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Gallipoli Page 64

by Peter Hart

  First Coalition Government 237

  First Ridge 86, 101

  Fisher, First Sea Lord Admiral Sir John erratic view of 15–16

  an adviser to the War Council 18

  threatens to resign 19

  and Churchill 19, 457–58

  and the Queen Elizabeth 32

  resignation 237

  and new types of ship 277

  Fisherman’s Hut 79, 84

  Fitzgerald, Major 428

  Fitzmaurice, Trooper James 316

  Flynn, Private William 150, 167

  Forbes, Midshipman Haydon 146–47, 157

  Ford, Lieutenant Hubert 303, 379

  Ford, Bugler John 105

  Foreign Office 7, 8

  Forshaw, Captain William, VC 289, 290–91

  Forsyth, Brigadier 310

  Foster, Major Claude 390


  entente with Russia and Britain (1904) 4

  Germany encamped in 17

  commitment to Gallipoli 386–87

  focuses on countering the threat to Serbia 387

  see also Corps Expéditionnaire d’Orient

  Franco-Prussian War (1870-71) 1

  Frankland, Major Thomas 137

  Franz Ferdinand, Archduke, assassination of (1914) 5

  French, Captain David 142–45, 149, 155

  French, Field Marshal Sir John 431, 435, 457

  French Mediterranean Fleet 9

  French War Cemetery, Helles 258

  French XIX Corps 9

  Freyberg, Lieutenant Commander Bernard 54, 55, 176, 177–78, 286, 442, 443

  Fury, HMS 448–49

  Fusilier Bluff 260, 262


  Gaba Tepe 14, 60, 61, 65, 66, 67, 78, 79, 81–85, 90, 91, 115, 178, 181, 184, 185, 280, 429


  imagined benefits of vii

  disregard for the elementary principles of war vii-viii

  a truly international campaign viii

  a key moment for Churchill and Mustafa Kemal viii

  a futile and costly sideshow ix

  topography of the Gallipoli Peninsula 59–60

  irrelevant to the outcome of the war 179

  the countryside 224–25

  unburied corpses and flies 227–29

  sanitation 229–30

  diseases 230–31

  artillery as the dominant force 265, 358

  appalling winter weather conditions in 402–10

  assessment of the campaign 452–62

  tour of 503–7

  see also Anzac Cove; Helles; Kum Kale; Suvla Bay

  Gallipoli town 176

  Gallishaw, Private John 392–93

  Garnett, Flight Lieutenant W.H.S. 30

  Gascon, HMHS 388, 389

  Gatley, Private Jack 239, 241, 245, 248–50

  Gaulois 33, 36

  Geddes, Captain Guy 149, 150

  Geddie, J. 443

  German Army ix, 69, 457, 458, 461

  German East Asiatic Squadron 14, 17

  German Empire 5

  German High Command 461

  German High Seas Fleet 8, 11, 14, 457

  German Military Mission, Turkey 9

  German Navy 5, 15

  German Officer’s Trench 183, 308, 310, 318


  and the 1904 entente 4

  relationship with Turkey 5, 6, 7

  declares war on Russia (1914) 7

  Britain declares war on (1914) 9, 10

  encamped in France 17

  Gething, Second Lieutenant Philip 406

  Ghazi Baba 339

  Giguel, Sapeur Gaston-Louis 417–18

  Gilbertson, Surgeon Lieutenant Commander Albert 409

  Giles, Lieutenant 300, 301

  Gillett, Second Lieutenant Reginald 74, 163–64

  Gilligan, Leading Seaman 133

  Gillon, Captain Stair 369

  Glasford, Major Duncan 114, 313

  Gloucester (light cruiser) 10–11

  Gloucester Castle (hospital ship) 412

  Godfrey, Commander 81

  Godley, Major General Alexander 48, 107, 109, 194, 276, 307, 308

  Godwyn, Sapper James 130–31

  Goeben (battlecruiser) 5, 9–12, 32, 43–44, 215, 386

  Goldenstedt, Sergeant Major Paul 302

  Goldring, Lieutenant Eric 116–17

  Goliath, HMS 124, 231–33

  Gondard, Private Marius 174

  Goulden, Private Thomas 443

  Gouraud, General Henri 238, 247, 254, 265

  Grampus, HMS (destroyer) 334, 361

  Grand Fleet 14–16

  Grantham, Sergeant Harry 289

  Grantully Castle (transport ship) 177

  Grasshopper 445

  Great Powers 2


  independence 2

  in the Balkan League 3

  attacked by Bulgaria (1913) 4

  neutrality 14, 23, 387

  Greek Army 13

  Green Hill 283, 331, 350, 377, 506

  Grey, Sir Edward 17

  Grimshaw, Major 165

  Guépratte, Rear Admiral Émile 36, 37

  Guezji Baba 137, 138

  Gulf of Saros 60, 68, 175, 176

  Gulf of Xeros 280

  Gully Beach 121, 123, 206, 446, 504

  Gully Ravine 122, 123, 129, 208, 242, 258, 259, 262, 263, 264, 418, 419, 504

  Gully Spur 241, 258, 259, 260, 263, 439, 440, 504

  Gun Lane 426

  Gurkha Bluff 222


  H11 trench 250, 251

  H12 trench 250, 251, 258, 260, 262

  Haig, General Sir Douglas 46, 254, 431, 436, 458

  Hakki, Sergeant 378

  Haldane, Lord 17

  Halis Bey, Major 94–95, 318

  Hall, Sergeant 344, 346

  Halse, Lieutenant Eric 356–57

  Hamid, Sultan Abdul 2, 3, 4

  Hamidieh II (Fort No.16) 30

  Hamilton, Lieutenant E.G. 114–15

  Hamilton, General Sir Ian 46–47, 108, 117, 360, 452, 458, 505

  distinguished career 46–47

  commander of the MEF 24, 46, 368

  on the Army’s role in the Dardanelles 45, 46

  personality 47

  relationship with Kitchener 47, 63, 278, 397

  German and British systems compared 57

  plans for landings 62–69, 76

  ‘Dig, dig, Dig!’ advice 109, 181

  and the landing at Y Beach 121, 123

  aboard the Queen Elizabeth 126, 154

  orders diversion of troops to W Beach 154

  Kum Kale plans 170, 175

  diversionary operations 175–78

  Second Battle of Krithia 219, 221

  new divisions 236–37, 253, 272, 275

  Third Battle of Krithia 238

  responsibility for Helles disaster 274

  rejects Mahon for promotion 278

  fails to direct and control subordinates 281–82

  overcomplication in his plans 283, 396

  Stopford dilutes his plans 330

  pays little attention to Suvla 350

  focus on Tekke Tepe 355

  confesses failure to Kitchener 365–66

  cutting assessment by 367

  ultimate responsibility for Suvla plan 368

  and de Lisle’s plan 369

  refuses to consider evacuation 395

  dismissed 396

  Gallipoli Diary 396

  assessment of 396–97

  refusal to accept defeat 453

  blames everyone else 454

  Hamilton, Lieutenant 191, 248

  Hammersley, Major General Frederick 281, 350, 354, 355, 368

  Hankey, Maurice, 1st Baron 14, 18, 46

  Hannay, Colonel C.C. 349

  Harcourt, Lewis 18

  Hare, Brigadier General Steuart 70, 132, 136–37, 504

  Haricot Redoubt 239, 240, 246, 247, 254, 256, 257, 258

  Harness, Tom 431

p; Harris, Lieutenant Geoffrey 317

  Hart, Lieutenant 337

  Hartley, Captain Edward 338, 346

  Hayrettin, Second Lieutenant Ibrahim 79, 89

  Heald, Sub Lieutenant Ivan 432, 442–43, 444–45

  health issues 230–31

  Hearder, Captain Dixon 84–88, 112

  Hell Spit 79, 103

  Helles viii, 60, 62, 70, 108, 118, 159, 189, 332

  Fort No.1 shells Agamemnon 26

  resistance strengthens at the fort 28

  Turkish defence works 61

  Hunter-Weston responsible for landings 69, 70

  main landings to be made in in daylight 70

  River Clyde plans 71–73

  Hunter-Weston’s pre-battle address 119–20

  the beaches and Turkish defences 120

  landings see S Beach; V Beach; W Beach; X Beach; Y Beach

  trenches from Fort No.1 to Sedd el Bahr 139

  Turks desperate for reinforcements 159, 161, 162

  and amateurishness of the British Army 168

  arrival of U-boats 196, 234

  aftermath of the landings 205

  First Battle of Krithia 207–9, 207

  Turkish night attacks 209–10, 213

  Second Battle of Krithia (6-8 May 1915) 216–22

  increasingly bleak environment 225

  water shortages 230

  supply depots 235

  Third Battle of Krithia (4 June 1915) 238–52

  French attack of 21

  June 254–58

  Turkish attack on Gully Ravine (28 June) 258–64

  British attacks of 12-13 July 268–73

  disaster for VIII Corps 367

  Munro visits 398

  Kitchener’s plan 401

  attacks on the Turks 417–20

  VIII Corps left marooned 432

  garrison in a dire state 432

  French keen to remove remaining division and artillery 432–33

  Turkish shelling 433–34

  Christmas at Helles 434–35

  decision to evacuate 435

  evacuation plan 436–38

  extremely difficult situation 439

  Liman attacks Gully Spur 439–41

  evacuation 441–49

  abandonment of stores and equipment 449

  main effort at Gallipoli centred at Helles 452

  tactical importance of Achi Baba 504

  Helles Memorial 503

  Henderson, Captain 148

  Henty, Lieutenant Ted 202

  Hepburn, Regimental Sergeant Major David 35–36, 38, 188–89

  Herbert, A.P. 270

  Herbert, Sergeant Jack 412

  Heron, Captain 221

  Herring, Major Sydney 380

  Hersing, Captain Otto von 195, 196, 197–98

  Heywood, Second Lieutenant Hugh 285, 286, 287, 288

  Hill, Brigadier General Felix 368

  Hill 10 280, 282, 331, 334, 347, 349, 506

  Hill 60 406, 506

  attack on 370, 378–84

  Hill 92 379, 380

  Hill 100 379

  Hill 114 129, 134, 137

  Hill 138 132, 134, 137

  Hill 141 132, 138, 140, 159, 162, 164–68, 205

  Hill 236 206, 208, 209

  Hill 971 (Kocacimen Tepe) 78, 88, 95, 279, 280, 292, 323, 325, 355, 505

  Hill Q 205, 277, 304, 321–25, 505

  Hitch, Signaller Corporal 93, 94, 98–99

  Hobbs, Colonel Joseph Talbot 102–3

  Holly Ridge 202, 203

  Holmes, Captain Basil 415

  Horridge, Lieutenant George 216, 224

  Howitt, Lieutenant Frank 353

  Howse, Colonel 103

  Hughes, Brigadier General 315, 316

  Hughes, Lieutenant George 390, 402–3

  Hughes, Lieutenant Colonel Jack Gethin 305–6

  Hunter-Weston, Major General Aylmer 69, 70, 119, 123, 126, 152, 153, 154, 168, 205, 206, 207, 216, 219, 238, 247, 254, 269, 270, 273–74

  Hussar, HMS 71, 154


  Ibbetson, Major Cyril 347

  Imbros Island 74, 286, 332, 396, 398, 460

  Advanced Supply Depot 235

  Imperial War Graves Commission 454, 455

  Implacable (pre-dreadnought) 128, 132, 133, 138

  In Tepe battery 172

  Incebayor Spur, Battleship Hill 93, 97

  Indefatigable (battlecruiser) 10, 13, 32

  Independent Labour Party 394


  British route to 18, 22

  Cabinet fears effect on India of acknowledging defeat 412

  Indian Army 23, 47

  5th Gurkha Rifles 322

  26th Indian Mounted Battery 103

  29th Indian Brigade 50, 216, 222, 241–42, 247, 260, 277, 303, 304, 307, 321, 322, 323

  1/6th Gurkha Rifles 222, 294, 304, 321, 324, 325, 326, 388, 406, 412, 505

  2/10th Gurkha Rifles 307

  14th Sikhs 242, 322, 327

  39th Indian Brigade 323

  Indian Army Department 47

  Indian Mutiny (1857) 18

  Indomitable (battlecruiser) 10, 13

  Inflexible (battlecruiser) 19, 32, 36, 41, 44

  Irresistible 28, 33, 41, 42, 43

  Irvine, Major 114

  Ishak, Sergeant 410

  Islamism 4

  Ismailia 23

  Ismet, Major 83


  seizes Turkish possessions 3

  fails to honour treaty obligations to join the war (1914) 7

  continuing neutrality 10


  J9 trench 258

  J13 trench 258

  Jacka, Lance Corporal Albert, VC 191

  Jackson, Admiral Sir Henry 23–24, 400

  ‘jam tin’ bomb 223–24

  James, Corporal Frederick 114–15

  Jarrett, Major 152

  Jeanne d’Arc 172

  Jeffries, Private Cecil 153

  Jellicoe, Admiral Sir John 19, 457

  commands the Grand Fleet 14

  series of unfortunate incidents (1914) 14–15

  Churchill on 17

  Jephson’s Post 344, 506

  Jerrold, Lieutenant Douglas 270, 434, 450

  Jess, Captain Carl 78, 311, 312, 313

  Joffre, General Joseph 386

  Johnston, Sergeant Cyril 350–51

  Johnston, Brigadier General Francis 305, 306, 307

  Johnston’s Jolly 117, 191, 192, 310

  Joiner, Private Daniel 121–28, 240, 243, 259–60, 262–63

  Jones, Second Lieutenant Fred 226

  Jones, Sergeant W. 337

  Jonquil (headquarters yacht) 350, 355


  Kaiajik Dere 378

  Kamil Pasha, Grand Vizier 3

  Kannengiesser, Colonel Hans 61, 215, 240–41, 306–7, 402, 420, 430

  Karakol Dagh 282, 332, 339, 340, 349

  Karakol Gap 342, 343

  Kay, Private Arthur 288, 419

  Keen, Private George 153, 154

  Kefalo Bay 280

  Kelly, F.S. 443

  Kemal, Mustafa (later Kemal Atatürk) viii, 109, 292, 385

  early life and military career 96

  an officer in the Turkish Army viii

  Gallipoli as an opportunity viii

  commands the Turkish 19th Division 60, 95, 96

  dramatic reaction to his orders 95–96

  on the difficult terrain 96–97

  historic order 97–98

  major night attack at Anzac 181–82

  fears about Anzac front 282

  Anzac breakout 299, 326

  replaces Feizi Bey 354

  post-war leader of his people viii, 456

  ‘Six Day’ speech to the Second National Conference (1927) 456–57

  Kennedy, Captain Francis 10

  Kephez minefield 31

  Kephez Point 27

  Kereves Dere viii-ix, 206, 208, 216, 219, 239, 246, 270, 272, 433, 438, 504

ves Spur 208, 254

  Kerr, Vice Admiral Mark 13, 63

  Keyes, Commodore Roger 45, 399, 400, 460

  Kidney Hill 361, 362, 365

  Kilid Bahr forts 14, 30, 36, 61

  Kilid Bahr Plateau 46, 60, 65–69, 76, 118, 121, 204, 209, 252, 253, 272, 276, 277, 284, 386, 397, 456, 503, 504

  King-Wilson, Lieutenant Norman 328–29, 391, 403, 408–9, 416–17, 435

  Kiretch Tepe 280–83, 330, 331, 342, 343, 345, 346, 351, 354, 355, 359, 361, 364, 506

  Kiretch Tepe Sirt 332, 339, 340, 350

  Kirkpatrick, Second Lieutenant Ivone 351–52, 361–65

  Kirthedere 439

  Kitchener, Lord Herbert 23, 46, 47, 63, 66, 396

  on the Dardanelles 1, 24

  and Russian request for aid against Turkey 15

  raises New Armies 16

  a member of the War Council 17, 19

  personality 24

  relationship with Hamilton 47, 63, 278, 397

  and the 42nd Division 216

  and the Second Battle of Krithia 221–22

  opposes an evacuation 236

  popularity with the public 237

  Monash on 294

  sacks IX Corps senior officers 368

  removes two divisions from Gallipoli 387

  sums up the situation 398

  concern with British prestige in the Islamic world 400, 458

  cancels his plan 400

  evacuation issue 400, 401, 402, 436

  three-day tour of the Peninsula 401

  senior appointments 401

  and proposed renewed assault on the Straits 412–13

  relationship with Robertson 435

  fails to take effective restraining action 457

  Koe, Lieutenant Colonel Archibald 123

  Koja Chemen Tepe 505

  Kojadere village 306

  Kopp, Seaman Georg 5

  Krithia (Alcitepe) 67, 72, 122, 128, 138, 166, 215, 456

  First Battle of (28 April 1915) 207–9, 207

  Second Battle of (6-8 May 1915) 216–22, 217

  Third Battle of (4 June 1915) 238–52

  capture expected 285

  Krithia Nullah 208, 239, 284, 287, 395, 418

  Krithia Spur 220, 239, 284, 287, 288

  Kum Kale 28, 60, 67, 130, 142, 170–75, 265, 266

  cemetery 27

  pier 27, 29

  Hamilton’s plan for French landing 170, 171

  described 170–71

  proximity of the Turks 171

  bombardment of 172

  French landing at Kum Kale 171

  French attack suspended 172

  readied for defence 172–73

  Turkish counter-attacks 173

  surrender of some Turks 173–74

  casualty lists 175

  Kum Kale (Fort No.6) 13, 24, 27, 170, 172, 173


  Labour Party 12

  Laidlaw, Second Lieutenant Roy 263

  Lala Baba hills 279–80, 282, 331, 333, 334, 335, 337–40, 370, 373, 405, 420, 506

  Lambert, Captain, RN 158–59

  Lamplough, Lieutenant Charles 28

  Lane, Major Denis 301

  Lane, Captain Raymond 148


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