The Zulani Empire: The New Chronicles of Elemental Magic

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The Zulani Empire: The New Chronicles of Elemental Magic Page 4

by Andrew Wood

  She watched with great interest as the man slowly, almost tantalisingly removed each garment. Each item removed was a step nearer to the naked flesh she sought beneath them. Once his underclothes were off Dalia smiled at his arousal. She pondered; did he walk around with it in that position? Alternatively, was it just for her benefit? Either way she wasted no time, as she gently pushed him backwards to the bed. He lay there naked as the day he was born, ready for her to do as she wished. She had often thought would he be so keen on her if not for the compulsion spell on his mind. There was no way for her to find out now in any case. She did not know how to remove it even if she wanted to. Wasting no more time on such frivolous thoughts, she started removing her own attire. Once undressed, she climbed up on top of her commander, before lowering herself gently down onto him.

  Outside, the soldiers who had defiantly stood against her were lined up. She had arranged an elaborate initiation ceremony for any new soldiers to her ranks. This initially consisted of them repeating an oath to serve under her. Once that charade was over with, each man's name and age was written down, before they were each given a drink with which to toast their new allegiance. This drink of course was the thing that ensured that everyman there would do Dalia's bidding.

  Once that was over, her new men were allowed to reclaim their weapons, and join the ranks of those already under her command. Once word had gotten out that any fighting in Sarus was over, those people who usually lived there, but had fled, would soon return. Now the people of Darekia had a leader, it was time to rebuild everything that had been lost since her father's reign. In time, it would once more become a nation to be reckoned with, and no longer the poor subservient neighbour it had been recently.

  Chapter 6.

  Hope closed her eyes as she let her body submerge into the hot soapy water. Both Arran and she had been shown to their rooms, both of which had copper baths filled for them to bathe. Using a bar of perfumed soap, Hope rubbed the weeks of grime and smell from her skin. She felt as she could remain in hers forever, such was the relaxing feeling she felt. "Just a few more minutes," she mumbled to herself before ducking her head under the water one more time.

  Fresh towels had been placed for her to use when she finally emerged from the now filthy coloured water. Luckily, for her, the maids would have to come and empty the bath later. After drying off properly, Hope was thankful to her host for supplying fresh clean clothes. Once dressed, she then sat brushing the knots from her hair, before finally deeming herself ready, to venture back downstairs.

  Unsurprisingly Arran had spent barely ten minutes having a bath. Hope however was glad to see he was also wearing clean clothes, and that he had also tidied his hair. She found him sat in the lounge, chatting quietly with Levin. "Ah here she is," Their host said, getting to his feet. Hope smiled and gently kissed Levin on the cheek, before sitting next to Arran.

  After pouring and handing her a drink, Levin told them of what he had done. Messengers had been sent to Forwich and New Easton. Firstly, so Hope's family members were aware she was safe, and would soon be travelling home. Secondly, to pass on the news given by Hope and Arran, of the latest happenings in Darekia. That mainly being that the daughter of Lord Fenlor was, if she had not already, planning to take control of the country.

  After a very enjoyable evening meal, shared with Levin and Jak, who had also finished his duties, both Hope and Arran agreed it was time to call it a night. After hugs, kisses, and goodnights, the pair walked up the stairs together, before going their separate ways on the landing. Hope pushed her bedroom door open, before turning round to see Arran watching her go in. "Good night Arran," she said softly.

  She was glad to see the copper bathtub and its contents had been removed. She placed her lit lamp down beside her bed, and looked down at the inviting bed. How she had missed such a simple comfort. She quickly removed her clothes and slipped on the cotton nightdress that had been left for her. After pulling back the covers, she slipped between them, before leaning over to put the lamp out.

  The room fell into darkness and she laid back her head on the soft pillow. Hope was certain the moment she closed her eyes, then sleep would take her. Strangely, no matter how comfortable and clean she now felt, she could not sleep. There was something missing, something she had become accustomed too. Over an hour or so later it dawned upon her what that missing something was, Arran.

  Without so much as giving it a second thought, she threw back her covers and climbed out of the warmth and comfort of her bed. After lighting her lamp, she quietly opened her bedroom door and stepped across the dark landing area. She did not knock, but went straight into the room Arran was sleeping in, and closed the door behind her. "Psst, Arran, are you awake?" she whispered. "I am now," came the reply.

  Hope stepped up to Arran's bed and placed her lamp down upon the table beside it. "Can I get in with you?" she asked quietly. In the flickering light, she could see the smile on Arran's young face. Those blue eyes sparkling like sapphires. He threw back the covers, and Hope had to put her hand to her mouth to stop herself making a noise. "Arran, you don't have any clothes all," she added surprised.

  Hope did not really mind seeing him without clothes on, in fact if anything she quite enjoyed it. She cast her eyes down his slim well-toned body. How could she not like looking at something so pleasing to the eye? The only question now was whether she wanted their relationship to move to the next step. Although technically she had lain in Arran's arms every night of their travels, she had never slept with anybody before.

  Her mother had always told her that most, not all, women preferred to save themselves for that one special person. Usually that meant not sharing a bed with that person until your wedding night. Hope however had already made her mind up, and slowly untied the bonds holding her nightdress on. She smiled as she noticed the look on Arran's face as the white cotton garment slipped slowly off her shoulders on to the dark floor. She was now as naked as he was, and she could tell he was certainly as pleased as she was.

  Hope blew out the lamp, and in the darkness climbed beneath the covers. The immediate touch of Arran's lips on hers, and his fingers running across her skin made her feel alive. She did not know whether Arran had ever bedded anyone before her; and if truth were told, she did not particularly care. Of one thing she was certain, and that was he certainly knew which parts to touch. His hands appeared to be everywhere she wanted them to be, and she longed for more. As if knowing the time was right, Arran gently lifted himself over her. "I love you Hope," he said as he gently entered her.

  The first light of day was breaking through the window in the bedroom. Hope, still enveloped in Arran's arms and with her head on his chest, felt comfort listening to his soft breathing. She lay there for a little while, before realising she had better quickly make a move. She would need to return back to her own bed before any of the house staff realised what the pair of them had been up to.

  Reluctantly, and somewhat regretfully she gently slipped out of the bed. After replacing the cotton nightdress she had dropped on the floor, she made her way out of the door. Across the landing and back into her room, she climbed into her cold empty bed. She did not mind, the mere memory of last night made her feel on top of the world. Arran had been so gentle and loving. She had never experienced such intense pleasure before. Perhaps soon they would be able to spend their nights together, even wake up together. For now, she did not want to offend her hosts, and thought it best to at least look as if they were not up to anything that may cause offence.

  When finally Hope woke for a second time, she realised how late it must be. She cursed herself for being so lazy, knowing that she had fallen asleep on returning to her own bed. After quickly dressing and making use of the facilities on the small washstand, she ventured down the stairs.

  She could smell the aroma of bacon cooking, and was glad at least she had not missed breakfast. Arran was already up, sat at the table with Jak and Levin. Her eyes immediately met those of Arr
an. Did he really love her? As he had said the night before. She hoped he did, for her heart was racing at the mere sight of him. Arran stood and pulled a chair out for Hope to sit down. "Thank you Arran," she said surprised. "Good morning my Lady," Jak said from across the table.

  After helping herself to a good helping of bacon and eggs, she listened to what Levin and Jak were discussing. She had not failed to notice just how close Arran had positioned his and her chair, compared to the rest; something she was certain that had not been missed by the others. It was Jak, who spoke about them as a pair for the first time, when he asked them of their plans for the day. Hope shrugged; she hadn't so much as given it a thought. However, a wicked thought entered her mind, as she knew what she would really like to do.

  With her stomach contently full, Hope sat back in her chair. She was once more surprised when Arran openly reached over and held her hand. She immediately looked over to Jak and Levin for their reactions. The latter just gave her a smile, seemingly knowing what she was thinking. "Don't worry Hope," he said, "We were all young and in love once...except for Jak of course...I don't think he was ever young," he added chuckling at his own witty remark. To his credit, Jak laughed as well, but Hope could see a more serious side to his face, when he added, "We have had a little chat with Arran here, just so he knows where we all stand and what's expected of him." Hope looked immediately at Arran, just what had Levin and Jak been telling him. More importantly, what had he been telling them? She would have to ask when given the opportunity; after all, it was only fair she should not be kept in the dark.

  After breakfast had finished, Arran suggested he and Hope go for a walk. As much as she felt for him, and would have loved to spend the morning walking around town with him, Levin gave her a much better idea. "Perhaps the pair of you should browse the shops. You will both need a few more clothes and supplies for your onward journey." She was just about to reply they had no money with them, when Levin dropped a coin purse on the table, "Spend what you need treat."

  Hope held Arran's hand as they left the large house, and ventured through the gates out into the town. Jak had given them directions as to where the best places to shop were. Hope needed a full change of clothes, those she was currently wearing belonged to Levin's wife, just as those currently being worn by Arran, belonged to Levin. With a spring in her step, and the warmth of the morning sunshine on her face, she stopped outside the first store. She looked at Arran, and he returned the gaze with a smile, "This is going to be a long day isn't it?" he asked. Hope grinned, "Oh yes."

  In Corlan, Luca and Oliver made their way up the narrow steps that led to the keep roof. The cool fresh breeze hit them the moment they exited the small doorway. Luca let his eyes adjust to the bright daylight before looking to the skies. He found what he sought almost immediately and waited for it to near. The gull he had sent to search landed just before him, as he had requested it to do. He slowly placed his hand out and gently touched the bird with his finger. He closed his eyes and the images burst into his mind.

  There were pictures of the sea stretching for miles. Of waves crashing onto the rocky shoreline, but aside from a few small fishing vessels there was no sign of any Zulani fleet. He reopened his eyes, and was about to send the bird away again to keep searching. "Perhaps have it start looking from Hamalin back around the coast, rather than just sending it to some random spot," Oliver suggested noticing the disappointment on Luca's face. Luca nodded, thinking that was as good idea as any. He closed his eyes once more and sent his instructions. The gull flapped its large wings and quickly flew off northwards to continue its search.

  Caldar had explained to them of how the wizard Sandred used to use the services of a large eagle. Apparently, he had been able to use the bird's sight as his own, but quite how he had managed it he was not sure. Luca had thought about how he might be able to accomplish the same thing, but as yet, had not come up with any answers. If only the image of Ardred would appear before them again, he had so many questions he wished to ask. Pity he had not thought of them when the wizard had spoken to them before.

  As it was they had to make do with the skills he knew of, and so once more, the gull was the only way they had of trying to find the Zulani fleet, if indeed it was actually there. "Come on Oliver, let's get back down to the others and let Caldar know we have no news."

  They found the king, sitting chatting with his eldest son Sethin. On noticing them, Caldar gestured them into his study. With the look of expectancy on his face, Luca shook his head before the question was even asked. "Sorry Uncle, nothing of note I'm afraid." The king shrugged, "No matter, don't be sorry. We will find them Luca, and when we do, we'll be ready for them."

  Oliver explained that they had moved their search northwards to the ruins of Hamalin. For some reason the young Darekian was certain this would be the point of the Zulani focus. "But why would they choose to land there?" Sethin asked taking a keen interest. "There is nothing there but wasteland. Nothing even grows where the city once stood. There is not a village within ten miles of the place." Oliver thought on the question for a few moments before replying. "Would that itself not be a good reason to land there. The Zulani could make their foothold and nobody would even know," Oliver said, sounding unusually independent of thought. Luca smiled at his friend, happy to see that he was speaking with a free mind; something he wished he would do more often.

  The young Prince Sethin conceded the point as a fair one. "Hmm what Oliver says makes perfect sense father," he said turning to the king, who was staring at the map on the table before them. "I know Sethin," Caldar replied without moving his focus from the map, "But until I can get some sort of confirmation I cannot commit my forces to one place, just in case we are wrong." Luca could see the worry on his uncle's face. Even in the short time they had been there, it was clear the man was looking wearier by the day. Luca did have one or two suggestions for ways in which he might help, although none of which he was looking forward too.

  Luca stepped over to the window, and looked out over the yard below. People moved around and busied themselves, carrying out their jobs without question or doubt. He knew the task ahead for him would be one of both. Sooner or later Caldar would ask him to fight. Luca's father had stepped up when needed, and it was only a matter of time before he would need to do the same. He was still unsure as to whether he could kill another man. Of course, he could do so with the mere flick of his hand if he so wished. His father had once been left with the same dilemma. He had ended up killing thousands. Was it perhaps the god's way of seeking justice for such a thing, by making him eventually sacrifice his own life? Luca had often pondered whether the same fate would await him. Would he also have to defend Corlan by killing thousands of people and by doing so forfeit his own existence?

  Chapter 7.

  Lord Willem sat shaking his head at what he was being told. The so-called council of rulers that over-saw the running of Besemia shouted across the table at each other. It was clear the decision made the previous meeting had not been a particularly popular one. Yet the vote had been passed, and as things stood the country of Besemia had reached a new low; at least in the eyes of Lord Willem.

  The nobleman had been at the very forefront of Besemia's efforts during the last war with the Darekians. During that last campaign, he and his country had made strong ties with their neighbours. Now it seemed those ties had been all but severed. The council had voted to accept a proposal from a foreign power known as The Zulani. In exchange for Besemia sitting idly by whilst their neighbours lands were pillaged, they would get gold, lots of it.

  It was true that Besemia needed extra funding to continue with the rebuilding and modernising of its infrastructures. That said, Lord Willem considered the price too high. Although the man still had a seat on the council, due to the respect he carried amongst his peers, he was no longer afforded a vote on state matters.

  Lord Willem had pleaded with them at the last meet, to consider the action they were taking. Since th
at time, he had received a letter from his old friend the King of Corlan asking what was going on. Understandably, the man was confused as to the reasons why the very strongest of allies, should suddenly become no more than just neighbours.

  Willem stood, the noise of his chair sliding backwards scraping on the stone floor. He looked around at the faces sat about the table. A few felt as he did, unfortunately they were fewer in number; hence the reason for the treaty with the Zulani. He waited patiently for the chat to die down, as he crossed his arms. When eventually the room fell silent, he took a deep breath before speaking.

  Only once he was certain he had the attention of each and every man did he start. "Today I stand before you, embarrassed to call myself a Besemian. I cannot believe the naive stupidity shown by this council." One of the members went to protest but Willem simply stared him down. "Do you really think these Zulani will stop once they have taken Murati lands? Will we also stand idly by and watch them invade Corlan, and Darekia? Are you all so blind to see what will happen next?" he asked raising his voice just a little. "Well...?" he then shouted in anger and frustration.

  At the other end of the table sat the man who was currently the ruling councillor. This man had persuaded the majority of members to vote for the treaty. Clearly, he thought he did not need to stand to reply to Willem. Lounging back in his seat, "Lord Willem, may I remind you that you are only on this council to advise." He said in his nasally tones. "More importantly this gold from the Zulani will pay for so much. If Murati and Corlan cannot fight their own battles, then I do not see why that is our fault." Willem reminded the man who it was that had saved them in the last war. Had the Corlanian Prince Luken not sacrificed his life, then as sure as night followed day, they would not have been even having this meeting. "So we repay their sacrifice by turning our backs on them. You are all such cowards. I resign my seat...," he added before storming out of the room.


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