The Celestial Curse

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The Celestial Curse Page 14

by Marie Cameron

  “Yes... I will go on a date with you.” She says bravely.

  “But…” She says holding up her index finger. Now it is my turn to look uncertain at her, waiting for her finish that sentence.

  “I want you to promise me that you will keep your mood swings to a minimum.” I look at her and burst out laughing.

  “I do not have mood swings!” I say as Amber scoffs and smirks at me.

  “Your choice Caleb, you can have a date with me but you have to keep your bitchiness under control.” She says with total amusement. I clear my throat and roll my shoulders, which is hard to do under this heavy coat of mine. She laughs at me which makes giving in worthwhile.

  “Ok.” I say and watch as a blush reappears, highlighting her cheekbones as she ducks her head and looks at me from beneath those long black lashes. This is why I am taking a chance now, after all these years, because of these crazy emotions she makes me feel.

  Chapter Twenty-Two


  Yesterday I agreed to go on a date with Caleb this Friday night, after my session with Lilith. It is Wednesday night and so I am sat next to the roaring fire Lilith has going, trying to dry off. The weather today has been a complete downpour of torrential rain. After drying off to a somewhat normal degree, Lilith leads me down into her basement.

  We start off the same as any other session with me meditating; I sit on the Persian rug Lilith has placed in the centre of the room. Once meditating has finished, Lilith brings over a larger object than the pen we used last time. I haven’t been practicing the telekinesis at home; I have just been too busy. Or that’s what I tell Lilith, in truth I just forgot.

  There is a method to her madness, or that is what I am beginning to learn anyway as Lilith tells me to move the book sitting in front of me on the floor.

  “Your mind is the most powerful weapon you have at your disposal Amber, so use it. Harness the power through concentrating on the object and what you want to do to it.” Lilith tells me as she makes herself comfy on the couch. I listen to her advice, then block out everything else, making the book my only focus.

  “Close your eyes and picture what you want the book to do, but you have to put power behind your thoughts and push it into existence, or you will just give yourself a headache.” She says nonchalantly as I turn my attention back to the book, close my eyes and picture it in my mind. A frisson of power flows through my veins making its way to the tips of my fingers before heading back up to wherever it came from. The harder I concentrate on the image in my mind the more power I feel being released throughout my body. I picture the book floating and glowing in front of me which makes my eyes burn. I open my eyes to see the book in front of me, looking exactly l imagined it. It drops to the floor with a thud when I rub my eyes, as the concentration is lost.

  Lilith smiles and congratulates me on a successful first try but advises me not to try doing that again until whatever side effects I have, like burning eyes, wear off. I assure her that I won’t be doing that trick again for a couple of days at least! Lilith being Lilith just laughs and walks over to the drinks cabinet. She takes out three glasses, pours gin and tonic in two of them and ice cold water in the third. She brings these over to where I am still sat on the floor and hands me one of the gin glasses. Putting her own on a small table at the side of the couch, she then picks up a piece of cloth I had not noticed and dips it into the cold water. Handing it to me Lilith advices me to put it over my eyes to help cool them down and stop the irritation.

  “Don’t worry it is perfectly normal, although the first time I did it, my eyes felt like they were ready to explode and I spent the rest of the day in bed, under the duvet sleeping.”

  “Not to sound insensitive or anything but, I am really glad you did, at least now I know it’s not permanent.” I reply.

  “It’s fine.” She says before bringing up another subject.

  “How are things going with you and Caleb anyway? We haven’t had a girly talk for a while so don’t leave out any details.” Says Lilith as she helps me to the couch. I throw up my feet onto the cushions and relax before telling her what happened at the café yesterday and the upcoming date. Listening with smug satisfaction, Lilith points out the success in telling me to wait for Caleb to make the first move and I blushingly agree with her.

  We talk about Caleb for another five minutes before moving on to something else. Surprisingly Lilith and I have developed quiet a friendship since the first time I met her. She isn’t as crazy as she first seemed and I find myself enjoying her company. Although it hasn’t gotten to the stage where we make arrangements to hang out and go shopping or anything like that.

  An hour later, my eyes are almost completely back to normal, maybe just a little bit tender. Lilith hands me a bottle of eye drops that she made, to help quicken the healing process. Taking the same bottle gratefully I thank Lilith and head home. Driving takes a little longer tonight but I make it home and into my apartment without any problems and crawl into my bed for a good night’s sleep hoping my eyes will be better in the morning.


  I watch the young witch climb into her car and follow her in my own when she leaves. Her eyes are red and puffy like they would be after a good cry but considering surge of power I felt not too long ago, I am guessing her puffy eyes are more to do with magic than human girly tears. At her apartment I watch from across the street as she locks the car and makes her way to the front door. I think the time has come to meet this new little witch that seems to be taking after her ancestor Clarabelle more and more as the weeks pass. After all, I wouldn’t want her to put up too much of a fight when she learns her of her fate at my hands.

  Chapter Twenty-Three


  It’s finally Saturday and I had decided to not go to Clarabelle’s cottage this weekend and just enjoy my date with Caleb tonight instead. Aunt Betsy said we can always go next week. Just thinking about the date has me as nervous as a virgin on her wedding night and thankfully April is helping me choose an outfit to wear. We have narrowed it down to two outfits that I have displayed, with accessories and shoes on top of my bed. Outfit number one is a burgundy, off one shoulder jumper, with a black tank top underneath and indigo skinny jeans. Brown open toe high heels and a pair of flower drop earrings, similar to the burgundy colour of the jumper. The second outfit is more daring, a black bustier over a white shirt, black skin tight leather trousers with swade boots.

  I decide on the first outfit and finally get ready. While I do my make-up, April styles my hair into a simple but elegant ponytail. I finish off with putting on my heels and taking a last look in the mirror. Satisfied with my image, April hands me my final pieces of accessories, earrings and small bag. Just as I shimmy into my winter coat the doorbell rings and my heart flutters. The only person I am expecting is Caleb and sure enough as April opens the door, Caleb walks in looking superb in his dark jeans and white jumper under a black jacket. In his hands is a large boutique of red roses and a box dark chocolates.

  His gaze locks on mine and we stand and stare at each other for a minute before April clears her throat and takes the flowers and chocolates from him and pushes me towards the door.

  “Well you guys have fun and do not have my girl home too late Caleb!” April warns him with a smile in her voice to which Caleb responds in kind, while April ushers me out of the door and Caleb follows. April gives one last wave before shutting the door firmly in Caleb’s amused and my shocked faces. Caleb turns to me and appraises my outfit and I do the same back.

  “You look beautiful Amber.”

  “Um thank you Caleb, you look handsome too.” I say mumble as I turn around and lead the way down to the car park. I’m guessing were taking Caleb’s car since he over takes me outside the building and leads me over to his Jag. He holds the door open for me as I slip into the cosy leather interior. He rounds the front of the car, opens the door and slides into the driver’s seat. He glances at me before starting the engine.

bsp; “I’ve booked us a table at a restaurant I frequently use, so I know they have good food.” He says, trying to fill the silence as he drives. Stopping at a red light I glance over at him to see him already watching me.

  “Are you nervous?” He enquires.

  “I am a little but I am more excited to be honest.” I reply which is true. Caleb smiles and turns his attention back to the green light.

  “Good.” He says as he continues to drive. The rest of the journey is done in silence. We reach our destination a short while later and I must say I am impressed with the elegance and over all look of the restaurant. It isn’t normally somewhere I would go, but only because those who grow money in their secret labs would be able to afford to eat here!

  Caleb exits the car as a valet opens his door for him to exit. I startle as a chap at my window catches me off guard. I turn to see another man opening the door for me and help me out onto the side walk. I wait for Caleb to join me as the valet drives his Jaguar; I am assuming to park with the rest of the costly vehicles parked off behind the fancy establishment.

  Caleb takes my arm and walks me into the restaurant, giving the guy at check in our names. He leads us to a secluded part of the restaurant where the upper class must always be seated because the set up around us as we walk to our booth screams elegance.

  We thank the guy and take our seats. A waiter shows up out of nowhere and gives us a menu and wine list before returning to wherever he came from. Caleb and I look over our menus and discuss what would be the best course for me to try.

  “See anything you like Amber?”

  “Um the roast chicken with couscous sounds fine for me, I think.” I reply as I look over the menu. Caleb takes a second more to look over his choices as the waiter makes his way over. He orders the chicken for me and a lemon and thyme butter-basted roast chicken with roast potatoes, mixed vegetables covered in gravy for him. My mouth waters as the waiter writes down our orders and just as he is about to walk away I change my mind and order the same as Caleb with a fruit juice.

  “It is nice to see a woman eat a healthy meal rather than be worried about her weight.” He says, taking a sip of his water. I blush but keep my head held high and sip my own.

  “I love my food too much to calorie count to be honest with you. Anyway skin and bones does not appeal to me as a body type.”

  “I completely agree with you. Both men and women should look after their health the right way by exercising than starving themselves. That goes for over eating too.” He says. We relax enough, or I relax enough in his company, to enjoy the evening together as we talk about everything from the weather to my magic lessons and the improvements I have made with the telekinesis.

  “Have you and Betsy decided when we’re going to Clarabelle’s house, or are you still making plans?” I sit my fork aside, stuffed I take a sip of my juice before answering.

  “We were thinking of tomorrow if you are free?” I ask keeping my fingers crossed.

  “I don’t think I am doing anything so should not be a problem.”

  “Ok great.” I say letting go of the breath I had been holding. I didn’t think he would let us (me) down but I know so little about him that I couldn’t be sure he didn’t have something planned. Think of how little I know of him I decide to ask some questions that have been on my mind since we met.

  “I have just realised I do not actually know much of anything about you Caleb. Would you mind if I asked a few questions?” Caleb eyes me for a second before giving the go ahead.

  “I shall make this as easy as possible so answer as honestly as you can.” I say, now having full rain to satisfy my curiosity, at least for now anyway. The waiter picks that moment to offer a refill of our drinks. I take a Latte, while Caleb orders a whisky. The waiter walks away while we sip our drinks and I ask my first question.

  “How old are you?” He looks slightly surprised that I would ask his age and takes a moment to answer and I drink my Latte

  “Three hundred and forty nine years old.” He says. I choke on the coffee scalding the back of my throat, making my eyes water. I quickly compose myself and look at his amused face.

  “Ok I guess I had not really thought of how old you really are since you look so young, I apologize.” I say and he just smiles, I decide to move onto my next question.

  “What was your job before the curse? And what is your job now?”

  “I was a farmer and I worked on my father’s fields. We were one of two farmers in our village and we grew enough vegetables and raised enough animals to feed the village. Now I own a detective company in five different locations. After about one hundred and fifty years of searching for a way to release me from the curse, I grew restless of my life not having meaning in it what so ever. Remember the curse dictates that I have no sense of fulfilment or pleasure in my life.” I nod and listen intently, after all, Caleb was finally opening up and I kind of knew it was not going to be a short story.

  “After a night out drinking I stumbled across a maid covered in blood. At first I thought it was hers, until she started pulling me towards an alleyway and begged for my help. I saw a young man, around the same age I was when the curse was caste, covered in blood and lying motionless on the cold unforgiving ground. I knew straight away that he was dead but I tried to resuscitate him anyway, more for the maid’s sake than my own. After I gave up, the maid wept and it was then I decided to join the law and help catch criminals. I did that for about ten years before being transferred, so that hopefully people would not realise I hadn’t aged a day. The all thought I secretly used women’s face products. I think a few of them actually tried it out themselves.” He chuckles as he relives the past and I laugh along with him.

  “Anyway I was continuously moved from station to station and even went overseas for a while before coming back, which is when I met Lilith. But enough of that, what is your next question?” Disappointed in the abrupt change of subject I wanted to know more about, I narrow my eyes and let him know that I will drop the subject for now. He acknowledges my little message with a smirk and raises an eyebrow. Deciding to let him off until later, I ask my next question.

  “Were you married or were you involved with someone when you were cursed?” He sits up a little straighter as he cheeks redden with embarrassment.

  “I wasn’t at the time the curse was placed, but I had recently been engaged that was cancelled about a week before.” He says while signalling the waiter for the bill. I finish my drink in one gulp and pretend to think over my next question when really I am watching him from under my lashes. His person past seems to be somewhat uncomfortable for him to discuss if his actions a few minutes ago are any indication. Deciding to stay off any subjects that could potentially upset him, I try another approach.

  “So how did you end up meeting Aunt Betsy and developing a strong friendship I have noticed?” Immediately his demeanour changes back to the laidback, confident, smart assed guy I know.

  “How about we continue with the questioning on the way back to your apartment? It will probably give you more questions and to be honest, I don’t think I could handle any more of your curiosity tonight.” He says with a smirk and raise of one eyebrow. After paying the bill and giving a generous tip, we he head out of the restaurant and wait for his car to be brought around.

  “Do my eyes deceive me or is that my old friend Caleb standing before me?” A syrupy voice says from behind me.

  I turn around just in time to see a talk man walk up and embrace Caleb, not recognizing the man at first he stiffens until released and is able to actually look at who just invaded his personal space and as soon as his gaze lands on the mystery man, Caleb’s whole demeanour changes. Caleb hugs him back before introducing him to me.

  “Amber this is Jaxon; he was one of the men with me that night. Jaxon this is Amber, she is Clarabelle’s heir and is training to use her magic and hopefully will find a way to remove the curse from us.” Caleb says. I do not really like how much information he is
giving this man about me, especially since I have been getting bad vibes from him. His eyes for instance, look sadistic and he makes my skin crawl.

  I keep a straight face as I go to shake the hand he stretches out towards me. As soon as his fingers close around mine, a jolt of something jumps between us. It felt like electricity but with a hint of something evil mixed with it. I jump and pull my hand back cradling it while looking into Jaxon’s eyes. Not liking the way he is looking at me or his face in general, I excuse myself as Caleb’s car pulls up behind us and I take the opportunity to escape as the men arrange to meet up for drinks.

  Caleb is so engrossed in the conversation with Jaxon, that he does not see me leave his side, or that his friend is paying more attention to me than to him. I decide to follow my gut instinct and call Aunt Betsy as I sit in the car. As soon as I take out my mobile phone and begin to dial, a brush of fingers against my cheek reassure me that I am making the right move in trusting my instincts. I was beginning to wonder if my guide had left me since I had not felt her comforting presence for quite a while. I am very relieved to say she is still with me and giving support and guidance, even when I am unaware of it.

  “Hello Betsy speaking.”

  “Aunt Betsy its Amber. I really need to talk to you about something as soon as possible.” I say sill watching Jaxon watching me.

  “Ok dear, why don’t you come around in the morning before we set off for Clarabelle’s cottage and we can have a catch up then?”

  “Ok I will be there as early as I can. But this has to stay between the two of us, I get the feeling Caleb wouldn’t be too happy with me discussing my distrust of his friend with you.” I say to which her curiosity has her agreeing as I watch Caleb and Jaxon shake hands before Caleb makes his way to the car and Jaxon stays where he is until we drive away. The creepy part is that I can feel his eyes on me as we drive away and it actually scares me.


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