Fueled by Lust: Severus (Siren Publishing Classic)

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Fueled by Lust: Severus (Siren Publishing Classic) Page 14

by Celeste Prater

  Cassie cracked up, unable to stop from digging further. “So, are you saying that I’m a bag of bones, Severus?” She enjoyed watching one side of his sculpted lips lift, his eyes hooded by his dark lashes as he assessed her. Cato just shook his head and started on his fourth dog. Smart man.

  “Oh, far from it, sweetling. You are the closest to perfection that I have seen in many years.” He cocked one beautiful eyebrow and pushed her plate a little closer to her. “Here, let’s not let this go to waste.”

  She barked out a laugh at his not-so-subtle hint. “Severus, if there was one more inch of space in my poor belly, I’d be happy to slam that bad boy in there.”

  He gracefully leaned back and crossed both arms over his chest as he shrugged his acceptance. “Fair enough, but be prepared, sweetness, I’m going to keep hounding you until I get my ten pounds of flesh.”

  Well, if that didn’t send a warm shiver across her body, nothing else would. This was a first, a male sex-god that preferred a natural woman. Take that you airbrushed, stick-thin freaks!

  Looking down at her watch, she shot up from the bench. “Shit! I have to get back to work. I’ve only got ten minutes.”

  Cato wadded up the remnants of their lunch and air-mailed the mess into the trashcan. “I’ll get you there in five.”

  As they sailed down Sixth, Cassie decided it was now or never for bringing up their remaining sensitive subject. “So, how do we play this with Victor? Do I keep him within arm’s reach or start cooling down the date vibe?” Rolling her eyes, she snorted in derision. “Hell, he’s probably going to run from me anyway. That was so embarrassing, taking a load in the crotch like that. Almost felt bad for the guy for like a whole second. And that’s another thing, I don’t know if you were close enough to see, but that soda-walk across the table totally freaked me out. The damn thing lifted in the air. I shit you not! Lifted in the god damn air…” Cassie turned her head toward Severus the second a deep, rumbling growl pulsated from his chest. She watched in stunned silence as his strong jaw clenched and his head slowly rotated toward her.

  Those searing, hazel eyes burned through her, just burned her right down to the core. She had never had a man look at her with such possession, such determination, or such command. She sucked in a deep breath, and released a whisper as her eyes locked to his. She was incapable of looking away. “What?”

  His words pushed out like a bucket of gravel, heavy and rolling thunder. “Stay—away—from—him.”


  Cato’s calm tone broke the spell. They both blinked a few times and slowly turned their necks around to stare at him. She grasped on to him like a lifeboat, one word pulling her up and out of the swirling depth threatening to drown her. Holy hell, that was intense.

  “Severus, you’re going to scare her. Let’s give her some clear advice on how to work this dude. She’s in the same office with him, bro, not like she can draw a chalk line around her desk and give him a time-out if he comes within five feet. For fuck’s sake.”

  Cassie trembled in relief to hear Severus’s words flow smoothly again, even if a bit contrite.

  “You’re right. I’m sorry, Cassie. That idiot just sets me on edge. I can’t stand to hear his voice or to watch him looking at you like that. It took everything I had not to drop him where he stood.”

  “Yeah, that worked out, didn’t it?” Cato snorted.

  “Shut it, Cato,” Severus huffed with little heat.

  Cato lifted one shoulder. “Hey. I’m just saying. He didn’t drop, but he did roll.”

  Cassie was confused at how that back-and-forth between them ended up with both of them barking out a round of heavy, gut-pounding laughter until tears squeezed from their eyes. The damn idiots had her laughing like a lunatic and she had no clue as to why.

  Punching against their shoulders, she gasped between clenching spasms. “Stop, you damn morons! I’m going to pee my pants. Stop!”

  Cassie thought Cato was having an epileptic fit, his laughter drying up to a sick, wheezing sound as he tried to laugh and breathe at the same time. Severus just slumped into his own lap, shoulders and back heaving as he gripped his sides. Cassie was surprised that the damn truck stayed true. Impressive driving or pure luck, it was a fine line.

  She made it back in the five promised by Cato. Severus could only point at his phone then back at her as they drove off. Cassie shook her head and grinned as she pushed through the lobby doors. That was the best damn lunch she had ever had.

  Chapter 18

  Taking a quick sip of her much-needed morning coffee, Cassie moved a silver whistle up to her lips and braced herself before picking up the receiver. “This is Cassie Wells. You’ve reached Miles Sturdivant’s office. May I help you?

  “Good morning, Cassie Wells. Did you sleep well last night?”

  The whistle went back in her pocket as she sighed in relief. “Thank god it’s you, Severus.” She realized a little too late that she should have prefaced that statement when the lightness in his voice disappeared.

  “Are you okay? What’s going on? I can be there in five minutes.”

  “No. No. Sorry! I didn’t mean to worry you. I’ve been getting some random, hang-up calls this morning. I was about to blow a whistle in the phone to help them adjust their thinking. Making them go deaf would help me feel better about saying hello over and over.”

  Severus started laughing. “Well. I’m glad you waited to find out who it was first. Listen. The reason I called is to see if you want to go to lunch with me today.”

  Cassie was glad he couldn’t see her. She knew she had a stupid grin on her face. “Sure. That sounds good. Pick me up at noon. Oh. And I’ll go only if you promise not to make fun of the food I order.” Cassie felt silly from getting chill bumps just from his soft, husky chuckle.

  “Deal. I promise not to pass judgment on your food. You just have to promise me that it won’t be just a salad. You need protein, too.”

  “Okay. You got it. See you at noon.”

  “Bye, sweetness.”

  Cassie slipped the phone back in her purse and leaned back in her chair. She was still grinning when a dark thought hit her brain and wiped it completely from her face. What if he was only taking her to lunch to keep her from going with Victor again? What if he just wanted to discuss something they found out about Victor? What if he was bored with this whole Victor thing and was about to give her a brush-off lunch?

  Cassie slapped her palm against her forehead and berated the vicious drama-fairy that’d decided to wake up and cause a little havoc on her optimistic outlook. She hated that little bitch. She’d been with her since the ripe age of thirteen and hadn’t been able to shake her since. “Not all men have ulterior motives,” she told the petulant apparition. “Sometimes, it is what it is.” She mentally squashed the fairy like a bug on a windshield. Enjoying her grin again, she grabbed a stack of folders and headed into Sturdivant’s office.


  Cassie swirled around and froze when she saw Victor standing in the doorway. He was his usual, handsome self in gray dress slacks and matching vest covering a pristine, white dress shirt. He fit right in with all the other lawyers except he was more like a Tom Cruise than a Gene Hackman.

  “Can I talk to you? It won’t take long. I promise.”

  Cassie felt like kicking her own ass. She had left the pen on her desk. Crap! “Sure. Let me put these folders away and I’ll meet you by my desk.”

  Victor moved further into the room and shook his head as he halfway closed Sturdivant’s door. “If you don’t mind, can we stand right here? I don’t want anyone else to overhear. This is embarrassing enough as it is.”

  Cassie couldn’t think of any reason not to hear him out or a viable reason to drag him back to her desk. “Okay. What’s up?”

  His face took on a hint of color as he stuffed his hands in his pants pockets and started studying the tips of his loafers. “Christ! Why is this so hard? I just wanted to say that I’m
sorry you had to deal with that fiasco yesterday. I haven’t got a clue as to why I ended up wearing my drink. I’m always so careful. It just doesn’t make sense. Then I just run away like a complete idiot and left you there to deal with the cleanup. I’m such an ass.”

  Cassie interrupted his runaway thoughts. “Victor. Victor. Look at me.” When he glanced up, she smiled. “It’s okay. Do you have any idea how many times I’ve spilled a drink in my lap, dropped a meatball on my favorite white shirt, or tripped over my own two feet? You would be amazed. I’m just surprised that I didn’t do it first. In truth, you probably did me a favor.”

  Victor stared at her and shook his head back and forth, a small grin appearing on his handsome face. “You are such a wonderful woman, Cassie. Here I am, feeling like the biggest idiot south of the Oklahoma border, and you completely turn it around to help me save face. You are absolutely priceless. Your empathy is outstanding.”

  Cassie felt her cheeks heat up, so she turned and pulled the filing cabinet drawer open and started stuffing the folders into their designated spots. “You’re giving me too much credit there, Drexler. I really am a klutz. But, you’re welcome anyway.” She shut the drawer and turned back around. “Don’t give it another thought, Victor. It was just another incident in a long line of upcoming ones. Such is life.”

  Victor nodded his head in agreement. “You’re right. I’ve spent enough time replaying and self-chastising. It’s time to move on.” He grinned at her and swung the door open. “Thanks, Cassie. I’ll let you get back to work now.”

  He walked through the door then hesitated before turning back around. “I’d like to try that lunch date again, if you’re willing.” He held up his hand to stop her from responding.

  “No worries. I’m not talking today, or even tomorrow. Just let me know when you feel up to getting out of here and we can try again. Sound okay?”

  Cassie smiled and nodded. “That sounds like a plan. See you, Victor.” She waited for him to turn the corner before releasing her held breath. Man! He was making it very hard to hate him.

  Cassie glanced down at her watch. She had about two hours before Severus was coming to get her. Her grin reappeared when the drama-fairy remained firmly entrenched in her dark cave. It was going to be a good day.

  * * * *

  “Hey. What’s up, Darla?” Cassie smiled into the receiver when the receptionist said there was something up front for her. “Is it a tall, good-looking guy? If so, then he’s ten minutes early.” Cassie frowned. “A box? Hmm. Okay. I’ll come get it.”

  Cassie hung the phone up and headed for reception. She glanced over to Victor’s office when she passed, but he wasn’t at his desk. She figured he’d already headed out to lunch. Cassie frowned when she saw a gold box with a big red bow perched on Darla’s desk. It was almost the same size as a shoebox, but slightly deeper.

  On the other side of the box sat Darla, grinning like an idiot and twirling a loose, red curl around her index finger. It was her tell-tale sign of overexcitement. Her eyebrows rose high on her forehead in expectation as she pushed her gold-rimmed glasses up her nose and tapped on the box.

  “You got something to say, Cassie? Spill. Who is he? You get a present and you’re expecting a guy any minute. Ooohhh, this is good.”

  Cassie laughed at her antics. She was a feisty, slightly overweight sweetheart, but she had one fault. She couldn’t stand secrets and she certainly couldn’t keep them. Cassie helped her out before she had an aneurysm.

  She grabbed the small white envelope bearing her name in bold print. Sliding the little card out, she read the one typed word out loud. “Enjoy.” Shrugging, she looked back at Darla. “No idea who sent this and the guy picking me up is a friend. Chill, Darla. Who delivered it?”

  Darla gave her a shrug, her lips downturned from lack of good gossip to start spreading. “No clue. I just got back in from lunch and found it here. It’s pretty. Isn’t it?”

  Cassie picked the box up and started heading back to her desk. “It sure is. See you later, Darla.”

  Darla let out an over-exaggerated sigh and slumped back in her chair. “You’re killing me, Cassie. Promise to show it to me later?”

  Cassie smiled and nodded. “Sure. You get first dibs.” She laughed when Darla fist-pumped the air.

  Cassie studied the box while she walked back to her desk. She knew it wasn’t from Lina. She always signed her name and left a cute smiley face with the tongue hanging out. Her heart started beating rapidly when thinking it might be from Severus. Maybe Darla was right. But, why wouldn’t he have signed his name? Severus didn’t seem the type to be subtle. It couldn’t be Marcus since he liked to get immediate credit for his good deeds by hand delivering. Gah! She would lose her mind before she figured this one out. Whatever! Someone would eventually claim ownership.

  Placing the box on her desk, she stood back and stared at the gift. Should she open it now or wait for Severus? Hell, why wait? It might not be from him anyway. She started to pull the bow loose, but stopped when her phone rang. Darla started talking before she could open her mouth.

  “Christ, Cassie! You didn’t tell me you were dating a cover model. I sent him back. I almost passed out when he walked in. Warn a girl, will you?” She hung up before Cassie could respond. Well then. She could bank on the whole office knowing about Severus before they even got out of the building. This would make for a fun afternoon with the gossip committee.

  Cassie looked up to see Severus walking down the hallway. His eyes were latched on the present and he was frowning. She pushed the box to the far end of her desk and grabbed her purse.

  Eyes still on the present, Severus asked, “What’s the occasion?”

  Then those intense, hazel eyes snagged her gaze and she got lost for a second. She blinked at him a few times, not sure what to say since he obviously didn’t send it. Why did he look pissed? “I don’t know. It has a card, but it wasn’t signed. Your guess is as good as mine.” She glared at him when he snatched the card from the present and read it.

  He looked back toward the hallway. “Where’s Drexler?”

  Cassie shrugged. “How should I know? I haven’t seen him since he apologized this morning.” As soon as the last word came out of her head, she knew she was going to get grilled. Damn. She couldn’t think straight with him standing so close to her. Mmmm. He smelled good. She was completely surprised to see him wearing a faded black, Dead Earth Politics T-shirt. She’d been following the local metal band for years. He just scored a big brownie point. If he owned any Pantera shirts, she might just kiss the shit out of him right here in front of god and everyone. He didn’t tuck the T-shirt in either. She loved that. She was staring at his deliciously faded blue jeans when she heard her name.

  “Earth to Cassie.”

  She glanced up to see him glaring at her. Oops.

  “As I was saying, why didn’t Cato pick up that conversation?”

  She paused for a moment and tried to remember what they’d been talking about. He shook his head like she was an errant child. Well. It was his fault anyway. He needed to quit looking so damn good and she could focus better.

  “Umm. Yeah. About that. I was in Sturdivant’s office when Drexler walked in and apologized for running out after the soda incident. I forgot to take the pen with me. Sorry.”

  She didn’t think he was all that mad when she caught the side of his lip quivering as if he was struggling to keep from smiling. He turned away and snatched the pen from her desk when she started grinning at him.

  “Here, put this in your purse. I’ll get Cato to get you another one to wear around your neck. Don’t look at me like that. It’s just an added precaution. If you can’t remember to take it with you, then around your neck seems like an appropriate solution.” This time he just outright smiled. Geez! He was just too pretty.

  “So, what’s in the box? I’m curious now.”

  Cassie lightly punched him on his shoulder. Maybe this was from him after all. She gave him a win
k and walked around the desk to where she had shoved the present. “I don’t know. You came in when I was about to open it.” She slipped the bow off and lifted the lid. It was filled with red and black tissue paper. She could see small sprinkles of glitter dusting the sheets. Her heart started pounding in excitement. What on earth could he have gotten her, and why? She pulled the tissue paper from the box and stared down at a round, black tube lying perfectly still in the center of the box. It appeared to be sunk in a pool of hardened gel, or was that glue? She couldn’t make out the letters on the side of the canister.

  “Well. This is odd.” Leaning in closer, she was momentarily confused when she heard a loud click. She never expected the gush of orange fog that blasted her directly in the face. She vaguely registered Severus yelling her name as searing pain lashed across her skin. Her eyes, nose, and lips felt like they were on fire. She could actually feel her eyes swelling and shutting closed. Instinctively, she reached for her face, but felt someone grabbing her wrists and holding them to her sides as her body was lifted into the air and carried away. She began to scream in agony and fear, but Severus’s deep voice broke through her hysteria and she latched on for dear life.

  “I can’t let you touch your face, baby. You’ll spread it.”

  She wanted to scream again but now her throat was burning and she began to violently cough.

  “Hold on, baby. Hold on. Almost there.”

  She heard Darla screaming, “What is it? What is it?”

  Severus yelled back. “Get me some wipes. Hand gel. Anything! Hurry!”

  She heard the swooshing sound of a door opening and Severus’s words had an echo to them. “It’s going to be all right, sweetness. Hang on.”

  Restroom…we’re in the restroom.

  Severus turned her around, but kept a firm grip on her waist with one arm. He held both her wrists firmly in front of her with one of his hands. The excruciating pain wiped away all trace of bravado. I can’t breathe! She heard water running. Thank god! Water…I need water.


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