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Make Me Yours: A BWWM Billionaire Love Story

Page 11

by Cher Etan

  “I promise you, he isn’t,” Meaghan tried to protest.

  “Sure sure, he just tries to cock block me all the time out of the goodness of his heart,” Dean said nastily.

  “Wow, Dean Wesson using words like cock block…you been spending time with the wrong people my man,” Meaghan said.

  Dean laughed, “Funny you should say that.”

  Meaghan looked quizzically at him but he just shook his head and took her over to the drinks table to ply her with more wine. Meaghan took it gladly; she knew they were headed back into the fray from there and she needed all the Dutch courage she could get.

  “Ooh, Dean and his new girlfriend,” Bella smiled as Dean led her back where she and Corbett were holding court. “You guys are just…joined at the hip aren’t you?”

  Dean pretended to study their hips to ascertain the veracity of this statement. “Doesn’t look like it,” he told her at last.

  Meaghan snorted with laughter and one of the other girls, a tall thin blonde that Meaghan might have seen somewhere or maybe she was just a generic looking specimen, glared at her like she’d committed a major faux pas.

  “How long have you guys been together?” she asked, an edge to her voice.

  Meaghan shrugged, “It seems like forever.”

  “Aww, you’re sweet,” Dean said and kissed her cheeks. He turned to Meaghan. “We should probably get home. Didn’t you say you have an early shift tomorrow?”

  Meaghan stared at him because she was pretty sure he knew that she was off tomorrow seeing as she’d worked a double shift for three days this week. He glared meaningfully at her so she nodded her head dumbly. “Uh huh,” she said.

  “Okay then, we’ll go,” Dean said threading his hand with hers and pulling her toward the door with a quick wave at Smith, Bella and Corbett.

  “Can I tell Bain I’m leaving?” Meaghan asked.

  “No,” Dean said shortly.

  “Okay,” Meaghan said while trying to catch Bain’s eye across the room. He was distracted as Daniel had managed to get away from the girls and was now straddling him, so he didn’t see them leave. Meaghan decided she’d text him later and followed Dean down to the car.

  “What was that?” she asked as he opened the door for her.

  “What was what?” Dean asked getting into his side.

  “The whole escape from the party thing by lying about me working tomorrow.”

  “Oh. That,” Dean said driving off.

  “Yes. That,” Meaghan said grinning.

  “I figured you wanted out, and I wanted to be alone with you so I-“ Dean shrugged.

  “I see…” Meaghan said. “Well, thanks.”

  “Don’t mention it,” Dean said smiling.

  He drove them to his house above his bookshop; a tiny brick apartment that nevertheless managed to be quite spacious. Perhaps it had something to do with the dearth of furniture. Apart from an L-shaped beige leather sofa facing a 61 inch flat screen TV above a fireplace the living room contained only an entire wall of books artfully arranged but not decorative. The bedroom had Dean’s massive black metal four poster bed and a black and white woolen rug on the floor. He had a closet built into the wall and a massive landscape painting of a hilly field depicting a distant golfer hitting a ball into the sunset. The picture actually featured Dean himself painted by an upcoming artist he’d discovered in Central Park. It was his favorite piece though he had some expensive art pieces scattered about the apartment intermingled with street art. Hell he even had a Banksy that he’d acquired through a friend. His kitchen was state of the art though, with every possible appliance installed. Dean’s secret passion was cooking though he hardly had much time to indulge.

  There was an entrance to the apartment from the bookshop and another through the alley at the back. Poppy kept nagging at Dean about insecurity but he mostly ignored her. He had a state of the art security system installed and his front door was bio-metrically controlled. No-one could get in or out without his assistance; not even his housekeeper, Carmen. He was considering inputting Meaghan’s details into the system so she could have a metaphorical key to his place but he wasn’t sure if it was time yet. Maybe they should talk about her having a drawer first.

  “Would you like a drawer in my apartment?” he asked as they climbed the stairs.

  “What? Like…for my spare underwear and stuff?” she asked.

  “Yeah, you know, so you can keep some clothes here. You practically live here…” he said.

  “I do not. I spend maybe…three nights a week here, tops,” Meaghan protested.

  “It’s not a competition,” Dean said.

  “I know it’s not, I’m just sayin’…” Meaghan said, not exactly sure of exactly what she was saying. She may have had more to drink than she realized at the time.

  Dean let them into the apartment and went straight to the liquor cabinet to pour them a drink.

  “Er, I don’t think I should drink another,” Meaghan murmured.

  “Okay fine, but I could use a nightcap,” Dean said.

  “You mind if I use your shower?” Meaghan asked.

  “Mi shower e su shower,” Dean replied with a smile. Meaghan smiled back reaching down to grasp the hem of her dress and pull it over her head. She dropped it on the floor like it was yesterday’s news and sauntered off to the shower in just her bra and underwear, discarding the former by the door of the bedroom and entering the bathroom while taking off her panties. Dean poured out his nightcap and followed, holding the glass as if forgotten in his hand. The bathroom door was unlocked and he went in without knocking. It was a spacious room, big enough to contain a bathtub and a shower encased in a glass box. There was also a sink and a small bench on which to sit. A potted plant sat in the corner near the window so as to get enough sunlight. He could see Meaghan in the shower, the glass was slightly misted with steam but she was still visible, head thrown back, hands working up and down her body. She seemed to be enjoying the water and Dean took a seat on the bench to watch her while sipping his drink.

  “Looks like fun in there,” he ventured after a while.

  “It is,” Meaghan replied though she didn’t deign to look at him.

  “Want some company?” Dean asked kneading his khakis at the crotch.

  Meaghan smiled. “No I’m good,” she said, touching her breasts thoughtfully.

  Dean unzipped his fly and dug into his boxers, breath hitching and accelerating as his hands moved.

  Meaghan ran her hands down her sides, her movements obscured by the mist. Dean narrowed his eyes and stood up divesting himself of his pants and boxers and then his shirt. He walked naked toward the shower and pulled back the glass door.

  “Surprise,” he said as his swollen, reddened member preceded him into the shower stall.

  “Oh,” Meaghan said impassively. Dean pressed against her behind, rubbing gently against her.

  “Ohh,” he said in an entirely different tone.

  “Enjoying yourself there cowboy?” Meaghan asked in amusement. She bent over slightly so she could rub her behind against his pelvis.

  “Uhhhh,” he groaned pushing into her even as she pressed into him. His leg came between hers and nudged her legs wider apart as his hand came down on her back to bend her lower.

  “Oh I see a little doggy style in the shower huh?” she drawled.

  “Got the gin and juice already,” Dean replied tongue in cheek.

  “Weak ass,” Meaghan laughed.

  Dean grabbed her ass. “Let me tell you about asses,” he said reaching down to take a bite out of one of her ass cheeks. Meaghan screamed with laughter.

  “Staahhp,” she said but pushed her ass nearer to his face so Dean took another bite. He kneaded her ass and then widened her cheeks, running his finger up and down her crack and causing her to moan softly.

  “Just do it already,” she said impatiently.

  “Stop, go, don’t, do…you’re being very confusing right now Megs my love,” he said.

  “A little less conversation here,” Meaghan said.

  Dean grasped his member, questing along her ass crack until he found the entrance he was looking for. They both groaned as he entered her; she was dripping wet inside and out so it was an easy ride. He pumped steadily into her, talking dirty the whole time.

  “You like what I’m doing to you huh? I wanna fuck you all night. Wanna fuck you till you can’t walk. Till you can’t move. I want to do it so hard you can’t walk straight for a month,” he whispered into her ear as he pumped faster and faster into her as Meaghan moaned.

  “Do it,” she whispered spreading her legs wider to give him more access. The hot water poured on her back steadily creating a heated counter measure to the heat inside her. Dean took her entreaty as a command he needed to accomplish or die trying and her head almost smashed through the wall tiles, he was thrusting into her so hard.

  “Meaghan,” he whispered and her muscles wrapped tightly around him, creating a swelling, throbbing vortex which was sucking them both in.

  “Do it,” she said again and he surged forward, this time almost causing her a concussion for real as her head connected with the wall. His hands tightened on her hips and he pulled her to him, body stiffening as he began to shudder and release himself into her. He said her name again and that was it for her, the vortex reached out and swallowed her whole and she went willingly into it, surrendering her body and soul to the madness that was intercourse with Dean.

  As they collapsed against the wall and slid down to the floor – still attached – Meaghan asked breathlessly, “Is it always like this?”

  Dean didn’t even pretend not to know what she meant. “You mean with other people?”

  “I mean generally,” Meaghan said.

  Dean shrugged, “I don’t know. I do know that in my own experience this is crazy unusual.”

  “In a good way or bad?” Meaghan persisted.

  “Definitely good. Great in fact. I can’t articulate enough how wonderful it is when you and me do it.”

  “Of course you could just be lying to me; there is no way for me to find out for sure.”

  “You know, I love that you would say that. It doesn’t even occur to you to cheat does it?” Dean asked shifting slightly in a way that sent strobes of feeling along her nerve endings. She could feel him getting hard again.

  “The delight in your voice is disconcerting,” Meaghan observed trying to ignore the going ons within her in favor of garnering some new information.

  “It’s disconcerting that I’m delighted that you wouldn’t cheat on me?”

  “It’s disconcerting that you would consider this to be a standard option and are delighted that you’ve come across someone who doesn’t. It says something about the world you live in.”

  “Touché,” Dean said. “You see why I’m so happy you’re my girlfriend?”

  “I do,” Meaghan said bobbing her head. “I still feel sorry for you though.”

  “You do that. Just don’t change,” Dean said hugging her close and swirling his hips so he was even deeper inside her.

  Meaghan moaned softly and straddled his thighs so she could put her hands on the floor and lift and drop herself onto his penis. He groaned leaning forward to give her more room to maneuver. She rose and fell faster onto him, making grunting sounds as she tried to satisfy the distant itch in her body that could not seem to be scratched no matter how much friction she tried to generate.

  She turned around to face him, putting her hands around his neck and lifting and lowering herself on him while he held her hips lightly.

  “Meaghan,” he whispered but she covered his lips with hers because his voice just made the itch worse. Dean grasped her tightly around the hips, raising and lowering her onto him with increasing urgency. Their breaths were coming in hoarse, laborious and fast as their lips fused into one passionate entity.

  Meaghan ground into him, gyrating her hips to get him as deep as he could go, face contorted with effort and emotion.

  “Oh God, baby…save me….so good,” Dean murmured incoherently spurring Meaghan on to greater effort.

  “Ohh fuckkk,” she whispered as she felt him inside, so deep and hungry, yet it wasn’t nearly enough for her.

  “It’s not…it’s not enough,” she murmured in his ear and he surged upwards and forward, laying her down gently below him and placing her legs over his neck so he could really go to town on her on the bathroom floor. Normally Meaghan would be all sorts of disturbed by having her hair, wet, and so near the drainage system of a shower but at the moment she couldn’t be bothered. She was too busy trying to get that itch scratched. She took her own legs in her hands and held them wide open so that Dean had free reign to pound her into the tiles.

  “Uh uh uh,” she moaned, voice getting louder with each exhalation of sound. Her muscles tightened and at last she felt the warm bubble within her burst and spread its liquid everywhere. Dean made a strained sound and then he was filling her with his seed again, jerkily pumping within her as his face twisted up in a rictus of strain and bulging veins. Meaghan might have taken the time to be fascinated by it if she wasn’t melting into a warm fluid puddle and in danger of disappearing down the drain herself. He collapsed on top of her, forgetting for a moment to take some of the weight. They lay there in languid repletion for a few moments before Dean slipped out of her and rolled onto his side on the floor.

  “God damn Meaghan you’ll be the death of me,” he said.

  “The germs we’re picking up on this floor will be the death of you,” Meaghan countered, making Dean laugh tiredly before he sat up and attempted to help her up as well. He was surprisingly weak and clumsy but between them, they managed to get each other to their feet. They hosed themselves down again in the shower before taking the party to the bedroom where Meaghan flopped into bed naked.

  “Hey, you wanna watch Fast 6 before we sleep?” Dean asked. “We’re running a bit behind if we’re going to be up to date by the time Furious 7 comes out.”

  “Yeah, let’s,” Meaghan said jumping out of bed and grabbing Dean’s robe. Dean held out his hand for her to take and they walked to the living room where Dean put the movie in and Meaghan foraged in the kitchen for snacks. She found some peanuts in one of the drawers as well as left over baked goods from breakfast…and some coffee.

  Dean looked up as she came back into the room and made a face.

  “Coffee? Really? There’s plenty of booze,” he said.

  “Uh huh,” she said putting down the cups of coffee on the table next to the muffins.

  Dean rolled his eyes. “You’re just too healthy for me.”

  “Coffee and baked goods at…” Meaghan glanced at the clock, “2 in the morning isn’t exactly healthy,” she protested.

  “Yeah well my last girlfriend was inclined to try coke at this time,” Dean said.

  “Really?!?” Meaghan exclaimed. “And they say it’s the poor black kids doing drugs,” she murmured.

  “Don’t tell anyone,” Dean said.

  “Did you?” Meaghan asked curiously.

  “Did I what?” Dean asked distractedly.

  “Did you try the coke?” Meaghan spoke slowly as if he was mentally impaired.

  Dean shook his head, “Nah, I had no desire to be thinner than I am. And I wasn’t trying to run away from nothin’ in my life.”

  “I thought you weren’t happy with your life…before,” Meaghan said.

  “I wasn’t…” Dean said thoughtfully. “Well I guess I’m just more well-adjusted emotionally,” he continued breezily.

  “Ha!” Meaghan said.

  “What? You disagree?”

  Meaghan shrugged, “Hey babe, I’m just here for the coffee and the movie.”

  “Really? And here I thought it was the sex,” Dean said smiling.

  “Shows how much you know,” Meaghan replied drinking her coffee.

  Dean’s smile increased in wattage. “I love you kid.”

Meaghan replied watching her movie.

  Chapter 11

  Bain took Meaghan shopping before their dinner date the following Thursday. The benefit was scheduled for the following Saturday and Meaghan hadn’t yet had time to buy something suitable. Or rather she didn’t have the motivation to go shopping alone; she wanted to go with Bain but didn’t want to offend Dean. Thankfully Bain took the decision out of her hands by dragging her off to the Albright Fashion Library since she wouldn’t allow him to buy her anything.

  “Besides, it’s not like I’ll need it after today,” she argued.

  “Oh yeah? Will you be breaking up with Dean after the function or something?” Bain wanted to know.

  “No but…even if he was to take me somewhere else, I can’t really repeat the outfit right? So come on, take me to this rent place so I can get my designer duds on,” she said.

  They riffled through the selection of clothes, shoes, handbags and accessories with Bain saying if she was going to rent she might as well get an entire outfit. Meaghan had to be the voice of restraint if her credit card wasn’t going to start loudly protesting her use of it.

  “Dating a rich guy is so complicated,” she complained to Bain.

  “Some rich guys…others are pretty cool. Like me,” Bain replied.

  Meaghan rolled her eyes and went to try on the dresses Bain had picked out for her.


  Dr. Shelley was waiting for her when she came in to work the next morning, standing in front of her office with a smile on his face. In spite of the smile, Meaghan’s stomach dropped in anxiety. Ever since the incident with Dean and her screaming in ecstasy for the whole corridor to hear, she’d been waiting for the other shoe to drop. She knew there’d been some talk but then Julie Anderson’s son had been shot in the leg by a police officer’s stray bullet and that had been the hot topic ever since. Julie was a regular client at the clinic and she’d brought her son in, bleeding and crying; scared out of his wits because he thought he was dying. He was still in the recovery ward, and garnering a lot of attention in the neighborhood. A local TV station had even done a feature on him.

  She smiled back at Conrad as she opened her door and ushered him in. “What’s up Conrad?” she asked trying not to show her nerves.


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