Heart of the Highlands: The Beast (Protectors of the Crown Book 1)

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Heart of the Highlands: The Beast (Protectors of the Crown Book 1) Page 8

by Holthaus, April

  Directly next to the middle seat at the head table sat a lovely, young, blonde woman. Her hair was up in loose curls that framed her slender face with soft waves. She wore jewels and a blue dress trimmed with gold lace. It was obvious by her position on the dais she was the Lady of the Keep.

  Ian stepped forward, and all eyes followed him. Voices hushed, and Keira watched as men reached for the hilts of their swords as if they were preparing for battle. The atmosphere became uncomfortable and she shifted closer to Leland, praying these men would do them no harm.

  The room was dark, with only a few tapered candles lit. Keira, however, was still able to make out the dark eyes that bore into Ian as he stepped forward, approaching the head table. They may have been a good clan as Ian suggested, but they surely were not a trusting bunch!

  “Lady MacKenzie, it is always a pleasure to see ye,” Ian said, bowing his head.

  “The pleasure is truly mine, Ian MacKay. I do hope you will be staying with us longer than your last visit,” she responded.

  The velvety tone of Lady Mackenzie’s voice was as smooth as melted chocolate. As she spoke, Keira’s jaw fell open just enough for her to take in a sharp breath. She had not expected that the Lady of such an esteemed Highland clan would be French! Keira had never met a Frenchwoman and she was amazed by fluidity of their accents. It sounded beautiful, like a songbird singing for its mate.

  “Nay my lady, I am only passing through. I have need to speak to yer Laird.”

  “My husband is not here. He has taken off to the market in Aberdeen. We have had a good and profitable year. We do not expect him to return until tomorrow evening. But as always, you and your men are more than welcome to stay in the guest house.”

  “Thank ye, my lady. As yer husband is no’ here. May I speak to ye in private?”

  “But, of course,” she said as she stood from her chair and led Ian behind a closed door, with two of her guards following closely.

  Keira looked up at Leland.

  “Dinna fash, lass. Lady MacKenzie ‘tis a good woman.”


  Ian stepped through the doorway into the Laird’s private chamber, following Lady MacKenzie. Her guards joined them. Ian took notice of the stack of letters on the desktop with broken seals. It took only seconds for him to recognize the king’s seal. There was one, however, with the seal still intact. It held the royal British seal and was set apart from the others sparking his curiosity.

  “What is it you wish to speak to me about?”

  “My Lady, I have a young lass traveling wit’ me. I found her on the road in enemy territory. I fear she is in danger, and I ask that she stay here wit’ ye until I return.”

  “And how long do you plan to leave her here with us?”

  “I will be gone only a few days. I have business near Edinburgh. She is far from her home and I have offered to provide her safe passage. But I have other pressing matters to tend to first.”

  “I see. Well, as long as she is not any trouble, I would be more than happy to allow her to reside here for the time being. Now, where is this girl? I wish to meet her.”

  As the guards and Lady MacKenzie turned, Ian quietly snatched the letter with the British royal seal and slipped it inside the inner pocket of his shirt. With a smile, he took Lady MacKenzie’s arm and escorted her from the chamber, then went in search of Keira and his men. Outside in the bailey, he found Keira standing in between Leland and Rylan who were conversing with one of Leod’s guards.

  “My Lady, this is Lady Keira Sinclair,” Ian said as he introduced the two women.

  “My Lady, tis a pleasure to meet ye,” Keira said, speaking softly as she gave a formal curtsy.

  Lady MacKenzie politely smiled.

  “Tis a pleasure, Mademoiselle. Good heavens, what are you wearing? Your dress is torn and you are soaked to the bone!”

  Out of the corner of his eye, Ian saw Keira turn the color of wild strawberries in spring. Lowering her head, she hid her flushed appearance, which pulled at Ian’s heartstrings. She was such a bonny lass and had no reason to hide her beauty; no matter if she did look bedraggled from the journey. Had she worn a potato sack, she would still catch the eye of those she passed. Ian fought the urge to lift her head, reminding himself that to do so would probably embarrass her further.

  “We traveled through a spot of rain,” he explained, hoping to save Keira from some embarrassment.

  “Well, come, Dear. Let’s get you properly dressed and into something warm,” Lady MacKenzie suggested, holding her arm out to the lass.

  Keira looked to Ian, her eyes full of wariness. Ian let out a breath.

  “I will check on ye soon,” he assured her.

  Keira gave him a soft smile and nodded. It was the second time now in one day she’d smiled at him. How he loved to see her smile. Beneath the worry, the politics, and the fear, Keira was a fine young woman. A woman whose heart any man would be lucky to possess. She was feisty, passionate, and had a way of driving a man crazy with the want of her. Ian felt tempted to forcefully grab her into his arms and press his lips against hers. But it was when she smiled that he felt completely undone. Unlike the many other women who had passed through his life, there was something about her that had him bewitched.


  Keira followed Lady MacKenzie up three flights of stairs that led to a large solar. Inside was a large walk-in wardrobe, full of dresses made of fine fabrics in various colors; dresses far too fancy for everyday wear. These were dresses one would wear to court. Lady MacKenzie told her to pick one that she liked. If necessary, they could have it altered to fit. As Keira rifled through the gowns, she had a hard time finding a simple dress. Not wanting to take up too much of Lady MacKenzie’s time, Keira settled on a light gold-colored one.

  The mantle of the dress was made of pure satin and its kirtle underneath was a smooth, white linen. It had a square neckline and flowers stitched along the trim. The sleeves fitted tightly almost to the elbow then hanging open, tapered such that they were wide at the wrists.

  At the creaking of the door swinging open, an older maid stepped in.

  “My Lady, there is a bath prepared for Mistress Sinclair.”

  “Very well, Marguerite. Thank you.”

  “Marguerite will help ye bathe,” Lady MacKenzie announced.

  “Thank ye fer yer kindness, my Lady,” Keira said.

  Keira followed Marguerite into the next room. The steam from the hot bath looked as welcoming as a warm bed. The water beckoned her. Her bones and legs ached from riding atop the horse for the past two days, and she was certain the moment she relaxed inside the hot tub she was sure to fall asleep.

  Disrobing, Keira stepped into the bath water. Tension, stress and nervousness melted away. Marguerite lathered up the soap in her hands and began washing Keira’s hair. Between the scent of lavender and the fingers massaging her scalp she was in bliss. Had she been forced to endure one more day out in the woods, sleeping atop the hard ground, she was sure to have gone mad.

  Washed and relaxed, she sat near the fire allowing her hair to dry. Wrapped in a towel, she stared into the flames of the fire, burning brightly inside the large hearth. She wondered what Ian and his men were doing at that very moment. Perhaps, hopefully, they too were able to bathe and don fresh clothing. She did not know how much longer she could tolerate their stench, though she kept quiet about their unpleasant bodily odor.

  Her thoughts went to Ian, who invaded her mind as of late. She didn’t know why she cared that he was leaving except that she did not like being left behind; not to mention being left in the dark about what was really going on. She knew there was more to Ian and his story than what he was telling her. As he proved to be the most stubborn man in the Highlands, she knew she wasn’t going to get much information out of him, but perhaps she could persuade Leland to tell her. Keira knew that when a man was deep in his cups, there was no telling what he would say. She would set her plan in motion this very night. If she knew why Ian was
so desperate to reach Linlithgow, perhaps even more truths would be revealed.

  Chapter 10

  After a bath, a change of clothes, and a much needed shave, Ian entered the busy hall. Finding his brother and Rylan already sitting and enjoying their meal, he went to sit near them.

  “Leland, I need to speak to ye,” Ian quietly said, not wanting to draw attention from the others in the overcrowded room.

  Leland sat up and followed Ian into the long hall. Passing several servants, they stopped in front of a windowless alcove, so that no one else could hear their conversation.

  “Leland, ye are a Protector and I need ye to be that now. I wish fer ye to stay here and watch o’er Keira. Make sure she is safe. With Laird MacKenzie no’ here, I dinna trust any of the locals. Rylan and I will continue our journey to Linlithgow. Tell no one of our destination. Once I meet with our Laird, I will hurry back. Can ye do that?”

  “Aye, of course. Ye dinna think something will happen to her here, do ye?”

  “I dinna know, but I am no’ taking any chances. Dinna let her leave yer sight!”

  Ian and Leland returned to the hall. As Leland continued filling his face, Ian paced back and forth near the doorway, waiting for Keira to join them. He would have journeyed up the stairs to find her, but was assured by the maid that the lass would be down shortly. He convinced himself that the only reason he cared was that he felt honor-bound to protect her. He’d made a vow; one he was not going to break. It was the only reason; the only logical explanation he had; to explain these feelings toward her. For now, she was his mission. And like all of his missions, he would see to it until the end.

  From the corner of his eye, he spotted the lovely lass dressed in a soft yellow gown that reminded him of spring daisies. Her red locks were loosely braided across one shoulder and a few loose curls had escaped their confinement. Those tempting tendrils gave a bounce as she walked. She was an image that took a man’s breath away.

  Ian waited as she descended the stairs. He couldn’t help but notice the way her hips swayed side to side as she walked, nor could he ignore the way her chest rose and fell with each breath. She was a vision. As Keira reached the bottom of the stairs, she glanced around the room, but paid no heed to Ian who stood directly across from her. Ian’s brows furrowed, and he stepped toward her.

  “My lady,” he said holding his arm out to her.

  For a moment, she looked at him with uncertainty as one would look at a stranger. It was not the look Ian had hoped for. He had hoped to see her smile.


  Keira’s eyes widened at the Highlander who stood before her. She had not recognized him at first;

  his clean shaven appearance, his hair slicked back, his formal dress attire, but his eyes were familiar; the perfect shade of blue.


  Keira was left speechless. With a clean face, a proper bath, and hair tied back, he looked as if he could actually pass for a gentleman. And she had to admit, he was rather handsome.

  He did not look as she imagined. Hidden underneath his thick heavy beard, his jaw was strong and angular. His lips, full and plump; no longer covered by an overgrown mustache. For a man, he was beautiful, and not nearly as intimidating as when she had first seen him. He had completely transformed.

  “Lady Keira, yer presence lightens this room as bright as stars on a clear night,” he said, holding his arm out to her.

  She took it, but felt her cheeks blush at his compliment.

  “Ye look quite presentable, yerself, if I may say so. I must say, I am pleasantly surprised,” she admitted, hoping he would not take her words as an insult.

  Ian smiled at her compliment. Stopping in mid-stride, he turned to face her.

  “After ye eat, will ye join me fer a walk? I heard Castle Leod has quite the garden.”

  Keira chewed her bottom lip at his question. According to the rules of decorum, she should not be alone with him. But perhaps this was her chance to get the information she needed.

  “Aye, I will join ye.”

  Ian led Keira to the table where Leland and Rylan were seated, enjoying their meal. In front of two empty chairs were trenchers full of food. Keira sat next to Ian and eagerly began eating. The moist, juicy lamb practically melted in her mouth. As she had spent the past two days eating nothing but apples, Keira did not think she would ever want to look at another apple again!


  “I hope the food meets with your satisfaction,” Lady MacKenzie said.

  “Tis more than generous, my Lady. After eating nothing but cold, spoiled meat, apples and stale oatcakes, ye could have fed me the dog and I’d be a satisfied mon,” Ian joked.

  “I have heard many great things your young King has accomplished. I heard he will soon be taking a French bride. It will prove to be a good match, for Scotland and France.”

  “Aye! Though I know little of politics, my Lady, living only by my sword, I do hear rumors.”

  “As a Highlander, surely you must know about the rebellion against James?”

  “Aye. I have heard talk,” Ian added.

  “Between you and me, I think the rise of the rebellion will soon be coming to an end.”

  “And why is that, my Lady?”

  “My husband just received his last arrest warrants for several Highland chiefs who are believed to be involved. It should be a great victory for the King of Scotland!”

  “Ye are a wealth of information, my Lady.”

  Lady Mackenzie smiled proudly. Ian finished his meal quickly, anxious for his walk with Keira in the garden. The news Lady MacKenzie shared was not anything he had not already heard. He knew this rebellion was coming to an end, but it was bound to end up leading to something bigger.

  Glancing over to Keira, he was surprised to see her plate completely clean. She rested her small hand on her knee under the table. Her fingers looked as if they would be soft to the touch. He desperately wanted to take her hand into his and entwine his fingers with hers. Damn, he was becoming an animal!

  “Are ye ready fer our walk, my Lady?”

  Keira nodded.

  Ian stood, waiting for Keira to follow him. Side by side, they walked down the long hall towards the rear door. They walked in silence until they stepped out into an enchanting labyrinth of flowers. Rows of roses, hedges, and a wide variety of fragrant flowers decorated the scenic landscape around the castle. Cobblestone pavers and wooden benches decorated the pathways from one side of the garden to the other. In the middle, two geese and their goslings swam in a man-made lily pond.

  “Tis beautiful,” she exclaimed.

  “Aye, tis,” he replied, though he paid no attention to the garden and kept his gaze on her. “Shall we?” he asked as they stepped forward toward the large pond in the middle.

  Arriving at the pond, they sat on a bench overlooking it. The sun was just about to set and Ian spotted the moon already high in the sky.

  “Thank ye fer bringing me here. I have ne’er seen so many beautiful flowers.”

  “Yer welcome.”

  “Ian, does Laird Chisholm have anything to do with the rebellion of which Lady MacKenzie spoke? Is that why he is so dangerous?”

  “Aye, one of many reasons, lass.”

  “So, when ye came upon my carriage, was it him ye were trying to capture? To arrest him?”

  “Something like that, aye!”

  “So, when ye came upon me, ye thought to use me as ransom to find him. Dinna ye?”

  “Aye,” he answered, unable to meet her eyes.

  Keira nodded her head. Ian finally turned toward her, wanting to know what she was thinking. By the look in her eyes, she looked as if she were trying to process the information she had been given.

  “I understand that ye must hate me fer what I have done,” he admitted.

  Keira looked up at him.

  “I dinna hate ye. I did at first, but not now. I do, however, think there is more to the story than what ye are sayin’ and I dinna know why ye wish to keep
me in the dark.”

  Ian noticed the pain and desperation in her eyes, though there was little he could say that would make her feel any better. His mission was to be kept secret and she knew too much as it was.

  “In due time, Lassie, I promise to tell ye. But fer now ye are just going to have to trust me. Would ye care to go inside? I am sure ye need yer rest.”

  “I am fine. Is it alright if we stay fer just a wee bit longer?”

  Had she asked to stay for the entire night, he would have been happy to oblige! Inwardly, he smiled.

  “Of course, Lassie.”

  They sat in silence, watching the goslings play in the water like children playing follow the leader. Keira’s brief giggles were like music from heaven. Ian was surprised to find himself smiling, too. He kept glancing her way, not able to take his eyes off her. He wanted her, needed her, but damn if he could have her.


  Keira fondly watched the young geese splash in the water. As the sun sank beneath the horizon, the orange sky began to fade, gradually replaced with dark blue. Behind her to the east, a few stars shone brightly as they twinkled in the sky. It would be only moments until the sky turned black, and was covered in stars.

  Keira yawned. It was late, and the day had been long. Ian would leave tomorrow to complete his task, and soon he would return to take her home. In the meantime, she would offer her aid to Lady MacKenzie as payment for her hospitality.

  “It’s late. I should probably head in. And where will ye and yer men be sleeping?” Keira asked.

  “There is a guest house near the stables. If ye need anything, that’s where ye will find me.”

  As he lowered his head, his gaze smoldered. Keira could almost feel the heat radiating from him. His proximity caused her heart to beat faster in her chest. She did not like the way he made her feel, but every nerve in her body was screaming at him to hold her the way he had when they were riding together.


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