The Complete Lost Children Series

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The Complete Lost Children Series Page 16

by Krista Street

  I raised an eyebrow. “Di was your favorite? Who’s your favorite now?”

  “You.” His tone implied that answer should have been obvious.

  “Even though Di’s your sister?”

  “Even though she’s my sister.”

  Warmth slid through me that had nothing to do with his body heat. I leaned back again. “So, Jet and Jasper are brothers, and you and Di are siblings,” I said more to myself than him.

  “We think we are,” Flint added. “We don’t have proof.”

  “You could get a DNA test.”

  He shook his head. “No tests.”

  “Why not?”

  “Because we don’t know why we’re like this.”

  “What do you mean?”

  “You know, our abilities or gifts or whatever. We’re all different, and we don’t know why that is. What if internally, we’re different too? Different blood work or different DNA? What do you think would happen if someone ran those tests and discovered that?”

  I swallowed uneasily. “They’d probably want to do more tests.”

  “Exactly, so no tests, and no hospitals either, for the same reason.”

  His comments reminded me that there were still a lot of unanswered questions. Things we may never know.

  “Do you think it’s possible that I have a sibling?” I asked. “If you and Di are related, and we know Jet and Jasper are definitely related, then maybe I have a brother or sister?”

  I didn’t know why, but the innate need to find my family was so strong. Initially, it was what I thought I’d find in Little Raven. For months, I thought the instinct was my subconscious leading me home. And then, when I’d had that reaction to Little Raven, I thought all I needed to do was find someone who recognized me and they’d tell me where I lived. Of course, all I’d ended up doing was scaring the locals and making a name for myself in town—not a good name.

  “Do you think it’s possible?” I knew my eyes were pleading. “Maybe this new girl? Maybe she’s my sister?”

  Flint’s voice softened. “I suppose she could be.”

  For a moment, I just stared at him, hope welling in my chest.

  He abruptly leaned forward and pressed his lips into mine. He kissed me softly, fire burning in his touch. I felt his need, his desire and it took me so completely by surprise, I tensed.

  He pulled back. “Sorry. It’s just that look on your face . . .”

  “Don’t go,” I whispered.

  He didn’t need encouragement. In one of his incredibly fast moves, he pulled me to him. He trapped me in his arms, pinning me to the ground. I wrapped my arms around him, my fingers threading through his hair.

  I had no idea how many times I’d been kissed, but I didn’t care. Any thought of whether or not I was doing it right, vanished. Flint’s taste commanded all of my attention. My body felt alive under his. Tingles and heat raced through me. The energy off him exploded. Feeling his need only fueled my own.

  After I don’t know how long, Flint finally pulled back. It was then I became aware of a rock-hard bulge pressing into my thigh. “We need to stop, Lena.” His breath came out in harsh pants.

  I could only nod.

  He let go and rolled off. Wrapping my arms around myself, I shivered. The night air felt so cold.

  “Cold?” The concern in his tone made me smile. Being cold was something I’d grown used to. Sleeping outside wasn’t exactly comfortable, and so far, being a little cold had never hurt me.

  “I’m okay.”

  He grunted. “Right and I’m the King of England. You’re shivering.”

  Before I could reply, he pulled me to him again. Snuggled up beside him, his heat flowed over me.

  “How is it that you’re so warm?” I reveled in his tight, possessive embrace.

  “Fast metabolism.”

  “Mmm,” I murmured. I laid a hand on his chest.

  His breath sucked in. “You have no idea what you do to me,” he growled.

  He clasped my hand and brought it safely between both of his. He thumbed my tattoo while he stared up at the night sky.

  I watched him as he gazed at the stars. The feel and smell of him created a hot, heady feeling in me. My core still ached and yearned for more, but I knew now wasn’t the right time.

  Snuggling closer, I heard his heart beat strongly within. The sound, smell and feel of him so closely against me stirred something deep in my mind. I felt it happen. Like a book cover that cracked, revealing a deep, intricate story that promised to captivate. I knew without a doubt that something dormant inside me, buried deep within my subconscious, had come back to life.


  We lay on the blanket until the wee hours of the morning. It was only when I started to nod off to sleep that Flint gently picked me up.

  “I should get you back,” he said.

  I murmured something halfway intelligible. I knew I was somewhere between asleep and awake but couldn’t rouse myself completely. The feel of his arms around me, his scent, and that ever present feeling of safety beckoned me to sleep.

  Rustling sounded and then the scratchy, wool blanket covered me. It tickled my face. I merely snuggled closer to him as he began to walk.

  I must have truly fallen asleep on the way back to the cabin. The next thing I knew, Flint was laying me on my top bunk. Soft snores from Mica filled the room.

  “Night, babe,” he whispered.

  Soft lips pressed into mine. I moaned and leaned closer. He took a deep breath and firmly, yet gently, pushed me back. A second later, a door closed.

  I woke to the smell of coffee and the sound of a distant shower. Groggily, I opened my eyes and sat up. My bedroom appeared around me.

  Rubbing my eyes, I tried to remember returning with Flint. It was hazy, like a dream that disappeared upon waking. The sights, smells and memory of it vanished. Only a good feeling lingered. It made me want to snuggle under my covers and try desperately to hold onto it.

  “Well, good morning, Sunshine,” a voice called.

  My eyes snapped wide open. I peered below. Mica lay on her bed, awake. She grinned brightly. “Have fun on your date, last night?”

  I rolled my eyes and threw my pillow at her.

  She dodged the blow. “Hey, just asking. You were out pretty late. It’s only natural to be curious.”

  I yawned and stretched.

  “Gonna tell me about it?” she asked.

  I pictured Flint’s broad shoulders, strong chest and how he’d felt and tasted. A wave of possessiveness rolled through me. I didn’t want to share that with anyone.


  Mica made a noise that sounded very similar to an audible pout. “I’d tell you if Jasper kissed me.”

  “Jasper kissed you?”

  “Well . . . no, but if he did, I’d tell you.”

  I jumped down from my bunk. Sounds came from the living room. Di and Jacinda were talking. It was probably time to get going. All three of us were working again today. Like yesterday, Val had the day off.

  “Hmm, well that’s nice,” I said.

  Mica harrumphed. “Fine, don’t tell me.”

  When Di, Jacinda and I walked to work, Jacinda’s gaze looked very similar to Mica’s. “You’re certainly in a good mood.”

  It was only then that I became aware of the ridiculous grin on my face. “What do you mean?”

  She winked. “I think you know what I mean.”

  I rolled my eyes but kept grinning.

  “What did you two do last night?” she asked.

  A door banged. One of the guests stepped onto his porch, a steaming mug in his hand. I smiled and waved. He waved back.

  “Are you going to tell me?” Jacinda asked.

  “Tell you what?” I asked sweetly.

  She sighed and smoothed her perfectly ironed shirt. “All right, all right. I’ll stop asking.”

  “Oh!” Di abruptly fell to the ground. Both Jacinda and I careened to a stop. I winced when the sound of g
ravel crunched into Di’s knees.

  For a moment, Jacinda and I just stood there, but then Jacinda kicked into action and rushed to Di’s side.

  She kneeled beside her as Di panted quietly. Alarm raced through me. “Should I get help?”

  Down the drive, the guest on his porch stood from the porch swing. He made a move like he was going to run to us.

  Di shook her head, panting quietly. “No, no, I’m fine. It was just a vision, but a strong one. She’s coming. Tomorrow!”

  I waved the guest back. “She’s fine!” I yelled. “Just tripped!” The guest sat back down.

  Jacinda and I helped Di to her feet. She’s coming. That only meant one thing. The new girl.

  “So you’re not hurt?” I asked. The knee in Di’s black pants had ripped. A smear of blood trailed along the fabric.

  Di shook her head furiously. She winced when she fully straightened her leg. “No. It’s just . . . that vision was powerful.” Di’s face was practically white as she rubbed gravel and dirt from her pants. “She just changed course. She’ll arrive in Colorado tomorrow. I’m sure of it. I saw a plane. She’s on it.”

  “Does that mean she’s flying into Little Raven?” Jacinda asked.

  Di shook her head and fingered her temples again. “I don’t know. Maybe. Or maybe not.” She groaned. “I hate when my visions are like this. So strong but still cloudy. It’s incredibly frustrating.”

  It was the most I’d ever heard Di talk about her gift. Laying a hand on her arm, I said, “Don’t worry. We’ll find her.”

  Di smiled weakly. “We better get to work. We’ll have a meeting to discuss it tonight.”

  Jacinda and I flanked Di’s sides and held onto her. Di walked steadily after a few steps, but I didn’t want her tipping over if another vision pummeled her.

  The three of us moved silently to the main house. However, the farther we got the more irritated Di seemed.

  “I’m fine,” she hissed. She brushed our hands off. Jacinda and I eyed one another but allowed Di some distance.

  THE DAY PASSED slowly. My thoughts meandered between Flint and the new girl arriving. When two o’clock finally rolled around, Jacinda and I went in search of Mica, the twins and Flint. They needed to know about the new girl, and they needed to know to return early tonight for the meeting. Di, meanwhile, returned to the cabin to try and see her.

  Jacinda headed off to the guest barn, and I trudged up the hill to the work barn. I knew I’d probably see Dean.

  I sighed heavily. Ignoring him wasn’t being fair. Even though I was looking for the twins, Mica and Flint, I knew I should clear the air.

  Sure enough, Dean was working on one of the horses when I entered the barn. A grin flashed across his face when I stepped inside.

  “Hey, Lena.” He straightened and dusted his hands off. A leather apron covered his clothes. “I didn’t see ya yesterday. I think that’s the first time we’ve missed a ride since you started workin’ here.” He cleared his throat and smiled awkwardly.

  I stuffed my hands into my pockets and kicked at non-existent pebbles. “Yeah, it was a busy morning. I decided to stay in the cabin for the afternoon.”

  His eyebrows rose. “Right . . . sure.”

  I twirled a strand of hair between my fingers. “Have you seen Mica, Jet, Jasper or Flint?”

  “They’re at the lower barn with Jessie.”

  “Oh.” So Jacinda’s probably found them.

  “Everything okay?” he asked.

  “Yep, everything’s fine.” Since I didn’t need to find them, I knew I needed to get this conversation over with. I stuffed my hands into my pockets. “So . . . about the other night. I . . . well . . . I just wanted to say that I really like you, but—”

  Dean held up his hand. He wouldn’t meet my gaze. “You don’t need to say anymore.”

  “I don’t?”

  His mouth tightened. “I get it.”

  At least ten seconds of awkward silence passed. I wrung my hands. “Dean, I really like you a lot. You’re one of my best friends.”

  He laughed humorlessly and turned back to shod the horse. “Best friend, huh?”

  I winced. “I’m sorry. I just don’t feel any more than that.”

  Scraping sounds filled the barn. “Does this have anything to do with Flint?”

  My cheeks flushed. “Why would you think that?”

  More scraping sounded. Dean continued to file the horse’s hoof. “I’m not an idiot, Lena. The guy goes crazy every time he sees us hangin’ out, but since you never said you two were together, I thought ya were fair game.”

  I awkwardly clasped my hands together.

  “So that ain’t true?” Dean asked. “You guys are actually together?”

  “Um, well, I don’t know. We weren’t before, or anything like that, but now,” I paused, thinking about last night. “I guess we kind of are.”

  “I figured as much.” He stood and grasped the horse’s lead rope. When he tried to walk by me, I grabbed his arm. His muscles bunched underneath my fingertips.

  “I know this is really cliché but can we still be friends?”

  For a second, I didn’t think he was going to reply. He stared over my head, his mouth a tight line. I shuffled from foot to foot.

  He finally met my gaze and sighed. A sad smile spread across his face. Pulling me into a hug, he sighed. “Yeah, of course. We can still be friends.”

  Embraced in his strong arms, his scent surrounded me. Horse, sweat and some kind of cedar deodorant. It wasn’t an intoxicating scent that made me want to close my eyes in bliss, but he didn’t stink.

  I hugged him back. He held me a bit longer than a “friend” would but I let him.

  When I finally pulled back, he let go reluctantly. I stuffed my hands into my back pockets. “Do you want to go for a ride today?”

  A wistful expression covered his face but with a blink, it was gone. He took a step back. “Yeah, of course. Just let me finish up in here.”

  BY THE TIME the evening rolled around, I felt better about everything with Dean. We’d gone on our usual ride. He’d been friendly and joking, just like he usually was.

  A few times I caught him watching me, his eyes soft, but each time he smiled and said something funny. I knew things would be weird between us for a while, but I hoped with time he’d see that Flint and I were serious about one another.

  At least, I thought we were serious.

  I frowned as Jacinda, Di and I walked back to the cabin following the supper meal. It was already getting dark. Surely Flint and I were more than friends now. Right?

  “What time are the guys and Mica done tonight?” Di asked.

  “Any minute,” Jacinda replied. “Flint said they’d come straight down from the barn. Have you had more visions of her?”

  “A few. Not as strong as the one this morning, but I’m feeling more and more confident that she’s arriving tomorrow.”

  “Do you know what time?” I asked.

  “No.” Di fingered her temples. “Let’s get back to the cabin. I want to try and see her again. Hopefully I can find out.”

  We reached the porch and climbed the steps. I sat down on the porch swing. “I’ll wait here.”

  “Waiting for someone?” Jacinda winked.

  I rolled my eyes.

  She laughed and walked inside with Di.

  I leaned back on the swing as the door closed softly behind them. The wooden seat boards were hard and uncomfortable, but I liked how the seat swung easily and the gentle creak it made.

  A few minutes later, Flint, Mica and the twins appeared in the distance. They were all talking and laughing as they walked down from the barn. Correction, Mica and the twins were talking and laughing. Flint wasn’t.

  Striding toward me, Flint looked so strong, sexy and serious that I actually stopped breathing. A feeling that was becoming all too familiar coursed through me. It was as if someone had hooked me up to a generator. An electric jolt of awareness followed by a hot feel
ing of lust slid through me, as though my senses caught on fire.

  Nobody had ever affected me like he did.

  He was about ten yards away when he realized I sat there, watching him. I felt his energy pick up. It rolled toward me in steady waves. A smile tugged at his lips.

  When the four of them climbed the porch, Flint walked over and sat beside me. The other three stopped by the door.

  Jet winked when I caught his gaze, a knowing glint in his eye. I would have blushed, but the envious expression on Mica’s face stopped it. She glanced at me and Flint, then Jasper. A hunger appeared in her gaze as she stared at the twin. It wasn’t the first inkling I had that Mica was interested in Jasper. Her look now, though, confirmed it.

  “How was work?” I asked.

  Jet shrugged and leaned against the door frame. “Nothing earth shattering.”

  A tapping on the window sounded. Jacinda beckoned everyone to come in.

  “The goddess calls.” Jet pushed away from the door and walked inside. Mica and Jasper followed. I made a move to stand, but Flint stopped me.

  “They can wait a minute,” he said.

  My heart rate increased at his deep tone. I lowered myself back beside him. He brushed a strand of hair from my face. The contact sent tingles along my spine.

  “Have a good day?” He leaned closer.

  My heart slammed against my ribs. “Um, yeah,” I said a little breathlessly.

  His lips moved closer, nearly touching the sensitive skin on my neck. Flint inhaled but then stiffened.

  I barely noticed. He was millimeters away from touching me, but then he leaned down and smelled my shirt. Then he smelled my shoulder.

  Energy exploded off him. “Care to tell me why you smell like Dean?”

  It took me a moment to snap out of my dazed state. “What? Dean?”

  A muscle ticked in Flint’s jaw. “Yes, Dean. You smell like him.” Flint inhaled tightly. “It smells like he’s been all over you.”

  “Really?” I leaned down and sniffed my shirt. Lingering scents of horse, sweat and Dean’s deodorant indeed clung to my clothing. It finally clicked. “Oh, right. He gave me a hug this afternoon. That’s probably why I smell like him.”


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