An Ordinary Me

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An Ordinary Me Page 6

by Brooklyn Taylor


  Up in the air looking at the people under us and the beautiful stars above I couldn’t help but turn to look back at Garrison. The wind kept blowing my hair over my face so it was the perfect excuse for me to turn back without him thinking much of it. He reached for the hairs that blew into my lips and lightly moved them aside softly rubbing his thumb along my lips.

  I could tell he was tense almost as if he was battling his inner thoughts. He had his arm around me, and he had pulled me close. I was in his little nook and was enjoying every bit of it. I fit perfectly in his embrace.

  “Wow, the sky is so breathtaking tonight.”

  “Yeah it really is. Not as…” He gulped.


  “You, Reese.”

  I gulped not really paying any attention to the sky any longer. I was much more interested in Garrison.

  The cart went around a few more times then it came to an abrupt stop sliding me even closer to Garrison. He put his arm that was not around me up to steady us protecting me. I leaned in more and looked up at his face. He looked down and I held my breath.

  He asked, “Are you okay?”

  I let my breath out and shook my head yes. He leaned his head down just a little bit to where he was angled right over my lips, and I closed my eyes getting ready for my first kiss ever. I moistened my lips nervously feeling how close he was with the anticipation killing me. Kiss me!

  Then I hear the door latch open and the carnie’s unwelcome voice. “Will you two lovebirds hurry up? I got people waiting in line here.” His voice sounded irritated now.

  Crap, we are at the bottom.

  “Yeah, sorry. I didn’t realize we were down already.” I got up and out of the cart as fast as my legs could carry me. I was so crushed and I wanted to hit my head up against a wall. I was so close…

  I turned around after we got through the exit line. “Thanks for the ride, Garrison. I better go find Autumn and get home. It’s getting kind of late.”

  “Okay,” he responded. I was shocked that was the only response he could think of? “Yeah I better get going too. I need to pack up my gear and help the rest of the band.”

  How awkward!

  “Reese…” I looked back at him.

  “I had fun tonight with you.”

  “Me too, Garrison…”

  I walked off and could feel him following me until he turned the other direction back towards where the band was set up. I headed straight to the parking lot and texted Autumn.

  Reese: I’m ready to go. Where are you?

  Autumn: I’m chilling with Dylan. Ryan never showed up. Where is Garrison?

  Reese: I don’t know. Can we talk about that later? My dad should be here in ten minutes.

  Autumn: Heading your way now.


  I keep running Dylan’s and my conversation over and over in my head. I was talking to him, venting was more like it, after the Ferris wheel ride and parting from Reese. I was trying to hide my disappointment but he could see right through it. I was mad at myself for succumbing to my emotions but I can’t say I will regret it. Nothing short of a miracle could have stopped me from kissing her and I guess that miracle was us being interrupted.

  “You did what?” Dylan asked for me to repeat myself as if he did not hear it correctly.

  “You heard me. I was leaning in to kiss her and the carnie interrupted us.” I was smiling thinking of the moment.

  “Wipe that grin off your face, dude! You look like a girl…”

  I push him to show I wasn’t a girl, although that would normally be an insult and it wasn’t right now.

  “So just kiss her already. If you like her, just make a move.”

  “No… I told you, she is too good for me. She deserves everything to be just right for her. She’s different. A girl that deserves respect. Reese is not a girl that is just in it for a good time, if you know what I mean.”

  “And you can’t do that for her?”

  “I could but we both know I shouldn’t.” I bit on the side of my lip thinking. Could I? No, I can’t.

  “You know I am going to tell you to go for it. I know you are going to say no, so why in the hell are we even having this conversation? Stop wasting my time.”

  I haven’t been able to get what happened at the carnival off my mind and how I almost kissed Reese. I am positive I would have if the carnie wouldn’t have interrupted us. Although I knew, deep down, it was the right thing to pull back, but everything inside of me wants her. When I leaned in to kiss her before I heard the door rattling, I knew I was making a mistake. But I also knew I have never wanted something so badly in my life. I have always had total control when it comes to other girls and if I liked them I could keep it comfortable and physical, no emotions. Last night was just another sign of something I already knew, I was falling for Reese, which is just another reason why I need to distance myself.

  Reese was in the hallway and I walked up behind her and took a deep breath. I knew I was going to have to say something.

  I tapped her on the shoulder, and she turned around with a big smile on her face.

  “Hey, Garrison.”


  She moved a little bit closer to me but not too close keeping the distance after my reaction from this weekend.

  “Look, I just wanted to apologize for this weekend. I have to be…”

  “No explanation needed. It was time for us to go anyway. The carnie did us a favor keeping us from doing something you would regret. Garrison, I’m not the type of girl that dates a lot of guys. I’ve never even been out on a date. I’m not saying the other night was a date, I know it wasn’t but I guess I just read the signals wrong.”

  I felt so bad… she read my signals right on. I just can’t tell her that.


  “No worries, really. I get it. We can be friends and it won’t happen again!”

  “Friends.” I felt the lump in my throat and I wanted to punch something. Lucky me, I’m friends with Reese Owens.

  Let’s just hope I can keep my mind and heart on that same track.


  Cannon had been continually calling me to apologize for the party. He said he wasn’t thinking right and really wanted to take me out and make it up to me. I decided to give him another chance and see if he could be a good date one on one. I know he had an ego bigger than New York City but… Of course, if the night at the carnival would have turned out differently with Garrison, I would not be even considering this date. I had to teach my heart what to feel and it needed to know Garrison was off limits. He wants to be friends and no matter how my mind and heart are feeling something otherwise I have to let it go.

  My parents had agreed to the date if they took me and dropped me off. I would have been embarrassed to tell Cannon this before but not now. I had planned on what I was going to wear from the second my parents said I could go. We were meeting at Cinema 3 at 7:15. He got to pick the movie and decided on a scary one I had never heard of. I didn’t like scary movies but I could just close my eyes during the bad parts. I wasn’t going to admit I was a big chicken. It would just be another strike against me.

  When my dad dropped me off, Cannon was waiting at the door to meet me. He was a perfect gentleman. He had on a navy blue Hollister shirt and khaki shorts with his Van’s. I was wearing blue jean shorts and an Abercrombie shirt that had lace on the back. I wanted to dress comfortable so I wouldn’t feel nervous but still wanted to be a little dressy. It was my “official” first date after all.

  We got into the movie theater and after saying hi to a bunch of friends that Cannon knew, we took our seats. My knees had finally stopped shaking since I arrived. I kept looking over at his handsome face as he was sitting beside me. He himself could do an ad for Hollister or Abercrombie. His smell… yep, definitely Hollister. The previews had already started, and it occurred to me this was the first time I had been in the dark with a boy. I was hoping tonight would be dif
ferent since it was an official date compared to the party. I had assumed he understood that.

  Cannon put his arm around my shoulder, and I leaned in a bit to feel him. This felt good, nothing forced, just natural.

  A third of the way through the movie, he moved his arm and reached for my hand, then a few minutes later he let go and put his hand on my thigh. I almost jumped and spilled my popcorn when I realized what he was doing. I sat there and froze while my mind was no longer on the scary movie but more on what Cannon might do next. I was more afraid of what move he was going to try next than the next scene in the movie. I was well aware of his advancements and how many girls whom he had dated not by choice mind you. I had heard the rumors. But I didn’t think I was like any of the other girls. I was totally different in fact and assumed he understood that.

  He leaned in as if to whisper something to me but instead kissed my neck lightly right under my ear. That time I did jump.

  I jumped back and whispered, “What are you doing, Cannon?”

  He didn’t look near as shocked as I was while giving me an answer to the question I wasn’t sure I wanted answered.

  “Shhhh, don’t be so loud. I just wanted to make out a little…”

  I had never even kissed a guy and he is trying to make out. I’m not really even sure what that entails but I knew I didn’t want to find out tonight.

  “Look, that’s just not me. This is our first date, Cannon. My first date ever.”


  “So, do you normally make out with girls on your first date?” I was getting upset.

  “Sometimes… You are just so pretty, Reese. You’re different than the other girls.”

  “You bet your ass I am different. I have never even kissed a guy before.”

  He just stared at me shocked by my confession. I’m once again embarrassing myself. And the Academy Award goes to Reese Owens for the most embarrassing moments!

  When he didn’t say anything I hightailed it out of the movie theater and to the ladies restroom. I splashed water on my face and tried to calm myself down. Not only now did I reject him but I also humiliated myself. I was so not ready for this.

  I walked out of the restroom and Cannon was waiting for me by the door.

  I just smiled and walked towards him. Here goes nothing. I had to wonder how did I continue to get myself into these situations?

  “Reese, if you aren’t ready for that, I’m cool with that. For now anyways.”

  “Thanks.” For now? Fat chance in hell.

  We watched the rest of the movie and I pretended to concentrate on it hoping he wouldn’t try anything else. And he didn’t but it was too late. I already had my guard up and I wasn’t loosening up anytime soon.

  I waited outside for my dad alone. Cannon had already left not concerned I was standing outside in the dark without anyone. Alone. I knew if I was with Garrison tonight he would’ve waited until I was safe.

  When my dad pulled up I was happier than I thought I would be.

  Definitely not an ordinary night.

  Chapter 6


  At lunch, Cannon came marching up with his few friends by his side. I hadn’t seen him since that night at the movies. The only conclusion I had come to regarding him was that since we had been friends for so long I needed to try to look disregard his ways as hard as that might be at times. To be honest, I hadn’t thought of him further than that though. Only Garrison. I keep thinking of us on that Ferris wheel and thinking of what could have happened. What I wanted to happen even though I really wasn’t sure what “it” was.

  “Hey, Reese.” He sat down beside me like he owned the place.

  “Hi, Cannon, have a seat.” I rolled my eyes and huffed.

  “Some friends are coming over to my house on Friday to watch some movies.”

  “Really? Like who?”

  “Ryan and Autumn are supposed to come. Where is she?” He looks around knowing she is normally right beside me.


  “That sucks.”

  “I’ll come only if we aren’t watching scary movies!”

  “I think I can arrange that.”

  “Cool. What’s your address?”

  “Hand me your phone and I’ll enter it under my name.” He winked, and his dimples were showing more than ever as I handed my phone over. Dang he was cute. And very conceited; more than he had the right to be.

  He hands back my phone then stands up.

  “Be there around nine. My parents will be gone till at least one.”

  “Okay,” I muttered. No parents? How was I going to convince my parents that I was going to a house movie party with no parents?

  ~ ~ ~

  Autumn walked home with me after school today, and we began our plan for the movie night with Cannon and Ryan. I was going to have to stay the night at her house again otherwise I wasn’t going to be able to go. I knew I would have to lie again about where I was going because there is no way my parents would go for it. It was the only sure way to pull it off.

  “I still can’t believe he invited me.”

  “Why wouldn’t he?”

  “Look at me, Autumn. Let’s not pretend I am a hot girl! He could get tons of girls that are a lot prettier than me. Why me? I have already rejected his advances. He knows he’s not going to get anywhere with me.”

  “Reese, you don’t give yourself enough credit. You’re very pretty. I've always told you that. Anyway, he must like you to keep inviting you.”

  “Yeah, but I mean, body wise. I am nothing like some of the girls that drool all over him. I see them around him all day at school.”

  “Stop it. Maybe he just likes you for you. What’s wrong with that?”

  “I don’t have much experience and look what a fool I made of myself with Garrison the night at the carnival?”

  “Garrison is an idiot. He definitely has issues. Those are his not yours.”

  “He might have issues but he is… Garrison. I want to kiss Garrison and he doesn’t want to kiss me. Cannon wants to kiss and do Lord knows what with me and I don’t want to. Explain that to me!”

  I paused and then started back up. “What if Cannon wants something I won’t do? I’m not like you Autumn.”

  “What in the hell is that supposed to mean?”

  “I don’t mean that. I mean I’m not comfortable like you are with your body. You’re confident. You’re experienced in dating. I don’t even think I feel that way anymore about him anyway.”

  “Relax would ya? Stop acting like this. Be confident. Let’s change the subject anyway. Is Cannon not freaking hot?”

  “Yeah he is, but so is Garrison. Did you see Garrison today?”

  “Why waste your time even thinking of Garrison? He said he just wants to be friends.”

  “Yeah I know…”

  We didn’t talk the rest of the way home. My wheels were turning in my head. There was only one person on my mind. Garrison.

  ~ ~ ~

  We arrived at Cannon’s right on time. Autumn’s mom dropped us off around the corner and we walked the rest of the way. Her mom was so cool and always did what Autumn asked. I was jealous on nights like this. It seems like her mom trusted her more than mine did. I was glad Autumn didn’t want to drive tonight seeing as she isn’t the best driver in the dark.

  “Hey, baby, glad you’re here.” Cannon came up to me and kissed my cheek. Baby?

  Autumn went up to Ryan and jumped up to hug him wrapping her legs around him. He started laughing and then laid a kiss on her. I turned when I saw the kiss wasn’t ending.

  Cannon walked me towards the kitchen and the contraption they had in there. It smelled like beer, more like armpit to me. Apparently they had a keg, something I had never seen before. They were drinking beer and from the looks of it had been drinking for a while now.

  “You want a drink?”

  “Yeah, a Dr. Pepper would be great.”

  He starts laughing at me. “How about a drink tha
t a kid doesn’t drink.”

  “What is that supposed to mean?”


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