The Z Word

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by Bella Street

  The Z Word


  Bella Street

  Apocalypse Babes | Book One

  Firefly Press

  Nashville, TN

  © 2011 Kindle Edition

  All Rights Reserved

  Cover by Palindrome Design

  Photos © Valua Vitaly

  © Tomislav Zivkovic

  © Chrisharvey

  Many thanks to my long-suffering friend, Diane, and my indulgent daughter, Lindsey.

  Free playlist at

  And the girl was amazed and reached out with both hands to take the lovely toy: but the wide-pathed earth yawned there in the plain of Nysa, and the lord, the god of the dead, with his immortal horses sprang out upon her—Hades, the Son of Kronos.

  Homeric Hymn (abridged)

  Chapter One

  Why am I here?

  Sighing inwardly, Seffy Carter realized the question went both ways. With regards to Verity, it might mean the blond interloper was getting her claws into Gareth after all. Which begged the larger question: what have I done to turn Gareth away?

  She tried to focus on the newcomer who'd upset the balance of her carefully proportioned existence. Verity's white blond hair glowed under the tanning room track lighting. Her dark blue eyes seemed to divine secrets even Seffy wouldn't admit to herself. The woman was beautiful—thinner, tanner, blonder—and, well, Seffy's beauty was a sham at best.

  “Are you listening to me, Sef? This doesn't have to be awkward.”

  Seffy nodded reluctantly, wishing Verity had found a different tanning salon, a different hair stylist...a different guy. And it wasn't just Gareth who'd apparently hopped on the Verity train. Seffy's besties, Lani and Addison, also thought Verity was all that and a damn bag of chips.

  What's she got that I haven't? Wait, don't answer that.

  Verity shifted her feet, knocking over her can of Diet Rockstar. Seffy watched the liquid travel toward the outlet where the tanning bed was plugged in, trying to make sense of the panic burgeoning within her. There was something about the new girl that wasn't right—something almost threatening in her manner. Seffy played with the J on the zipper pull of her pink Juicy Couture hoodie, annoyed by her melodramatic thoughts. God, it's like I'm still in high school. I have got to get a handle on this. Besides, I need to get my head straight if I'm going to nail my audition in the morning. The thought of that appointment made her stomach cramp.

  Verity tilted her head, her blue eyes emphatic. “And we can be honest, right?”

  Yeah, if I were honest I'd tell her off. “Um, sure.”

  “The thing is, Gareth prefers a whole woman.”

  Seffy felt her mouth open. What the hell?

  The interloper opened her blue eyes wide, as if stating the obvious.

  Verity is whole? What does that make me?

  “I'm sure you knew that already, Sef, so c'mon.” She poked her with a French-manicured finger. “It's not like it's the end of the world.”

  Seffy pulled so hard on the J it snapped in her hand. She stared at the pink crystal encrusted charm, still stunned by the blonde's words. Not the end of the world? Gareth doesn't think I'm whole?

  Suddenly a flash of white light eclipsed Verity from sight. Before Seffy could react, a tremendous force hurtled her backwards, followed by a terrifying weightlessness which could only end badly. Seffy's head swam as she sailed through the atmosphere. The velocity of her descent increased and ground whooshed up to meet her. She threw out her hands to break her fall. Crunching her eyes closed, she let out a keening cuss word. The ground came closer still.


  Seffy landed hard, the breath rushing from her lungs. The impact made her eyes water. Coiling herself up in a ball, she gasped for air in between coughing spasms. After several excruciating moments, her lungs began to slowly inflate. What the hell happened? Did the salon explode? The pain ricocheting throughout her huddled frame made coherent thought difficult. With her eyes squeezed shut, she lay on the ground sipping the oxygen in measured amounts. It smelled funny. Like burnt ozone, sharp and metallic...with a hint of almond.

  Seffy finally unscrunched her eyes to get her bearings. The first thing she noticed was the sky. Pearly pink light shimmered overhead and the sun was a neon magenta color. Turning her head, she saw what appeared to be a tract of desert, with a bit of smoldering rubble in the distance. Where the hell was West Hollywood?

  Okay, I'm just disoriented from whatever happened. I will close my eyes and when I reopen them, everything will be back to normal.

  She closed her eyes, focused on a mental picture of Dorothy clicking her ruby slippers, then opened her eyes.

  Oh, crap.

  Nothing had changed. Seffy bit her lip, struggling to take stock of her situation while her heart pounded out a rhythm of dread. But there had to be a rational explanation. After a moment, things became obvious. She was either dead, drunk, or dreaming. Or at least two out of three. Heaven or hell was probably a bit more interesting than this wasteland, so she was most likely alive. She didn't remember drinking anything harder than lemon water today, but either way, it still pointed to the dream explanation. That had to be it. Hey, maybe that whole episode with Verity was nothing more than an unpleasant dream.

  “Seffy? Oh my God, is that you?”

  Seffy jerked at the sound of Gareth's voice. What was he doing downtown? No wait, this was make believe. She watched his silhouette approach against the pink sky. Her heart thumped like the tail of a hopeful dog. Tall, dark and more gorgeous than Johnny Depp, Gareth was her ideal in every way. Was it any wonder the idea of Verity claiming him made her sick?

  He sank to the ground next to her, his breathing jagged as if he'd been running. “I can't believe I found you! What happened?”

  At his nearness, her gut knotted with emotions old and new. Exactly. What happened, Gareth? Why did Verity say what she did? Is it all in her head or are you actually into her?

  Am I not whole?

  Her gut recoiled at the idea. She let out a groan.

  “Sef, are you all right? Look at me!”

  His golden brown eyes stared down into hers. She offered him a weak smile. “Hey, babe.”

  A puzzled look crossed his face. “Did you hit your head? C'mon, Sef, if you're hurt, you need to tell me.”

  “I'm just...winded.” Her voice came out in a streppy croak. “What are you doing here? Not that I'm complaining.” A bark of laughter escaped her. She slapped her hand over her mouth.

  “Okay, I'm thinking you hit your head pretty hard. Can you sit up?”

  Seffy tried to move and was rewarded with pain slicing along her ribcage. “I think I'm fine right here for the moment.”

  “There was some kind of blast. Are you sure you're all right?” He scanned her features, then ran his hands down her arms looking for injury.

  “I'm okay.” When he started in on her legs, she batted his hands away. “Really.”

  Doubt eclipsed the worry in his eyes. “I'm just...concerned. After your last episode, I...”

  Her face grew hot, all romantic musings diffused. Well, I guess that answers my question. Would she always be the same head case from sixth grade to him? “That was an anomaly,” she said in a low voice. “I'm fine now, just a little shaken up—and envisioning some chiropractic visits in my near future.”

  Gareth's long look told her he wasn't impressed with her lame attempt at humor.

  Time to change the subject. “I was in the salon with—” No, don't go there, either. She compressed her lips to avoid finishing the sentence. Suddenly she remembered breaking the zipper pull. Seffy looked over the area where she was sitting. A pink sparkle caught her eye. When she reached for it, her ribs protested, but she managed to grasp it with outstret
ched fingers.

  “What is that?” Gareth asked, frowning.

  “The little charm that goes to my suit.” The pink rhinestones winked in the light. This was just part of the dream, right? She looked up at him. “I wonder if you could fix this for me.”

  His shocked expression surprised her. “Seffy, look around! Something is wrong! How can you think about your clothes at a time like this?”

  Closing her fingers over the rhinestone pull, she followed his gaze and was met with the same view as before.

  Rusted piles of construction debris and small fires burned against what looked like a low budget backlot sound stage. She shook her head. “The salon. It's gone. Where did everything go? God, this is just so weird.”

  Gareth scowled, perspiration beginning to dot his upper lip. “Stay calm. We can think this through.”

  Seffy frowned, annoyed by the word calm. Dream Seffy was handling things pretty well, all things considered. “What's thinking got to do with it? This can't be real.”

  His respiration increased. “None of this can. And I wasn't anywhere near you girls when the blast happened.”

  “Where were you?”

  “Radio Shack.”

  “What! Someone could've seen you there!”

  He snorted. “I know, I know, but they were having a huge sale on computer parts.”

  Seffy sent him a chastising look. “You need to decide whether you're in the closet or out with that whole thing.”

  Gareth took in the landscape again. “Nah, it keeps me mysterious.”

  She saw the faraway look in his eyes. Mysterious wasn't the right word. Unattainable was more like it. She bit her lip in dejection.

  He turned back to her. “The next thing I knew, there was the blast and I was thrown like a rag doll through space. Or something.”

  Or something. Seffy straightened despite the screaming of her ribs. Gareth put his gym-enhanced arm around her, encouraging her to lean against him. She took the opportunity to press her cheek against the soft brushed cotton of his designer turtleneck and inhale his cologne. Hopefully Verity wouldn't suddenly appear and spoil the moment.

  That's big of you. She could've died in the blast. If it was a real blast, that is. Seffy peered around Gareth's shoulder, unable to process the sight of desert terrain that met her eyes.

  “You were with Verity, right?” he said. “Addison said you two were going to tan this morning.”

  Seffy shifted at the mention of the 'V' word and let out a whimper of pain. Gareth soothed her for a moment, which gave her a chance to think. After all, when did she have a chance to cuddle with a dreamy hunk—even if was pretend? “Um, yes, she was there...but I don't know what happened to her.” She peeked up at him to gauge his reaction to her words. Why did he care so much anyway? Sure, Verity was gorgeous, but she was more Pamela Lee than Marilyn. Seffy made a face. Maybe that was the problem.


  Gareth shook his head as he looked around. “Man, where are we? There's no way this is downtown L.A.”

  She closed her eyes again, knowing she should be freaked, but her head hurt too much to think. Besides, her new tracksuit now had a huge hole in the knee, not to mention a broken zipper pull. Thank God this wasn't real. On her salary from the clinic she couldn't afford a new one.

  Gareth carefully released her and stood up. “I have to figure this out.”

  Seffy noticed the way his Adam's apple bobbed in the strong column of his throat. “Gareth, this is obviously a dream, right? I mean, if it was a real explosion, I'd be in the salon lobby, or at worst, the parking lot. Not some desert.”

  “I don't know,” he said, his voice hoarse as he stepped away from her.

  As Gareth left to search through the rubble nearby, Seffy rested her head in her hands. This couldn't be happening. She had to be in REM mode after a bender. In fact this event resembled her last unfortunate lapse in alcohol-related judgment. Except in that dream, talking birds and monkeys had abounded. She groaned, telling herself she'd soon wake up—chagrined and in need of Tylenol and white bread—but back in Normal Land. That awkward little chat she'd been having with Verity? All in her head.

  Seffy tested her legs to make sure they worked, then checked the rest of her body and didn't find any wounds. How had she escaped bodily harm? Duh, it's a dream. You always wake up before you fall. She wrinkled her brow. Except my butt hurts. Struggling to her feet, she attempted a deeper breath. The pain had lessened a bit, but the air felt thick and hot, and tasted like burnt chemicals.

  She watched Gareth paw through some rubble, but the debris could not possibly represent the strip mall where she'd been that afternoon, much less an entire city. If this was real and there had been some kind of mega blast, the buildings must have—

  “It's like they vaporized, Seffy!” Gareth yelled in a strangled voice. He hurried back to her and braced his hands against his thighs, breathing hard. “It doesn't make sense! Verity, the girls. Do you think...?”

  Seffy touched his shoulder, trying to be supportive. “Don't say it.” He looked up at her and she offered a reluctant smile. “Let's go and see if we can find...the others.”

  Gareth straightened and took her hand. His touch made her want him all the more. They walked around fires burning in random spots and nudged through what little rubble littered the ground.

  Shielding his eyes from the glare of the pink sun, Gareth blew out a breath. “Are we even in L.A? I mean, where are the fire trucks and ambulances? The skyscrapers? Where are the cars?”

  “I know, right?” She stared at the glittering dirt, sage scrub, and angular bluffs stretching to the sherbet-hued horizon. “God, it's just so detailed.” At his confused look, she shrugged. “Do you, uh, think it was a nuclear bomb or something?”

  Gareth shook his head. “Doesn't make sense that we'd survive. Remember, you and I weren't even in the same vicinity when the blast happened. And we're both more or less unharmed.”

  “Riiight.” Seffy fought down a rising rush of panic. Maybe abject terror would force her awake. “Uh, you said something about Addison? And was Lani working today?” She rubbed her temple. “My head is killing me.” More evidence of drunkenness. Any minute now this will all fade away. And Gareth will remember he prefers me to Verity. I hope.

  Gareth squeezed her hand. “Yes. Lani was working at the spa and Addison was supposed to meet me for lunch at Yoshi's.”

  “Wow, I really could go for some good sushi.” She bit the inside of her cheek at Gareth's bleak expression. “Sorry, I guess levity's not such a good idea right now.”

  A muscle jumped in his jaw. “I just want to find our friends and figure out what happened.”

  “Yeah.” But this is okay, too, right? We never get to be alone. Addison and Lani are always underfoot and then there's Verity...and dammit, this is MY dream.

  Seffy watched as Gareth flipped open his cell phone. She realized she didn't have her purse. No phone, no makeup, no saline solution, no money. She wouldn't be caught dead without her stuff In Real Life, so that just confirmed the obvious.

  This was a dream.

  Or a dream within a dream. Seffy suppressed a hysterical snicker.

  After attempting to make a call, Gareth frowned and shoved the phone back into his pocket. He shook his head. “Nothing. Not even a network busy signal.”

  Whoa. Her technology-challenged brain was getting it right even while unconscious.

  Gareth looked up at the cotton-candy sky. Seffy watched his brows draw down over his chiseled yet sensitive features. The mellowing light tipped his fashion-mussed dark hair with a rosy glow. He was breathy-sigh handsome and they had nearly a lifetime of memories together. Something Verity couldn't touch. And here he is. I have him all to myself. Anything goes in a dream, right? So should I jump his bones or play along? Or maybe Dream Gareth is too much like Real Gareth.

  He cocked his head. “Did you hear that?”

  Heat bloomed in her face. “Uh...what?” My lustful tho

  Gareth squinted into the distance.

  She listened hard and was able to pick up a far off crying sound. “A wounded animal?” Symbolizing my sad lament that you won't take what's right in front of you?

  “I think someone is hurt. C'mon.” He gripped her hand and pulled her along with him. Seffy gasped—a little louder than necessary—as her rib cage protested. He led her up and over a hill. Below was more glittery dirt and some scrubby blue and yellowish-green vegetation. She spotted a flicker of purple through a clump of bushes. The sound got louder. Down the hill they went. Ouch ouch ouch. Okay, time to wake up.

  “It's Addison!”

  Seffy squinted at the prone figure Gareth had identified as their friend. The red hair could be called a clue, but lots of people were redheads—

  The figure scrambled to her feet at their approach. Damn, it was Addy. This dream now officially blows. Addison was not on her Favorite Persons List at the moment. The redhead been just awful lately. And since she had always been the prickly type, that was saying something. But that still didn't explain her bitchy attitude. Even the usually calm and serene Lani hadn't been herself. In fact everyone had been on edge in the last few months...right about the time Verity had shown up.

  “Gareth? Oh, thank God!”

  They were close enough now to see Addison's face streaked with glittery grime and her eyes shiny with tears. She glanced at their clasped hands and frowned. Seffy lifted her chin. Even dream Addison intimidated her. “Are you okay?”

  Addy motioned behind the bushes. “I'm fine, but I don't know about her.”

  Gareth dropped Seffy's hand and went to investigate. Seffy followed, wishing she was still connected to him. She found Gareth kneeling next to an outstretched figure. “Lani?”

  The brunette lay splayed in the dirt, her teal flowered dress covered in what looked like red diamond dust, her blue eyes wide, staring upwards. God, could this get any more bizarre? “Is she, uh, breathing?”


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