TORN: Death Dealers MC

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TORN: Death Dealers MC Page 5

by Celia Loren

  His long, dark brown hair is pulled into a careless knot at the base of his skull, and his face is half-covered by an inch-long beard. I can't see his eyes from here, but I remember how pale blue they were, and how they looked down at me from above his full, arrogant lips. His physical description was the one thing I could see from his military file, so I know he's six foot four, but with the amount of muscle he's carrying, he feels even taller in person.

  I knew there was a good chance I'd see him tonight, and I guess if I were honest with myself, that's probably the reason I spent as much time on my hair and makeup as I did. A little ball of jealousy grows in my stomach as I see a girl lean over to whisper something in his ear, and he cocks his head down to listen to her. Maybe I was being a little over-confident in thinking that he could be my way in. He clearly has plenty of choices. From the way they're looking at him, I'm sure any of the five women gathered around him would sleep with him in a second. Or maybe they already have and they're coming back for another round.

  Wow. It really didn't take long for me to be distracted from my mission by petty, unreasonable jealousy. I need to focus.

  "I'm going to hit the bathroom," I yell into Candice's ear over the music.

  "He likes me, right?" Candice replies, nodding to Buzz.

  "Obviously!" I tell her, and squeeze her shoulder. I make my way around the room, sticking to the wall so no one notices me. I'm a little worried about running into Taz, but so far I haven't seen any sign of him.

  I pass a short line for the bathroom and keep going. I begin to stumble a little, acting like I'm drunk, so that if someone catches me, I'll pretend to have no idea where I am. I saw security cameras outside the building, but not yet in here. That doesn't mean there aren't any, though, so I brush my hair in front of my face. There's a slightly open door on the wall about ten feet away from the bathroom, so I stumble through it.

  I find myself in a dark hallway, and from the sounds of pleasure coming from behind several closed doors, I guess I'm near some bedrooms. I'm about to turn back around when I find a door marked "Private." I try the handle, but it's locked, so I pull a small piece of wire out of my bra.

  I learned how to pick locks as a teenager, and this one's easy. I quickly duck inside as I hear noise from one of the bedrooms. I head down the set of steps into what I assume is the basement. At the bottom of the stairs, I turn right and enter a long, imposing room. In the middle sits a giant, wood table, and hanging on the wall behind it is the Death Dealers' symbol: a skull over a crossed scythe and sword.

  I shiver, trying not to imagine what will happen to me if I get caught down here. I can still hear the music thumping through the floorboards from upstairs, but the walls here must be thick because it's not as loud as I would expect.

  I shake off my fear and walk quickly and quietly around the room. I was hoping that there would be some filing cabinets or some kind of documentation of the Death Dealers' activities down here, but maybe I'm overestimating their administrative capabilities. There doesn't seem to be anything to find in here, so I make my way to the door in the corner.

  It's also locked, so I take my pick back out. This lock's a little more complicated, and takes me almost a full minute to pick, though it feels like much longer. By the time I'm through, my palms are sweaty. I tuck the pick back into my bra and push the door open.

  I recoil as I spot a man curled up at the bottom of what looks like a jail cell. I tiptoe closer, which is tough in heels. I peer over the man's body, unsure if he's alive or dead. He lets out a groan, and I almost jump. He seems to be unconscious, but maybe some part of him is aware of my presence.

  From between the bars, I can see that he's been beaten, badly. His face is severely swollen, and from the smell, I think he's pissed himself. I frown, noticing the Death Dealers vest he's wearing. This is how they treat one of their own?

  I open the door wide behind me to let as much light as possible into the room, then take my phone out of my clutch. I quickly snap a few photos, then turn to leave. I spot a bucket with water in it in the corner, out of his reach, and pause. I can't leave him like this.

  I quickly pull the bucket over to the bars, then force myself to go. There's nothing more I can do for him without arousing suspicion, and I have to keep my eye on the bigger picture.

  I shut the door behind me, making sure it locked, then hurry across the room with the table in it and turn up toward the stairwell.

  I freeze. Ford is standing in the middle of the steps, staring down at me with a dangerous scowl on his face.

  "What the hell are you doing down here?" he growls.

  Chapter 11 – Ford

  "Sorry, I was looking for the bathroom and I got a little turned around," Beth replies, swaying a little and leaning on the wall for support. I've been thinking about her every day, but I never imagined I'd find her here.

  "No one's supposed to be down here," I tell her. "That's why the door's kept locked."

  "It was open when I came in. But I don't think there's a bathroom down here," she replies, looking confused.

  "There's not," I snap back. I hear voices behind me, and recognize Taz's. They're coming this way. It's too late to get her out of the stairwell, and she's definitely not supposed to be down here. Without even knowing why, I step forward and press her against the wall, sliding one hand around her waist and the other around her bare thigh. She tilts her face up to mine, looking shocked, and I take advantage of her parted lips by pressing mine against hers.

  "What the fuck, Ford?" I hear Taz say from the top of the stairwell.

  I lift my head up and frown, as though I didn't hear them coming. "You mind? A little busy here," I say, nodding to Beth.

  Taz takes another step down the stairs and his eyes flick toward Beth and recognize her. "You know damn well no one's supposed to be down here but brothers."

  "All the bedrooms were taken," I reply with a shrug.

  "So fuck her outside. She's clearly good for it."

  I feel anger rise in the back of my neck, but shake it off. "Good idea," I tell him with a smirk. I think he's surprised not to get more of an argument out of me. I take Beth's hand and lead her past Taz and Hersh, then down the hall back to the main room. I lead her right through the mass of people and out the front door, then around to an unoccupied log by one of the fire pits. "Don't do that again," I growl at her, pulling her down next to me and making sure no one is in earshot. "What if Taz had found you down there?"

  She shivers. "Don't want to think about it." She looks up at me, studying my face as I stare into the fire. "Thank you."

  I'm silent for a while, trying to make sense of what I just did. It's hard to think straight though, with her sitting next to me. And that fucking dress…crimson red and riding high up her thighs. To her credit, she doesn't speak, just lets the silence lie there.

  Finally, I clear my throat. "You know another brother here?"

  "I came with my friend Candice. She's a guest of this guy named Buzz." Buzz, one of the new prospects that I actually have some respect for. "Woah," she murmurs, and I see her staring at something. I smile as I see one of my brothers leaning back on the fence around the yard as a sweet butt sucks his cock.

  "You're blushing," I tell her with a smile. "Not your usual kind of scene?"

  "No," she replies with a laugh. "My ex was kind of controlling. I haven't really partied much."

  "Sounds like you have bad taste in men."

  "Definitely," she replies, looking right at me with a glint in her eye.

  I chuckle. "Come on, I'm not all bad."

  "But you're also not all good."

  "Who is?"

  "Certainly not me," she concedes with a wry smile.

  "I bet you were one of those kids in school that the teachers always trusted, even when you cut class."

  "That's a pretty good description of me, actually," she replies, smiling. "Lately, though, I've been trying to stay on the straight and narrow, but here I am," she says, gesturing
to indicate the raucous scene in front of us.

  "Maybe you should stop trying to fight that part of yourself. Believe me, it feels good when you finally give in," I tell her, sliding my hand over the small of her back.

  I feel her stiffen a little, but when she turns to me, her eyes are glassy with desire. "But what if I lose control? That part of me is what always gets me into trouble," I whisper.

  "Trouble's not so bad," I tell her, and suddenly pull her up onto my lap. She gasps, but her knees quickly relax on either side of me and she sits into my already hard cock. Her arms slide around either side of my neck, and I press my hands up her silky thighs. "This is some dress," I tell her.

  "Thank you," she murmurs, her eyes on my lips. She dips her head down and presses her lips onto mine. My tongue darts inside her mouth, and I press my right hand closer to her pussy. I can already feel the warmth coming off it, and as I make contact with her panties, I can feel that they're soaking wet. I groan, and slide my pointer finger against her clit.

  She pulls her head back as she gasps, and her hair falls back off her shoulders. Her clavicles catch a little light from the fire, and her lips part. I tease her, keeping my fingers over her panties, until her hands are digging into the back of my neck, demanding further pleasure.

  I oblige, sliding two fingers inside her. Her head falls against mine, and she moans into my ear. My cock is rock hard for her, but I want her to come for me first. I move my thumb against her clit and circle it around while my fingers thrust inside her. Her knees spread wider, begging me to drive into her deeper and deeper.

  Her fingers dig into my hair and her breasts bounce just under my chin. I bend my head down and bury myself in them, breathing in her sweet scent. With a stifled cry, I feel her come against my hand.

  Her muscles relax, then she sits up a little and looks at me with a drowsy smile. I pull my fingers out of her and she reaches for the belt of my jeans. Thank god. I don't think I could go another minute without fucking this woman.

  There's a loud boom behind us, and Beth jumps forward. I try to grab onto the log, but she's caught me by surprise, and I land on my back on the ground with her on top of me.

  "Sorry!" she gasps. "What the hell was that?"

  "Fireworks," I groan, pointing up at the sky.

  "Oh," she giggles as she turns to look up at the red spray of light in the sky, set off by my brothers at the other end of the yard. "Well, since we're down here," she adds, leaning forward to kiss me again.

  "Beth? Beth?" I hear a woman's voice call.

  "That's Candice," Beth says, sitting up and looking around. "Over here!" she says, pulling herself up onto the log and waving her arm.

  "Fuck," I mumble. Hopefully this'll be a quick interruption. The girl named Candice stumbles over, looking disoriented.

  "I think I drank too much," she slurs to Beth.

  "I think you might be right," Beth says, standing up. I sit up and stare at her.

  "Oh, hello," Candice says, noticing me, then bends over and throws up onto the ground.

  "Woah, okay," Beth says, pulling back Candice's hair and rubbing her back. I stand up and head for a cooler. I find the only bottle of water in there and bring it back to Beth. "Thanks," she says appreciatively. Candice seems to have finished puking, but she's swaying dangerously. "I think I better take her home."

  "Yeah," I agree reluctantly. "Come on, I think you're going to need help getting her back to your car."

  "Hers, actually," Beth tells me. "She was supposed to be the designated driver."

  I scoop Candice up and her head bobs with every step as I walk with Beth to the front of the compound. Beth takes the car keys from Candice's purse, and opens the rear door. I lean in and lay Candice down across the back seat, and then Beth leans in and gives her the water bottle.

  "Take a few sips of this, okay?" Beth tells her, and Candice mumbles back incoherently. "I don't think she's going to be too happy tomorrow," she says, turning to me. I shut the car door, and wrap my arms around Beth's tiny waist.

  "I need to see you again," I tell her.

  "Give me your phone," she replies. I take it out of my back pocket and hand it to her. She puts her number in, then hands it back. "See you soon."

  "Drive safe," I tell her, and open up the driver's side door for her.

  "What a gentleman," she says with a grin.

  "I thought that was obvious," I reply. She starts the car and I watch her navigate her way carefully between all the cars parked haphazardly on the lawn.

  Suddenly, I frown. She said earlier she was too drunk to find the bathroom, and now she's driving with no problem? A seed of doubt springs up in my stomach. Something's definitely off.

  Chapter 12 – Drew

  I park by the entrance to the trail. Marie texted me earlier today saying she had something to show me after the Death Dealers party she went to last night. I had meetings all day I couldn't get out of without looking suspicious, so it's already dark now.

  I clench the wheel as I wait for her to show up. Thinking of her last night at that fucking place was torture. The truth is, I haven't slept well for days. The longer she's undercover, the more danger she's in. Hopefully whatever she has to show me tonight will be enough evidence and then we can pull her. I don't want to have to take the next step that Lieutenant Ebert is pushing.

  I glance in my rearview as two headlights come into view and I recognize the junk heap I bought for Marie. I can just see her silhouette in the moonlight as she walks toward my car. I try not to notice the way her t-shirt hangs on her breasts, but it's useless to deny my feelings for her at this point. Especially after I kissed her.

  She opens the passenger side door and slips into the seat. "It's good to see you," she says with a smile.

  "You, too."

  "How was the party?"

  "Pretty wild," she says, looking down at her hands. "But I was able to take advantage and sneak my way into the basement. There's a big meeting room down there, that's where I think they have church," she tells me, meaning the MC's mandatory meetings. "And then off that room, there's another smaller area that has a cell in it. That's where I saw him," she tells me, taking out her phone and showing me a picture.

  "Who's that?" I ask frowning, peering at the photos as she scrolls.

  "A brother," she tells me. "His name's Uncle, I saw it on his vest. I asked Candice about him today, and she said he was really nice, laid-back, but she hasn't seen him at the Keep much."

  "Yeah, I remember his file. Arrested a few times for narcotics possession," I tell her. "Looks like someone beat the shit out of him."

  "Since he was in the Death Dealers' cell, I bet it was one of them. So?" she prods me.

  "So what?

  "So that's unlawful imprisonment, assault…"

  "What are the chances he's still there?"


  "And these pictures, they're not enough for a warrant. They could be from anywhere. No one saw you take them?"

  "Not take them, no. That brother named Ford saw me leaving, but he bought my story."

  "Then they've definitely moved him by now. And even if we could talk to Uncle, even after taking a beating like that, there's no way he'd rat on his brothers." Marie crosses her arms over her chest, looking frustrated. I reach out for her shoulder. "I'm sorry, I'm not trying to shoot you down. I'm just being honest with you. I've tried to get a dozen warrants against these animals and I know how tough it is. And I know you're working hard."

  "It's fine. I just wish there were something I could do to help that guy. I hated leaving him there," she replies.

  "Of course." I pull my hand back, feeling how touching her is sending my body temperature through the roof. "There was a double homicide in Fort Brynard yesterday," I tell her.

  "Shit," she swears, looking stricken.

  "Just two blocks from the station. The place is going to hell." I lean back in my seat and stare at the moon for a moment.

  "There's something you're not
telling me," she guesses.

  I nod. "Lieutenant Ebert is off the wall. He's seen how good his town used to be, and where it is now, and he feels powerless. He…he wants you to get more aggressive."


  "Meaning…he wants you to volunteer to be a sweet butt. He says he thinks now that you've made contact, that some of the brothers know you, you've got a good shot. And by being a sweet butt, you could be around the compound all the time, and you could find a way to get some hard evidence."

  Marie takes a deep breath. "I was afraid of that."

  "You know how I feel about this," I tell her. "Anytime you want to quit…"

  "I know," she tells me. To my shock, she leans over and rests her head on my shoulder.



  "I just feel like I can't control myself around you."

  "Who says you have to?" she murmurs, sliding her hand across my chest. It's like something is released inside me. I bend down and kiss her, hard. My tongue presses inside her mouth, and I know there's no stopping now. My hands move under her shirt, palming her breasts. They feel as good as they look, and her nipples grow hard against my skin.

  She reaches away, and suddenly her seat dips backward, and she's lying horizontal on top of it. I quickly move over the console between us, and feel her unzipping my jeans and pushing them down. I pull her shirt up to her armpits and yank her bra down. I pull one of her pink, swollen nipples into my mouth, and suck. She groans and arches her back, and reaches for my cock, freeing it from my boxers.

  "I don't have a condom," I realize suddenly.

  "I'm clean, and I'm on birth control. You?"


  "Do it. Hard," she urges me. I don't need another word of encouragement. I swiftly yank her underwear and yoga pants to her knees, take my cock in my right hand, and find her opening. Fuck, she's already so wet. As I thrust inside her, she cries out. Her hips rise to meet mine as I drive inside her again and again. I've thought about this moment ever since I met Marie, and I never thought it would happen in my car like this, but I've also never been so turned on.


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