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Fortunate Page 5

by nikki blaire

  He had expected them to be shopping bags, but the unmistakable smell of smothered pork chops stung his nose and made his stomach lurch. He hadn’t eaten since lunch.

  “Thanks.” She grinned. “And since you’re insisting on first names, call me Ayda.”

  “Well, Ayda, looks like you’re going upstairs to feast.” He chuckled. “Lead the way.” But instead of walking ahead, she paused for a moment, as if she were thinking about whether she could trust him. He intentionally caught her gaze to express his sincerity without having to actually say it.

  “Sure, follow me.” She ultimately decided then turned towards the elevators. Once they were inside of the small space, the smell of food was suffocating. Tremaine’s stomach lurched again.

  “Skip lunch?” Ayda joked to break the awkward silence that had set over them on the ride up.

  “Skipped dinner, actually. I thought I’d be fine until I made it home, but the neighborhood grill may be the move tonight. Thanks for the idea. I just hope I catch them before they close.” He grinned at her, just as the doors sprung open to her floor. He followed behind her, and then once she opened her door, handed back the bags. “You have a good night.” He turned to leave, but the sound of Ayda clearing her throat made him stall.

  “I mean, I don’t know what you order from there, but you can have some of mine, if you want. Save yourself the trip. I don’t know who I was fooling anyways. I can’t eat all of this.”

  “Oh no, I couldn’t impose. It’s fine,”

  “It’s no imposition.” This time her eyes found his and they settled into an alluring gaze that willed Tremaine to stay.

  “Alright then.” He took a cautious step forward into her apartment, but was halted at the threshold by her hand pressing against his chest.

  “I mean, unless you’re a serial killer.”

  “Uh, isn’t it a little late to ask?” Tremaine found himself chuckling, but Ayda was clearly serious. “Okay,” He placed his left hand on an invisible Bible, while he raised his right. “Tremaine Lamont Henley, I’m 32, a Scorpio, born and raised in North Carolina, but I moved here for college and never left. I’m a manager for the company that owns your building and the father of the one and only Sasha Camilla Henley. In case you’re wondering if there’s more kids somewhere.”

  Ayda tried to fight the smile spreading across her face, but it was futile.

  “Is that better? He grinned at her, awaiting her response.

  “That’ll work,” She shook her head before leading the way to the kitchen. She sat the bags on the counter and then went into the cabinets for plates. “Speaking of Sasha,”

  “She’s with my sister. I got the night off. The first in a long time, so the stars must be aligned since I’m sharing it with you.” They shared another soft smile, while Ayda laid everything out on the table.

  “Handsome and corny,” She retorted and the light that Tremaine had seen this morning returned to her eyes for a brief moment.

  “But at least you think I’m handsome.” He winked then watched her shovel the food onto plates for the two of them. Eating out of the Styrofoam containers would have been just fine for Tremaine, but this was her house and he would let her feed him on whatever she pleased.

  He took the moment of her being busy to glance around her apartment. The living room’s color scheme was green and white with modern lines, yet it still oozed femininity. Vases of fresh calla lilies spotted the room and low lighting bathed everything in a soft glow. Nothing was out of place and everything was coordinated. It was the exact opposite of his place, where the furniture was mismatched and Sasha’s toys were scattered everywhere.

  “You have a nice place. I like how it’s decorated. All you or did you have a decorator?”

  “A combo of both,” She called from the kitchen. “The artwork is all mine and I love fresh flowers, but the furniture and extreme coordination were all paid for.” Her light laugh carried from the kitchen. “We’re all set up in here. Do you want anything to drink?”

  He meandered deeper into the kitchen to find a place set for him across from her at a high-top table in the corner. He closed his eyes to reel in his thoughts of having her bent over that same table. It was as if his body was acting on its own, tired of the fantasy and urging him to go for the real thing.

  “Tremaine?” Hearing her call his name snapped him out of his daydream. “Anything to drink?” She repeated, standing near the fridge.

  “What are my choices?” He settled onto one of the high-top chairs. He figured she had an array of pressed, organic juices and carbonated flavored water.

  “I wasn’t expecting company, so, water, tea, and wine. Oh, and beer.” She was more so talking to herself now. “And there’s liquor at the wet bar. Shit, that’s a lot of alcohol.”

  She glanced up at him, expecting to be chastised, but in actuality, he sat quietly musing that Ayda had a side to her that he had not expected.

  “You’re judging me, aren’t you?” She sucked her teeth at his silence.

  “Hell naw,” He bellowed in laughter. “Sounds just like my house, actually. I’ll take a beer.”

  They shared another laugh, while she grabbed a chilled glass then poured the beer into it, perfectly.

  “You must have been a bartender in your past life.” He grinned while he watched her.

  “Nope, just a plain ol’ alcky.” She chuckled and put the glass in front of him. “Wait…not really.” The flash of concern in her eyes made him laugh too.

  “It’s cool. Really.” He took a deep sip, as she poured herself a glass of wine. He stole another glance at her, while a feeling that he hadn’t expected slowly rose in his chest. It wasn’t lust, although there was no doubt that he definitely did feel that. He couldn’t put his finger on it, but it only intensified as he stared.

  “Is it alright if I say grace?” Her voice was soft and low, as she sat down.

  “Sure. Of course.” He held out his hand to her. Ayda gracefully wrapped her fingers around his, unknowingly sending tiny charges straight to his chest. The reality of being so close to her was still jarring, so he blinked just to make sure this moment was real. He had spent a month making up the private details of her life in his mind, but now he was having dinner with her. A day could make all of the difference.

  “What?” She asked, once her eyes flickered open after the short prayer. “You thought I was an all-out heathen, didn’t you?” She chided before digging into her meal. “Only heathens bring strangers home for dinner.”

  “No, it’s definitely not that. It’s just…” He debated on whether he should confess his crush on her just yet. “I’m thankful for the meal. That’s all. You didn’t have to offer.”

  Ayda waved off his gratitude.

  “Think nothing of it. Besides, you saved me from another Friday night alone.” She bit down on her lip, signaling that she hadn’t meant to reveal so much. She raised her glass and took a long sip. “This damn wine.”

  She tried to play it off, but Tremaine would bet that the wine had little to do with her confession. It was the lull of comfort channeling between them. He had felt it too, along with the slight rushes of the unknown feeling that flooded him whenever he watched her for too long.

  “Something we have in common then,” He found himself admitting. “Lonely Friday nights.”

  Ayda raised an eyebrow. She didn’t believe him, just like his boss, or anyone else he told the truth to.

  “Tremaine, please. You’re attractive, employed, and have a way with words.” She side-eyed him. “Your regularly scheduled Friday night date has got to be disappointed that you’re cutting her time short for a meal with a stranger.”

  “Couldn’t I say the same about you?” He quickly responded. “You’re strikingly gorgeous. I mean, shit, you’re Ayda Forde, but somehow I’m saving you from a lonely Friday night? I find that just as hard to believe.”

  “Strikingly gorgeous? There you go again.” She tossed his compliment to the side. “You’r
e not making this easy.” She finished her wine and then poured another healthy glass. Tremaine smirked a little, knowing exactly what she meant because he was also teetering on the edge of his control. One more well-placed quip or enticing gesture and Tremaine was going to answer the call of the tension that had grown between them.

  “And I’m guessing you know about me, or my family at least.” She was intentionally changing the subject.

  “I’ve been told a few things, but I’d rather hear about you from you. So, feel free to share more, if you’d like.” He took a drawn drink from his beer, but never broke their eye contact. Little did she know, their conversation was stirring him just as much as their flirting. It had been quite a while since he was able to have an effortless conversation with a woman that he was also attracted to. Conversation had definitely not been Trinity’s strong suit, and before that, Tremaine hadn’t cared about conversation, just sex. So, he welcomed Ayda being his “first” in that regard.

  “Well,” She pushed her plate a little ways away and then mimicked Tremaine’s earlier swearing on a Bible. “I’m Ayda Patricia Forde, 30, and the youngest of three. I’m a marketing executive and I was born and raised right here in Washington, D.C. I’m probably one of the few native Washingtonians left since all of you transplants invaded.” She gave him a coy smile that made his groin twitch.

  “But, to go beyond what you can find in a Google search, I’m a Cancer, my favorite color is green, my favorite food is macaroni and cheese, and I’m a sucker for a nice goatee.”

  Tremaine reached for the groomed hair on his chin, brushing his fingers along his jawline.

  “I have one of those, if you hadn’t noticed.” He chuckled, but the smoldering look in her eyes let him know that, without a doubt, she had. He felt warm all over because she was glaring at him like she could see through his shirt and dress pants. Then, the sudden realization of what was possibly going to happen tonight hit him with full force.

  She’s good. Damn good.

  He shook his head. The woman had effortlessly gotten him in her house and horny in less than two hours. It had almost gone right over his head, which made him let out another chuckle to himself. Ayda had just made a comment about falling prey to his game, when all the while she was working him over with hers. But, he refused to be that easy, although his body was begging for him to be. He was so turned on that he felt his blood boiling, but he wouldn’t give in to her just yet. He had to know what this woman was about.

  Their conversation fell off while they both ate, but Tremaine didn’t mind. The break in talking gave him the opportunity to really look at her. Ayda was damn near a work of art in his opinion. She was the perfect height for his 6’3 frame, at 5’8. The dress that she wore put her shapely thighs and legs on display, and her skin was a smooth milk chocolaty brown. He licked his lips, pretending to have gotten a taste of her.

  “You alright?” Her voice startled him a little.

  “Yea, I’m fine. Why do you ask?”

  “Because you’re staring at me.”

  “Well, you’re beautiful, so I’m staring. I’ll stop though if it makes you uncomfortable.”

  “Seriously, Tremaine,” Ayda averted her eyes then erupted in loud laughter. “Is this what you do? Sic your pretty little girl on innocent women, finagle your way into working in their apartment building, and then charm them senseless?”

  His lips curved into a sly grin, while he reached for her hand. “I was hoping I wouldn’t be found out.” They both laughed. “But, no really, to be honest, I’m staring and saying these things because I’m not sure if or when I’ll ever get another opportunity.” He learned towards her for emphasis. “I’ve been holding this in, but I’ve kinda got a confession.”

  “You really are a serial killer?” Her deep brown eyes shined with amusement, their back and forth just as entertaining to her as it was to him. Tremaine was leaning so closely now that his chest was pressed against the table.

  “No, but that I’ve had a crush on you for a while.”

  A small gasp escaped from Ayda’s lips and he knew that he had her. He just needed to seal the deal.

  “But not for the reasons you may be thinking.” He squeezed her hand. “I had no idea who you were before. I was just infatuated from seeing you at the coffee shop for the past month. I never thought I’d actually ever speak to you. Let alone, be in your house, eating your food. This is pretty surreal for me.”

  She narrowed her eyes at him attempting to gauge his sincerity. A lesser man would have cowered under such an intense stare from those laser-focused deep brown eyes. But, he was Tremaine Henley, so he was far from intimidated. Her assertive nature only increased his intrigue. He licked his lips then stared right back with a cavalier nonchalance that one-upped her subtle ploy for control. Ayda reluctantly looked away first then reached across the table to grab his empty plate from in front of him.

  “I’ll take that.” She quickly stood up then padded to the sink, rinsed off the dishes, and then poured herself another glass of wine. “And meet me on the balcony.”

  She flipped her hair over her shoulder then walked out of the kitchen with an air of arrogance. It was if she just knew he would be right on her tail. Tremaine bit his bottom lip to fight back a groan. Their game of cat and mouse had him completely riled up. He clenched the fist of one hand, while he instinctively reached for his wallet with the other. He flipped it open and pushed the cash aside to find a condom settled in the corner, a memento from his past life.

  “So what are you gon do, bruh?” He mumbled to himself while running a hand down his face. The attraction between the two of them was so thick that you could cut it. Plus, Ayda exuded the confidence of a woman who knew that what she had was good. Too damn good.

  Then reality came crashing down on him. Having sex with someone who lived where he had just started working was not the most responsible move, especially since Ayda was such a well-known resident. This could turn very badly for him if this situation did not work out. He stood up and walked over to the wet bar near Ayda’s kitchen to make himself a drink. He could see her on the balcony, slowly swaying from side to side with her wine glass in hand, while the faint sounds of music played.

  “This girl has game.” He poured himself a double. He needed to make a decision and he needed to do it quickly before his brain clocked out and his dick kicked all the way in. “Alright, man, think.” He willed himself to weigh the pros and cons.

  Ayda was, by far, the most beautiful woman who had crossed his path in a long while. Physically, she was everything that he liked with thick, luscious hair that he was dying to put his hands in. He also liked her boss attitude and couldn’t imagine her being the type of woman who would bring drama his way.

  But they all seem that the beginning.

  He tossed back some of his drink to take the edge off. Many women had promised that they just wanted good sex, but ended up making his life a living hell. Sasha’s mother was included in that group. What had started as a very casual situation turned into a full-blown family.

  “Tremaine.” Ayda called his name in a singsong tone.

  “I’m coming. Just making a drink.” He finished his glass and then poured another.

  “It’s decided. Not tonight.” He shook his head. He didn’t really know this woman and problems at work when he had just gotten promoted was the last thing he needed as well. He let his head fall and then walked towards the balcony, soft music hitting his ears, as Ayda motioned for him to join her outside.

  Now, let’s see if I can just stick to the plan.

  He hoped that he had the strength to just say no.

  Chapter Four

  Ayda stepped onto her balcony into the warm night air and a slight breeze wisped around her causing her hair to play on her shoulders. She surveyed the city below, which bustled with nightlife, then pressed her lips against her glass of wine for another sip. Somehow, she was on glass number three...or four...and she was feeling warm all over.

  Not to mention, the tall, fine, and clever man inside of her apartment was definitely adding to the effect. Hearing that he had also been secretly crushing on her for a month only heightened her interest. It made her feel wanted and right now, that was exactly how she needed to feel. Between work and dealing with her mother, Ayda was exhausted both emotionally and physically. She couldn’t wait to take a hot shower and then climb into bed, but first, she had just enough energy left to have some good sex. She could always muster up enough energy for that and she was sure that Tremaine was a guaranteed supplier.

  He oozed good sex, and now, she knew that he was also sweet, witty, and shared her same sense of humor. She also realized that he was no pushover. Tremaine Henley was a man’s man that knew how to take control. Their stare downs had rattled her because she had found herself being the first to look away. That never happened.

  She silenced her phone and then put on her playlist reserved for setting a mood, while she swayed seductively. After a moment of just vibing to the mellow beats and sounds of the city, she called out to Tremaine. He still hadn’t joined her on the balcony. He yelled back that he was making a drink and would be there shortly.


  She smized. Everything was setting itself up quite nicely. She danced a little more then turned to reach for him once she heard his footsteps nearing.

  “You weren’t plotting my murder were you?” She giggled as she pulled him further onto the balcony. His broad chest was just at her eye level and she couldn’t resist laying a hand against it. The solid, powerful feel that collided with her fingers made her walls clench.

  “Man,” He chuckled, while he followed her to the railing. “The only thing I kill is the pus,” He cut off his own sentence by drinking from his glass.

  “Really?” She snickered then peered over at him, while he looked out at the skyline. He gave her a soft shrug, while the moonlight caught his profile.

  Got damn.

  She groaned inwardly at how fine he was. His skin resembled caramel candies that melted in your mouth. His suit was tailored to perfection, and his haircut was so fresh that Ayda knew he had a faithful appointment in his barber’s chair. In fact, Tremaine was so attractive that he was almost pretty. If she were a different kind of girl, in a different place in her life, she would try to parlay tonight into something more substantial just to get to know him better.


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