

  “I’m sorry everyone. Please sit, let’s enjoy our meal together. She will blow off some steam; it will be fine.” Maria had so much pain on her face.

  “Well Mami, I don’t care what she said, the rest of us are extremely happy for you guys.” Leah attempted to comfort her mom with her words.

  Sal still stood frozen. “Mi Amor, it’s okay. Sit down.” Maria begged him.

  “Nothing like family drama for the holidays.” Manuel announced. Man Abby was glad she never went out with that guy.

  Abby was glad to be home. She adored going to Leah’s family gatherings, but Elena normally did something to cause issues.

  She threw her things on the coffee table and plopped onto her soft green, cozy couch. Leah understood that she just wanted to be alone the rest of the night. Truthfully, Abby really wanted Caleb to be there with her. She couldn’t believe how much she missed him in the short time they were separated. Her heart ached in his absence.

  Her cell rang just as she was pulling her pajama bottoms on. She hadn’t given him a special ringer or anything but just knew it was Celeb before looking at the caller ID.

  “Hello Handsome.” She purred. Wait, when did she start purring?

  “Hello my lovely lady.” His voice hummed through the earpiece, melting Abby’s heart, sending butterflies fluttering in her belly.

  “What time is it there?”

  “Midnight We got back to Stefen’s a couple of hours ago, and everyone just headed for bed. I couldn’t go to sleep without talking to you first. We have not been apart in almost two weeks.”

  “I was thinking about calling too, but figured you were already asleep. How is my Maddie Girl doing?” Abby picked up the remote control from the couch, tossed it onto the coffee table, then curled up in the corner anticipating his voice answering through her phone.

  “She’s been asleep for the last few hours. Bri has her in the guest room with her. I got stuck on the couch.” He chuckled.

  “Is that why you have the low voice? I thought that was for me.” What was she saying? She wasn’t normally all flirty.

  “Oh, it is for you.” How was it possible for a few words to make her body actually tingle? She started to breathe heavily. “And is the panting for me? Abby, you can’t do that when I’m not there to pull you into my body.” Damn she was about to burst into flames. “Abby? You still there Baby?” His deep voice vibrated through her ear straight to her heart.

  “Stop that, no fair. You are better at this than me.” She was blushing even though he was not there to see it.

  “Better at what? Missing you?”

  Not sure where their conversation was headed, she shyly said, “No, you know, the sexy talk.”

  “This is not sexy talk. I’m saving that for later.” Did she just stop breathing, beca
use she was suddenly lightheaded? He must have heard her lack of breath. “Relax. I’m only teasing. Maybe I spent too much time with Stefen today.” He laughed out loud at that.

  “How was your Thanksgiving?” Needing to change the subject, she was ready to jump on a flight to Chicago to attack him.

  “The usual. Parents arguing, drunken aunt passed out, pissed off uncle because of said drunken aunt. Stefen, Bri and I sitting back, watching it all unfold just like we did when we were kids.”

  “I’m so sorry, where was Madison?”

  “I know better than to subject her to that. I always have the nanny I had growing up, come when we are here so she can spare Madison from the spectacle sure to take place. They ate dinner and went up to the study to read and color. My nanny was more of a mother to me than my real mother was.”

  “You haven’t told me about this before.” There was so much they still had to learn about each other.

  “I know, it’s not something I enjoy talking about. Stefen, Bri and I all grew up with absentee parents. It’s why we are all so close. We had to rely on each other. Our dads were always working or out of town with their girlfriends, and our moms were either fighting with each other, with our dads, or at some type of charity event. You’d never guess they were best friends in college.”

  “They were best friends? What happened?”

  “My mom and dad got pregnant with me, and then were forced to get married. My aunt kind of had a thing for my dad, so it was quite a shock for her I guess, and it’s been crap since.”

  “I couldn’t ever imagine Leah and I fighting over a man.” Abby didn’t understand why girls would throw away their friendships over guys.

  “I hope not. I really like Leah, but I love you, and I am the last guy you will ever have in your life.” Silence. What was she supposed to say to that? “Too soon to make those kind of declarations?”


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