The Tiger's Mate: (Book 12, Grey Wolf Pack Romance Novellas)

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The Tiger's Mate: (Book 12, Grey Wolf Pack Romance Novellas) Page 7

by E A Price

  Acksel looked around at the darkening woods. He could go for a run. His wolf would like that. But his wolf couldn’t exactly be trusted at that moment. He was so het up that he might go on a rampage and leave a trail of dead bunnies from here all the way to Mexico. He could try and get some sleep. His animal snorted. Yeah, he was so restless there was no point in trying.

  He knew the answer. Alcohol. A few beers would dull the pain, and maybe if he was lucky, he might actually pass out. Problem solved.

  Yeah, all his fucking problems would be solved.


  “Beer,” Acksel growled.

  Andy, the bartender, raised an eyebrow. “Don’t you think…”


  “You’ve already had…”

  “I can count.”

  Andy didn’t look like he was going to budge. Acksel sized him up. Andy was a black bear shifter and mated to the Alpha’s sister. Andy was pretty big, Acksel guessed about six-foot-ten. But he was generally good-natured and not prone to violence. Acksel considered that if he wanted to, he could take him. And at that moment, his wolf wanted to – more than anything. His whole life he had been a good man, a good wolf, but now it was like something had snapped.

  He was glaring at the bear when someone slapped him on the back. A growl rattled in his throat as Hans dropped onto a stool next to him.

  “I don’t want company,” Acksel muttered.

  “Yeah, well, I never fucking want company. That never stopped you sticking your fucking snout into my business. So you can fucking suck it up.”

  In spite of himself, a snort of laughter escaped him. “If this is your idea of a pep talk…”

  Hans curled his upper lip. Acksel realized that as angry and miserable as he looked, he could never do it as effortlessly as Hans did. Acksel had to try to be a jackass. Hans was born that way.

  “I’m only here because my mate thinks that I might be able to cheer you up.” Acksel raised his eyebrows and Hans held up his hands in protest. “Hey, I love her, but she’s not always right.”

  “I don’t want to talk; I want another beer.” He eyed the bear again, and his wolf snarled.

  “Thank fuck for that.” Hans nodded at Andy for two beers. Reluctantly, Andy supplied them. Although there seemed to be an unspoken communication that Acksel was now Hans’ problem.

  They drank in silence for a couple of minutes. The silence was swollen like an overinflated balloon and begging for someone to puncture it.

  Surprisingly, Hans did. “Why don’t you just go after her instead of acting like a fuckwit?” Hans really missed his calling as a therapist.

  Acksel shook his head as his beast chuffed at him, wondering the same thing. “She made it clear she didn’t want to be with me; she snuck off in the night.”

  “And you’re letting that stop you? Never thought you’d be a coward.”

  “What? Are you kidding me?” His wolf barked in fury. “When you met Melanie, you spent weeks denying she was your mate. You had one of the sweetest women in the world falling for you and you treated her like crap.”

  He expected an eruption from Hans, but his brother just shrugged. “You think Simone’s your mate.”

  Acksel stared at his beer. “My wolf does.”

  “Then what the fuck? Haven’t you learned anything from my mistakes?”


  “You’re right, I did fuck up with Melanie, and I was just damned lucky that I didn’t lose her. I just wish I’d had someone to tell me I was acting like a shit for brains moron. Might have saved a lot of heartache for her.”

  Acksel actually chuckled. He’d been trying to talk sense into his brother for years. “Like you would have listened.”

  “You’re acting like a dick. You need to go after her,” said Hans, ignoring him. “If not for your sake, then for your enforcers. It comes to something when they actually come to me for help.” He actually sounded offended by that.

  “I don’t even know her last name.”

  “You slept with her without even knowing her last name?”

  “Seriously? You used to sleep with women without even knowing their first name. And I didn’t actually think she’d run away before I got the chance to ask. Unlike you, women never run from me.”

  Hans smiled, baring a lot of sharp teeth. “Until now.”

  Acksel punched his brother’s arm. Hans stumbled a little, but it didn’t seem to bother him. “Man, you must be mad. You didn’t even do that when I was eighteen, and I wrecked our car. Remember that? We spent months restoring that thing, and it took me an hour to ruin it.”

  “Think of the punch as a build up of all the bad things you’ve done to me over the years.”

  “So you’re going to take my advice?”

  “Maybe,” he muttered.

  “You better. I can’t stand having you act like me.”

  “Yeah, there should only be one asshole in every family.”

  “Damn straight. Position’s already taken.”

  Chapter Twelve

  Simone sighed as she watched the mating ceremony taking place in front of her. It was Lauren and Carrick’s big day. Lauren looked green. Carrick looked big and intimidating. The Alpha looked pleased. He was the only one who did, except for Lauren’s parents. Their eyes were practically bulging with dollar signs. Being related to Carrick was going to be very fruitful for them.

  Her tiger let out a plaintive cry. It had been more than four days since she’d left Acksel. Barely a moment had passed when she hadn’t pictured his handsome face or remembered the way he had touched her, the pleasure he’d given her… Her body felt tight and itchy. She’d tried to bring herself to release with her own fingers, but it wasn’t the same.

  She wondered what Acksel was doing at that moment. He was probably enjoying himself. He’d probably met another female already. Probably a blonde wolf shifter, who didn’t have issues and wouldn’t seduce him and run off in the middle of the night. Lord how she hated that imaginary bitch! Simone breathed in and out, soothing her beast and forcing her claws back into her fingers.

  The Alpha wrapped the binding cord around Carrick’s and Lauren’s hands. Even curvy Lauren looked tiny next to the huge male. Simone felt a twinge of sympathy for the young tigress, but she considered that Carrick wasn’t that bad. A lesser tiger would have told the Alpha about her indiscretion, or more likely in this pride would have tried to blackmail her. Carrick didn’t seem inclined to do either, for which she was grateful.

  It had been a quiet few days. The tension between her and Parker had been fraught, and they had taken to avoiding one another. It was preferable to actually talking. Her mother had come home. She hadn’t been allowed to fetch her, and since she didn’t have a car anymore, she couldn’t ignore her Alpha's orders. No, Patrick the Beta had been sent to do the job.

  She watched with ill-concealed loathing as Patrick wandered through the gathered tigers, eyeing them all, wishing they would act out so he could punish them. Her mother hadn’t complained – her mother rarely did in spite of everything that had happened to her – but she hadn’t been happy when she arrived home.

  Simone heard a rumor that Carrick was offered the chance to be Beta, but he chose instead to be an enforcer. He never explained why, but then Carrick rarely said very much. Patrick was a tiger who Simone suspected was actually a coward, but he hid behind Locke the Alpha, so no one dared call him on it. He was courageous enough when punishing a scared, fifteen-year-old female tiger who was being restrained between two enforcers. But if anyone challenged him, Simone doubted he’d stick around long enough to even submit.

  The Alpha declared the two tigers mated and let out a roar. The whole pride joined in the roar, even Simone’s tiger, although hers was fairly half-hearted.

  The ceremony was followed by a pride run where everyone shifted and hunted. Those who couldn’t shift and some of the younger females stayed behind to set up for what was fast becoming an excruciating party.

  Nita l
ooked smug; she was the center of attention around her posse of simpering females. In spite of her earlier jibes, Nita seemed to be trying to include Lauren in her little circle of friends. Luring her over to the dark side. The females were cackling with laughter, but Lauren just looked uncomfortable.

  All the males congratulated Carrick and tried to crack tasteless jokes about the mating night. He glared at them until they left him alone and looked impatient as more turned up to take their place.

  Simone tried to avoid talking to anyone. She was monosyllabic enough that anyone who tried to get through to her gave up and walked away. But when Lauren migrated in her direction, she found she couldn’t stay aloof with the young tigress.

  “You okay?” Lauren asked concern painted all over her heart shaped face.


  “You seem quiet.”

  Her tiger whined. “Just… nothing.” Nothing had been the same since she spent the night with Acksel. Her situation in the pride had been difficult before; now it was intolerable. But even though she liked Lauren, she couldn’t tell her the truth. Instead she smiled, or at least gave Lauren a close approximation of a smile – she could feel her cheeks almost cracking with effort. “Are you okay?”

  Her eyes flickered to Carrick, who was staring at the two of them. “Yep.”

  “He’s not that bad,” admitted Simone, grudgingly. She could think of at least ten male tigers in the pride that would make much worse mates.

  “No, he’s not,” sighed Lauren. “He’s been very… respectful. Tansy said her mate demanded…” Lauren paused and looked around her before mouthing the words ‘oral sex’. “Tansy said he demanded that from her before they were officially mated.” Her cheeks bloomed dark red in embarrassment. “Carrick hasn’t even tried to kiss me. He makes it really hard for me to resent him and I’m really trying.”

  Simone tried to dredge up some words for comfort, but she really had no idea what to say.

  Lauren looked at her hands. “I’m still really nervous though. I’ve never even made out with a guy. Never mind… How did your mating night go with Parker?”

  “It was… fine.” They’d spent the night playing cards. There was nothing to tell. The night she lost her virginity was awful and her only other experience was Acksel… and that was wonderful.

  Lauren wouldn’t meet her eye, but she squeaked out the words, “Any tips?”

  Simone flushed as Acksel once again fluttered through her mind. What could she say? Although she had started it, Acksel had been the one guiding her, showing her how pleasurable sex could be. He must have known she was inexperienced. He had taken things slowly and ensured she was never too uncomfortable. She had serious doubts about Carrick doing the same. “Maybe Nita…”

  “I’d rather die,” muttered Lauren.

  “Just… remember this isn’t all about him. Don’t let him go too fast.” Not great advice, but it was the best she could manage.

  Carrick, finally giving in, walked over to them and placed a hand on Lauren’s neck, she looked anxious, but at least she no longer flinched under his touch.

  “It’s time,” he said, gruffly.

  She nodded and Simone squeezed her hand.

  The Alpha stepped forward, followed by Nita and the Beta. A smiling Alpha slapped Carrick on the back; he looked unimpressed.

  Nita smirked at Lauren. “Have a nice night, you two.”

  The Beta let out a dirty laugh and Lauren blushed. Carrick gave Nita and the Beta a steady gaze; they cringed slightly.

  The Alpha blessed both of them and hoped that their union would be fruitful. Carrick nodded and carefully led Lauren away to the mating hut, before she exploded in bashfulness.

  It was a small hut away from the larger settlement. Newly mated couples were expected to stay there for at least four days. It was to ensure that they definitely consummated their union. It was always stocked up with food, towels and clean sheets, so the couple didn’t have to leave. At the end of the three days, they were supposed to produce the soiled sheets with the virginal blood. Simone used chicken blood for her mating night.

  Nita stroked her huge stomach. “If I know Carrick, he’ll have her pregnant before the night’s out.”

  This was a cue for lots of female sycophantic laughter, plus the Beta joined in.

  Simone’s tiger sneered. “How do you know Carrick?” she asked, furiously.

  Nita flushed in annoyance. “I didn’t mean…”

  “Oh, what did you mean?”

  Her eyes flashed, but being pregnant, she wouldn’t be able to shift. Instead, she whined, “Alpha, she is out of line.”

  “Nita,” said the Alpha, softly. “Leave us.”

  She looked like she was going to argue before she stalked away, followed by her bevy of female followers. After a stern look, the Beta oozed away, too.

  Locke smiled faintly. “I imagine she may be right about that, Lauren is coming into her heat.”

  Simone tried not to look too disgusted that the Alpha sniffed the females for their ‘heats’. He tried to mate all the females off before they had their first heat.

  “Don’t be hard on Nita,” he said.

  Simone narrowed her eyes

  He laughed. “Clearly, you don’t like her.”

  “I… well…” There’s really not much to like she added silently. Her tiger concurred.

  “The females of the pride need a strong female leader and with no other female stepping into that place, she takes that spot.”

  Simone was about to say that Nita was a bully, but then what was their Alpha if not a bully? He didn’t rule them by being fair. It was done through fear, and unfairness. He gave the stronger members of the pride what they wanted so that the weaker members could never rise up against him.

  He gave her a look that she couldn’t determine, but it made her tiger uneasy. “Nita’s not a natural leader, but at least she is fulfilling her role in the pride.”

  Ah, this again. He meant cubs. Nita was on her fourth cub.


  He was smiling, but there was no warmth in it. “My son not producing cubs makes me look weak. He needs to prove that he is a strong male like me.” She froze as he placed his hand on her shoulder. “And if he can’t manage to produce cubs with a female as attractive as you are, it starts to make pride mates wonder why.”

  “I… I’m not sure I’m ready,” she finished, lamely.

  “You’ve had four years to be ready.” He squeezed her shoulder, his thumb lightly caressing her skin. “If Parker isn’t up to the job then someone else will be.”

  The Alpha’s eyes flashed to yellow before he turned and walked away. Her tiger yowled in seething fury. Did he really think she would let him touch her?

  To hell with this place! She stomped away from the gathering, ignoring the glares from Nita. She can just go suck it!

  The sooner she got away from the pride, the better. Although, she felt the twang of guilt about what he said. Was he really suggesting that she ought to try and lead the females? Surely he wasn’t serious. She was hardly a strong tiger. Okay so she didn’t exactly kowtow to Nita, but she was hardly aggressive. Isn’t that what true leaders were supposed to be? If her experience with Alphas was anything to go by, yes, they were.

  No, she couldn’t be what the females needed, she needed to get away from the pride, she needed to get a better life for her mom.



  “Not now, Britt,” growled Acksel as his sister ran after him trying to keep up.

  “But, Acksel…”

  His wolf roared. “Not now!”

  “I know how you can find Simone!”

  “What?!” He came to a dead stop, and Britt crashed into his back. He righted her and gave her a minute to puff, pant and regain her breath.

  “Simone, I know how you can find her.”

  Acksel narrowed his eyes. “Who says I’m looking for Simone?”

  “Hans might have said something.”

  “Hans?” When the hell had he become such a freaking gossip? Yes, he was trying to find Simone, but he wasn’t getting very far. Britt, on the other hand, seemed to be bouncing up and down with excitement. “Well, what is it?”

  “Part of my punishment was helping out with the books for the pack finances…”


  Britt shrugged. “Alec figured I was a better choice for the job than Craig.”

  “Goes without saying,” he muttered.

  “And I saw that the check the pack gave her was cashed at a bank in a town called August Springs – it’s like a four-hour drive from here. Look, I printed off a map from my computer.” She produced it with a flourish from her backpack.

  His wolf was virtually jumping around like an excited pup, but Acksel tried to remain grounded. “There’s nothing to say that she lives there. She could have just cashed the check there.”

  “But did you know that the SEA website has a list of animal packs and where they’re located? The website doesn’t give specifics about pride members. I guess they can’t because of privacy and all that, but the actual packs and prides…”

  “Britt! What’s your point?”

  She beamed, triumphantly. “There’s a tiger pride located in August Springs. Pretty big coincidence, huh? Don’t you think? Huh?”

  Britt nudged him and winked several times, but he wasn’t paying attention. Was it possible that she could be so close to him? Didn’t he owe it to his beast to find out?

  A few doubts picked at him. Given the way she left, would he really be welcome? The wolf grumbled at him.

  The animal was right. He had to find out.

  Chapter Thirteen

  Simone glared at the cans of soup. Okay, she wasn’t actually pissed at the soup. She grabbed a few tins without even looking at the labels and dropped them into her cart.

  Her tiger harrumphed as Nita’s braying laughter floated in her direction. The pregnant female was driving her insane. Ever since the mating ceremony a couple of nights ago, Nita had been weirdly clingy. Simone just didn’t know what to do. Wherever she went, Nita just seemed to turn up. It was kind of creepy. Over the past few years, the two of them could barely stand to be near one another. Now Nita was going out of her way to be in Simone’s way.


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