Fueled by Lust: Severus (Siren Publishing Classic)

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Fueled by Lust: Severus (Siren Publishing Classic) Page 7

by Celeste Prater

  Severus turned his body toward hers as she stepped back and leaned against the wall. Reaching out to a small table next to her leg, she grabbed a wineglass and put it to her lips, almost as a protective shield since her eyes appeared wide in trepidation. He had never seen this look before and it broke his heart. He didn’t want to be the one to squash that innate fire.

  “No, nothing like that at all. I just grabbed a quick shower. I did not have a chance before Drusus asked me to come here.” Looking down at himself, he felt a blush rise on his cheeks. “I guess I should have grabbed a change of clothes before I left. Had not thought it through well enough, I suppose.” Realizing he was on the start of an uncoordinated ramble, he clamped down on the chatter and just stared at her. Another wave of relief poured through him when her adorable, lopsided smile made another appearance.

  Setting the wineglass down, she stepped closer. He was glad to see the apprehensive look replaced with her usual confidence.

  “Look it. I’m not very good at this, but I need to apologize to you, so bear with me as I stumble my way through.” She cut him off as he opened his mouth to respond.

  “No, hear me out. This is rare, so take advantage while you have it. I was a total bitch to you. You had every right to jump my shit and call me on it. You did nothing but offer to help me out of a tight situation and I all but kicked you in the teeth. I’m not used to guys being nice to me without having an ulterior motive, so I overreacted and made assumptions that were totally unfair to you.”

  Shocked at the turn of events and having been prepared to do the apologizing when he stepped out on the balcony, he remained speechless as she grabbed up her wine and downed the remainder. Her confidence looked a little shaken but she soldiered on.

  “So, the answer is yes.”

  Perplexed, he could only frown as she looked questioningly at him. He watched her swallow a few times before she continued.

  “Yes. I accept your invitation to be my plus one for the fancy-assed dinner. Would you take me? If you don’t want to anymore, I’ll respect that and we’ll move on.”

  Severus’s mind reeled. He wanted to immediately shout his continued desire to be her plus-one, but his brain was hanging on her prior words, “…not used to guys being nice to me without having an ulterior motive.” The line slammed around in his head, making him wonder if she was accepting him as a date, or if she was looking for an official escort. He wavered on the response then quickly decided honesty was the best thing to start with.

  “Would you be more comfortable if I accompanied you as an official escort?” As soon as the words left his mouth, he regretted the manner in which they had been stated. Her eyes narrowed and one brow lifted. Damn, he was starting to feel sorry for Marcus again.

  “Well, that is an interesting question, Severus. I guess it really all depends on your level of comfort, doesn’t it? That’s what this is about, isn’t it? Perhaps you would feel a little better if I shopped around first? Say, give it a little look-see before I made a final decision. How about that? Tell you what. Why don’t I pull up Companion Seekers Escorts site and get a good eyeball on all my options. Maybe I’ll find another one of you hunks that suits my taste just fine. Yeah, that’s a good idea. I can start fresh and get me a guy that has no clue on the fucked-up things running through my crazy head or out of my unfiltered mouth. Give you a chance to step aside without guilt when I pick bachelor number two instead of you. That would make it so much—Uuunnfff!”

  Severus didn’t remember taking the four steps that had him lined up hard against her body, nor did he remember the two steps that brought them up against the wall. All he knew was the feel of her slender wrists in his grip, her breasts smashed into his chest, and her sweet breath puffing quickly against his cheek. Her eyes were wide and searching as he scoured her face and all but snarled the words he knew came from deep inside his soul, a place he had never visited.

  Chapter 9

  “You will not shop for another warrior. I will order them to refuse your request. You will choose me to be your plus-one and that is final. You find another male and I will beat him on your doorstep and you will still find yourself with me. I did not want you to think I had an ulterior motive, nothing more. Gods damn it, female, but you task me! Must you always seek perceived injuries when there are none to be found?” He was not prepared for her response, yet not surprised that his Cassie still had a fire lit within.

  “So, that’s what your gang of Greek gods call themselves, huh? Warriors? Informative title there, buddy. Out to conquer the female race are you? Interesting.”

  He hadn’t realized he had said the word but it was too late to talk his way out. It was also eerie how close her assessment had been. “It matters not what we term ourselves and I will not be diverted. Did you hear me? I will be your plus-one.” Again, her words surprised him, this beautiful enigma of the fairer sex.

  “Do you know how adorable you are when you say plus one as one word? And to do it with an accent? Well, that’s just icing on the cake.” A grin spread across her face at his growl of frustration. “Okay, okay. I give. Fair enough, I deserved that for again making an assumption about your motives. Please accept my apology.”

  He could tell from her devious smile that she was enjoying having poked effectively on his hot buttons and watching him puff up and snort like a bull. If she only knew how her tendency to stir his ire only stirred far more dangerous things south of his waistband. Her resistance, that lopsided smile, and the devastatingly sexy narrowing of honey-brown eyes flipped his switch to on. Severus found himself moving closer to her lips. Just one taste, that was all he needed, just one small taste.

  Amici, I know not what you are doing on the balcony, but fair warning that my lovely Avelina is on her way to announce dinner.

  Severus dropped Cassie’s wrists and took two steps back as Drusus’s words slipped unheeded through his mind. He quickly countered. Thank you, Trejani, but we were just enjoying the starry night. He stifled a grin at Drusus’s chuckled response, lest Cassie think him addled.

  Ah, so I have wasted a worry. Pity.

  Snapping his barriers in place so Drusus’s teasing laughter would cease, Severus gestured to the balcony door. “Come, Cassie. I believe dinner is about to be served.”

  Lina stuck her head out the door, looking back and forth between them both. “Uh, yeah. You guys ready for some lasagna?”

  Severus watched as several emotions flickered across Cassie’s face, finally landing on confusion.

  “Well, that was freaky,” she huffed.

  Lina stepped fully onto the balcony, glancing from Cassie to him before shrugging. “What?”

  Cassie shook her head, waving a hand in the air. “Nothing, just losing my mind, that’s all.” Grabbing up her empty wineglass, she dangled it in front of Lina as she slid past her into the living room. “Just need more of this and I’ll be good to go.”

  When Cassie was out of earshot, Lina gave Severus a knowing look. “He warned you, didn’t he? That I was coming to get you. No, don’t answer that. I can tell by your face.”

  When he only shrugged and feigned innocence, she crossed her arms over her chest and cocked an eyebrow.

  “Don’t play with her, Severus. Despite that hard outer shell, when she hurts, it’s bone deep. You got me?”

  With a solemn face, Severus placed an open palm over his heart, fell to one knee and bowed his head. His words came clear and precise. “Never, my Filia. Never would I purposely cause her harm, and I say this not because she is my princess’s friend, but because of who she is. I would protect her with my life.” He closed the splayed hand into a fist, affirming his commitment to that which he had relayed, refusing to rise until she addressed him in return.

  “Ah, geez, Severus. You know I’m not used to this whole Filia thing. Please get up before I die from embarrassment.” When he didn’t budge, he heard her defeated sigh. “Fine. I’ll do it your way. I believe what you say and I thank you for understanding
. Now please, for the love of god, get up.”

  Rising, he gave her a wink and gestured to the door. “After you, my Filia.”

  Lina rolled her eyes, punched him on the shoulder, and walked through the door. “Drusus is right. You’re incorrigible. Now get in here and eat.”

  Severus smiled at Cassie as she looked up from across the dining room table. She blinked a few times, turned a pretty shade of pink, and refocused her attention to her plate. He had caught her glancing at him a few times even though she tried to pretend she wasn’t. Drusus spoke, diverting his attention.

  “Severus, my father has asked that I visit him, I would like for you to come with me. I know you have your hands full with the dating service, but I believe Petrus can handle it alone for a few days. Cato will be joining us since Father has requested information on our dating metrics. It will give you a chance to visit your father as well. You did not have a chance to see him since our last visit was brief.

  Severus nodded then cut his eyes back to Cassie as he answered. “I would like that very much, but I will be unable if we must leave immediately. I have an escort engagement tomorrow and I cannot cancel.” He grinned when Cassie’s eyes shot up to his. Just as quickly, they narrowed and promised retribution. She leveled a quick glance over to Lina, who was now nodding her head and smirking.

  “Ah, so the plot thickens, Cassie. You didn’t tell me that Severus was your plus one.”

  Cassie rolled her eyes skyward and huffed out a breath. “He just agreed a few minutes ago, so it’s not like I was hiding anything. Geez, everyone up in your biz around here.” Cheeks flushing again, she turned her focus back to her plate, poking at the food as if a hidden pearl awaited her discovery. Lina giggled and, ever the true friend, didn’t press the issue.

  Severus turned his attention back to Drusus, now gazing tenderly toward his lovely mate. Man, the guy had it bad. “So, you see, Trejani, I cannot disappoint my date now can I?”

  “No, we could not have that at all. It would upset my Avelina and that will not be tolerated. Father said any time within the next two weeks would be sufficient.” Drusus shifted those hard, emerald eyes to Severus, one eyebrow rising, and Severus immediately opened his mind for the private message.

  Father has requested periodic visits to convene with the senate on the war progress as well as discussions on the mate pursuit. The males are becoming increasingly aggressive and agitated for more opportunity to start their mating cycles. We can only imagine where this might lead us.

  Severus nodded his understanding. Despite their best efforts, they had only achieved thirty percent saturation. It was not because Ocassio’s were turning away the males, but from the effort of acclimating the warriors to this new world. They couldn’t just turn them loose on the populace without direction. They had successfully duplicated the Austin operation in the most densely populated areas, covering thirty-seven states with eleven more slated to start operations within the next six months. But, despite this proliferation and reeducation effort, there were realistic concerns they would not meet the expected level of sixty-five percent in the next three years. Something drastic had to be accomplished and he feared what the senate would suggest. Reverse proliferation and reeducation, in effect, bringing potential mates to Insedivertus. His head hurt just considering the smallest ramifications from that act. Nevertheless, much discussion would be had before that would ever come under serious consideration. At least this was his hope. His head jerked up at the sound of a utensil dropping onto a plate.

  Cassie’s face was lit with determination as she glanced between him and Drusus. Uh-oh! When she got that look, one could only hope it wasn’t directed at them, but he feared luck would not be kind to him tonight.

  “I’ve a bone to pick with you two guys. It’s been bothering me for quite some time now. I would’ve brought it up sooner, but no time like the present since you both have your eyebrows trying to play connect the lines on the top of your nose. I’m concerned.”

  Drusus shot a questioning look his way. “What have you done now, Severus? I am sure you are at fault here.”

  Severus’s jaw dropped. “Me? I have done nothing wrong. She is confused. That is all.”

  Cassie started laughing with Lina not far behind. Cassie leaned forward and grinned. “You guys are priceless. You’ve just proven my point. Have either of you ever heard of the word ‘contraction’?” At their confused silence, Cassie gave an eye roll and started in on them.

  “You’ve both been here for over five years and in just the little time I’ve known you, not once have I heard either of you use a contraction. Come on already. You’ve got to get Americanized and quick before you warp Lina and have her talking like she has a cob up her ass. It’s very simple, guys. You use them in informal speech like we’re doing right now. You don’t have to act like you’re reciting a college paper every time you talk. I’ll give you an example.”

  Severus glanced to Drusus, but his focus was on Cassie. No help there, so he resigned himself to her scrutiny.

  “Severus, a minute ago you said, ‘I have done nothing wrong.’ Even though that is a matter of opinion,” she muttered. “With informal speech you would’ve said ‘I’ve done nothing wrong.’ Take ‘I’ and ‘have’ and knock out a few letters from ‘have’ and you get ‘I’ve.’ Easier to say and more acceptable to your average American trying to have a chilled-out conversation with you. You both already scare the shit out of people with your gladiator bodies and scowls, so let’s lighten up a little on the word usage, okay?”

  Drusus leaned forward in his chair, interest shining in his eyes. “Yes, I would like to learn more about this. I love to listen to my Avelina talk. Perhaps I, too, can emulate. I have noticed that many of our brethren are beginning to use informal language at the club. Severus, you can attest to this. Just listen to Cato for a few minutes and you will understand.”

  Cassie and Lina schooled them for over an hour until Severus was ready to throw a fork at Drusus for encouraging them. “Okay! Fine! I got it! May I please’ve some more wine before I shoot myself?”

  Cassie and Lina lost it. Just outright fell out of their seats laughing. Crawling back into her chair, swiping at her eyes and gasping for air, Cassie finally calmed herself enough to explain why they thought him to be worthy of that level of hilarity.

  “No, you big lug…now you just sound like you’re in a hurry. There’s a big difference between contractions and eliminating letters just for the hell of it. Ah, shit. Just forget it. I’ll send you a link and you can study up. Maybe you’ll make some new friends.” Lina howled and flopped back on the floor.

  Drusus laughed despite his confused look as he easily lifted Lina from the floor and parked her on his lap. Wiping the tears from her face, he kissed her on the lips. “Sweetness, you have to stop. You’re making my stomach hurt.”

  Lina gasped and starting clapping. “Oh, baby! You did it. You used your first contraction!” She nuzzled into his neck and spoke softly into his ear. The look he threw back at her was all the message both he and Cassie needed to know the night had officially wrapped up, for them anyway. Jumping up from the table, Severus saw Cassie follow suit.

  “Trejani, Filia, you need any help with clearing the dishes?” At Drusus’s hand wave, he started hauling it to the elevator. “Thanks for dinner. Later.” Cassie followed him in and leaned against the wall as he punched the lobby button. He watched her smiling at her friend squirming and giggling on her male’s lap. Lucky bastard. The doors closed them in.

  Severus leaned back then breathed in deeply. The elevator carried a particularly pleasant smell of orange blossoms. How lovely. Severus’s eyebrow rose as he caught Cassie shifting slowly against the wall until she was as far from him as the enclosed space would allow, her eyes studiously gazing at her sandaled feet.

  “I just took a shower, Cassie, so it cannot be my smell that has you repulsed. Why are you slinking away?” He was surprised when her lashes lifted to reveal an aching vulne
rability not previously witnessed. “What, sweetness? You are starting to worry me.” He was glad she didn’t look away or cast her eyes to the floor.

  “Honest? I really don’t know what the hell is wrong with me, Severus. I’ve been around you a lot, but for some reason it’s getting harder to breathe when I’m near you.” At his puzzled expression she looked away and shrugged. “Shit, just ignore me. I don’t know what the hell I’m saying. Look it. Just forget I said anything. I’ll stay right here and you stay over there and we’ll be just fine.”

  Severus took that as a challenge, whether she meant it that way or not. It may have been hours ago that he stopped the kiss out on the balcony, but it had never left his thoughts. If she thought she couldn’t breathe now, she was in for a big surprise. He moved to the elevator keypad and pressed the button to stop the decent. Turning, he watched her eyes widen as her shoulders pushed back against the wall, as if she could pass right through and escape. Moving slowly, he inched closer and closer until he could feel the heat from her body, then he dipped and pressed against her. He took it as a good sign when her palms remained flattened against the wall. Turning her wrists, he made a show of inching them up the wall until he had them pinned next to her head. Still, she did not move, just stared up at him with wide, expectant eyes, her pretty, pink lips parted. Oh yes, this was getting interesting. Leaning in, he spoke his words as softly as he could, enhancing the intimate dance in which they were engaged.

  “I am going to kiss you now, Cassie. We will finish what was started on the balcony. To complete something I have wanted to do all night.” Nuzzling his cheek against hers, he released a soft rumble from his chest. “Forgive me, Cassie, for I lie. I have wanted to do this from the moment you stuck your beautiful face out of your door that day.” Shifting his hips, he allowed his now fully awake and interested cock to drag across her hip. He was rewarded with a soft whimper and the feel of her chest rising rapidly against his. His name left her lips in a low, husky whisper, sending a chill across his skin.


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