The Journey Home

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The Journey Home Page 17

by K'Anne Meinel

  Her hand ‘accidentally’ brushed the curls between Stephanie’s legs. The body though reacted as it arched towards her in the hopes that more accidents would happen. Cass smiled as she continued to kiss south her hands smoothing over the curves that encompassed Stephanie’s supple hips, raising her buttocks slightly to her large hands as she squeezed and kneaded them and she positioned herself between Stephanie’s legs, her body caressing against them in the age old dance. Stephanie arched up from the sensations as she concentrated on feeling, not realizing what Cass was doing, just anticipating more as the kernel of desire built inside of her demanding more, heading towards the ultimate release.

  Stephanie couldn’t believe when Cass gently spread her and instead of using her fingers to touch her, her head dipped and her tongue began to worry the kernel of her center. She hadn’t realized how sensitive that piece of flesh over any other on her body could be. She was shocked that Cass would go there and tried to squirm away at the unfamiliar sensations that were assaulting her but Cass held her firmly in place for her own pleasure and pushing at her shoulders had no effect. “Oh please, no,” she breathed as Cass gathered the flesh into her moist mouth and worried it with her lips and tongue. She tried to push with her legs but Cass gathered them and wrapped them around her own torso as she held her firmly in place and played between them.

  Cass watched with eyes over the furry juncture between Stephanie’s legs as she writhed and fought the passion that was rising inside of her. Unfamiliar with the feelings and the sensations she couldn’t understand what Cass was causing and as much as she wanted to play and taste and feel herself she instead concentrated on Stephanie to bring her to a quick release. Her fingers crept up the leg she had been holding against her body and slipped inside the wetness reaching deep to fill her lover.

  The combination of Cass’s warm lips and tongue on her clit, the fingers filling her deeply, the love she felt for this woman all overwhelmed Stephanie. That tingly feeling that had so astonished and delighted her came in a different way this time, again surprising her as its intensity overwhelmed her. It crashed into her and barely in time she managed to turn her head into the pillow as a scream of ecstasy tore from her. Her torso pulled up off the bed nearly dislodging Cass as her body bucked and writhed beneath her riding out the wave that she had caused within her lovers body. She saw waves behind her eyes as she closed them to fully feel the incredible sensations. Falling back to the bed she felt several convulsions tear through her body, over and over as Cass thrust and suckled.

  Gently Cass brought her back down to earth and slowly she climbed up Stephanie’s over heated body, a light sheen of sweat giving testament to the intensity of her orgasms. She kissed her way up the warm supple body, her own over heated body taking delight at the sensations as her breasts and their erect nipples rubbed against Stephanie. She kissed her way up to her bounteous breasts, feeling their weight in her hand. Her other hand slipping from Stephanie’s body she brought it to her mouth and with Stephanie gaining her sight she deliberately licked her fingers clean. It looked incredibly erotic.

  Stephanie reached down to draw Cass’s lips to her own, for the first time in her life she tasted herself. The lips and tongue that had just given her incredible pleasure tasted of her own essence, her own musk, and she didn’t mind as she expressed the love she felt for this woman. She now realized so much more about herself, instincts were now released as she attempted to give back some of the pleasure that Cass had given her. Slowly she turned her still wrapped body around and pinned Cass to the bed.

  Cass lay back and let Stephanie do whatever she would, her own feverish body insisting on release this time, it had been too long and she had thought too much about this woman who was wrapped around her, whose naked body even now pressed against her enticingly, unknowingly provocative.

  Stephanie pressed kisses down Cass’s neck and to her chest. She hesitated momentarily before taking one of the nipples into her mouth, the unfamiliarity of it surprising her at how much she wanted to touch it, taste it, and arouse Cass as she herself had been. There was no milk to stop her and Cass’s indrawn breath at the sensations she was causing had her feeling satisfaction that she was doing something right. Unknowingly her pelvis ground down on Cass causing her arousal to rise to a fever pitch.

  “Gently,” Cass gasped as Stephanie’s enthusiasm over her nipples caused her pain. The smile that Stephanie gave her showed how happy she was to be giving Cass pleasure.

  Cass halted herself from taking control again, she wanted Stephanie to do whatever she wished to her body and learn from it, she however was being driven beyond the passions she knew or had experienced in her wanting of this woman, it had been too long, it had built too much, and yet some part of her consciousness told her that Stephanie needed to explore, needed to learn what pleased her, her confidence would build from what she drew from Cass’s body.

  She had the freedom to caress Cass’s muscular body. Larger than most woman, her muscles were well defined, a necessary evil from all the work she did on the farm. She was in perfect proportion though and still very womanly. As her hesitant caresses and gentle explorations turned the woman into the passionate tigress she became Cass couldn’t wait any longer and she firmly took Stephanie’s hand and put it between her legs in mute supplication to relieve her body of the stress it was under. At first Stephanie was shocked and wanted to pull away but seeing the passion filled eyes of her lover she realized she needed the release that only she could give her. That power filled her with wonderment. She began to feel the unfamiliar juncture between Cass’s legs; the silky softness of the dark hair parting under her exploring fingers, the wetness was no surprise as she spread her legs to wrap them around Stephanie, to caress with them down her body. Tentatively she sought for and found the nub that caused herself so much pleasure, she watched amazed as she began to rub it as Cass’s body reacted. It fell back in appeal encouraging her efforts as she reached further to the wetness she had found and explore it. Carefully so as not to hurt Cass she hesitantly put in one and then two fingers inside her body.

  Cass could not hurry her and it was maddening, she needed the release and thought of just taking it but the thought of Stephanie causing it brought her more joy and she tempered her frustration and anxiety. She enjoyed the exploration, she knew it would all give her lover the confidence she so badly needed to learn Cass’s body and give her pleasure. She gasped as Stephanie’s probing fingers accidentally found her G spot. Her body went limp as Stephanie glided across it.

  Stephanie couldn’t believe the reactions that her simple caresses were causing in Cass’s more powerful body. In moments she had her reduced to a limp rag but still she sensed the need in Cass, the love, the power she was feeling was coming from that love and she wanted to give her lover the same incredible feelings she had just experienced herself. She leaned down to take the other nipple in her mouth at the same time her thumb began to rub in earnest against the nub that gave them both so much pleasure and her fingers began to thrust. The combination had Cass making all sorts of noises that neither had heard her utter before. Stephanie was delighted and yet concerned that she would wake the children. She increased her efforts to hurry Cass along and was rewarded as her body began to thrash under her as the waves of pleasure crashed into her. She released the nipple so she could watch as Cass threw her head back on the pillow her mouth gasping for breath as her body squeezed and clenched against Stephanie’s fingers, her own hands grabbing at Stephanie’s buttocks to pull her tightly against her strong body.

  Stephanie had never experienced her own orgasm until this woman showed her what was inside her body. To see her experience one was amazing to her senses and started a tingle inside her again. She could only imagine her own experiences and see how it was affecting her lover, she didn’t let up and it seemed to go on an inordinate amount of time.

  Slowly, ever so slowly Cass’s mind returned to her body. She had been to highly aroused, she had waited too
long for her release and her body had clenched on it and refused to let it go. Her muscles felt strange as though they were out of her control as she writhed and contorted on the bed. It was only as she realized she could hear the baby crying that she grasped on to this reality and returned to Earth. Gasping at the all-consuming orgasms that had ripped through her body she took a moment to focus on Stephanie. Trying to smile she grimaced as though in pain. Still panting she managed to get out, “Don’t you hear her?”

  Stephanie hadn’t heard her daughter crying and it surprised her. Her entire being had been focused on Cass and their lovemaking. She turned to hear the cries and quickly rolled from the bed releasing Cass from the prison her small hands had held her in unknowingly. She quickly donned her robe forgetting about her nightgown as she quickly made her way from the room.

  Cass felt the loss of her body and the heat it had generated immediately. It was like a douse of cold water on her skin, she realized the house wasn’t as warm as it could be and she wondered if the heat had gone out for a moment. Looking down at herself though she realized she was just covered in a sheen of sweat from their exertions. Quickly she grabbed the two nightgowns and shoved Stephanie’s under a pillow as she donned her own. The room reeked of their passion and lovemaking, the sweat combined with the musky odor was held captive in the cold air of the room. Pulling back the covers to let them air she pulled on her own robe and slipping on her slippers she headed down the hallway, she peeked in to see that Stephanie was changing the now gurgling little girl.

  “I’m going to check on the heat,” she whispered to her through the crack in the door.

  Stephanie nodded as she looked up but couldn’t see anything through the crack but the back of a now robed Cass as she hurried to the stairs.

  Heading downstairs and then through the hallway to the basement she flipped the switch that turned on the bare bulbed lights in the deep cavern. She hurried to the heater and poked the many coals that were still alive within it. They gave off a lot of heat and she quickly added many chunks of wood to encourage even more heat. She realized it must be inordinately cold outside for the house to be this cold inside despite the amount of heat coming from the heater. Closing the door and locking it she headed upstairs and started a fire in the living room heater as well as in the kitchen fireplace for a change. It was going to be a cold day and each would help heat the large farm house. Opening the door to the always warm den she felt the first blast of hot air as it escaped into the cooler air of the dining and living rooms. She hurried back upstairs to their bedroom noting the odor of their passions had dissipated and she began to make the bed.

  “Is everything okay?” Stephanie asked from the doorway where she was patting Summer on the back, a loud belch could be heard signifying she had released the bubbles she had swallowed with the milk from Stephanie’s breasts.

  Cass looked up from making the bed and nodded with a delighted smile at seeing her beautiful lover, the one she had shared so much with just a short while ago. “It’s just a very cold day, I’m going to get out and get the chores done quickly, I’m going to have to get the animals moving so they don’t freeze today. I don’t want anyone out in this cold!”

  Stephanie nodded as the sense of what Cass was telling her began to penetrate. She had worried that Summer’s interruption to their love making would anger Cass and she had wanted to go back to bed with her but their day had already begun and she wouldn’t get a chance again until that night.

  They spent the day inside with only Cass going out periodically to do the chores and check on the stock. When it was this cold outside she had to run them around in the paddocks to insure that they worked up enough warmth in their bodies to stave off the intense cold even in the warm barn. She gave them plenty to eat and drink before locking them inside once more. The barn cats tucked themselves in around the other stock knowing the best heat was shared body heat. She smiled as she went back to the warm house and to her family.

  ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~

  The snows continued to deepen as winter progressed. Great storms buried the farm in its whiteness. It made it difficult for animals that depended on foraging to find food and they began to eat at the trees and bushes. The carnivores had a field day preying on the weak and old that froze in the harsh winter.

  Cass did a lot indoors these days since going outdoors was not advisable. She had to use the ropes stretched around the yard more than once to make her way to do the chores and to find her way back to the house. No one was allowed out except for her. By February the children and Stephanie were all experiencing various degrees of cabin fever. They were however fascinated in Cass’s winter projects from making more buckets for the sap in spring to bee hive boxes. Whenever possible Stephanie helped or Cass explained what she was doing to the fascinated youngsters.

  The only benefit Stephanie could see because of the long winter nights was that they spent a lot of time in bed, for the first time their bedroom door was closed and locked from the children who occasionally got up at night or first thing in the morning. Everyone seemed to sleep more and went to bed earlier. She didn’t mind as she learned to make love to Cass and no longer fell squeamish about some of the things she had thought and tried in her fertile imagination. The first time she had managed to go down on Cass and take her love bud in her watering mouth she had been rewarded by a hiss of excitement and Cass bucking into her mouth encouraging more contact. The first time they shared that pleasure at the same time she was amazed she managed to stay conscious at the intense pleasure it gave her to give as much as receive. Many firsts were committed that winter and her love for Cass continued to grow, she had never known such pleasure in her life, no one, not even her husband had suspected the depths of the passion that had been hidden inside of her and only Cass now knew.

  Cass was delighted in her partner and the willingness she had to try new things. She suspected she had unleashed something in the normally demure Stephanie that had long lain dormant and just might have stayed that way had she not drawn it out. She was eager to get to bed at night, not to cuddle or sleep but to attack her and enjoy their bed sport. She was angry by degrees at the children’s unintentional interruptions and many was the time they had nearly been caught. It was actually Cass who had to admonish Stephanie to patience where her own children were concerned. It wasn’t their faults that they interrupted their love play and they had no idea they were causing their mother the frustrations that they were.

  “Why don’t we go out and slide on a few of the drifts?” Cass offered to the boys in an attempt to exhaust them as they were sleeping too much and had too much energy to be contained inside these days. It made sense if they ate well, played heartily and exhausted them that they would sleep well instead of seeking out their mother at odd times in the night.

  Stephanie wanted to go as well and they chose the time that Summer was taking her afternoon nap to go out and play in the drifts that were all over the farmyard, some over the equipment stored there, others sculpted from the winds that blew the snow everywhere. Tunneling in the snow and sliding down on makeshift sleds they all got red cheeked and blew out gusts of cloudy breath. The boys got thoroughly exhausted as Cass had thought they would but the adults were equally so by the end of the few short hours they spent outside. The four of them returned to the house for hot tea and warm bread and butter, Summer still sleeping and they enjoyed each other.

  If Cass thought she would enjoy a good night’s sleep she was sadly mistaken, except for the time they were unclean from their periods which were in total synchronization Stephanie wanted to make love every night. For a few nights Cass escaped to help neighbors who could not make it to the doctor in town, for midwifery duties, or for general doctoring, but the nights she was home she could expect little sleep, as a result she was frequently tired and as time went on a little irritable. She tried to bear up under the strain, she had after all unleashed the tigress in Stephanie who had never before experienced lust and need like this and wanted
to run the full gamut of emotions and feelings it engendered.

  During the day they had distractions in the form of chores even when the cold winter winds held Cass captive indoors with all of them she was constantly planning for spring which she hoped would soon arrive. She had plans for her many fields and inspired by Stephanie growing rows of pots of various things she had decided to add a greenhouse attached to the house on the southeast side of the house next to the warm den. She and an eager Stephanie drew up many plans, some more elaborate than others but settling on something practical that they could build themselves with perhaps a little help from their neighbors or Cal if he was around.

  But nights were for the lovers after the children were in bed. The passion that they shared surprised Cass who had thought she would have a complacent lover in Stephanie and instead found her to be inventive and eager to learn absolutely everything she could. Having learned everything the limited Cass even knew they tried things that left Cass breathless and enjoying their bed sport in infinite ways and variations. She did however protest that she needed her sleep. Slogging through the snow to do the chores in the barn required stamina and while she didn’t object to their almost nightly lovemaking she insisted that they both needed sleep, even Stephanie had circles under her eyes from trying to make love all night long, deal with the children, and keep up on the household. She could at least take a nap with the children in the afternoon.

  After one of the most intense winters that many could remember, snowdrifts up to thirty feet deep sometimes spring seemed to want to hesitate to arrive. The animals though seemed to sense it long before the humans and began to act up. They couldn’t get out into the paddocks with the deep snows but their irritability exasperated Cass as she took care of them to the best of her ability. The melting snow meant they were still weather bound as the ponds and marshes increased to the point that they flooded the fields and roads that led anywhere. Finally the snow was melting to the point where she could push the fractious cows and horses out into the muddy and wet fields where they searched for greens to nibble on and stretched their limbs as they experienced the first real freedom in months. The foals and calves that each of the animals had by their sides looked about in wonderment at their first spring which was cold and muddy and long in coming.


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