Another Shot with Summer (Hot Tide Book 1)

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Another Shot with Summer (Hot Tide Book 1) Page 10

by Michele De Winton

  He shuddered as she circled her finger in the dip at the base of his throat. Then she leaned in again and nipped him on the ear before kissing it better. “What did you say?” she whispered. “The first kiss is for being so demanding.” Then she used her tongue to lay a trail from the base of his throat to his chest before nipping that with her teeth, too. “And the second was to make sure I didn’t get arrested by the are-you-mental-police for not having a taste of you.” She licked again then bit her lip. “Yes, I thought so…” She circled his nipple with her tongue. “You taste like whiskey.” She did it again, and the sensation was electric, like someone spinning a switch to turn his nerve endings to high alert.

  He took her face and pulled her up. “The third kiss better be about more than getting a drink…” He wanted her so badly he could feel the bitter rush of it as if he’d bitten his tongue and drawn blood.

  She didn’t say anything. Instead she sat up, and keeping her eyes on his, took his full, erect length in her hand.


  But before he got out another word, she nudged the tip of his ripe cock against her wet center. He groaned. Ready. So ready.

  She sat back on her heels, just a little, enough so the head of his cock was drawn inside her. Her hot passage wrapped around him like a silk glove. A hot, wet silk glove.

  He closed his eyes to keep the sight of her open mouth and her eyes glazed with lust from taking him over the edge too soon. “This was not how it was supposed to be, babe.”

  “It wasn’t?” She stopped, hovering with him inside her. “Tell me how it was supposed to be,” she said and lifted slightly before closing around him again just a fraction deeper.

  He flicked his eyes open. “You were going to be the one on your back.” He heard his voice deepen till it was barely audible. “And I was going to ease into you, slow inch by slow inch, until you begged me to fill you up and take you over the edge again.”

  “And now it’s you on your back.” She pulled up again, and he groaned as she clenched the tip of his cock like a vice. Then she didn’t move. “We’re going to play a game.”

  “I’m not very good at games.” He gripped her around the waist, steadying her, trying to ease her all the way onto him.

  “Lucky I’m a good teacher,” she said. She clenched her thighs and peeled his fingers off her waist. “The game is that you have to do exactly what I say for the next ten minutes.”

  “Make it two,” he growled.



  “Deal.” She gave him a grin that was one part cute and two parts filthy. “So, first off, no hands. Over your head.”

  He raised an eyebrow but laid his arms over his head.

  “Good boy.” She dipped her pelvis down, and he let out a groan as she slicked over first the tip then the first inch of his cock.

  She lifted her own hands above her head, then let one hand trail down the other arm, her fingers caressing her neck, then tracing the outline of her breast “Talk to me. Tell me what you see.”

  Holy hell. “Are you sure you didn’t steal Summer away and hide her in your board bag?” His whole body was clenched, wanting to grab her and take that delicious breast back into his mouth. To stop the glorious torture of his cock. To pound himself into her till she screamed his name.

  She must have sensed his frustration. “You don’t wanna play anymore?” She started lifting herself off him. “That’s a shame. But I guess I should probably go shower after all that time in the ocean today, anyway.”

  “No,” he raised a hand but then remembered himself and let it fall back onto the daybed. “I just didn’t think you’d be…like this.”

  “I’m not.” She started lowering herself onto him again, and for a moment, Ashton could barely think, let alone speak.

  “You bring something out of me I didn’t know was lurking in there. You make me feel dangerous.” She lowered herself further onto him. “Ohhhh.”

  “What you’re doing is definitely dangerous.”

  “You like it, then?”

  Ashton clenched his hands to stop himself grabbing her about the waist and making her ride him all the way to the finish line. “Those three minutes up yet?”

  “Not even close.” Summer didn’t move, letting him throb inside her. “So?”

  Ashton tried to remember what she’d asked him, but his mind was a mess. The haze of desire had run its hands through his coherent brain and left one, glowing word: want.

  “What do you see?” she prompted him, then pulled up before lowering herself on him again.

  Ashton gritted his teeth then took a deep breath. “I see a woman in charge of her own destiny. A woman who is alive and vital and delicious. Someone who should be greedy for the whole of my cock.”

  Summer tipped her head. “Nice answer.” She pulled up off him, then lowered down, but instead of stopping, she set up a slow, painfully slow, rhythm. “Greedy like this?” Her center clutched at him each time, and it was sweet, deliberate torture.

  He felt the constriction in his balls starting to build and knew he wouldn’t last much longer with her on top, riding him like that. “You’re so perfectly tight.”

  “And you fit me so good.” She gave a little twist with her hips, and Ashton just about lost it. “Times up.” He grabbed her around the waist and pulled her towards him, grinding her clit against his pelvic bone.

  “Oh, man.”

  He palmed one of her breasts, letting his thumb brush over the pebbled nipple and relishing the way she threw her head back. Holding her thighs wider, he sat up with her in his lap and held her still. Willing himself to calm down.

  “You deserve everything you want. You know that. Starting with the world’s best orgasm.” He moved his hands from her waist and, cupping both breasts, took first one, then the other in his mouth, relishing the taste of her as he swirled his tongue over her nipples and the warm soft flesh.

  She gasped then, wrapping her arms around his neck, muttered in his ear, “I think I had that a couple minutes ago.”

  “Well then,” he growled into her throat. “You’re in for a very pleasant surprise.” Lifting her so he could flip her onto her back, he pulled her leg up and around him, opening her completely before he thrust himself balls-deep, all the way inside.

  “Holy—” She bit her lip, and Ashton put his tongue to the spot and teased her mouth open. Then they were kissing like they were trying to draw air from each other’s lungs. Her teeth came for his lip, and he groaned against her mouth as she caught and nipped at him.

  “Come with me,” she whispered.

  He didn’t need any more invitation. Taking a deep breath, he focused on holding himself back as he thrust himself into her, grinding against her clit with each stroke.

  “Hell, yeah.” Her words were strangled. Her eyes closed. Her head thrown back. Ashton took her breast in his mouth and sucked hard as he gripped her butt and clenched it to him with each thrust. Her nails raked his back, and he felt her building, the grip of her muscles willing him to let go.

  Summer gasped, her words a strangled plea. “Yes. Oh, yes, right now, please.”

  He tilted his pelvis and felt the hard nub of her clit as he ground his cock into her. Faster, faster. In and out. She started to disintegrate, her muscles milking him in pulsing waves. “Ashton!”

  Hearing the way she yelled his name broke every damn wall he’d managed to put up, and he fell down the rabbit hole after her, his seed spilling in sharp bursts deep inside her.

  Then there was nothing. Quiet. Still. Nothing but the beating of both their hearts and their chests rising and falling from their joint rampage.

  When their quivering subsided, he withdrew and folded the condom in tissue. Then he wrapped her up in his arms. She tangled her legs tight around his waist. For the longest time they didn’t move, just lay there, their breath becoming steady, their hearts slowing.

  Summer. Her name echoed in his head like it was a bright new thin
g, just out of the packet, and he was a small boy in love with the world. That’s how she made him feel, he realized. In love with the world.

  “In case I haven’t been clear enough, or said it enough, I’m sorry.”

  “For that?” she said with a smirk in her words.

  “For years ago. For making you feel so small. I was young, rash, up my own ass.”

  “True,” she said, but he could hear the humor still in her voice. There was a pause. “Thanks,” she said, simply.

  As if by mutual agreement, they untangled, and Ashton pushed the windows wide open. The rhythm of the waves plowed their regular path up and down the beach below. Climbing into bed, Ashton pulled Summer into his arms again and fell instantly, peacefully, asleep.

  Chapter Ten

  Summer was awake. Wide awake. It was still mostly dark, but she felt fully rested, like she’d slept ten hours. There was something on top of her. She lifted her head and saw an arm. Ashton!

  The memory of the night before flashed through her body, and heat moved between her thighs instantly, as if Ashton were awake and coaxing her on like he had hours earlier. Dropping her head back on the pillow, she stared at the ceiling, unsure that she had really done those things with her childhood crush. A smile snuck up on her. Nice work, girlfriend. Nice work indeed.

  Never before had she taken charge like that. And never before had it drawn such an amazing climax out of her. Nice work, Ashton. The smile broadened. They made quite the team. She looked over at him again. Was that what this was? Was she trying to make herself a new team now that T.J. was almost out of her life?

  What? With Ashton as your coach? In the water and the bedroom? Summer let the tiny glimmer of pleasure linger before she packaged it up and put it in the trash. Things weren’t going to be like that with Ashton. It was time she pushed to the top on her own. This was a one-off. She was in Bali, on the cusp of…something huge.

  But still—being with him was amazing. Not just in bed, although that was holyshithotgreat. She snuck a hand down between her thighs. Yep, the thrumming she felt was real; just thinking about him was making her wet. But being with him was good for her surfing, too. Not in the way that T.J. had told her things to try, how to practice, what to do in the waves.

  Ashton had seen failure. He’d seen everything crumble away in front of his eyes. He encouraged her to find what she wanted to do, how she wanted to do it, and then, the best part, let her run at it with everything she had and discover that she’d had it in her all along. That was the best part. Starting to believe that she could do this. That she was special. Talented, even.

  She rolled over but let Ashton’s arm stay draped across her and looked properly at his sleeping face. His jaw was as chiseled now as it always had been, and his long lashes fluttered on the top of his cheekbones as he slept. She was in bed with him. With Ashton Evans. She sighed. What a shame it had to end. Then she smiled. But not yet.

  The red glare of the digital clock on his nightstand caught her eye. Five a.m. Raising her head a little, she checked out the ocean, a churning silver expanse out the large picture window in front of the bed. Okay, so she was going to stay in bed with Ashton as long as she could when she wasn’t surfing.

  Summer carefully lifted Ashton’s heavy limb off her chest and squirmed out from underneath. But as she placed his arm back on the bed, she couldn’t help herself. She put her lips to his open palm. A promise for later. Hope you’re ready.


  The cold sand on her feet was delicious against the already humid temperature of the morning. The sun wasn’t quite up, but the world was lightening, and Summer was confident enough of seeing what she was doing to head down the beach. She’d checked out the break in front of the resort the night before, and it wasn’t half bad. Not Uluwatu, sure, but then, she didn’t want to surf Uluwatu in the half light. Losing it on that reef with no one around to pick up the pieces could be deadly.

  “Selamat pagi,” she said as she walked up to two locals waxing their boards on the beach. Other than them, though, there was no one else on the beach.

  “You going out?” One of them asked.

  She nodded. “Nice wee break. Nothing too nasty underneath, right?”

  The local gave her a grin, his teeth shining white in the half light. “Only sharks.”

  She did a double take? “Say what now?”

  He pointed out at the water. “Shark alley.” Then the two of the descended into giggles. “Nah. Not anymore. Was one surfer who died, but he was unlucky.”

  “And stupid,” the other guy added.

  “Stupid how?” said Summer, not quite ready to throw herself into the water if there was something she was missing in translation.

  “Shark was hunting. He been there all week. Surfer went out anyway.” The two guys stood up. “You here for the competition?”

  Summer nodded.

  “To watch?”

  “To surf.”

  The sun broke over the surface of the water, and Summer saw the local guy’s eyes widen. “You’re the wild card girl?”

  The wild card. Yes. That was exactly what she felt like. “Wild as it gets.” Did I just say that? She smirked. This whole taking charge thing suited her.

  “Shit. Must be good. Coming?” And the two of them took off down the beach.

  That was it. Summer stood in shock for a long couple of heartbeats. They hadn’t questioned whether she was good enough. There was no, who do you think you are? No, are you sure you’re ready yet? Just, shit, must be good.

  The smile spread over Summer’s face like the sun smoothing out the water. For another moment, she allowed herself to relish the sheer possibility of the day. Ashton was in bed in her room. And she was in Bali as the WSL wild card. Giving herself a small hug, she tied up her hair then stretched out before shouldering her board. The world wasn’t just giving her oysters today, it was giving her the full seafood banquet. Time to eat it up.

  The water was perfect. Almost warm, and now she looked properly, she saw another five or so surfers already out the back. Summer chuckled that she’d been taken in by the shark alley comment. This was a great warm-up spot.

  Like she had the day before, she soon found her groove, but rather than trying out more new tricks in the smaller waves, she concentrated on adding a few flourishes to some of the ones she’d nailed yesterday. Soon she’d pulled off two perfect frontside air reverses that Australian pro, Taj Burrow, would have been proud of, and that was saying something, she knew.

  Now to make sure they stick. That was the key—getting everything flowing so that she hardly had to think about it and her nerves wouldn’t be able to steal it out from under her when the competition audience was watching.

  Pulling off a mean 360, she let out a howl, and the locals out the back howled in response. Shit. Must be good. Summer grinned. She was going to be damn good.

  Last year T.J. would have been on the beach watching. And last year he would have said you couldn’t cut it. Their conversation before the qualifying rounds of the WSL flooded back to her. “It’s not that you’re not good, babe. It’s just I don’t know if you’re good enough. You know what it’s like in the women’s round. It’s brutal. Those girls, man, they are harder than stone. You go out before you’re ready and someone’s going to cut you out of every wave before you even get going.”

  Summer punched the water. He wasn’t wrong that the woman’s contest was brutal. But he’d been wrong about her not being ready. Maya had tried to tell her, but she still trusted T.J. back then. Back before he realised she wasn’t the malleable surfette he’d first taken under his wing. When she started making her own decisions, entering contests and winning some of them, he’d found himself someone else. But by then the press had fallen in love with the two of them.

  Her stomach growled, and she realised that she’d been on the water a good few hours. Ashton is waiting. He was. Someone who didn’t care that she wanted to live by her own rules. She smiled. Maya was right. With this
contest under her belt and the sponsorship campaign tied up, she’d be able to start out on her own without even thinking about what T.J. thought. No more lectures. No more well-meaning but utterly wrong advice. Her life was going to be everything she’d dreamed of.

  This time the growl in her stomach sounded almost as loud as the waves crashing on shore. With an onshore breeze just starting to pick up, the water was getting a bit messy, anyway. Thinking about Ashton gave her an idea, and she paddled out the back for one last wave, and to chat to the locals about a possible site for today’s photoshoot.


  “What the!” Ashton’s face contorted in a grimace as salt water fell into his mouth and Summer laughed and jumped on his stomach, her wet hair still dripping down her back.

  “Morning, sleepy head.” Before she could talk herself out of it, Summer leaned down and laid her lips on Ashton, first on his chin, then his jaw, then she followed the line of salt water down his throat. His hands went around her waist automatically, pushing her towel out the way till he reached skin. Warm hands. Nice.

  After her time in the water, the touch of Ashton’s sleep-warmed body was like wrapping herself in a big, fluffy towel. Okay, swap that out—a big, silky sheet, heated by all-day sun.

  “You’re a box of fluffies, aren’t you?”

  Summer sat back. “A box of fluffy what?”

  Ashton laughed. “It’s an Australian thing. Hung out with too many of them in the water I guess. Box of fluffy ducks. Happy, chirpy little things that you just want to pick up”—he wrapped her up in the sheet and tumbled her down onto the bed—“and stroke. But in this case, I’m not sure you need to be stroked. Probably need a good firm hand.” And he pinned her to the bed with his body, taking her mouth in his and greedily delving his tongue to dance with hers.

  She lost herself in the kiss. Unlike the night before, she let herself languish in it, let the sensation rush over her, through her. The glow of it lifted her up as if she were still in the water. She was light, floating, glorious. Oh my awesome. Ashton was on top of her, kissing her, wanting her. It wasn’t a dream. If she could have, she might well have swum up to the ceiling on a cloud of happy.


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