The Zulani Empire: The New Chronicles of Elemental Magic

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The Zulani Empire: The New Chronicles of Elemental Magic Page 2

by Andrew Wood

  With it clear to Jamal, that Fabian was little more than a novice with a sword, he decided to start his pupil with just a few simple manoeuvres. To his credit, Fabian actually listened and carried out the basic parry, cut and thrust moves being shown to him. Jamal was quite aware that if it came to a one on fight with an enemy, Fabian would most likely come off second best. For nearly half an hour the two went through the same repetitive actions, until Jamal thought they should attempt to put them in to action.

  After instructing his pupil, who was now clearly sweating, to rest a few moments and take on some much needed fluid, they squared up once more. "Now put what you have practiced into use," he said lunging forward just a little with his practice sword. Fabian, for the first time succeeded in parrying it aside. "Good," Jamal shouted, hoping the praise would encourage Fabian further.

  In Darekia, the rain drizzled down on Dalia and her now four hundred strong, army of men. At her side as usual walked the massive figure of her Orlac. Her pet Dawid rode in a simple cart alongside her horse. Since the night of him nearly being abused by one of her men, she liked to keep him close by. The only time he was out of her sight was when she was enjoying the company of one of her men. Dawid was then put in the care of two of her female slaves.

  The roads in Darekia were not particularly good, and progress as a result was painfully slow. The wagons and carts had to be driven slowly so as to avoid the many ruts and potholes. Even those on horseback had to be wary of the same; failure to do so could mean permanently injuring one of their few horses. Dalia wished she had more of the creatures, but alas, only her officers, and fifty or so cavalry were fortunate to ride one. The remainder of her men had to walk, which inevitably also limited the pace.

  Her scouts however had reported the large town of Sarus was now within an hours ride. They had also warned her that those in governmental power had blockaded the road into the town, and the soldiers loyal to them were preparing defences against her. Dalia did not really want to fight against her own countrymen. Ideally, she could do with them joining her cause, and as such realised she may have to attempt to be diplomatic in her approach.

  In the town, soldiers wearing the alternative colours of Darekia stood and awaited their fate. Their ruling government, highly influenced by the nations of Corlan and Besemia, would not see its offices easily overrun. Despite this being the official army of Darekia, it consisted of barely two hundred men. After the last war, it had been made to sign treaties stating it could have no more than that.

  The bureaucrats, who ran Darekia, busied themselves in their offices. Some hurriedly packed papers into folders and scurried out of office buildings. Others willingly sat about, almost waiting for what was inevitably going to happen. A few had already fled Sarus. Once the first news had arrived that an army led by the daughter of Lord Fenlor was marching their direction, they had seen fit to flee.

  Sarus was not a walled town, like so many of similar sizes in Corlan now were, and as such would be difficult to defend. The army that approached was not only twice the number, but also had an Orlac and one who could wield magical powers. As a result, many of the people had also decided it safer to move out of their homes. Several makeshift campsites had sprouted up, just a mile or so further south. Its occupants waiting for any fighting to be over before hopefully returning back to their homes.

  Chapter 3.

  Despite them not being on the best of terms lately, Luca thought it best to make the effort to get up early and bid farewell to Darak. To his surprise, he found Taylor also readying his horse for the journey back home. "I thought it best I go with him, see he gets safely home. Despite which, I'm sure my wife is beginning to wonder when her husband is coming home," he added with a wry smile. Luca nodded, and leaned in for an embrace with his brother, "Take care Taylor. Tell mother I will be fine, I know she will worry."

  It was clear to Luca, that his stepfather had been drinking heavily again. Not only did he look awful, but also the smell was quite something else. Despite all this, Luca felt the need to give the man a hug, and wish him a safe journey back. Knowing now, was not the time for lectures on drinking, he let it pass. Instead, he stood waving and watching as both Darak and Taylor, followed by the handful of house guards, disappeared through the keep gates and out of sight.

  Luca did not need to look behind to know Oliver had exited the main building and was walking towards him. The link between them was becoming stronger by the day. It was if Oliver was part of him, and he part of Oliver. The one seemed to be able to sense the emotions of the other, and now to add still further, he could sense his presence as well. Luca had pondered on the idea that perhaps the compulsion spell he had cast on Oliver was nothing like those that Darekians used. He had not thought about asking Ardred at the time, but if the old wizard should show his face again, he would do so.

  When Oliver stepped up beside him, and placed a hand on his shoulder he did not flinch. For some reason it made him feel at ease. Despite Taylor and Darak going, he did not feel in anyway alone. "The king has asked to see us Luca Sir," Oliver said quietly. Luca turned and smiled, "Then we had better not keep him waiting," he said gesturing for them to go.

  They found Caldar in his study, perusing over a map of the continent that lay upon a large table. Several scribbles and markers had been placed upon it. Some showed the places that the Zulani were known to have taken; these were marked in red ink on the southern tip of Murati. There were a number of small figures, cast as soldiers, and Caldar used these to show his own troops locations.

  The king waved them in, and began explaining the map. "I have soldiers in garrisons all over the country, but I don't know what the Zulani have planned." He told them of the latest reports from Murati, and how the invaders had now pushed several miles inland. They had used a town that gave them a deep-water dock, something unfortunately for Murati they had in abundance. "We however only have a handful of places such a landing could take place," Caldar added waving a hand at the map. Luca pondered for a moment, "Newport would be the obvious choice, or at least I would have thought so." Caldar nodded, agreeing he had had the same thought.

  As it was still early, Caldar had asked for breakfast to be served in the study, and it arrived on two trays. Two serving staff placed them down on the main desk in the room, and removed the covers to reveal toasted bread, butter and preserves on one tray, and a pot each of tea and coffee and cream on the other. "Help yourselves," the king offered to his two guests, "I assume neither of you has had time for breakfast yet." Luca shook his head. He had been up early to say farewell to Darak and Taylor, and had all but forgotten about grabbing anything to eat.

  Oliver looked over to Luca, as if to wait for the go ahead to eat. Luca gave the slightest of nods, something picked up by Caldar, who just smiled and said nothing. "You know why I have asked for you to stay here don't you Luca?" Caldar added, before taking a big bite form his piece of jam-laden toast. Luca waited to eat his own food before answering, "I know Caldar, and when the time comes I will do my duty."

  Oliver pointed to the map, "What is this black circle Luca Sir?" he asked a little timidly, not wanting to intrude upon the others conversation. Both Luca and Caldar looked down to where the Darekian was pointing. "That Oliver was Hamalin, our old capital city," Caldar answered, "Why do you ask?" The young Darekian tilted his head to one side, "I see the river estuary opens up from there. Does that mean it had a port as well?" Caldar placed his finger on his chin, "It did have, and if I recall the dockside remained intact after the city was destroyed, though what condition it would be in now I dread to think."

  Luca gave Oliver a smile, as if to say well done. This was certainly another possible landing site that nobody had thought of. "If only we could tell where they were," Caldar added, clearly frustrated at not knowing. "Luca Sir, could you not use your powers to control a bird, to scout the sea, like Dalia did to find your sister?" Oliver once more added to the conversation. Once more Luca smiled, "I guess I could try."
/>   Luca spent the next few minutes explaining to Caldar of his latest ability. He could tell just by the look on his face how useful this new skill could prove. "So you can see what a bird might see?" the king asked just verifying the facts as he saw them. Luca nodded. "Amazing, that's just what Sandred used to do with a huge eagle. Luken and the troops used it to tell them the dangers ahead...If you could use a sea bird of some description then perhaps you may be able to give us an indication of where these Zulani are heading."

  With a new sense of purpose in their steps, the three had hurriedly finished their food, before almost running down the large wooden stairs of the keep. As the king left the main building, two of his royal guards fell in beside him. "Come on, we can walk to the dock area, it will only take ten minutes or so," Caldar shouted back to them. One of his guards was clearly not happy the king wished to walk through the city, and so called for four others who happened to be walking across the yard to fall in beside them. The king was going to say something, but realised they were only doing their jobs as he had instructed. Actually, he even afforded a small smile, as he thought of the situation. The six soldiers marched around Caldar, Luca and Oliver not realising they were actually guarding the one person in the city that was more than capable of looking after himself.

  As it was still early, there were few people in the streets. Those they saw were mainly traders preparing for a day in the markets. It was clear that Caldar was a popular king, as those they passed bowed their heads as he walked by; clearly excited by the fact they had seen the king. It would certainly be a tale to tell in the inns and taverns that evening.

  As they approached the river port in the city, the noise level rose, as it was soon apparent many more people were up and about. The rows of barges were being loaded and unloaded, depending on side of the river they were on. The large manual lifting cranes could be seen swinging ashore their cargo. Caldar told them that most of it was food. He had been stock piling for the past month or so. The people of Corlan would not go hungry any time soon.

  Trying to find a quieter spot along the riverside proved to be a more difficult task than anticipated. Despite the number of people knowing Luca had powers growing daily, Caldar had advised him against standing in the middle of the busy port and using magic. They walked the entire length of the dock area, and did manage to find a more secluded spot. Fortunately, there were a number of seabirds flying around for Luca to pick from. Many had followed the boats up river that had carried the early morning fishing catch. "Do these types of birds even fly far out to sea?" Caldar asked. Luca shrugged, his knowledge of birds was probably less than his uncles.

  Luca and Caldar both listened as Oliver explained Dalia had a whole host of birds under her control at any one time. "I am not sure how she does it though...sorry Sir," he added. Luca patted him on the back, telling him not be so apologetic. "These little bits and pieces of information you give us Oliver are a god send. No need to keep saying sorry for the parts you don't know about."

  Luca thought about the best course of action to take. After considering what Oliver had told him, and the knowledge he had gained from his earlier practices, he focused on a bird a short distance away. The gull was actually much bigger than he had first thought, as it spread out its wings and landed just at his feet. He knelt down and held out a hand. Luca did not know exactly what the Zulani ships looked like, but reports had said they were large and their timbers black. He knew it was not much to go on, but he pictured what he thought such a vessel would look like in his mind. Once satisfied with that, he transferred the image to the bird, along with the instruction for the creature to fly and find such an image.

  The three watched as the gull took off and headed back downstream toward the coast. "Well, I guess we'll have to wait and see what comes back," Luca added, brushing his hands over his trousers. He looked up to see the guards who had escorted him all staring his direction. He afforded a grin, realising there were now a few more that were aware of his magical abilities. Caldar picked up on this fact, and immediately told them what they had seen was to remain unspoken. Naturally, they all readily agreed, before the group moved back along the dock and back into the city.

  Through the city gates beside the dock area, several wagons were being unloaded into the vast warehouses. These had been built during and just after the last war, mainly to store essential supplies for the city. It was not just foodstuffs being stored within. One of the warehouses contained swords, lances, bows enough to arm every man woman and child in the city. Another had been set aside, cleaned and filled with beds to house any influx of refugees seeking the safety of the city walls. It was clear Caldar was taking nothing for granted, and that by acting now, would hopefully be prepared should the war break out.

  Chapter 4.

  After spending the night cold and hungry, Hope and Arran slowly continued their journey down the Ulga Mountain pass. They had barely eaten anything in the last day or so, and as a result Hope felt weak and tired. The fire they had lit the previous night had been small and rather sorry looking. With so little to burn, it had been a long cold night. Only the fact they had found cover behind some rocks, had kept them from the biting winds that blew across the pass.

  With a helping arm from Arran, and the persistence he showed in pushing onwards, they continued to make progress. The pass they travelled at least sloped down a little, though it continually twisted one way then the other as it followed the natural contours of the land. The only thing they had plenty of was fresh water, and Arran made sure Hope at least drank her fill. "The lower we get, the more likely I will find us another rabbit. Just keep that thought in your mind Hope," he said trying to encourage her along. He knew she was struggling, he was finding it difficult himself, but he would keep them going.

  As they travelled around yet another bend with the wind howling into their faces, they came to a sudden stop. Just a hundred paces further down the track stood a squad of mounted soldiers. Hope looked up and recognised the colours immediately. These were Corlan troops. Hope could feel her last reserves of energy come to the fore, as she quickly closed the gap. Arran had little choice but to increase his pace to keep up with her.

  They looked up at the man at the front of the squad. A soldier, probably in his mid-twenties with pointy features stared back at them. "Now what might two Darekians be doing travelling into Corlan?" the man asked in a nasally tone. Hope was just about to tell him who she was when Arran spoke up first. "I am from Darekia Sir. I am returning this young lady back to her home." The soldier scoffed at Arran, "I doubt this is a young lady. Now turn about and return to your own lands, before I have you arrested."

  Hope could not believe what she was hearing, and almost shoved Arran over as she barged in front of him to speak to this rude soldier. She stared at the squad leader, recognisable by a half stripe on the man's sleeve. Firmly planting her hands on her sides, she took a deep breath. "Excuse me. You will escort us to Lanber now. I am Lady Hope, niece of the king. I will not have you talk to us in such a way."

  The soldier laughed, clearly trying to impress his squad of twelve men behind him. "Oh I do apologise my Lady," he said in a mocking tone, and faking a bow of his head. Hope continued her glaring at the sheer rudeness of the man. She looked beyond him to a few of the faces in the squad. It was clear there was uncertainty there. Perhaps some did believe who she was, or at the very least did have doubts over their squad leader.

  Hope decided to push a little further. "You are a rude obnoxious little twerp. I shall see to it that you are left mucking out the stables for the next month. It is quite apparent an idiot such as you is not fit to be put in charge of anything." The man looked at her with utter distain, and Hope could see his face getting redder. To her surprise, he got down off his horse, and stood face to face with Hope. "I will make you eat those words you little tramp," he spat. With the situation already getting out of hand, Arran made it worse by barging the man to the floor, in her defence.

  The soldier pu
lled his sword as he got to his feet, "Now you will both pay," he said waving his sword in their direction. Hope thought what she would like to have done now, had she still got the ring. With her heart beating faster and the adrenaline pumping, she braced herself. "Perhaps we should do this by the book Sir," one of the other soldiers shouted from behind. "You know how General Corley is a stickler for doing things right," said another. The squad leader turned briefly to face his men, and then quickly back at Arran and Hope. Forcing his sword back into its scabbard, he spat on the floor. "Arrest them both. I think charges of assault should do for starters. I will enjoy watching you squeal Darekian," he said, aiming the remark at Arran.

  After just a few minutes, both Hope and Arran were bound by their hands, and on horseback. Sharing the saddles of two of the soldiers in the squad, they set off down the hillside. In a strange sort of way, Hope thought that being arrested could prove to be a blessing. Firstly, she did not have to walk anymore, and more importantly, that meant getting to Lanber much quicker. At their current speed, they could well be there in the next few hours. The squad-leader was clearly angry and wanting to enact some sort of punishment, as a result he was pushing the horses harder than he probably should. As they travelled, the soldier who had been ordered to have her share his horse passed his hand back to her. "Here you go My Lady," he said passing over an apple. "I believe you," he whispered back to her. Hope lifted her bound hands to her mouth. It was certainly difficult trying to eat whilst riding on the back of a horse with your hands tied together.

  With her hunger pains all but forgotten about for now, Hope felt a smug satisfaction as the walls of Lanber came into view. It was early afternoon, they had barely stopped to rest since being arrested on the mountain pass, but she was almost back to civilization, as she knew it. She looked over to Arran, who was on the horse to the left of her, and could see the Darekian was in awe at the size of the town.


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