Fueled by Lust: Severus (Siren Publishing Classic)

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Fueled by Lust: Severus (Siren Publishing Classic) Page 9

by Celeste Prater

  Maxim appeared to deflate, dropping his chin to his chest and heaving a great sigh before swinging around and glaring at Severus. “Now how in the hell am I supposed to stay mad when something like that rolls out of his young ass? Fucking clueless, just fucking clueless.” Stomping over to Ulixes, now paused to watch the fireworks, Maxim pointed back to Caelius. “Tell him, Ulixes. You’ve been here for what, two weeks? What did I just say?”

  Grinning, Ulixes set down the free weights he’d been working and glanced over to a very frustrated and confused Caelius. “He does not wish for you to actually feel him, he merely meant that you should understand that paying for the damage will not be sufficient. He expects more from you.” Passing a questioning glance to Maxim, he shrugged. “Perhaps a sincere apology and a promise never to lean against your transport in the future would be sufficient?”

  Maxim gave a nod of approval then crossed beefy arms over his chest. “For starters, yes. He also gets to do all the cooking for the next month. Uh-huh, don’t give me that look. I’m being light on you, buddy. I could make you wash my clothes, too, but I’ll save that for the next time you fuck something up. Now, you may begin what Ulixes suggested. Let me hear it.”

  Caelius looked as if he wanted to pick up the nearest object and chunk it across the room, preferably at Maxim’s head, but finally thought better of it. Releasing an exasperated breath, he dropped his hands and looked Maxim square in the eye. “Maxim, it is my deepest regret that I did not pay attention to how closely I moved against your…your beast.” Perplexed, he glanced around as every warrior in the room burst out laughing, some even dropping to the ground in agonized mirth.

  “I am glad you all find this amusing. I am beginning to think that Earth has addled all of your minds.” Turning back to Maxim, now battling to keep a stony expression, Caelius continued. “I offer my sincerest apology and promise that I will be careful in the future. Seeing that I am unable to cook, I will endeavor to learn in order to complete the address of your injury. Now, will this suffice or is there more that is expected of me?”

  Maxim grunted and pointed to the leg press. “That’ll do. Go ahead and work your legs. I think I’ll hang out with Ulixes for a bit.”

  Caelius appeared not to trust Maxim’s acquiescence, but eventually moved onto the bench, shaking his head at a few warriors still rolling about on the floor. “You are all crazy.”

  Severus mopped laughter tears from his eyes, infinitely glad he had decided to come in today. It was moments such as these that he felt complete. He had needed this, to connect with his brethren and realize they all had lives filled with any assortment of chaos. He was just one among many.

  Maxim clapped Ulixes on the back and plopped down next to him. Grabbing up a weight, he started curling the iron. “You know, Ulixes, if Basilius would have listened to your sound advice instead of acting an ass, we wouldn’t be in this predicament. You’re pretty damn smart. I’m glad Severus sent you to room with us. Maybe you’ll start to wear off on Caelius.”

  Severus watched the shine in Ulixes’s eyes dim, yet his voice remained smooth despite the obvious pain at the mention of his mad king, the very one that had captured his heart.

  “Yes, would he have only taken a moment to weigh the heaviness of his actions, he would not be hunted like an animal upon his own world. But alas, he was unable to clear his mind of the madness, so here we are. I thank you for taking me into your home, Maxim. Your race shows great capacity for feeling the pain of others. I speak for all of the Protonecis warriors you allowed on your home worlds. They, too, speak very highly of the Insedi.”

  Maxim nodded and then barked out a laugh. “Speaking of madness, you should have been at the club last night, Severus. A female stripped her shirt and bra off, jumped on stage and tackled Nikos. It took me, Ludo, and Caelius to peel her off. By the time we got one arm or leg free, she would wrap the others around him. We had to drop the curtain before it gave any of the other females an idea to join in. Man, she was strong. Those fingers latched like a monkey on a branch.”

  Severus burst out laughing. “Ah, hell! I would have loved to have seen that. What did Nikos do?”

  Maxim grunted. “He was too busy trying to keep the G on. I swear she had more than two arms because I sure got a load of swinging dick in my face before we got her away from him.”

  Severus shook his head and tried to keep from laughing. His sides were already hurting. He glanced up to see Caelius join them.

  “It was crazy, Severus. I had thought the soon-to-be bride had been bad when she squeezed mine, but Nikos had it much worse. I think he suffered a scratch.” He winced with the others at just the thought of fingernails raking across that sensitive flesh.

  Severus looked to Maxim and agreed with his pained expression. “Poor bastard. Does Drusus know?”

  Maxim nodded, “Yeah, he gave him the week off to heal. He’s going back to Insedivertus to see his family. He did say he’ll be back. Despite the craziness, he loves performing.”

  Maxim perked up and punched Ulixes on the shoulder. “Hey, Ulixes. How would you like to start bouncing at the club?” At Ulixes’s perplexed expression, he elaborated. “Sorry, you seem comfortable here. I keep forgetting you’re still learning terminology. It’s a job guarding the performers. What happened to Caelius and Nikos is rare, but sometimes we get an angry husband or boyfriend trying to find their wayward mates, so it would be nice to have an extra set of eyes.” Winking, he said, “It’s a good spot to pick up a willing woman, maybe even a mate. They’re not all crazy.”

  Severus’s gut clenched. He didn’t know if Ulixes’s preference was strictly for males or if he had no preference at all, therefore he remained silent. Obviously, he had not spoken to his roommates about this. From the resolute expression Ulixes now carried, he had a feeling that was about to occur.

  “I need to tell you something and if it makes you or Caelius uncomfortable, then this is acceptable and I will understand if you ask me to look for another abode, or leave the planet if that be the case.” Maxim and Caelius leaned closer, their expressions serious. Ulixes took a deep breath and confessed.

  “I have a preference for males. No, let me rephrase that. I desire males. It is who I am and I cannot change this, nor do I wish to. I can change it no more than I could decide to stop breathing. I would like to take this job that you offer, but if it will make the other males uncomfortable, then I will understand.” His hands clenched against the bench, showing his discomfort and readiness for what might come at him, be it words or fists.

  Maxim and Caelius both starting chuckling and leaned back into a relaxed posture. Maxim clapped Ulixes on the shoulder.

  “You had me worried, Ulixes. I thought you might tell us something horrible, like the Protonecians shed their skin every month or you eat your own feces. Now that would freak me the fuck out and I would definitely send you packing.”

  Ulixes stared at Maxim, his jaw unhinged. “You do not find offense with what I have revealed? You are serious?”

  Maxim presented him with a huge grin. “Hell, that’s common among the Insedi. We are a race without females, Ulixes. Many males formed sexual partnerships until they could find their own mates. Some have enjoyed their pairing and look for a female that would have them both. Even before the war it was not uncommon for a male to form a bond with another. Our energy recognizes its twin and that’s not always between male and female. It’s what nature intended and the pairings are strong and true. You don’t have to hide from us, Ulixes.”

  Severus thought Ulixes might pass out. His face paled before his chin slumped to his chest. However, he immediately raised his eyes and met Maxim’s dead on.

  “I would have been put to death on my home world for speaking aloud as I have. I could no longer deny what I know is right and true within my being. I was ready to take your judgment and consequences, to be free if only in my words. To find acceptance and understanding among my former enemy is but a miracle.”

erus stood, nodding at them both. “So be it. Maxim, take Ulixes with you tonight and have Ludo start his training. I will let Drusus know of our decision.”

  Maxim called after Severus when he headed for the door. “Where you going, Legati? I thought we could go a few rounds in the ring.”

  Severus grinned over his shoulder. “I have to relieve Petrus for a few hours, then I have a date.”

  Maxim grinned back. “Lucky bastard.”

  * * * *

  Cassie felt like screaming. She had just twisted her hair with one hand and attempted to secure it with the other when her phone rang. She knew she had five rings before they got voice mail, so she shoved the hair clip in place and prayed it would hold. Running to the living room, she slid across her kitchen floor and almost face-planted in the living room. “Shit! Death by silk stocking, great way to go.” She answered on ring four. Severus started talking before she could say a word.

  “I’m coming over to pick you up. Be ready.”

  She closed her eyes in relief. So, he wasn’t going to ditch her and maybe he was okay with last night, or at least she hoped that was the case.

  “And hello to you, too. I have to say, Severus, I’m impressed that you remembered the training. There’s hope for you yet.” She couldn’t help but smile at his husky chuckle.

  “I am—I’m about five minutes away. Do not go anywhere.”

  “Don’t,” she whispered back. She held her breath for what felt like eternity.

  “We have already discussed this, Cassie. I’m taking you to your party. Let us not fight about this, okay?”

  Cassie giggled. “No, you misunderstood. You could’ve said ‘Don’t go anywhere’ but hey, whatever.” Maybe she missed the mark on teasing. For a moment she thought he’d hung up.

  “Damn, silly female. What color is your dress?”

  “Well that was from left field, Mr. Faal. Burgundy, or wine, if you want to be specific. Why?” She felt goofy frowning at the phone since he couldn’t see her anyway.

  “Just wait there.” Then he hung up.

  Chapter 12

  Severus stood at the front door with his knuckles poised to knock. Pausing, he lowered his arm and stared at his shaking fingers. He was still jacked-up over the phone call, trying to act nonchalant as if they had both been given a “wipe yesterday and repeat” pass. He had been immensely relieved when she had answered the phone and actually joked with him. Maybe they could work their way through this after all. He would treat this like any of the thousand other times he had arrived for escort. Professional and emotions left in the trunk.

  “You know, knocking is very helpful to let someone know you want in, right?”

  Completely lost in his thoughts, he hadn’t heard the door open. Damn, he was losing his edge. Looking down, his breath caught. In turn, his emotions promptly unlocked the trunk and leapt back into his body. “Cassie…you are…stunning.”

  If she responded, he hadn’t heard. All senses had given their juice over to vision. Her hair was caught up to the back of her head, a few wavy locks artfully loosened at her neckline, temples, and bangs to fall casually around her face and shoulders. The messy yet artfully arranged style reminded him of the images of the Grecian goddesses he had studied in his youth. It absolutely worked for her features by accentuating her high cheekbones, straight nose with delicately flaring nostrils, and sensual lips stained a soft pink. Her golden eyes were lightly lined with kohl, emphasizing the deepest honey of the iris. It didn’t stop there.

  He stepped back as she turned and grabbed a small clutch-purse and closed the door. Her dress was exquisite. The deep burgundy drew out the healthy pink tones of her silky skin. The material hugged her slim, yet curved, figure and the high waist of the gown brought attention to the studded bodice laced with shimmering accents. He could not help but gaze lovingly at the smooth curve of her breasts peeking from the neckline. He knew if she removed the short jacket she wore, he would be gifted with a view of her shoulders and hopefully some, if not all, of her back. The flowing, sheer train billowing slightly in the soft breeze finalized his thoughts. Venus, Aphrodite, Athena, and now a new goddess in the lineup.

  He came to the realization that he had been afforded the leisurely perusal because she was doing some checking out herself. He watched her wide eyes travel over his custom-tailored, deep-black Hugo Boss Pavese/Verga suit. He had purposely chosen this one since it had never been worn in his escort duties. He wanted to feel fresh and new with her. He froze when her hand reached out and tentatively touched his tie, a perfect match to her dress. There it was again, the subtle smell of orange blossoms. He loved that perfume. He wasn’t surprised at the huskiness of his voice as he watched her fingers trail down the material.

  “You better quit touching me like that, Cassie, or we will never make it to your dinner.” He was immensely pleased with the flush spreading across her cheeks, the squaring of her shoulders, and straightening of her back. There she was…the little spitfire that tore him up from the inside out.

  “Can it, Severus. I’m nervous enough already. I’m afraid I’ll look like a damn fool with all the uppity-ups crawling all over the place. I just hope I remember which freaking fork I’m supposed to use and god help me if I spill anything on this dress.” She didn’t catch his grin as she pushed past him and walked haughtily to the car. He caught the handle before she could open the door.

  “No, allow me.” With a flourish, he opened the door, gently grasped her elbow, and helped her into the car. He waited, allowing her to adjust the dress and assure the train was safely inside, then leaned in and whispered, “You have nothing to fear, sweetness. I will be with you every step of the way.” He gave himself a virtual pat on the back when her shoulders dropped a few notches and she smiled up at him as he shut her inside. Once inside, he picked up her hand and placed a soft kiss to her knuckles then released it back to her lap. “Where to?”

  “Sixth and LaVaca. Big building…can’t miss it.”

  They rode in silence for a few minutes. She probably didn’t like the quietness any more than he did.

  “Nice car.”

  He glanced over and was surprised she was looking at him. “Thank you.” She smiled slightly and looked back toward the road ahead. They didn’t have much longer before they would be on Sixth Street and he wanted the slight awkwardness gone before they arrived.

  “Look, Cassie. I want to apologize if I made you uncomfortable in the elevator yesterday. I—well—I should not have cornered you like that. I’m sorry and I promise it will not happen again. I want you to be comfortable around me. Are you—are we okay?” His gut clenched, unsure how she would respond. He was glad she looked at him and he didn’t see the evil Cassie glaring out of those beautiful eyes. That would have killed him.

  “No, don’t apologize, Severus. You didn’t scare me. It was—I didn’t—hell, I can’t even get the right words out. I was a little overwhelmed there for a moment, but overall, that was a pretty damn sensational kiss. Almost knocked me on my ass if you want the truth. If anything, I’m a little pissed that I’ve gotten the shaft on every kiss I’ve had up to that point. You need to write a book or something so these other guys can get a clue.” Then she grinned and set his world right.

  If he hadn’t been driving he would have laid his head down on the steering wheel just to enjoy the tension draining from his body. “Damn, Cassie. You are very good for my ego. You have no idea how relieved I am that you are not angry with me.” He wanted to keep looking at her, to not miss any expression, but he didn’t want to kill them both on the road to forgiveness.

  “Severus, I don’t think your ego needs any boost from me. No, I’m not angry. I never was. It was just a little overwhelming, that’s all.”

  He grabbed her hand and squeezed, unable to stop himself from touching her. “Do not…Don’t sell yourself short, Cassie. Your kiss almost had my heart stopping. Despite what you might think, I don’t give away my kisses easily.” He was happy to see the shy
smile and her cheeks tinged in pink.

  “Now who’s good for whose ego? I’m glad we talked about this, Severus. Over and done, discussed and resolved. Now we can move on.”

  He wanted to ask what she meant by “move on” but he had run out of time. They were in front of her building and a suited young man, obviously the valet, opened Cassie’s door.

  “Good evening, are you here for the Petrocana event in the Parliament Suite?”

  “Yes. Yes we are,” she said as he gracefully assisted her from the car.

  “Very good. Please accept these tickets. You will need to present them at the door. They will also serve as your vehicle retrieval announcement when you are ready to leave.”

  Severus rounded the car and glared at the valet staring wide-eyed at his Bentley. When the star-struck youngster finally looked at him, Severus motioned to the sleek car then back at the valet.

  “I remember your face, so you need to remember exactly how this car looked before you drive it away because that is exactly how I expect it to appear when I get it back. Understood?”

  The valet swallowed hard and nodded. “Mister, I would throw myself from the top of this building before I would let something happen to this fantastic car. I got the perfect space reserved just for this bad boy. The other cars aren’t worthy enough to park next to it.”

  Severus nodded in approval and smiled as he tossed the eager kid his keys. “Good man.”

  Cassie touched the valet’s sleeve and shoved her phone into his hand. “Look it. I need a picture of me and gorgeous over there or my best friend is going to hang me by my toes, so can you do the honor of saving my life?”

  Grinning, the young man nodded and waited for Severus to stand next to her.

  Severus wrapped his arm around Cassie’s shoulders and was pleasantly surprised to feel her hand land softly on his back as she leaned into his body. He smiled and pulled her in closer, happy to feel her body relaxed and pliant against his.


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