By His Rules

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By His Rules Page 7

by J. A. Rock

  interrogated in front of Hera, who thrust her hand at


  “Hello, by the way. I’m Hera.”

  “Scott.” Scott shook her hand, his attention still on

  Aiden. “You’ll come home with me,” he said firmly.

  “But it’s not my—” Aiden began.

  “You’ll come home with me,” Scott repeated. His

  tone left no room for argument.

  “He’s my ride,” Hera said.

  Scott glanced at Hera once again, as though she

  were a slightly irritating pet. “Take her home,” he said to

  Aiden. “Then come to my place.”

  “He’s tired.” Hera put a hand on Aiden’s shoulder.

  “I’m not,” Aiden said, shaking her off.

  “You just told me you were.”

  “I’m fine.”

  Hera glared at Scott. “What do you want with

  him?” she demanded.

  “Hera—” Aiden warned.

  Scott chuckled and said to Hera, “Aiden and I have

  an arrangement.”

  Hera looked from Aiden to Scott and back again.

  “Are you seriously going with him?”

  Aiden didn’t answer. Hera slung her bag over her


  “I’ll take a cab home. You take the car. It’ll save you

  some time.”

  “Hera, wait… ” Aiden said. But she left the club

  without looking back.

  “Who’s she?” Scott asked.

  “A friend.” Aiden stared at the door, wishing he

  could run after Hera, apologize.

  Scott followed his gaze. “I don’t want you talking to


  Aiden looked at Scott. “What?”

  “I worry her attitude toward our relationship will

  have a negative effect on your training. Stop talking to


  Aiden laughed.

  Scott didn’t.

  “You’re kidding, right?”

  Scott just stared at him.

  “For how long?”

  “Until I give you permission to talk to her again.”

  Aiden shook his head. “But that’s—she and I work

  together. I can’t just—”

  “You can and you will if you want to remain in my


  Aiden did want to remain in Scott’s service. But he

  was hardly going to throw away a friendship to do so.

  “Scott, please… ”

  “Is there something unclear about what I said?”

  Scott’s voice was low and dangerous.

  Aiden dropped his gaze. “No, Sir. I just—”

  “Good.” Scott snapped his fingers. “Basement.


  In the basement, Scott found them a small room

  with a spanking bench. He sat on the bench and hauled

  Aiden over his knee. He delivered three blows to the seat

  of Aiden’s jeans that even through the taut denim hurt

  like hell. But Scott quickly seemed to lose interest in

  spanking Aiden. He shoved Aiden off his lap, got up,

  and ordered Aiden to sit on the bench, facing the wall.

  Aiden did, anxious. Scott’s hard, frantic energy here was

  much different than the deliciously cruel, seductive

  confidence he projected at home.

  Scott stood behind Aiden and started calling him

  names. Softly at first, his voice growing louder as he

  continued. Some of the words were exciting—Aiden

  sometimes liked to be called “slut” or “whore” in the

  bedroom. But Scott’s language grew fouler and more

  explicit, and soon Aiden felt genuinely shaken, unsure if

  Scott meant what he was saying or not.

  Scott grabbed Aiden’s shirt, nearly tearing it as he

  pulled it off him. “What am I supposed to do with this?”

  he demanded, running his nails down Aiden’s chest,

  leaving long scratch marks. “The boys I was talking to

  upstairs have better bodies than you. Maybe I should

  make you watch while I fuck one of them. Huh?”

  Aiden felt his cock twitch, then shrink. He didn’t

  know if he was aroused or upset by Scott’s belittling.

  “Stand up,” Scott ordered.

  Aiden obeyed.

  “Hands on your head.”

  Aiden stared at the floor, wishing he’d gone home

  with Hera, wishing he hadn’t seen Scott here tonight. He

  laced his fingers behind his head.

  “You like this, don’t you?” Scott whispered,

  running a hand over the front of Aiden’s pants. “You like

  me talking to you like this?”

  Aiden didn’t think he did. He didn’t answer, but

  Scott didn’t seem to notice as he caressed Aiden’s cock

  through his pants and said, “I could get everyone here to

  come watch you. They’d all see what a slut you are. A

  mindless whore who opens up on command.”

  Aiden grew harder in spite of his anxiety. He

  gasped and closed his eyes, moving with Scott’s hand.

  “And not even a pretty one. Almost every boy here

  has a better body than you. You pretend you’re a big

  shot. You want to go off to school to get a fancy degree.

  But you’re just a dumb cocksucker, aren’t you? Can’t get

  a degree in cocksucking, can you?”

  Scott rubbed harder, and Aiden rode his hand, the

  words stinging, making him furious, making him wild.

  He came, a long, quiet orgasm that brought him as much

  shame as it did pleasure. Scott grabbed Aiden’s balls and

  squeezed as Aiden finished. Aiden’s knees buckled, and

  his mouth opened in a silent cry. Scott let go and shoved

  him away. “Put your shirt on, so no one sees what I had

  to settle for. We’re going home.”

  * * * *

  It wasn’t difficult for Aiden to avoid speaking to

  Hera at Joe’s on Monday, because she refused to speak to

  him. Every time Aiden came near her, she stalked off in

  the other direction. They took their breaks separately.

  Finally Aiden cornered her in the kitchen, by the cooler.

  “Look. I’m sorry.” He didn’t care that Scott had

  ordered him not to talk to her. There was still some part

  of his life that Scott didn’t have control over, and this was


  “For what?”

  “Last night.”

  Hera shrugged. “None of my business what kind of

  total fucking prick you go home with.”

  “I’m sorry for ditching you.”

  Hera didn’t speak for a moment, and she didn’t

  look at Aiden. “Hope you had a good time, at least.

  Though I don’t see how you could have.”

  Aiden chewed his lip. “He’s not always that bad.”

  “Not always?”

  “All right, he’s kind of intense. He just gets in these


  “You need to drop that fucker.”

  Aiden’s temper flared. He’d wanted to apologize,

  not invite a lecture on how to live his life. “You barely

  know him!”

  “I know he sucks. And not the way you’d want him


  “I don’t need your judgment. All I wanted was to


  “Great, you did. Now I need to get back to work.”

  “Well, so do I,” Aiden snapped.

  “Then do it.” Hera slipped past him and into the

  seating a

  “Shit,” Aiden muttered. He winced as he walked

  toward the kitchen. His back hurt. Scott had flogged him

  last night with a heavy leather cat, nearly breaking the

  skin in several places. Aiden had felt each blow,

  subspace stubbornly eluding him. He was having a

  harder time these days slipping into that perfect place

  where pain melded into pleasure. Everything Scott did

  hurt. Aiden knew it was mostly his own fault. He tensed

  against the pain, fought it, anticipated it. Couldn’t relax.

  He got nervous when Scott came near him—even Scott’s

  kisses were brutal, painful.

  Rima burst into the kitchen. “Cole! Table twelve is

  waiting on refills.”

  He’d totally forgotten about table twelve. “I’ll get

  on it.”

  “Hey?” Rima called. He turned, startled when he

  saw how intently she was watching him. “You okay?”

  “Yeah, fine.”

  “All right,” Rima said uncertainly. “Then get to


  Aiden hurried past her to table twelve.

  Chapter Seven

  Keaton Hughes walked to the faculty parking lot,

  thinking about the Dutch illustrations of Juliette he’d

  shown his class earlier that week. Beautiful, violent,

  titillating, and repulsive. He always felt odd, showing

  things like that to his students—as though a neon sign

  hung over him, indicating that he was into BDSM.

  He hadn’t been to Obey for a few weeks. There

  didn’t seem to be much point in his going. The men there

  were into the scene—costumes, role-play, toys, hookups,

  “sir” and “ma’am”… Fun, Keaton agreed, but not what

  he was looking for. The odds of finding a sub in Obey

  whose interests matched Keaton’s were next to none.

  Keaton had been in high school when he’d first

  learned about domestic discipline. He’d found an article

  in some trashy magazine, written by a middle-aged

  woman who claimed her husband maintained domestic

  order in their household by spanking her when she got

  “too sassy.” She said it helped relax her to know he was

  in control, and that her husband enjoyed being in charge.

  The woman claimed her husband had guided her

  through her return to college, helping her balance work,

  school, and family life. He’d helped her curb her

  smoking and her spending habits.

  Keaton had been fascinated. He’d had no idea this

  sort of thing could go on between adults. He thought any

  hitting between partners constituted domestic abuse, and

  he had been shocked to learn there was such a thing as

  lovingly administered corporal discipline. The woman

  described a typical punishment: an over-the-knee






  sometimes with a hairbrush—after which she was

  forgiven, taken into her husband’s arms, held, and


  Keaton became enchanted with the idea of having a

  domestic discipline partnership. Not with a woman, of

  course, but with a man. He just couldn’t imagine any

  man being interested.

  He did meet a few who were willing to give the

  arrangement a try, but they never seemed to get it. They

  treated it as a role-play, purposely leaving the house a

  mess or back talking Keaton, as though their lines and

  actions were scripted. They were turned on by spankings

  —not their fault, but not what Keaton wanted. He didn’t

  get off on having a boy bare bottomed over his lap, at his

  mercy. What he craved was his partner’s trust, his

  partner’s need for guidance. Try as he might, Keaton

  couldn’t find a partner who was interested in a long-term

  —and very real—domestic discipline relationship. And

  Obey wasn’t the place to look.

  There had been that boy. That beautiful boy who’d

  watched Keaton from across the room. Keaton had asked

  Daddy, one of the other tops at Obey, about him.

  Apparently the kid, Aiden Cole, was in high demand. He

  was a talented role-player, had a high pain threshold,

  gave incredible head, and was—well, gorgeous. Not a

  word Keaton used often, but one that fit Aiden Cole.

  Right now the boy belonged to Scott Runge. Keaton

  didn’t know Scott, but the rumors he’d heard were

  unsettling. Scott played hard, pushing his subs to their

  limits with little regard for their pleasure. He was sexy,

  charismatic, but could be downright cruel. He was a fan

  of toys and torture devices and wasn’t afraid of bruises—

  or even blood. Scott didn’t usually take on subs for any

  length of time, so his continued relationship with Aiden

  was the subject of a lot of gossip around the club.

  Aiden must be into the hard-core scenes, Keaton

  told himself. Real pain. He’d never want what you want.

  Anyway, he’s young and pretty—probably just another

  superficial twink who’ll blow anything that moves.

  Keaton couldn’t make himself believe it.

  Who’s superficial? You’re the one who’s fantasizing about

  him based solely on the fact that he’s gorgeous.

  It wasn’t just that, though. There was something

  else. Maybe he was deluding himself, thinking he could

  tell anything about the boy’s soul based on a look

  exchanged across the room. But Aiden’s eyes were those

  of someone intelligent and creative, someone whose

  mind was constantly active. There was a sense of shyness

  about him as well—a delicate desire to please.

  He’d smiled at Keaton—looking about seventeen

  when he did—but there was something mature and

  slightly melancholy in his expression, wise but a little


  Stop it, Hughes. It was dark in the bar; you could barely


  Yet he’d seen enough to know he was intrigued by

  the slender young man with chestnut hair and wide,

  intelligent eyes.

  He unlocked his dark blue Solara and threw his bag

  into the backseat. Then he climbed in the front, put his

  hands on the steering wheel, but left the car off. He

  leaned back against the seat rest, closing his eyes. He

  often felt out of place at S&M clubs like Obey (hence

  bringing his journal as a buffer). He was looking for

  something separate from the whips-and-chains motif. He

  was looking for some one who wanted to be more than a

  slave, who wanted to be guided, cared for, and truly

  disciplined—no games.

  But if he couldn’t have that, then maybe he ought to

  think about finding a nice sub to do a scene with now

  and then. Perhaps he could brave the music and the

  chaps-and-chains crowd again this weekend at Obey and

  look for Aiden Cole.

  * * * *

  Aiden’s alarm was going off, but he couldn’t make

  his arm move to hit Snooze. So he let it ring. He’d been

  having a hard time sleeping lately. His hours at the gym

  left him wired in the evenings, so that it t
ook him a long

  time to fall asleep. And when he finally drifted off, he

  half expected, even at home in his own bed, to be shaken

  awake in the middle of the night to be fucked or to give a

  blowjob or take a beating.

  With great effort, he opened his eyes: 9:15. He had

  to be at work at ten. Just another five minutes… He slapped

  the Snooze button and closed his eyes, falling back

  asleep immediately.

  When he woke again, it was almost noon and his

  phone was ringing.

  “Where the hell are you?” Hera demanded.


  “Rim Job’s having a fit. We’re slammed. Lunch

  rush. Where are you?”

  “Shit,” Aiden said, clambering out of bed. “Sorry,

  shit. Tell her I’ll—”

  “Were you sleeping?”

  “No, I—Fuck, Hera, tell her I’ll be right there.”

  Hera’s voice softened. “Why don’t I tell her you’re


  “No, don’t. I’m on my way.”

  He hung up, threw on his work clothes, and hurried

  out the door. When he got to Joe’s, he expected Rima to

  chew him a new one. Instead she smiled at him a little

  sadly and asked him to meet her in her office.

  “Aiden.” Rima tapped her fingernails against her

  desk. “There have been some issues with your job

  performance lately.”

  Aiden blushed. “I know. I’ll get it together, I


  “You’ve been a good employee. Joe’s really

  appreciates the work you’ve put in this year. But we

  have a strict tardiness policy. Three strikes and you’re

  out. This is your strike three.”

  “What? No—Can’t this just be a warning?”

  “I warned you last week when you came in late. I

  don’t know what’s going on with you lately, but frankly

  I’m a little worried. Not just as your employer.”

  “I’m fine,” Aiden snapped. “Or I’d be fine if

  everyone would just back off.”


  Aiden rubbed his forehead. “I’m sorry. I’ve just

  been stressed out. I didn’t realize I was in danger of—

  Fuck.” He scrubbed his eyes with his fists.

  “You don’t look good,” Rima said.

  “Yeah, well, I just got fired.”

  “It’s policy, Aiden. It’s in your handbook. I wish I

  could make an exception, but I can’t.”

  “Yeah, I get it.” Aiden didn’t care that he was being

  rude. “I’ll go.”

  “You can pick up your final paycheck next


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