The Complete Lost Children Series

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The Complete Lost Children Series Page 44

by Krista Street

  The sheets felt soft and cool underneath. He hovered above me.

  “God, you’re beautiful,” he whispered. Love and desire mixed in his gaze.

  I ran a finger along his chest. He sucked in a breath.

  “I love you,” I whispered.

  “I love you too.”

  He descended again. His lips found mine and everything that followed happened in a flurry of need.

  My vision switched on its own as Flint and I made love. Our clouds intermingled, a beautiful array of bright green, blue, orange and pale green. With each second, the size of our clouds grew. My own energy built inside of me. I grabbed onto it. The feel of it made my control grow. Within a second, I had a huge swirling ball of energy hanging in our midst.

  Triumph made me smile. I was right. This is how I create the balls. I have to harness my own energy first.

  Flint’s shout when he came caused me to tip over the edge. Wave after wave of pleasure rolled through me. It mixed with my heady, triumphant victory as I became more in tune with my ability.

  Afterward, we clung to one another. Flint lay sleepily, cradling me in his arms, yet I couldn’t sit still.

  “You seem rather energetic,” Flint said lazily.

  I pushed up on my elbow. “I’m getting better at forming energy balls.” I explained how things had improved over the past few days and how just now it had happened so easily.

  Flint blinked. “You’re saying it was your own power, coming from inside you that did it just now.”

  “Yes. I only realized this recently, that harnessing my own energy before trying to harness others can increase my control. Now, I know I must harness the energy swirling inside of me first. That I need to dig deep and pull on my own reserves if I want to form complete and tangible balls that I can manipulate.”

  Flint tilted my chin toward him. A relieved gleam filled his eyes. “So you think you can form and control them more easily now?”

  “I think so. It’s like something finally . . . clicked.”

  He smiled sadly. “So you’re not willing to stay outside of the warehouse.”

  I laid my hand on his chest. “I’m going in, Flint. I know you don’t want me too, but I can take care of myself. If I can control my ability, I’m the strongest in our group.”

  THE MORNING CAME faster than I wanted it to. The entire night, Flint held me tightly as if terrified that day had come. The day he always dreaded—where he lost me once and for all.

  It was a definite possibility that a week from now our family may be broken, shattered, never to be whole again. More than anything, we wished for a victory in which we all emerged—together and safe—but there was no way to guarantee that.

  I knew Flint was scared. He didn’t want me going in. He wanted me outside, safe and secure, but I couldn’t let my family confront O’Brien while I hung back, not putting myself at risk.

  Before and after we made love in the morning, I created more energy balls and each time they formed readily when I harnessed the growing energy inside of me first. It all made sense now and explained why I’d been able to throw Jet off me during Capture the Flag. During that game I’d been so worried, so aggravated over Jet not moving and Flint walking away. I’d been sure that it was the death of Flint and my potentially being together. That anxiety and bone-deep despair inside of me had been why the ball had formed so easily.

  I couldn’t believe I hadn’t put two and two together before. For years, I’d been working on and off with Father, trying to replicate the sheer power I knew I was capable of. But I’d never come close. We’d been doing it all wrong. Both of us had thought the power was outside of me, coming from other living things, and it was . . . but I couldn’t control that power until I controlled my own first. It was as though my soul was my anchor. Without something to tether all of that power too, it simply was too great to bear and it broke apart.

  Morning sun cascaded into the room as Flint and I held one another. We lay in bed, my hair in tangles over his chest, our gazes staring out the window.

  He threaded his fingers through my hair. “If we come out of this alive, I’m taking you away for that week in a hotel.”

  “Make it a month.”

  He chuckled but it was a forced sound. Worry lined his cloud.

  I pushed up on an elbow and met his tortured gaze. “I’m finally getting the hang of my ability. I’ll be okay.”

  He leaned forward and kissed me softly on the mouth. I felt his anxiety, love and fear. “I love you.” His voice caught.

  The declaration made my breath stop. Sometimes, he took me completely by surprise. One minute, he was hard, tough, a rock for me to lean on, and the next, he was tender and vulnerable. I knew he was terrified of losing me, but he didn’t try to hide it. With me, Flint’s walls dropped. Alone like this, it was just me and him, our souls naked to one another, our bodies bare for the other to see. All worries, faults and desires on display to the other, knowing that no matter what, we’d accept each other as we were—strong or weak, we were committed to one another until the end.

  He kissed me tenderly as the morning sun streamed over us. We held each other until my phone rang. I glanced at the screen. “It’s Di.”

  Flint reluctantly sat up. “We better get up. I’m sure everyone else is already downstairs.”

  I answered the call and told her we’d be down shortly. Flint and I took a quick shower together. When we finally dressed, he entwined his hand through mine.

  “Come with me to the window.”

  He pulled me gently to the huge glass panes. We locked our arms around one another as our heads tilted to the side to admire the view. The lake shimmered in the morning sun. Waves lapped gently below.

  “I want to remember this always,” he said.

  A lump formed in my throat. Love so strong I thought I’d burst pulsed inside of me. “I love you more than life itself,” I whispered.

  He tilted my chin up. “You’re everything to me, Lena. Always have been, always will be.”

  I reached up. The bracelet he’d given me three years ago slid down my arm and glinted in the morning sun. Love You Forever. I remembered how much those words had meant to me, how they’d kept me going during all of those months when I’d been homeless. Even then, my soul had known I needed to find him.

  We packed the car and were on the road shortly after breakfast. The promise of Chicago and an unknown future loomed. I clasped Flint’s hand tightly, the bracelet brushing my skin as the interstate passed underneath mile after mile.

  Traffic congestion grew the closer we got to Chicago. Father’s hands seemed to tense more and more around the steering wheel with each mile. Jacinda and Di sat beside him, their calm presence and inner strength fueling my own, inner purpose.

  Now that I knew how to better control my ability, a fierce determination bloomed inside of me. We’d come here to do a job, and I’d be damned if we failed.


  That afternoon we checked into a motel on the outskirts of Chicago. It hovered off the interstate, an old, easily forgotten building that saw people in and out of its walls on a daily basis. To the check-in clerk, we were just another group of travelers, easily forgotten and practically unseen.

  It was part of the reason Father had chosen this place. It was the exact opposite of every other accommodation we’d stayed at. Gone were the valets, room attendants and designer boutiques in the lobby. Here, if you wanted ice, you left your room to get it. Or, if you wanted to watch a movie and it wasn’t on cable, you were out of luck.

  Nobody remembered you here. It was a motel of empty souls and nameless faces.

  I didn’t mind the simpler, somewhat grimy, accommodation. The scratchy sheets and worn carpet didn’t bother me either. Compared to my homeless life only months ago, this motel was a palace.

  After a supper of takeout pizza, we all met in Di and Jacinda’s room to talk about our plan for the night. It was agreed we’d stake out the warehouse and learn th
e routines. Once we felt confident in how it was run, then we’d act. Whether that be in a few days or a week, we hadn’t decided.

  Father sat on a chair in the corner of the drab room. His hands were clasped and his eyebrows drawn together. Less than thirty miles away waited O’Brien Pharmaceuticals’ labs and corporate offices. A haunted expression glazed his eyes. I figured he never anticipated ever being in the situation we were currently in.

  Di pulled up an aerial map on her computer. She turned the screen so all of us could see.

  I stood and paced. Keeping my eyesight altered, I continually gathered and dispersed everyone’s clouds. Each time, I grew faster and faster. Breathe in, well up the energy inside you, feel the pulsing and growing in your cloud, now pull it from your shoulders and join it with the others. Each time, it worked.

  I grinned as my sense of power and purpose grew.

  “As you all know, this is the warehouse.” Di passed around the map. I finally sat with the others. “We’ll be observing only tonight. Until I feel comfortable with how this facility is run, we won’t be acting. Got it?”

  Everyone nodded.

  “Jasper and Jet,” Di continued. “I want you two split up. One of you will be on the building west of the warehouse, the other on the building east. It’ll make communicating easier if our equipment fails. Lena, you’re with Jasper. Mica, you’re with Jet.”

  Mica made a sound of protest. Di gave her a firm look and all complaining vanished. Di was in charge. That was decided on day one. We all had to do as she said. Multiple leaders wouldn’t work if it came down to following orders quickly.

  “Sorry.” Mica ducked her head. “Yeah, that’s fine.”

  Di eyed her brother. “Flint, you and I will be at ground level on the lookout. Amber and Jacinda, I want you waiting in the van watching the local streets and highways.”

  Flint’s hand tightened over mine. Neither of us wanted to be split up, but right now, that didn’t matter. What mattered was following our plan and getting the three captives out.

  We’d bought a large van that afternoon. The van was only a couple of years old but already had a few rust stains. It was plain, unmarked and in no way drew attention. However, it had large doors that were easy to jump in and out of, and the exterior paint was dark. It would draw little attention at night.

  “Everyone bring your dark clothes,” Di said. “We meet in the parking lot in ten minutes.”

  One by one, we left the room.

  The sun had set and darkness grew steadily around. Lights from downtown made the clouds above gray while noise from the interstate followed us. Cold air filled my lungs. The rooms in the motel could only be accessed from the outside.

  Flint followed silently behind me. His energy pulsed into my back. I welcomed its heat. Since it already neared the end of November, it was only a matter of time until it reached well below freezing each night. Hopefully, we’d be out of Chicago before that happened. Doing stake outs in winter would not be easy.

  Our plan for the night was nothing new. For the past two weeks we’d hashed out what we’d do the first night in Chicago, but in a way, it still felt unpracticed. This was the real thing after all. True, we were only observing right now but still. A guard could spot us, or Marcus could show up and discover our plan.

  I shivered when Flint and I grabbed our things and stepped back outside. We slung our packs over our shoulders. We’d change in the van on the way. As inconspicuous as this hotel was, it would still probably look suspicious if eight individuals, all dressed in black, jumped into a van and skidded away.

  “Cold?” he asked.

  I shook my head. “Nervous.”

  His mouth turned down as his eyes filled with worry. “Do exactly as Di instructs.”

  “I will. You better too.”

  We walked to the parking lot and hopped in the van. Father wasn’t with us. He’d wait and stay safe in the hotel room. I could only imagine the worry he felt.

  WE STOPPED THREE blocks from the warehouse and idled on the side of the road. There were no seats in the back of the van so we all sat on the floor. Peering out the large, tinted windows—the dark empty street stared back. In this section of the city, everything was industrial. The absence of shops, apartments, restaurants and rail stations meant little to no foot traffic. A few, empty cars lined the street, but that was it. The random streetlight did little to illuminate anything beneath it.

  “Do you have your earpieces in place?” Di asked.

  Everyone checked their communication equipment. We all did tests with one another to confirm that everything worked.

  “We meet back here at 0300,” Di said. “Do you all remember which routes to take?”

  Everyone muttered replies.

  I met Flint’s gaze as Jet reached for the door handle. Worry hung heavily in Flint’s cloud. He grabbed me, pulling me tightly to his chest. He planted a quick kiss on me before whispering in my ear, “I love you. Stay safe.”

  I hugged him tightly, cherishing his strong arms and unique scent.

  The door opened. Cold air swirled into the van. Darkness shrouded the twins, Mica and me when we stepped out. Dressed all in black, we blended into the night.

  “Be careful,” Di hissed. In the quiet street, her words carried.

  The four of us secured our backpacks and turned. We took off in two separate groups. Mica and Jet disappeared down an alley. Jasper and I walked down the empty street, our shoulders hunched. We walked side by side, our movements quiet except for the light tapping from our shoes.

  Di pulled the van away from the curb and with a rev of the engine, they disappeared. The last thing I saw were red taillights as they swerved around the corner.

  I knew Di would circle back and park a block away. From there, she and Flint would slink to their hiding area, an area concealed in shadows just shy of the cameras.

  As for Jacinda and Amber, they would stay in the van. They’d lookout for any approaching vehicles using their enhanced senses.

  A block later, Jasper and I turned into an alleyway. Foul smells greeted us. Rotting garbage, putrid puddles of rain water and a few chemical scents I couldn’t identify wafted in the air. A squeal of rodents and pattering feet made me jump.

  Jasper chuckled, but I could tell he was on edge too.

  “Afraid of a little mouse, L?”

  “More like cat-sized sewer rats from the sounds of it.”

  “Don’t get bit,” he teased. “You’d need to get treated for rabies.”

  I muffled a laugh, glad for the distraction as we wound our way around the large buildings. A barely visible waxing crescent moon shone above, illuminating little to nothing. I switched my vision which allowed me to see better by using our clouds. I took the lead after the pitiful street light disappeared.

  “This way.” I reached our first turn. We still had three more turns before we’d get to the building that we’d climb.

  Di had found the building we’d climb on a search of the area using satellite photos. An old pipe ran up one side of the building, and along with the decorative metal ledges fixed on its sides, it made as good a place as any to get to the top.

  Part of our training in Arizona had been scaling walls. Considering we’d grown up in the Rockies, and had occasionally climbed rock faces for entertainment, we were all good climbers. However, one misstep here and it was all over.

  Jasper followed me quietly, our footsteps almost silent. Every ten yards or so, Jasper would give me an update on Jet and Mica.

  “They’re two blocks away,” he said when we rounded our last turn.

  My foot splashed in a puddle. Another squeal sounded from behind a large trash bin. I scouted for the pipe and ledges. “It’s up ahead, about fifty feet.”

  Jasper grunted, his footsteps picking up. When we reached the pipe, I gazed up the impressive forty-foot, vertical distance, and tightened the backpack around me. Jasper did the same. Each of us wore special gloves, specifically made to fit our hands like
a second skin while offering a superior grip to metal and wet surfaces. When climbing, I liked the feel of rock underneath my fingertips, but this was different. It had rained in the past day, and the ledges were filled with icy cold water. A slippery grip wouldn’t help either of us and could potentially prove fatal.

  “Ready?” I asked.

  “As ready as I’ll ever be.”

  I went first, grabbing onto the cool pipe while shimmying my feet up with each step. Lessons we’d learned through trial and error from our rock climbing adventures made the climb relatively easy. If you get stuck, move your feet up. Keep your weight over your legs. Keep your arms straight when possible.

  All of that helped from tiring too quickly.

  We climbed silently. It was relatively easy, in a way, no different from climbing a ladder although I had to search every now and then for where to put my feet. The only tricky part was holding onto the decorative ledges slick with frozen puddles from the daytime rain shower. Luckily, the gloves helped. When my hands reached the top, I gripped it tightly, high-stepped onto a ledge, and with a pull and push was on the rooftop. Jasper climbed the last few feet and jumped beside me.

  He rolled his shoulders. “Nice job. You always were the fastest climber.”

  “You kept up.”

  He shrugged but I still caught his smile.

  We both looked over the edge. A dark line signified the alley below. Getting down would hopefully be easier than going up, although down-climbing wasn’t always easy. I hoped it would go smoothly.

  “Where are Mica and Jet?”

  Jasper closed his eyes. The moonlight illuminated his firm mouth. “Just got to the top,” he said a moment later. “They’re getting in place.”

  “Good, let’s move.”

  We slunk along the rooftop. Thankfully, it was mostly flat, except for the few areas it dipped for water runoff. A small ledge lined the perimeter. The closer we got to the edge that overlooked O’Brien, the flatter we became. At the last few yards, we crawled on our bellies, in case the guards noticed movement above.


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