TORN: Death Dealers MC

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TORN: Death Dealers MC Page 7

by Celia Loren

  "Will you at least take this bag off my head? I can't breathe," I ask.

  "You can breathe fine. Tell me about your stepfather."

  "What?" That certainly wasn't what I was expecting him to say, and it's not a subject I like to talk about under any circumstances.

  "Tell me about your stepfather," he repeats, and now I can feel his body heat. He's closer, and I can hear anger in his voice.

  "He was an asshole," I say.


  "And I don't like to talk about him," I snap. I don't care whether I'm in danger or not.

  "You passed your background check just fine, only it said that you never had a stepfather. Your mother divorced your father and never remarried." Shit. That mistake from the first night I met Ford is coming back to bite me in the ass. "Right now, I'm the only one who knows about that little aberration. If you want me to keep it to myself, you better start talking."

  "My mother never officially married Sam. We all lived together in a trailer and they acted like they were married, and they told me to call him Dad, so now I refer to him as my stepfather," I tell him, and it's mostly true.

  "And he taught you to fight."


  "I'm waiting."

  "Like I said, he was an asshole."

  "I'm going to need more than that."

  "Well, you're not going to get it," I reply through gritted teeth. Suddenly the bag is yanked off my head and I'm staring into Ford's pale blue eyes.

  "I think you're underestimating what kind of danger you're in right now. You lied about your background. You know how to fight and handle a gun. I found you sneaking around the compound, and you weren't drunk like you said you were. And now you're trying to become a sweet butt," he growls, his neck muscles tight. "You know what I think that all adds up to? A rat."

  "I was looking for you at the party, alright? That's why I went down into the basement, and then I was embarrassed."

  "Bullshit," he sneers. "What are you? ATF? FBI?"

  "That's insane!"

  "I want answers."

  "What are you going to do? Torture me? What kind of man are you?"

  "You don't know anything about me."

  "I know you fucking kidnapped me!" I reply, letting some hysteria creep into my voice. "You really think if I worked for the FBI or whatever I'd become a sweet butt?"

  "I don't know what you'd do."

  "Let me go, you psycho!" I pull against the rope on my wrists, feeling it dig into my skin.

  "Tell me who you work for!"

  "I don't work for anyone! You're a coward. And a liar."

  "I'm not a liar," he says, rage growing in his voice. But I don't care, my emotions are running too high to stop now.

  "The first time we met you said you'd protect me!"

  "I am protecting you! Why do you think not a single brother has laid a hand on you?!"

  My mouth drops open. "That's because of you? I just thought no one liked me."

  "I said I'd kill them if they touched you."

  "But now you're holding me here…I don't understand."

  "I stuck my neck out for you. I'm responsible for you now, and there are things about you that don't add up." He leans down, his face just inches away from mine. "You know what I think? I think you made all that shit about your stepfather up. I think you just want me to feel sorry for you."

  Rage jolts through my body, and my eyes narrow to slits. I jerk my head back and then slam my forehead into his nose.

  There's a crunching sound, and Ford stumbles back, blood streaming from his nose. I jump out of the chair, trying to pull my arms out of the restraints. He tied the rope too well, so I launch my entire body at him.

  He reaches blood-covered hands out to stop me. He grabs my shoulders so I lash out with my legs. I make contact with his knees and shins, and I hear him grunt. He spins me around, hugging my back to his body.

  "Calm down!" he orders me.

  "FUCK YOU!" I raise one heel and stomp down on the top of his foot as hard as I can. He's wearing thick boots, but I hit a pressure point.

  "Motherfucker!" he swears, and loosens his grip. I wriggle out of his grasp. There's a door to my right I run toward it. My hands… I have no way to open it. I lean down and try to turn the knob with my forearm, but it doesn't move. It's locked.

  I scream in frustration. I step back and begin kicking at the metal door as hard as I can. Over and over again I pound at it until my feet are aching and I'm exhausted. I collapse against the door. I hear footsteps behind me and spin around.

  Ford is watching me warily from a few feet away. "Don't come near me," I order him.

  "I wouldn't dare," he replies wryly, wiping the blood from beneath his nose. "I don't think a woman's ever made me bleed before."

  "There's a first time for everything," I growl back.

  "I guess I touched a nerve."

  "I don't like to talk about him."

  "I have to protect my club," he replies, and takes a slow step forward. I straighten up, worried about what he's going to do.

  "Untie me," I demand.

  "No," he whispers, taking another step. Our bodies are a centimeter apart, and he's towering over me. Heat rushes over me. Damn him. He fucking abducts me and I want him more than ever. I fight against my own body now, trying to will the blush to disappear from my cheeks and my breath to slow down. He smiles. He knows I want him.

  He reaches one huge hand up. I look defiantly back at him. His fingers wrap gently around my throat. I refuse to blink, though I know he could easily kill me. His hand rests there for a moment, his eyes holding mine, then his hand moves around to the back of my neck. He bends his head down, cautiously, his lips inching closer to mine.

  My lips open as I feel the warmth of his breath on them. As our skin touches, it's like a bomb of desire goes off inside me. My mouth opens wider and we kiss each other hungrily, desperately. Then I bite down on his lip, hard.

  He draws his head back. A grin flits across my lips. He grunts and reaches his hands forward, ripping my t-shirt apart. My breasts pop out, covered only by a lacy black bra. He yanks the cups down and lowers his head, drawing one nipple into his mouth. I cry out as a bolt of pleasure shoots from my breast throughout my body. He moves to the other breast, but this time he bites down hard on the side of it. I gasp, loving the feel of his teeth pressing into me.

  His hands move under my skirt and find my underwear. This, too, he rips off, tossing my shredded thong next to me on the ground. He slides a finger against me and moans as he finds me soaking wet. His other hand moves back up to my throat, pinning me in place against the door as his thumb flicks back and forth across my clit.

  The pleasure is divine but also torturous. He's not moving fast enough to let me come, and I'm sure he knows it.

  "Please, Ford," I beg.

  "No," he grunts, and tightens his grip slightly on my throat.

  "Please, I'll do anything…"


  "Anything," I promise, and he withdraws his hand. The sight of him unzipping his jeans is almost enough to make me come. He pushes them and his boxers quickly to the ground, and takes his cock in his hand.

  "Kneel," he orders me. I quickly obey, and reach my mouth forward to take his cock in my mouth. He's huge, long and thick, and I pull my lips over my teeth as he presses forward against the back of my mouth. "Look at me. Stay still."

  I look up at him, and he slowly pulls his dick out of my mouth and then thrusts back in. I keep my lips over my teeth, and he presses back inside my mouth. He could easily overwhelm me, but he's careful to only give me as much as I can take, while letting me know that he's completely in charge. I tighten my lips around him, and I see his eyes flicker with excitement. He moves faster, and I can taste his pre-cum.

  Finally, he pulls out, and takes my arm and pulls me back up to standing. He yanks my skirt up around my waist, and then lifts me up from the ass, setting me onto his hips. I can feel his cock pressing against my opening. I
'm actually shaking with desire, and I know I've never been as turned on in my life as I am right now.

  He presses me back against the door, and I arch my back to make room for my hands. He keeps one hand on my hip, and with the other, guides his cock inside me.

  My mouth drops open with pleasure and pain as I feel him stretch me apart. He doesn't wait, though. He thrusts his hips against me, and his cock slams against my g-spot. I scream out, and he keeps going. With every thrust, the heat inside me grows. I pull against the ropes around my hands; it feels like they're holding my release inside of me.

  I hear myself calling out his name as though from far away. I can feel my breasts heaving against his chest, and my clit rubbing against him at the bottom of each drive inside me. I spread my legs as wide as I can, and my pleasure crests. It spills over me in never-ending waves. He's shouting and my back is slamming into the door… I forget where I am… all I know is Ford.

  Chapter 16 – Ford

  Beth is collapsed against me, exhausted. I step back, away from the door, and gently untie the knot in the rope around her hands. I glance over her shoulder and wince at the red marks around her wrists. Fuck.

  I take my keys out from my pocket and unlock the door. At the sound of it opening, Beth perks up a little, opening her eyes and raising her head from my chest.

  "What's going on?" she asks blearily.

  "It's okay, you're safe," I tell her. She looks back at me for a moment, and I can see her deciding whether or not she can trust me. Finally, she blinks and lays her head back down. I carry her back out to my truck in the front. I took her to a warehouse on the outskirts of town, and the sky is just beginning to lighten with the oncoming dawn. I slip her into the passenger side, and she curls her legs up to her chest.

  I hop into the driver's side, and head for my house. I glance over, and see Beth's chest moving with the slow breaths of sleep.

  Maybe I never should have taken her, but I had to be sure. I couldn't let my attraction to her overwhelm my better judgement. At least now I know that she's who she says she is, because her reaction to being questioned about her past couldn't have been faked.

  I pull into the driveway of my ranch house, and carry Beth inside. She stirs slightly, but remains asleep. In my bedroom, I gently lay her down on my bed.

  As I step back to take my boots off, I try to think about the last time I actually brought a woman home with me. I never usually like to share my private space. I've certainly never brought a sweet butt back here, that's what the bedrooms at the compound are for.

  I pull off my jeans and shirt, and slip into bed next to her. Her eye makeup is smeared across her face, but she still looks gorgeous. Her left eyebrow twitches slightly, and I smile. I'm exhausted, too. I close my eyes, falling asleep to the sound of her breath next to me.

  When I wake up, I'm lying on my back and I feel a weight against me. Before I realize what it is, I move my arm. Beth wriggles next to me. Her head is on my chest, and my arm is curled around her small body. I watch her blink, then look around in confusion.

  "It's alright. You're at my house," I murmur. She quickly raises her head to look up at me.

  "Hi," she whispers, her cheeks reddening. Her long eyelashes skim her cheeks as she glances away from me.

  "You regret what happened?" I ask.

  "No, I just… I don't usually let people see that side of me," she says, tucking her auburn hair behind her ear.

  "I won't ask you about your past again, I promise."

  "Thank you," she murmurs, and reaches out her hand. She draws figure eights on my stomach.

  "You hungry?"

  "Mm. What time is it?"

  "One. You got somewhere to be?"

  "I'm supposed to be at the compound to clean up starting at three."

  "Don't worry about it."

  "Are you sure? Liz said—"

  "I'm sure," I tell her with a smile. "Come on, I'll make you breakfast."

  "Mind if I shower first? I was working all day yesterday."

  "Sure, in there," I tell her, nodding to the bathroom off the bedroom. I gently touch the red marks still visible on her wrists. "I'm sorry about this."

  "I understand why you did it."

  "After you shower, let's ice it, and I have some salve you can put on it."

  "Salve?" she repeats with a giggle.

  "Yeah, salve. What?"

  "I just don't know anyone who uses that word."

  "Well, now you do. Salve. I have some salve you can put on it," I tell her with a grin.

  "That's a relief," she says with a smile. I kiss her forehead, then we both roll to the opposite sides of the bed and I head out the bedroom door for the kitchen. I pull some eggs and bread out from the fridge, and set them on the counter, then head back toward the bedroom. I crack six eggs into a bowl, then realize I should get Beth a fresh towel to use.

  I stop at the closet just outside the bedroom, grab my only clean towel from a shelf, and head through the bedroom and into the bathroom.

  "Beth? I got you a—" I pause as I see her naked through the glass walls of my shower stall. She's pushing her hair back from her face, and the water is cascading off of her perfect tits and down her flat stomach. Fuck if this right here isn't the hottest sight I've ever laid my eyes on.

  She reaches for the soap and sees me. With a smile, she pushes open the shower door. "Did you need to freshen up?" she asks.

  "I could use a quick soak," I reply. I pull my boxers over my rapidly hardening dick, and walk over to her. She moves back, and I step into the water. I reach behind me and pull the band out of my hair, and let the shower tease my hair out of its tangled mess.

  "I've never been with a guy with long hair," Beth tells me, reaching her arms around my shoulders. I gaze down as her nipples slide across my chest.

  "Oh? What do you think?"

  "I like it," she says, and gives my hair a sharp tug.

  "You're going to pay for that," I tell her with a smile.

  "Just tell me how," she replies. I reach out, take her hips, and spin her around. She shivers as I spread my hands across her chest and massage her breasts. She leans back against me, and turns her face up to me, her eyes closed. I move my hands down further, and slide one hand across her slit. Even with the water running over her body, and can tell she's wet all on her own.

  I move my other hand behind her, and palm her slick, pert ass, then slide one finger between her butt crack. "You ever had it here?" I ask her. Her eyes open. She looks nervous, but curious. "Well, we'll work up to that," I tell her.

  I slide a second finger inside her ass and she gasps. I keep my other hand working on her clit to keep her nice and relaxed, and get her used to the sensation. She closes her eyes again, and lets the top of her back relax against me. She lets out a soft moan, and I speed up my fingers, circling her front and back. Her mouth drops open, and I can tell that she's struggling to stay standing as her knees threaten to buckle. She reaches up, and hooks her hands around the back of my neck, and I flick her clit mercilessly back and forth.

  She comes with a cry against my hand. I don't want to let her come down for a second, so before she's even done shaking, I move her forward, pressing her front up against the glass of the shower stall. I take her hands and press them up against the glass next to her, then pull her hips up and back.

  I take my cock and press it up against her slit. I feel the water beating down on my back as I guide my dick inside her tight pussy. She groans as she stands on her tiptoes to accept my length, then presses her hips back against me as I reach my depth inside her. I stay there for a moment, circling around inside her, admiring her tiny waist and full, pert ass. All mine, I think with a grunt of satisfaction as I pull out and drive hard back into her.

  She spreads her fingers on the foggy glass door as I thrust in and out. "Ford, oh god…" she gasps, and I feel her muscles tighten around my cock.

  "Fuck," I grunt, struggling to keep myself from coming. But she's already off to the
races, her sweet pussy shaking around my dick, so I let myself release inside of her with a yell.

  We stand there for a while, leaning against the wall, letting the water rain down on us. Finally, I pull out of her, then wordlessly, we begin to bathe each other. She giggles as I lather up her arms with soap, but grows quiet as I move across her breasts and then down her legs. As she returns the favor, moving her hands across my chest and then down my stomach, I grow hard again. I watch her see my erection and bite her lip.

  "What are these from?" she asks, softly running a finger across the scars on my chest.

  "Shrapnel," I tell her. I point to a larger scar on my arm. "And a bullet." She nods, but doesn't say anything else.

  After we wash off the suds, we step out onto the bathmat, and I hand her the clean towel. We walk into the bedroom, drying off, and I see her keep glancing at me.

  "What?" I ask her.

  "You're still hard."

  I shrug. "You're still naked. What can I say? I can't get enough of you."

  "Really?" she asks, looking delighted.

  "You're like a drug," I tell her, tossing my damp towel on the dresser. Her eyes widen as she looks me over, fully naked and erect. She slowly lowers her towel to the floor.

  "You want me again?" she whispers.

  "Fuck yes," I growl. She walks over to me, and I reach forward and slip one finger into her slit. "You're not too sore?"

  "I'm sore. Not too sore," she tells me. "Lie down on the bed. On your back," she tells me.

  I grin, and do what she says. With my head on the pillow, my feet reach all the way to the edge at the bottom. Beth climbs onto the bed, walking over to me on her knees. When she reaches my hips, she swings one leg over me, bringing her slit tantalizingly close to my cock. With a smile, she lowers herself onto me.

  She watches my face with a look of fascination as she goes, as though she can't believe what she's doing to me. It's all I can do not to pin her down and take her as hard as I can.

  "You're so big," she murmurs as she slides to the bottom of my cock. "I wasn't sure I'd be able to handle it," she says, raising herself back up. Her hand moves to her clit, and she begins to stroke herself. I lick my lips as I watch her.


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