Warrior's Paradox (Cadi Warriors Book 3)

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Warrior's Paradox (Cadi Warriors Book 3) Page 7

by Stephanie West

  A protective surge overwhelmed Tytus. He might not be the ideal warrior to care for June, but he could learn. He adapted fast, if not faster than his comrades. And he was just as strong, even though he used his intellect to serve Cadi. No other male would understand June the way he did.

  You will just act as her protector. You will not smother her with your overgrown self, he admonished the beast within. Kali, I need a drink.

  Tytus got up and fetched a bottle of vinum.

  “This is vinum. It’s alcohol, so drink slowly.”

  Tytus took a large draught, to take the edge off.

  “It tastes a lot like wine, but with a kick,” she coughed. “So, I guess we’re done working for the day.”

  “Yes. We have done enough.”

  “What should we do then?”

  “You could tell me more about Earth.”

  “I wouldn’t know where to begin,” June frowned, as she popped a morsel into her mouth. “Oh, I know,” June’s eyes lit up, as she cast him a contrary grin. “Tytus, you’re a man of logic and science, but did you know humans are magical?”

  “Are you saying that humans possess unnatural abilities?” Tytus’ brow rose incredulously. “I think I shouldn’t have given you the vinum.”

  “Yes,” June laughed.

  Tytus watched June hop out of the chair and approach him.

  “We Cadi believe in Kali. Is this magic related to your deity?”

  “It was once upon a time.” June reached out to his ear. When she pulled away, she held a bockum chip. “Wow, Tytus, you should clean your ears better.”

  Tytus’ eyes widened, till he noticed the dozen game pieces sitting on the table.

  “Very amazing, magical June,” he laughed and slapped his thigh.

  “It must’ve gotten in there when you were asleep on the table,” she giggled. “But seriously, I’m magic.”

  June held up the chip and with a twist of her hands it disappeared in thin air. Tytus stared at her hands. He knew there was a logical explanation for this. June was still giggling. He looked up from her empty hands, to see tears streaming down her cheeks.

  “June, what is wrong?” Tytus asked, suddenly concerned.

  “Tytus, you should see your face,” she snorted.

  Tytus grinned in relief. He was glad she was entertained and not upset, even if it was at his expense. He knew her tears meant sadness, but apparently, June also shed them when she was amused.

  “I know you did something that can be explained, but I have never seen such a thing.” Tytus shook his head.

  “Your people don’t do tricks?” It was June’s turn to look amazed.


  “It’s something human’s conceived of to make others believe they were part deity, or to rob and deceive. But in our modern era, it’s a form of entertainment,” June explained.

  “Other species are always so fascinating. Show me more.”

  Tytus watched as June made the chip disappear from one hand and appear in the other. She then pushed it through her hand. When she made the chip disappear from his own hand, he knew he had to learn this skill.

  “Show me how you do your magic,” Tytus insisted.

  “Ah, but a magician never reveals her secrets.”

  June attempted to back away but Tytus ensnared her with his tail, coiling it around her waist.

  “I have you. Now you are forced to give up your secrets.”

  “Never,” June declared in mock distress. The tip of Tytus’ tail wiggled at her ribs, till she giggled. “Okay, I relent. Stop,” she panted.

  Tytus released her, even though he wanted to reel her in. She then proceeded to show him how she did her tricks. June was mystical, but not because of her sleight of hand skill. There was no way to distill all the things about her that had him amazed.

  When it was time to go to sleep, Tytus insisted she again take the bed. He grabbed a spare cushion and stretched out on the floor.

  “I’m willing to share. This is a big bed,” June suggested as she climbed to the far side of his mattress.

  “No. I’m liable to crush you. I tend to move around in my sleep.”

  He did move around a lot, but that wasn’t the real reason he declined. Tytus knew if he got in that bed, he wouldn’t be able to resist touching June.

  “Okay. Good night, Tytus.”

  “Sleep well, June.”

  Tytus killed the lights then went to sleep with a smile on his face. Having June around was unsettling, but he’d never enjoyed his day more.


  June awoke to a sound in the dim room. She rolled over and watched Tytus shuffle towards the bathroom. She smiled sleepily when he didn’t bother to shut the door as he entered the facility. Her eyes widened when he tore off the kilt that was getting in his way, leaving him entirely naked. If it wasn’t so dark she might’ve got a good view of his package. She’d just have to content herself with the shadowy outline of his physique.

  He must be fast asleep, she shook her head.

  Tytus washed his hands and lumbered back into the bedroom. June had to scramble against the wall, as he bypassed his spot on the floor and dropped into the bed.

  He wasn’t kidding. He just might crush me.


  Tytus rolled towards her. His eyes were open, but looked glazed over. His mouth parted, showing his sharp fangs, as a deep rumble rose in his chest.

  June became concerned. She wanted to get to know Tytus a little better, and had offered to share the bed, but the slumbering giant was a bit disconcerting.

  I’ll just let him take the bed, June decided and started to worm her way down the mattress, to get around Tytus.

  Tytus’ hand darted out, gripped her retreating body, and pulled her back up. His arms banded around her, holding her tight against his bare chest.

  “Tytus,” June spoke louder as she pressed her hands against his chest.

  He replied by growling, but still didn’t wake up. June stilled when Tytus’ face descended to her neck. She didn’t know what she should do.

  Just relax. Don’t startle him.

  Tytus took long chuffing breaths as his mouth traced her shoulder. June shivered when his lips ghosted over her skin. As nervous as she was, she couldn’t help the goose bumps that erupted all over, or the way her nipples puckered beneath the cloak.

  “Oh.” June drew in a ragged breath when his tongue snaked out and laved an extremely sensitive spot beneath her ear.

  The low growling noises Tytus made were animalistic and demanding. They turned her on as much as the way he kissed her neck.

  His large hand tugged at her cloak, then roughly shoved it out of his way. June gasped when she suddenly found herself pinned on her back, with a very naked and aroused Tytus pressed against her nude body. She licked her lips nervously.

  Be careful what you wish for.

  Her not so subtle innuendos all day had backfired. As much as June desired Tytus, a part of her knew this was a bad idea.

  “Tytus, you need to wake up.”

  June froze, her breath catching in her throat, when Tytus nudged her knees apart and insinuated his hips between her thighs. Her eyes widened in alarm, as she felt the broad head of his shaft press against the mouth of her vagina.

  There’s no way he’s going to get that thing to fit.

  “Tytus,” June tried again to speak to the man that lay dormant inside the marauder.

  She reached down to cup her lady bits, before his monster cock attempted to impale her.

  Tytus rumbled at her interference. He closed his lips on the crook of her neck and bit down. June cried out when his fangs pierced her skin. Her cry of pain quickly turned to one of ecstasy, as a glorious heat coursed through her bloodstream. June panted as the liquid nirvana inundated her. Every inch of her suddenly ached, and begged for Tytus to possess her.

  This is a reaction to his bite, the rational part of her brain reasoned.

  June struggled to keep her hand over
her pussy, even as her over sensitized breast rubbed wantonly against Tytus’ massive chest. Her other hand gripped his muscular ass, massaging it. Her resolve was slipping as his aphrodisiac laced saliva moved through her system, zeroing in on her clit and g-spot with a vengeance. It was becoming difficult to remember why she was resisting, when she wanted Tytus with a soul deep need.

  Tytus quo Munitor

  “Tytus, I need you,” June moaned wantonly.

  This was the most salacious dream he’d ever had. He could feel June’s lush body writhing beneath him. Her scent, laced with a mind numbingly delicious musk, filled his nostrils. He bit down a little harder, pumping more of the conjugo serum from his canines into her.

  I could only be so lucky to bond with June as my mate, the conscious part of his mind intruded on his fantasy. She probably wouldn’t even respond to my conjugo mark.

  The taste of her, the feel, the smell, the sounds, it was all so glorious. He wanted to revel in the delusion for just a bit longer, but knew he was waking up.

  Tytus froze as he recalled the last time he had such a lucid dream. He’d awoken to find himself dismantling the chiller.

  Tytus took a hesitant swipe with his tongue and tasted blood. He knew instantly it was June’s. He lifted his head, dreading what he was going to find. June’s expression wasn’t fearful, or contorted in pain; it was filled with need. He had her caged beneath him, and she was entirely nude. Her skin was sweaty and flushed pink as she rubbed against him. Tytus felt his shaft prodding insistently at the juncture of her thighs.

  “Blessed Kali. June, I’m sorry,” Tytus exclaimed.

  He was now awake, wide awake.

  Loathing filled Tytus, when he realized he hurt June with his bite, and almost forced his shaft into her petite body. Tytus attempted to rear back, but her legs tightened around his waist.

  “No. Tytus, please, I need you,” she moaned sounding desperate.

  Tytus groaned. He could feel how constricted her channel was compared to his broad crown. He’d rend her in two.

  “Stop June. I’m much too large for you,” he insisted. “You don’t know what you’re doing. You’re under the effects of the conjugo bite.”

  Tytus couldn’t believe the way June was responding to his bonding mark.

  I bound June to me.

  The realization struck him hard. It thrilled Tytus as much as it leveled him. June was human, not Cadi; she didn’t understand the implications of what he’d done in his sleep. Tytus was at a loss as to what he should do now. Males didn’t find their mate every day.

  “Just put it in slowly,” June begged as she writhed.

  “No,” he spoke sternly, as much to his inner self as to her.

  “Please, I ache.”

  Her back arched, shoving her breast towards him. Her nipples looked painfully hard.

  “No. I should get you some water. It will help,” he hoped.

  Tytus hated himself, as he wrenched free of June, then quickly got off the bed.

  “Fine, I’ll take care of myself,” she growled at him.

  Tytus didn’t want to leave June in this condition. But he couldn’t stand within reach, or he’d be back in that bed in an instant. So, he retreated to the far side of the room, grabbing his discarded vestments in the process.

  June’s hand moved to the top of her cleft, and frantically started rubbing. Tytus gripped the table to keep himself where he was. He desperately wanted to watch up close, as she pleasured herself.

  It was probably for the best that he couldn’t see what she was doing in graphic detail. June’s breathy moans, and the scent of her ardor, were more than enough.

  June’s gaze brazenly pinned him the entire time she touched herself. She had no idea what she was tempting. Tytus fought to repress the feral side of himself that was clawing to get free.


  It goaded him to do things to June that her delicate little body would never withstand. Tytus closed his eyes and sent up a prayer to Kali.

  It felt like forever before June groaned, her body shuddering as she found release.

  Goddess, she’s gorgeous.

  June turned her back to him, curled into a ball and continued to tremble. She looked forlorn and alone. The sight instantly quelled the beast within, making him want to howl in misery instead. He put June in this condition. It was his job, as her bonded, to ease her.

  “June, I am sorry. This is all my fault,” he entreated.

  She turned towards him, her hair a messy halo around her head, tears streaking her face. Pain clutched his chest, seeing how distraught she was.

  What have I done?

  “It’s okay. I’m sorry I attacked you.” Her chin quivered as she spoke.

  “It’s not your fault.” Tytus knelt beside the bed. “I marked you, and it has caused this.”

  He knew he was drawn to June, but this was a surprise. Tytus recalled hearing old males talk about how the urge to mark their mate snuck up on them, like a warrior dealing death from the shadows.

  “But I encouraged you,” her chest heaved. “I like you, and kept touching you all day, trying to get you to notice me.”

  “You like me?” Tytus asked as a broad smile stretched across his face.

  “Yes. You’re smart, kind, have a sense of humor, and are built like a god.”

  The revelation that June was smitten with him, and had been intentionally trying to capture his attention, was almost as shocking as waking to find he’d marked her. It seemed too good to be true. Tytus’ grin made his cheeks hurt.

  “I think the same about you, and find you incredibly exciting,” he replied. “I am sorry that I hurt you, and almost did worse.”

  “I tried to wake you, but you’re a heavy sleeper,” she explained.

  “I am a sound sleeper,” he admitted. “Though I’ve never woken up in this situation.” Mated, he added silently. “June, try to go back to sleep. We have much to discuss tomorrow.” Tytus got up, grabbing a spare blanket. “I’m going to lock you in, so I don’t do anything else in my sleep.”

  Tytus showed June how to secure the door, then locked himself in the lab.

  Well, Tytus, what are you going to do now? This is quite a mess. Tytus ran a hand through his hair, tugging at the strands. But my bonded mate likes me, he grinned as he tossed his blanket onto the floor.

  He might not have completed the bond by mounting June, but she was now his. And there wasn’t a luckier warrior on the entire planet.

  5 Experiment


  June awoke sweaty and hot. She tossed and turned in Tytus’ bed, but found no relief. The scent of him on the blankets only made it worse. She pressed her face into his blankets breathing him in. June pulled off the cloak and blanket, when her skin became so sensitive she could no longer stand it. The cramping in her womb pushed tears from her eyes.

  It’s like a period from hell.

  June staggered from the bed, into the bathroom. She turned on the cold water in the shower and stepped in, seeking relief. The water cooled her skin, but the ache in her loins made her double over. June thrust her fingers into her pussy and started rubbing. No matter how aggressively she masturbated, it didn’t help this time.

  Why won’t it work? she lamented as tears streamed down her cheeks mixing with the water. What do I do?

  June didn’t bother to dry off. She exited the bathroom, threw on her borrowed cape, and let herself into the lab. It was morning, from the way the light filtered in through the windows, and Tytus still lay sleeping on the hard metal floor.

  June didn’t want to wake Tytus, but she had to be near him. Some part of her derived comfort by the sight, scent, and feel of him. It didn’t abate all her desperate need, but it calmed her mind, making the rest bearable. As she lay down next to Tytus, she attempted to stifle her tears. Try as she might to resist, June found her hands roaming his chest, and her mouth followed.

  “June,” Tytus groaned as she reached his face.

  June cupped
his cheeks, rubbing her palms over the stubble covering his jaw. The feel of him soothed her, but she needed more.

  Tytus opened his mouth to say something else, except June descended, silencing him. Tytus froze as she ravenously attacked his lips, her tongue spearing into his mouth. There was a spicy flavor to his kiss, that made her mouth tingle. The delicious buzz worked through her like a diluted version of when he bit her.

  It’s that liquid sex hormone, she realized with a shiver.

  A part of June knew she needed to get the chemical out of her system, if she was ever going to feel normal. But it was like a drug, and she wanted more. June devoured Tytus with a desire she’d never known. Tytus groaned. The vibration tantalized her swollen nipples, as the sound radiated from his chest. He wrapped her in his arms, holding her for a minute, before pulling away.

  “I have never mated lips.” Tytus touched his kiss swollen mouth looking surprised.

  The confused, cute expression on his face distracted June from her plight.

  “It’s called a kiss,” she replied with a wide smile.

  “I have seen human females do this kiss, but I didn’t know it was so pleasurable.”

  “Are you telling me Cadi don’t kiss?” June asked, trying not to giggle at the dopey smile he wore.

  “No. Canines don’t mesh well. Besides, it’s not a female’s duty to put her mouth on her warrior.”

  June’s eyes widened in surprise. I must’ve misunderstood.

  “Wait, you mean to tell me, Cadi men put their mouths on their women, but not the other way around?”

  “Of course. It is our duty and honor to give you pleasure, particularly since you allow us to impale you.”

  June repressed a moan. Hearing Tytus say the word ‘impale’ had her imagining him doing that to her.

  Down girl.

  It was incredibly difficult holding her wayward libido in check. June felt like a cat in heat. But, she was learning something interesting about Cadi culture, and wanted to know more. June dug her nails into her palms. The pain helped clear her mind so she could concentrate on their conversation.

  What Tytus told her sounded like an awful double standard. He implied sex was something Cadi women put up with, only if their men catered to their pleasure. It was a pleasure to give pleasure.


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