Warrior's Paradox (Cadi Warriors Book 3)

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Warrior's Paradox (Cadi Warriors Book 3) Page 5

by Stephanie West

  Two can play at this game.

  “Dagaa said you are working on the satellite surveillance.”

  “Yes. I just got back home, but pulling the list of orbital traffic and altering the notification settings shouldn’t take long. I’ll contact you when it’s done.”

  Tytus extricated everything from the jiggly agar, and washed it off. As he got back to work, an amused smile was plastered on his face. Reviewing the satellites data wasn’t hard, so part of his brain was free to hatch a plan to catch Madhava and Dagaa. Their next visit to his lab would be a little more exciting.


  June covered her mouth to repress the giggle as the demon turned over the gelatin cubes with his office supplies floating in them. The confounded expression on his face was worth any repercussions that might arise. When he tipped back his head and let out a deep rumbling laugh, June was mesmerized. The sound went right through her, filling her with giddy delight. There was something about laughter that brought her such intense joy. It was almost like a drug. Maybe that was why she was so goofy sometimes.

  June sat beneath the counter watching the demon work on some program, wearing a smile that made him look rather handsome. She debated several times coming out of hiding, but hung back.

  How should I approach him? It doesn’t seem wise to just hop out and say, here I am. He looks approachable now, but that could change in a heartbeat. Like when he sees some weird alien girl. What if he turns to find you sitting calmly in a chair? That could work. That shouldn’t freak him out too much. Nope can’t do it, June shook her head. Coward.

  The giant man puttered around, mixing up something on the counter, then decided to mop the floor. Apparently, her efforts to clean were contagious.

  It’s nice having a tidy workspace, isn’t it?

  That done, he retired to his bedroom. June heard what sounded like the shower start up.

  “Now’s your chance fraidy cat. You have to do something. You can’t hide in a hole in the wall forever. It’ll be fine.” June attempted to work up the nerve to come out of hiding, but couldn’t get her muscles to move.

  Just leave a message on his desk. You can do that, chicken. He wouldn’t be able to read English, but maybe you can draw a picture of the M’s spaceship, and ease him into the fact that someone is lurking about. He already knows someone is lurking about, because of your agar trick, smarty pants, she argued with herself.

  June bit her lip as she forced herself to climb out of her hidey hole. No sooner had she emerged from beneath the counter than the water shut off in the other room.

  Crap! Quick. Be quick.

  June raced towards his desk. Suddenly she stopped dead in her tracks, as her shoes stuck to the floor. June lost her balance and fell flat on her butt.

  “Oh god, oh god,” she hissed and started to panic.

  She was like a rat stuck in a giant glue trap. The harder June struggled, the more she became embroiled in the viscous fluid slathered on the floor. Her ass, one entire leg, lower back, and right forearm were pinned to the floor by the sticky clear liquid.

  He wasn’t mopping. He set a trap for you, moron, June berated herself.

  June froze at the sound of footsteps.

  Maybe if you’re quiet, he won’t come out this far.

  Her heart skipped a beat as a large shadow loomed over her. June looked, up, up, up, at the alien. The demonic man was huge in every way. His arms were as thick as her thighs, and his legs the size of tree trunks. When she reached his scowling face, June’s eyes were riveted to his growling mouth, and long, sharp fangs. She reared back, but couldn’t get away, as a massive hand came for her.

  June then did the one thing she promised herself she wouldn’t do; she screamed. Her fear got the best of her, and she started thrashing about, till she was entirely stuck to the floor.

  “Please,” she cried out in trepidation as she lay there helpless.

  The demon stilled, and growled a long stream of deep sounds. His coal black eyes, didn’t appear to hold malice as they stared at her critically. June’s heart rate slowed as she listened to the even cadence of his voice.

  “Please don’t hurt me. I know I shouldn’t be here. I came from the Miran Sona’s ship, but couldn’t get back on it before Exo took off,” she frantically explained.

  The demon nodded as if he understood her, then stood up and walked away.

  Where is he going?

  “I’m sorry for playing that joke on you. I know you don’t owe me anything, but can you please help me?”

  June tried to crane her head to see what he was doing. When he came back holding a knife and an odd cylinder, June’s heart kicked back into high gear.

  Oh god. What’s he going to do?

  “Please. I’m sorry,” June implored as he knelt by her head.

  The imposing red man took the cylinder and pressed it to her temple. There was a click and a terrible pain shot through her skull. The agony radiated through her entire body. June collapsed on the floor as every muscle seized, then went limp. She couldn’t even cry out; the pain was so intense.

  What did he do?

  He hadn’t acted like he was going to hurt her, but then he did.

  They’re a demon warrior race, what did you expect?

  June wondered if he’d given her something to knock her out.

  Oh god, what if he’s trying to put me down, like some sort of vermin.

  June struggled to stay conscious. The demon started growling disconcertingly, as he began cutting her out of her clothes. June panicked silently while she shook from the unbearable pain.

  What is he going to do to me?

  It didn’t matter. She was at his mercy. June sobbed as tears streamed down her face.

  Tytus quo Munitor

  Tytus was surprised to hear thrashing in his lab so soon. He was even more shocked to find neither Madhava or Dagaa, but a human female, stuck in the polymer he spread on the floor.

  She looked nothing like Giselle or Providence. Her hair wasn’t long, or the color of the moon, like Giselle’s, or as red as an ascinus berry, like Providence’s. This female’s hair was cropped short, and rather than a solid shade, was a mix of light and dark browns. Her dark eyes were brown like her hair, and her skin was tan. Despite the differences, she was most certainly human. She possessed the pert little nose, breasts, and full hips that were common to her species. And from what Tytus could see, she lacked a tail.

  “Where did you come from, little one?”

  The female screamed and Tytus realized she was frightened. He knelt to try to extricate her, but she struggled and ended up in worse shape than when he found her.

  “Please,” her frightened voice stuttered.

  “Easy, I will not harm you. I am sorry you are stuck in this mess. How did you even get in here?” he spoke calmly.

  After a minute, she stopped wailing, though the pulse in her neck continued to flutter rapidly. She reminded him of the frightened fluffy little haris he cornered on his first hunt.

  “Please don’t hurt me. I know I shouldn’t be here. I came from the Miran Sona’s ship, but couldn’t get back on it before Exo took off.”

  “Well that explains it,” Tytus nodded.

  She’d somehow traveled to Cadi without Ion and Exo’s knowledge, and followed them off the ship.

  She’ll be less afraid if I can communicate with her.

  Tytus got up and grabbed a knife to cut her loose along with a hypo-syringe containing the language implant.

  “I’m sorry for playing that joke on you. I know you don’t owe me anything, but can you please help me?” her wavering voice implored.

  Tytus smiled. She was obviously just as intelligent as her fellow humans. He didn’t know why she played the joke on him, but it was amusing. For her to mix up the gelatinous agar, she must’ve had experience with similar chemicals, since it was doubtful she read Cadi.

  Ingenious little female. He was impressed. She probably got bored trapped in the lab. That exp
lains the cleaning.

  Tytus felt bad as he approached her again. She was really stuck in the polymer. If she had been a warrior she might have had a hope of freeing herself.

  The diminutive female started to panic again, seeing the knife, so Tytus quickly gave her the language implant. The sooner she could understand him, the better.

  Tytus panicked when the female cried in pain, and froze as all her muscles cramped.

  “Mother of Kali,” he cursed. He had heard the implant injection was painful, but he hadn’t fathomed it would affect the little human this way. “It will be fine in a few minutes. I promise. I am so sorry little one.”

  He started to free her of her sticky clothes, and she began to shake, as tears flowed down her cheeks. The sight of such a stunning creature suffering so much pain and fear, leveled him. Tytus didn’t care that the tacky fluid got all over him as he worked to free her. He wasn’t sure what the substance would do to her. It shouldn’t harm her, but human skin was delicate, not rough like a Cadi warrior.

  When he finally got her free, he cradled her in his arms and took her to the cleansing stall.

  “Easy, little one. It’s all right. Let’s get you cleaned up,” he crooned.


  The giant man held her against his bare chest with one arm, as if she weighed nothing at all, and washed her with the other. The hot water and his massaging hands felt good on her cramping muscles. Eventually the ache in her head started to dissipate and she was able to think more clearly.

  He’s cleaning you up. Maybe he wasn’t trying to kill you after all. Perhaps that was some sort of immunization. This is a foreign planet. They probably don’t want your alien diseases, June reasoned. Maybe I reacted badly to it? My body is so sore. It feels like there’s a rock concerts behind my eyeballs, she groaned.

  As he continued to wash her, June realized how naked they both were. She looked at his muscular chest, where her hand rested. He was a deep blood red and hard as rock. She felt his washboard abs against her bare hip, and shivered. Her mind wandered to what was below his ripped stomach. It was undoubtedly as big as the rest of him.

  “Are you cold? I was concerned the water might be too hot,” he rumbled, the sound physically working into her.

  June’s eyes flew to his full mouth.

  “I understood you,” she husked in awe.

  “Good. I gave you a language implant. It must be working.” June watched his mouth as the deep tenor of his voice washed over her. “I didn’t realize it would be so painful.” His brow creased in concern. “I think I’ve got all the dilatant fluid off you. I thought one of my friends was playing a joke on me.”

  His black eyes danced in amusement as he thought about her prank.

  At least he’s not mad.

  He seemed very reasonable, and gentle, with the way he carefully massaged her scalp while washing her hair. June wondered if all his people were as kind and tender. His demeanor was polar opposite to how he appeared. And despite his demonic resemblance, he was very handsome. June felt like Eve being tempted by the devil in the garden of Eden. She shivered as the unbidden attraction moved through her. It didn’t help that his hands continued to roam over her. He was an alien, and she hardly knew him, yet this was more intimate an act than any lover had ever shown her.

  “You are cold.” The furrow between his brows deepened.

  “No,” June shook her head. “Just in shock.” That was as good an explanation as anything. “I think I’m doing better. You can put me down.”

  “No, your muscles are still trembling,” he replied.

  June was a little shocked by his refusal. Her tremors were more from being so close to a very naked and imposing alien man, rather than the negative effects of the implant, which were waning.

  “Um, what’s your name?” she asked, trying to distract herself.

  “My name is Tytus. What are you called, little one?” he rumbled.

  “June. I’m human. What are your people called?”

  “This is Cadi, and that is also what we are called. So, I assume that you came from the human colony?”

  June’s eyes widened.

  “You know about the Miran Sona colony?”

  Tytus quo Munitor

  As Tytus ran his soapy hands over June’s nude body, he understood why the other warriors were so taken with their human females. June was unbelievably soft and curvy. Her lush hip yielded beneath his fingers, where he cradled her against him. Tytus had to resist the urge to knead her supple flesh.

  June’s dusky nipples stood at attention, atop full creamy breasts. Tytus never realized how terribly compelling they were. Human females were constantly endowed with the enticing mounds, unlike Cadi females. The mere sight of them roused carnal thoughts in his mind.

  The exotic, floral fragrance of June’s heated skin invaded his nostrils, hijacking his senses. Surges of pleasure arced through him, where her graceful long fingers rested on his chest.

  Something instinctual rose with-in Tytus, and he was loathe to let June go. It was an unusual, new sensation. What started as an attempt to calm and clean the distraught female, had taken an unexpected turn.

  “Yes, I am aware of the Miran Sona colony. We have become allies. Though I can’t say I agree with how it came to exist,” Tytus replied, as he attempted to shake off the spell he was under.

  “Really?” June said looking surprised.

  Her big brown eyes reminded him of propero, the creamy invigorating beverage, that was a favorite of his people.

  “It is noble to save a species. But from what I understand, your people aren’t quite on the cusp of total destruction.”

  “No, we’re not. I was very angry with them when I first awoke. Then I learned the Miran Sona gave up their families and the rest of their lives, and it was hard to stay mad at them. Ion and Exo didn’t personally decide to create the colony. It’s some sort of mission their society is compelled to do, after being rescued in their own history.”

  That was new information Tytus hadn’t known before. June was very understanding. Tytus wouldn’t be so calm if he was in her position.

  “Their goal is honorable. There are species who aren’t so altruistic.” Tytus thought of the Jurou Biljana.

  “I just can’t come to terms with what they want from me.” June shook her head in frustration. “At first it was exciting to be on a new planet with a new species. But now I’m so bored, I could pull my hair out.”

  Tytus understood June was referring to being breeding stock for future human generations. It would be frustrating to have your entire purpose stripped down to a biological function.

  It would certainly anger me.

  “From the look of my lab, you do like to keep busy,” he smiled.

  “I was an engineer back home,” she smiled wistfully.

  That made sense to Tytus. From his discussions with Giselle and Providence, many human females had duties outside the home, while both males and females tended to domestic tasks. This was different from Cadi females, who only helped with family trades till they formed their own families. This was one of the qualities that intrigued Tytus about the human females. Though he was sure there were Cadi females who aspired for more, it wasn’t the norm.

  Tytus heart went out to June. She looked so lost as he cradled her close.

  “It seems a shame that you were forced to give up your occupation. Perhaps you can stay on Cadi and continue your work,” Tytus suggested without thinking.

  “Are you serious? I could work in a lab like yours?” June’s eyes lit up with excitement at the prospect. “I think I’d like that.”

  Tytus realized he’d inadvertently created a problem with his suggestion. Not only would the Miran Sona be displeased to lose another human, but Kagan would probably object, not wanting to strain the alliance.

  Another thought occurred to Tytus. If Kagan agreed that June could stay on Cadi, she would need a protector, since she had no clansmen.

  Tytus groaned as he
recalled what occurred when both Dagaa and Madhava competed for Providence. Although everything turned out fine for them, Tytus didn’t want another male sniffing around June. There was a chance she wouldn’t choose him, when presented with other warriors.

  Tytus repressed the jealous rumble in his chest.

  Tytus wasn’t a self-conscious male, but he’d already frightened June and caused her pain. That didn’t place him in a favorable light. With a little time, he could convince her otherwise. Then she might be willing to accept him as her Prime protector.

  What if I don’t mention she’s here for a day or two? It would give June a chance to get to know me better. She could help me with the translator, as well as my other projects. June would like that, given her occupation on Earth. Tytus smiled at the prospect, then frowned. No this is a bad idea. You can’t keep the female cooped up in the lab like she’s some sort of exotic pet.

  But as Tytus held June, the overwhelming need to keep her all to himself short-circuited the rational part of his brain.

  When Tytus looked down at June’s supple naked body, the illicit thoughts she inspired disturbed him. He had no idea how Giselle and Providence bore the brunt of their warriors. Tytus wasn’t a small male by any stretch, and June was so petite. She couldn’t possibly withstand the things that kept surfacing in his mind.

  You need to take a step back or you’re liable to do something that will frighten her again.

  Tytus set June on the washroom floor, then quickly wrapped a towel around his waist, to hide the way his body had responded to her.

  “Do you think you’ll be okay on your feet? I’ll try to find you something to wear,” he said as he passed her a towel.

  June nodded and the dark wet hair hallowing her head, danced about in disarray. Tytus’ eyes traveled down the curve of her slight neck. His canines itched at the sight. He pictured gripping June in his arms, as he tasted the expanse of tempting flesh.

  That won’t traumatize her at all, he thought sarcastically, as he put distance between them.

  “I’ll set out a cloak for you. You are welcome to any of my food and the bed. I am going to clean up the mess I made in the lab.”


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