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Fortunate Page 20

by nikki blaire

  “I’ll call you when I get home. I wanna see you again, as soon as possible.” He pulled her against him, as close as they could manage.

  “Well, maybe you can get your office moved here, so I can come see you all of the time.” She nuzzled her head into his neck.

  “Don’t give me any ideas.” His phone vibrated, and he was sure it was his sister asking if he was on his way.

  “I’ll see you this week, come hell or high water, aight. Even if we just have lunch.”

  “Okay.” She cooed, as they pulled apart. “And one last thing before you go. I just wanted to tell you thank you.”

  “For the sex? You don’t ever have to thank me for that,” He leaned in the doorway with a sly smirk that made Ayda playfully nudge him.

  “No, you fiend. I’m talking about the Spring Affair, our talk after, and especially for how you dealt with my father. You had a good idea and I’ll make sure it gets done. I was thinking of pitching it to my boss as well actually.”

  Tremaine leaned down to kiss her passionately.

  “It was our idea.” He slowly released her lips. “You fleshed it out, so feel free to pitch it and keep me updated. Your dad said he’d follow up, so maybe we should do this as a team.”

  “A team?” She stared up at him starry eyed.

  “A damn good team. Aight, I’ve gotta go get my munchkin.” He gave her one last kiss before forcing himself out of her arms and towards the elevator.

  He arrived at his sister’s house late that afternoon, knowing he would get an earful of questions. Julissa met him at the door with her arms crossed and amusement flickering in her eyes.

  “Hey big brother.” She bellowed in a singsong voice. “So, good to see you. Come in, come in.” She ushered him inside. He looked around the apartment, hoping to find Sasha waiting on him so they could head out before Julissa got started. He had no such luck.

  “Where’s Sasha?”

  “Taking a nap. We went to the park and played hula-hoops, jump rope, the whole nine yards. She knocked out as soon as we walked back in the house.”

  “So, you tired her out on purpose, so you could grill me?” He went ahead and sat down on the couch. “Aight. G’head. Start with your questions.”

  “Grill you? Me? I would never.” She sashayed across the room to join him, while humming a familiar tune.

  “JuJu...are you humming Return of the Mack?”

  “Possibly. It’s a fitting tune isn’t it? Hasn’t the mack aka Trickin Tremaine returned?” She crossed her legs, her bunny slippers dangling from her feet. “That’s the only explanation for two weekends out in a row. Same girl or are we just passing out the Henley genes to the city?”

  “Chill, JuJu. Ain’t nobody mackin’. I told you that already.” He sighed. “And it’s the same girl. If you gotta know, but we’re just kickin’ it.”

  “And you’re also stickin’ it.” She gave him a smirk. “I know you better than you think, Tremaine. You’re spending a lot of time with this woman for it to just be kickin’ it.”

  “How do you know how much time I’ve spent with her?”

  “I don’t.” Julissa shrugged. “But I must be right from that big ol’ furrow in your forehead. Now, are we gonna get to meet this girl?”

  “No, not right now. Like I said, we’re just kickin’ it. I admit that I like her, but we literally just talked about this. We’re taking it slow.”

  “Does she know about Sasha?”

  “Of course she knows about my daughter.” He groaned. “They already met.”

  Tremaine regretted the slip up as soon as it fell from his lips. Julissa’s eyes grew wide while he recoiled further into the sofa.

  “She’s met Sasha? Tremaine that is not kickin’ it. That is a full-blown relation,”

  “Don’t say relationship.” He cut her off. “I told you what we’re doing and that’s all that we’re doing. She met Sasha when I met her…”

  “And that’s it?” She eyed him, clearly holding back her laughter.

  “We all had dinner once. Got damn, Julissa. I don’t ask you about any of the niggas you have comin’ up and through here. Can you chill? Please.”

  His outburst was enough to make her stop, but he knew her obedience would only last for a short while. So, he stood up and went to her bedroom to get his daughter. He lifted a sleeping Sasha into his arms and grabbed her bag.

  “Thanks, JuJu.” He kissed her cheek on the way out. “I appreciate it.” He went into his pocket for his wallet to give her something for keeping Sasha.

  “Yea, yea, yea.” She shooed his hand away. “Pay me by taking me out for drinks...with your girlfriend.”

  “You don’t let up, do you?” They walked to the door.

  “Nope. Never. I’m a Henley. We’re persistent.” She kissed him back then ushered him out of the door.

  He thought about what Julissa had said as he loaded Sasha into the car. Henley’s were persistent. Despite, Ayda’s initial rebuff, he had found his way into her life. His mind flashed back to their night together. He absentmindedly gripped the steering wheel tighter from his apparent withdrawal. He already missed the way her citrusy scent seeped into his nose. He missed her laugh and smile, but he mostly missed her being by his side. Ayda felt like a true partner. She complimented him instead of just constantly using him. Julissa was also right about he and Ayda doing more than just kicking it. At least, he wanted it to be more than that after a while. For now, they were just going with the flow until they both felt comfortable enough to open themselves up for more.

  “Daddy.” Sasha’s little voice stole his attention.

  “Yes, ladybug?” He turned to her, while they rode down the highway.

  “Did you have fun at the only for grown ups party?” She lazily asked him from the passenger seat.

  Tremaine doubled over in laughter at her unexpected innocence. He had described the gala to her as a party just for adults when he drove her over to Julissa’s yesterday.

  “Yea, ladybug. I did.”

  Sasha nodded her approval then settled into her seat to sing to herself on the rest of the ride home. The night consisted of their regular routine, but Tremaine felt like everything was different. Part of him still couldn’t believe that last night had been real.

  He sat on the sofa absentmindedly watching the TV while Sasha played when his phone vibrated and a text from Ayda popped up on his screen. He swiped it open and almost choked at what he read.

  I want more.

  Those three simple words sent his libido into a tailspin and engaged his body’s muscle memory. Immediately, he recalled how she felt wrapped around him, squeezing, gripping, and milking him for all he was worth. He let out a grunt that made Sasha glance at him out of the corner of her eye.

  “You okay, Daddy?” She sat on the floor rearranging her already organized doll collection.

  “Yea, ladybug.” He called over his shoulder, shielding his phone from her, as if she could actually see it. Subconsciously, he felt as if his nasty thoughts were on full display. His mouth went dry as he tried to think of a response. He typed, erased, and then retyped responses until finally he just decided to call her.

  He stood up and went to the kitchen so he could still keep an eye on Sasha, but remain out of earshot. Then he scrolled to Ayda’s number and dialed it.


  Ayda sat on her bed with her eyes squeezed closed, while she waited for her phone to vibrate with Tremaine’s response. Once she felt the familiar shaking on her lap, she squinted to glance at her phone screen. He was calling.

  “Hello?” She quickly picked up. Her nerves had kicked in once the wine she had been drinking wore off. Liquid courage had sent that text message, not her. Her night and morning with Tremaine had been the sole thing on her mind all day. She relived every moment, from the front door, to the bed, to their breakfast in the kitchen.

  “You want more of what?” Was all he said in that deep, Southern drawl of his and her body started to pulsate.
  “Naw, don't get shy on me now, Ayda.” He responded to her silence. “I wanna hear you say it.”

  Ayda swallowed hard. Her first thought was to protest being commanded to do anything, but that dissipated quickly. Tremaine had taken control last night and it was mind blowing. So, now, all of her reacted to his instruction like a doting student.

  “I want more of last night. I want more of you.”

  “And you’re gonna get what you're asking for if you keep texting me shit like that.”

  He laughed a deep, sexy, and arrogant laugh that made her clamp her legs together.

  “What time do you go to work?”

  “I’m usually in by 9AM, but I can push it back to 10AM. Why? Are you planning on stopping by?”

  “You damn right, baby. I can drop Sasha off and then come make you come.”

  Ayda grabbed a handful of her sheets. She needed to hold onto something.

  “I’ll be here.” Was all the answer that she could muster.

  “Good. I’ll see you in the morning.” She could tell that he was about to hang up, but she wasn’t ready to let go of him just yet.

  “Was Sasha happy to see you when you picked her up today? How’s your sister?” She asked to keep him on the phone for longer. She wanted to believe that it was just for that reason, but truthfully, she also wanted to know about his day-to-day because she cared. She had cared for a lot longer than she had been willing to accept.

  “Man, she asked me about the party, but that was it. I'm starting to think she's gotten over me. She's supposed to be Daddy's little girl forever.”

  He laughed, but Ayda could hear that it was tinged with sadness. His little girl was growing up. For a second, Ayda wondered if Tremaine would let her be a part of that.

  “And Julissa’s fine. Asking me a thousand questions and being nosy as hell.”

  “She just wants to stay updated. I guess it's my turn to tell you that your family isn’t that bad and she’s just doing what any other sister would do.”

  “I guess.” He scoffed. “But still, she’s getting on my damn nerves.”

  “Daddy, I think it’s time for my snack.”

  Ayda heard Sasha’s little voice carry over the phone.

  “Hold on one second.” Tremaine’s voice grew distant at having put the phone down to address her.

  Normally, Ayda would have turned her attention to something else to avoid eavesdropping on such a private moment, but now she was hanging onto every word.

  “What makes you think that?” Tremaine asked her in a slightly sweeter and syrupier voice than his usual baritone.

  “Cuz my tummy goes grrrgrrrgrrr.” Sasha responded, which made Ayda smile to herself.

  “Okay, give me until you count to ten and we’ll make a snack.” He picked up the phone again. “My bad.”

  “It’s okay. No worries.” She was still grinning from hearing their exchange. “I’ll see you tomorrow.”

  “Right. Tomorrow.”

  She forced herself to hang up then flopped backwards on her bedspread, which still smelled like Tremaine’s cologne. She grabbed one of the pillows, lowered it to her nose, and then inhaled deeply.

  You get some good dick and then you lose your damn mind.

  This was how she acted when she liked someone. She was too open, too vulnerable, and addicted to their presence. This was also why she usually kept her emotions out of her entanglements. Tremaine had her sniffing her own pillow like a lovesick moron. She was also counting down the hours until he was back here with her.

  She pushed herself upright then turned on the TV for a much-needed distraction, but it only lasted for so long. Soon, her mind was going back to their conversation from this morning. He had made her his baby, whatever the hell that meant. She had also promised him sexual exclusivity, but she had to be sure that was all that she was offered. Her heart, mind, and emotions were not ready to be part of this equation yet.

  Chapter Thirteen

  The next morning, Ayda stood by the door a few minutes before Tremaine was supposed to arrive. He had text her that he was coming into the building, so she pulled on lingerie then moved to the doorway to wait for him. He knocked softly soon after, but was glaring at his phone when she pulled the door open.

  “You won’t believe this shit.” He groaned as he stepped in, still not looking at her. “We didn’t hit our quarterly numbers because the leasing agents didn’t certify...the...affordable...housing…units.”

  His mouth dropped open once he finally looked at her.

  “That is some shit.” Ayda grinned at his reaction. “But, can you handle that later and handle this now?”

  He slammed the apartment door behind him then dropped in front of her.

  “Hell yeah.” He started to kiss her exposed stomach, but Ayda pulled him back to his feet.

  “No, you had your turn last night. It’s my turn now. You promised.”

  “I aint promise anything.” He tried to go back to his knees, but Ayda stepped back and pushed him to the sofa. She quickly moved to her knees, which made Tremaine’s eyes grow wide.

  “Ayda, don’t,” He feebly tried to stop her from unbuckling his belt.

  “Why not?” She released him, then began to gently massage his manhood.

  “Because...if you’re as good at this as you are everything else…” He didn’t finish his sentence as Ayda flicked her tongue over the head then maneuvered all of him into her mouth. She confidently licked and sucked, while Tremaine flinched beneath her, his hands in her hair. He mumbled several incoherent things before mustering the strength to push her away.

  “You’re one of those soul snatchers that I’ve always been warned about, aren’t you?” His voice was low and his eyes were lower, as she straddled him.

  “Maybe.” She pulled away the lingerie then reached for the condom she had already placed on the side table next to the sofa. She covered him then slowly glided down onto him. Tremaine’s growl was deep and throaty, while he gripped her hips tightly. Feeling him fill her up was so gratifying that she sat there for a moment just to savor it. Then, she began to move, and Tremaine’s mumbles began again. She rode him until she was satisfied and they both released together, Ayda falling limp against Tremaine’s chest.

  “Okay, let me get myself together.” She tried to wake herself up to get ready for work.

  “Excuse you?” Tremaine stood up, lifting her with him. “You ain’t going nowhere. Not right now.” He carried her to the bedroom for another round.

  This became their morning routine. Tremaine would come by, leave her in a tizzy, and then leave for work. Once they fell into a rhythm, they began to venture out for breakfast afterwards, or would just lay in bed and talk. Overnight, he became her little slice of heaven. As the weeks progressed, Ayda felt pieces of her heart mixing into their situation, but nothing seemed to change about Tremaine. He didn’t linger on the phone, like she did. He also hadn’t pushed for another date, even though she wished that he would. He fell right into their regimen and seemed just fine with staying there. She knew that he was doing exactly what she had asked by taking it slow. So, she could not complain. She also didn’t want to be the first to admit that she wanted more from him, especially since she had suggested they take it slow in the first place.

  Somehow, she had successfully ruined her own situation and had too much pride to let Tremaine know that she had changed her mind.

  “Yo, they didn’t have those almond things you like at the coffee shop.” Tremaine traipsed into her apartment with a bag of pastries and coffee. “They had the regular ones though, so I got those.”

  He walked behind her to the kitchen where he placed the bag on the counter. Ayda let out a sigh before grabbing the coffee then going to the living room. She sat on the sofa then put on her heels.

  “Why are you getting dressed?” I brought breakfast.” He looked at the bag then at her.

  “You’re late, Tremaine. I have to go.” She stood, but found him right in fro
nt of her.

  “No, you don’t. There’s nobody at your office watching anything you do. So, what’s your real issue? You’re mad because I’m late? I had to talk to Sasha’s dance teacher about her recital tonight.”

  His daughter. Of course.

  He had to tend to Sasha, the daughter he had, but she never really got to see because all they did was have sex in her apartment.

  “Oh, she has a recital? You never said anything about that. So, I guess we can’t have dinner tonight.”

  “Did we say we were having dinner tonight?” He was pressing himself against her.

  “No, I was going to suggest it, but since you’re busy...never mind.” She tried to move past him, but he reached out and grabbed her, then held her in place.

  “You okay?”

  “Yea.” She lied.

  I wanna do more than this. I wanna go to Sasha’s recital. At least invite me.

  She wanted to say that, but instead, she just took a sip of her coffee and moved past him to the kitchen counter. She reached into the bag for a croissant when she felt Tremaine’s arms around her.

  “Ayda Patricia Forde.” He whispered her name in her ear, while his hands slid to the waistband of her skirt. “Don’t leave me without what I need to get through the day.”

  “And what is that?” She dropped her croissant once his fingers slipped inside of her.

  “You.” He bent her over the counter.

  “Tremaine, I don’t have time…”

  “You sure?” He waited a moment to see if she was serious, but they both knew that she wasn’t. He lifted her skirt, pulled down her panties, and then stuffed himself inside of her. She reached for the edges of the counter, but Tremaine grabbed her hands and intertwined their fingers while he stroked.

  “Ayda…Patricia…” He growled out her name, while he pushed her to the highest of heights. “Henley.”

  He hissed through clenched teeth right before they came together. Deep panting followed, as they collapsed on the counter.

  “Henley?” Ayda finally managed to get out. Tremaine pulled himself off of her then helped her steady herself.


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