An Ordinary Me

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An Ordinary Me Page 2

by Brooklyn Taylor

  “Mrs. Owens, you will never guess what happened today?”

  “I’m all ears, fill me in…”

  I rolled my eyes but stayed in my position with a grunt. I couldn’t help but notice the little pitter patter of my heart thinking of Garrison. The green in his eyes, the touch of his hand when he helped me.

  “After waiting all summer to see Cannon, Reese was talking to him, and when she turned to walk away from him she face planted. I mean straight to the ground, in front of everybody, in the middle of the main hallway, splat. All her things went flying across the hallway and…”

  “Thanks for enjoying retelling my humiliating first day, Autumn.”

  “And…” Mom said.

  “And Cannon totally acted like he didn’t see her but another guy came and helped her up. It could have been out of a movie it was so sweet. He was her hero.”

  “Reese, Cannon didn’t help?”

  “Ahhh, no… he acted like he didn’t see it happen which is total crap because he was right beside me.”

  “Tell your mom about Garrison.”

  “Garrison?” Mom asked.

  “Garrison is who helped me up. Mom, he was so sweet. And what’s funny is you know how I have always thought Cannon was it, like the best thing God created? Not when you see Garrison.”

  My mom smiles and laughs. “Well, sweetie, take it easy there. It’s only your first day.”

  I smiled. “I wish I would have thought of something better to say to him to make him remember me. I was taken off guard. He was soooo good looking.”

  “I’m glad you’re okay. Everyone trips, it happens. I wouldn’t worry about it.”

  Mom stood up. “Ya’ll get ready to leave about 6:30 then and we will go get dinner.”

  “Okay.” We both say in unison.


  I had been attending Comal High for three years and had only dated a few girls. They were short lived and really more of a passer of time. I have always been really good about making sure they kept their distance and making myself clear of what I didn’t want. A steady girlfriend was not what I wanted or needed. I never felt any emotions about them, I wouldn’t let myself. Lucky for me it was pretty easy. I could always find something I didn't like or that habit that annoyed me.

  Today, I was waiting for my bud Dylan, when I saw a beautiful girl in the main hallway talking to my least favorite person in the world. Cannon Walker. I had never seen her before and she immediately got my attention. Not to say I didn’t check out girls but this girl was something totally different.

  Dylan hits me on the shoulder. “Hey, Garr, what the hell are you staring at? Yo, Garrison.” He starts to wave his hand in front of my face.

  Dylan and I have known each other for years. He was the guitarist in our garage band. Really the only guy I am good friends with, best friends. The bass player was Brent. He was okay but I never clicked with him. Dylan was pretty awesome and he wanted to spend the rest of his life on the road. He is bad ass. The riffs he plays are skills I haven’t heard from a professional much less a guy that’s self taught. He is our singer too. His love for music will be his career one day. Unlike me, I have no interest in a career in music.

  I pointed towards the girl who had my attention. “Do you know her?”

  “No, but I’ve met her friend Autumn. I’ve heard Ryan Wilson is checking her out.”

  “Cannon’s friend?”

  “Yeah. I think her name is Reese.”

  “That bites man. Damn, she is beautiful. I hadn’t seen her before. Sophomore?”

  “Yeah, I think. So you think she is beautiful, what does that matter? Not like you are going to ask her out. You’re stagnant.”

  “Whatever, dude.”

  “I'll invite Autumn and her friend to our gig at the county carnival. Maybe she’ll show up and you can gawk at her more.”

  “Nah, if she shows up she shows up. Just because she looks good doesn’t mean she’ll be worth talking to.” My brain was already computing how I would like the opportunity to find out. She looked nervous from a distance.

  “I’ll ask Autumn when I see her. I’ll just mention it.”

  “I hope she doesn’t have an interest in Cannon. You know how I feel about his ass and how he treats girls.”

  Cannon and I go way back. We have had bad beef since junior high. Basically the jock against the musician. He thinks he is cool and the shit. He has people bow down to him and I never have. We also happen to have the same taste in girls. Not all the time but the majority of the time. Cannon loves a good competition and he loves to win. He likes to “break a girl in” if you know what I mean. The newer they are the more he likes it. He was like a bloodhound smelling the innocence. I know most guys my age think the same way. I’m not deaf. I hear it all day at school. I guess you can say I’m different. I keep pretty busy with school and the band.

  I turn to look back at the girl who is talking to Cannon and see her turn to walk away and then I see her trip.

  I wait to see if anyone is going to help her. She is lying on the school floor and people are laughing and pointing. Cannon turns around with his friends and acts like he doesn’t see it. See I told you, total ass. I notice her friend, who I presume is Autumn, standing there like she didn’t know what to do.

  I’ve got to do something. I can’t just stand here and act like I didn’t see it.

  After helping her up and getting a closer look at her, I knew she was someone I wanted to get to know. She looked so embarrassed, flustered and so breathtaking all at the same time.

  I introduced myself and found out her name is Reese.

  Not many girls could still pull off being beautiful in these circumstances, but Reese did. This year my plan was to concentrate on school and now the only thing I can think about is her. Her long dark hair, brown eyes and beautiful smile that lured me in. I thought I felt her linger when I pulled my hand back but it was probably just me. We parted and as I walked down the hallway to class, I felt her still looking at me. I wanted to go back to her and walk her to class just because she seemed like that kind of girl but resisted. Focus, Garrison. You managed to get through your high school years without a serious girlfriend and Reese was not going to be a game changer. Or was she?

  ~ ~ ~

  There are only a few things that matter to me in my life. One, my aunt Ellen. She has pretty much supported me since my parents were messed up on drugs, which is the majority of my life. My dad was a dealer and he was sentenced to ten years in federal prison. My mom had been clean off and on throughout my entire life. More dirty than clean. My mom is either sick or depressed. She works the majority of the time and I don’t see her but on Sunday mornings and a short time on the nights that she doesn’t work.

  Two, my truck that my grandfather left me. A black 1986 Chevy Silverado pickup. He passed away when I was in junior high, and my aunt kept it for me until I got my license. It was my baby. I had loved this truck all my life and always dreamed I would have one like it one day. It means even more to me now since it was my grandfather's. I can still smell his Old Spice cologne inside. I hadn't changed a thing in it keeping it just as it was. The bench seat was still covered in the twill cover that trucks had in the 80s. The same tape deck that my grandfather had played his old cassettes was on display.

  And three, the only other thing that made things better in my life was drumming. I loved to drum. It released an endorphin when I closed my eyes and hit the drumsticks against the drum heads. I could let all my anger out and feel the beat. It took me away to a zone where I was invisible. My garage band plays mostly rock but we also play some slower songs. We play a lot of cover songs, but have started to write some of our own stuff. I sang backup and a little more lead when it was something I wrote or really got into. Not country mind you, I couldn’t stand country music. The repetition of the beat was something a kindergartener could play. I needed the challenge of a faster more complex beat, something with odd time signatures. Unlike my other band m
embers, I had no interest in playing and going on the road. I just loved to play. I had my own plans for after high school, and it is yet to be seen whether I will get there.

  I had filled in for the school drumline today since the band director, Mr. Flanagan, had “twisted my arm.” Honestly, anytime he asked for anything I would help. He was a mentor to me and I had an immense amount of respect for him. I loved to play but wasn’t into that marching shit so he put me in the concert band and I’ve been there ever since. Walking around the football field playing the drums was not my idea of a good time. I would much rather be sitting at my drum kit in the garage. I just love to play.

  Mr. Flanagan had been an essential role model in my life all through high school. Only he and the counselor knew about my parents. Mr. Flanagan found out by accident. He had to take me home one night when my parents didn’t pick me up after a school band concert. It was humiliating and after taking me home and us talking, well me talking and him listening, I knew he really cared. I bonded with him that night which was unusual since in general the only other man I had in my life, and that was when I was younger, was my grandfather. He comforted me without feeling sorry for me. I can’t explain it, but I knew I could trust him.

  Today, we were playing for the dance team for them to rehearse a performance they were doing in front of the school later in the week. I followed all the other band members into the cafeteria and got into the proper section. I situated myself and took the opportunity to check out the dancers to see if I recognized anyone.

  Holy hell, I did. The girl, Reese. The very same girl I had helped this morning who was talking to the douche bag Cannon. She was the most beautiful girl out there with her long brown hair. She was standing in position and waiting for the music to start. She was looking my way and our eyes locked. There was nothing I could do but wink, so I did. She smiled. I nodded. She didn’t look too sure of herself, so she looked beside herself to see if I was winking at someone else. I did not move my eyes off her so hopefully she got the point I was looking at her and no one else. Does she not know she is beautiful?

  As I begin a four beat count off on my snare drum she jumped like it scared her. I laughed for a second and knew I better concentrate. I had only played what we were performing a couple of times earlier in the day and if I messed up the whole band would follow suit. The drummers held the beat. Essentially, we are the most important part in a band section.

  I could not take my eyes off her moving across the cafeteria and watching the flow of her body. She looked like she had a passion for dancing like I did for drumming. I wondered if she got lost in it too. She looked as if she really enjoyed it from the smile plastered on her face. Her body danced effortlessly. She was talented and I could clearly tell she knew what she was doing. She stood out. Not only as the most beautiful but her skill level was well above most of the others. Did she block out everything and just dance like I did when I played music?

  When the performance was done, I was quickly shooed out of the cafeteria. I was hoping to give her applause for the amazing dance she just did but didn’t even get two seconds to wave. Not that she would notice me anyway. I was nothing special, just ordinary.

  Chapter 2


  Two weeks have passed in school and I have kept myself pretty busy. Our dance team, the Pantherettes, will be having tryouts in just a week. I have been doing nothing but practicing hoping to secure my spot. I have danced all my life, but I’m not professionally trained in any way, shape or form. I was self taught. My parents would have loved to put me in dance classes but were never able to. I was a bit nervous knowing many of the girls I would be dancing next to would have had private training. My mom always said if you have a gift you have it, no amount of training can give it to you if you don’t. Here’s to hoping I have it.

  I’ve met a lot of new people and tried to pretend my lovely fall in the main hallway didn’t truly happen. I had convinced myself that I had dreamed it or more like a nightmare. I have seen Cannon in the halls and during lunch when he is passing through but didn’t really pay much attention to him even when all the other girls were star spelled. He thought his presence demanded it.

  I was sitting at the lunch table eating my pizza when every girl around me was staring at my table. Please God not another mortifying moment. Cannon walked up to my table and in my view, every girl’s mouth dropped.

  Cannon takes me by surprise as he jumps on the table I am sitting at and everyone is looking at him.

  “Hey ladies…” The cafeteria gets quiet. I roll my eyes.

  “There is a big party next Friday at my bud Ryan’s house. I would like every one of you to come.” He winks and all the girls are acting as if he was God’s gift to women.

  “It will be a kickass time, starts at 9:00 and will end whenever it’s over.” He turned and walked away after slinging his backpack over his shoulder while his friends who were waiting for him to catch up.

  God, I am so stupid. My first thought was he realized he was an ass when I fell and he was going to apologize for not helping me.

  I turned around and took a seat at the lunch table wanting to scream with excitement but still unsure of his action.

  Autumn just came into the cafeteria and must have missed his performance.

  “He wanted to know if we wanted to go to a party after tryouts. Cannon just invited the whole cafeteria to the party he is having!”

  “Pretty cool! Ryan had just invited me too. Do you think your parents will let you go?”

  “Crap. I didn’t think that far ahead. Maybe if I tell them that Cannon invited me they would let me and that you will be with me. It certainly isn’t a date, only a bunch of people hanging out.”

  Earth to Reese! I know they aren’t going to allow it, and I don’t know why I’m even pretending they will. I’ve got to figure out a plan B.

  Autumn and I had decided that if my parents say no, I’ll stay at her house and we will go anyway. I have to go and see what these high school parties are all about. I do have huge doubts though in why he seems to be taking an interest in me. Maybe he is just trying to be a good friend and show me the ropes.

  Cannon was actually the first boy I kissed (well the closest to anything I could call a kiss). It was when we were in elementary school. I was in third grade, and he was in fifth. We were at recess together, and he was pushing me on the swing. He pulled back to slow me down, and I went flying over hitting the sand with a big clunk. He came running to me afraid that I was going to be crying, and he was going to get in trouble. He kissed me on the cheek and held my hand to help me up. I didn’t wash that hand for as long I could hold off. I stared at my cheek that night for hours, then touching it and remembering the slight tingle when his lips touched it. All my friends thought that boys had cooties. That might have been true but not for Cannon. Now, I’m not really sure…


  Morning after morning, I wake myself up. I don’t have the normal mother or father to tell me to have a good day or make me breakfast. Sure I’m a senior in high school, but I’ve never had that. Even in elementary I took care of myself. My dad was dealing heavy drugs at the time and when he wasn’t dealing he was high or sleeping. Mom had tried several times to stay drug free but wasn’t successful with it. My dad wanted her just like him, destroyed. I have never really known what it was like to have parents that care. They didn’t understand why I hated the life we lived. More times than not they voiced their frustration that I thought I was better than them.

  I listened to people talk about how their parents were annoying and watched them like hawks. They had to lie to do things they wanted to do when caring parents would try to provide them a net, so they wouldn’t get hurt, something that was only a dream for me. I yearned for that and knew I was never going to get it. I saw things I shouldn’t have seen but all it did was make me want to strive even more to make it, to get away from it. I was going to make it, and I was going to be nothing like my parents.

  My evenings were pretty identical to my mornings. I did my homework, drummed with the band and then made myself something to eat. Mom worked at a hotel in housekeeping and when she was home she was either sleeping or sitting in her room in silence. I don’t know if she knew if I was dead or alive half the time nor would she have cared. Well that’s not true. If I was dead Aunt Ellen wouldn’t be paying our bills.

  This is my senior year and all of my friends were going to be hanging out, partying, and having a good time, while I was just going to be living my life. It was a vicious cycle, and I was willing to do it because I knew I would survive it all. I was going to go to college and do the one thing that would piss my parents off the most and I would have full satisfaction in doing just that. It was going to make me happy to put people away that made and sold drugs and destroyed lives just like mine was.


  Tonight I’m without my parents going to my first football game! They would never allow it but now, this year they are. I wasn’t all too worried about ever coming to a football game but tonight Autumn has a boy on her radar. I’m her “wingman” so she says. Autumn was the type of girl who sets her target on something and she doesn’t stop until she gets it. It doesn’t take too much convincing. She is beautiful and looks a lot older than her actual age. I was still personally bordering on the eighth grade body. In fact, some eighth graders might have bigger boobs than me.


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