The Broken Road to Forever

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The Broken Road to Forever Page 15

by Rhonda Dennis

  “The hell you will. You two are done. Hear me?”

  “What!” He’s still talking when I push the door closed and angrily retreat to the car.

  “How dare you embarrass me like that!” Natalie shouts once I’m inside. I spin around to put my finger in her face.

  “This isn’t over. Keep your mouth shut, and you come home right after school. No detours. Your father is going to be so disappointed…”

  “Disappointed? Why? Because it bothers you to see two people making out because you two forgot what it was like to love someone like that?”

  The air in the car changes. Grace’s jaw hangs slack then she turns to look outside the window. Rogue tears pool in my eyes, but I’m able to get rid of them. Silent, I turn, start the car, and put it in reverse.

  “Mom, I didn’t mean it. I was just angry…” Natalie back paddles from her nasty, yet honest, comment. I just hold up my hand to stop her, and she slinks back into the seat. I drop off Grace first, and my tender-hearted girl makes it a point to kiss me on the cheek before she leaves for class. Natalie jumps from the back seat to claim the vacated spot.

  “Don’t even try right now, Natalie. This goes far beyond your sassy mouth.”

  “I know, and I’m sorry. Why don’t you and Dad go out to dinner tonight? Grace and I will watch the boys; just don’t be out all night because you know they don’t go to bed for anyone but y’all.”

  “I appreciate the offer, but Dad has a game tonight.”

  “Oh, yeah. Pep rally Friday. Woo hoo,” she says in a monotonous tone. I do crack a very slight smile because she reacts to pep rallies the same way I used to when I went to high school there. Some things never change.

  I park the car and rush inside because I’m running behind schedule, as usual. I make it to the teacher’s lounge just in time to see Brent coming out of the kitchen area with a cup of coffee. “The boys got off to school just fine,” he answers in lieu of a greeting.

  “Good. Thank you.”

  “No problem.” He fumbles with his whistle a bit before walking towards the door. I put my hand on his chest to stop him, and he gives it a confused look.

  “Can we talk?”


  “Do you have a minute?” He examines his watch.

  “Yeah, that’s about all I have though.” I take off towards the storage room at the end of a dark hallway off the lounge. “If you need something heavy carried to your classroom, just show me what it is, and I’ll get a couple of the guys to bring it to your room. My back’s been acting up tod…” He’s stunned into silence when I give him a hard shove against the wall once the door is closed. I run my hands up the length of his torso, stopping at his neck long enough to lower his head towards me. He resists, confusion showing all over his face. “What are you trying to do?”

  I turn away. “I just wanted to kiss you.”

  “Here? Now?”

  “Why do you sound so shocked and disgusted? Jeez, Brent, we used to fuck in here when we were just starting out.”

  “Are you having a mid-life crisis or something?”

  “What? Because I want to kiss you, I’m having a mid-life crisis?”

  “Oh, I misunderstood. I thought you wanted me to have sex in here with you.”

  “Do you listen to me anymore? And so what if I did? Oh, never mind. Have a good day. Be safe on the road if I don’t get to see you before you leave for the game tonight.” I try leaving, but Brent snatches my wrist. He gives a tug so that I’m pulled close to his body, then tips my chin so he can kiss me.

  “I do love you. You know that, right?” His eyes search mine.

  “I love you, too. We never seem to have any…” The bell signaling it’s time for the students to go to their home rooms sounds loudly. I sigh. “Time. I hope you win. See you around.”

  He kisses my forehead. “Thanks, babe. See you.” After squeezing my hand, he gives a slight wave before walking out the door. I hustle behind him to get to my classroom, and so starts another typical day in the life of the Grayson family.


  I’m thankful my work day passes smoothly enough. When the bell sounds at the end of last period, I smile because it signifies freedom. Out in the parking lot, my eyes water thanks to the blazing sun, and I’m relieved to see Natalie leaned up against my car when my focus returns. I’m juggling two large bags filled to the brim with unmarked tests, as well as my oversized purse which is tucked under my arm as I work to fish my keys from my pocket.

  “Will you help?” Agitated that I even need to ask, I thrust my hip in her direction. “And get your feet off my car, missy!”

  Natalie rolls her eyes while blowing a bubble with a piece of gum she’s chewing. This child knows how to push all of my buttons! It pops and sticks to her nose, and I’m slightly amused watching her scrape the gum off her face. Eventually, she fishes my keys out and dangles them off of the tip of her finger. “There you go! I don’t see why I had to wait here for you when I could have just caught a ride with Kyle.”

  Dropping my bags in the back seat, I laugh at her gall. “After that stunt you pulled this morning? There’s no way in hell I’d let you do that. When I talk to your dad later don’t think we won’t be discussing your relationship with Kyle!”

  “What? You can’t stop me from seeing him.”

  “Watch me.” I’m completely serious. Her face turns red, and her eyes narrow as she huffs while climbing in the front seat. She slams the door behind her for added gusto. Opting to pick my battles, I ignore it.

  The drive to pick up Grace and the twins is spent in silence because Natalie sulks while staring out of the window. Just as well, this is the first moment of silence I’ve had since waking.

  After collecting Grace and the boys, running a few last minute errands, and breaking up three back seat fights, I drive us to a local restaurant to meet Iris. After the long week I’ve had, not cooking tonight is a blessing. Before I have a chance to shut off the car’s engine, Natalie bolts from the car to make her way inside the restaurant. I offer her a wasted scowl that she’ll never see.

  “Okay, kids, let’s go. We don’t want to keep Aunt Iris waiting. You know how grumpy she gets when she’s hungry.”

  I impatiently tap my foot when only Grace joins me. “Boys, come on! Hurry up!” My annoyance lightens when the twins playfully smoosh their cute little faces against the window. I smile, thinking about how adorable the little rascals are until Grace breaks the spell.

  “Eww, Mom, Troy is trailing snot all over the window, and David is licking it up.”

  I reach inside and latch onto David because he’s the closest and gently coax him outside. Wiping his nose on his sleeve, Troy eagerly follows. “Do I seriously need to tell you to not lick boogers?” My attention is focused on David, though I’m squatting beside Troy with a crumpled up tissue I’ve rummaged from my purse. “Blow,” I instruct Troy. They stare at each other briefly before giggling. I shrug my shoulders in defeat before tossing the used tissue into the bag and grasping Troy’s hand. “Grace?” I mention, and she instinctively reaches out to take David’s hand so we can get through the parking lot to the front door of the establishment.

  Once inside, I immediately spot Iris waving from a booth, but I don’t see Natalie with her. Iris notices my worry and points in the direction of the soft play area. This restaurant choice isn’t by accident. Trying to enjoy a meal with unruly twins is challenging, to say the least. Having a ball pit for them to expend some of their energy while being corralled is a gift from god. I overt my eyes in the direction of Iris’ hand and see Natalie cuddling Shannon. She’s a sweet, if not a little cheeky, five-year-old Natalie occasionally babysits. Though she’s short-tempered and easily annoyed with her brothers, she’s amazing with Shannon. I know this because I get to hear it from Shannon’s parents over and over again. I’ll never understand why she enjoys torturing her siblings, constantly riling them up or trying to get them to be extra-mischievous. Thankfully, Grace has
the opposite effect; she’s calming and incredibly helpful with Troy and David.

  Shannon spots me from across the way, and before we’re seated, she’s bounding over to me. “Mrs. Mallory! Mrs. Mallory!” A tiny pair of arms securely wrap around one of my thighs. “Hi, Shannon. How are you?” This is why I love kids; they don’t discriminate. They don’t care how plump or how skinny I am, or whether I’ve had time to straighten my hair or refuse to wear makeup. They’re happy to see me regardless.

  Shannon smiles up at me, showing a large gap where her front tooth used to be. “Wow, did you lose a tooth?”

  Giggling, Shannon nods enthusiastically, still clinging to my leg. Grace begins leading the eager boys to the play area, and I pry her little hands from me. “Grace, don’t leave them. You be sure to keep an eye on them at all times, okay?” I shout across the noisy restaurant. She squints back at me, unsure of what I said.

  “The tooth fairy came, and I got a dollar!” Shannon’s voice is shrill and full of excitement.

  “Ah, that’s good,” I say as I try mouthing “Watch them!” to Grace. Her squint deepens, and it takes everything in me to not roll my eyes.

  “Did you hear me, Mrs. Mallory?”

  I hear her just fine; however, I’m now playing an impromptu game of charades with Grace. I point to my eyes. “Watch,” I mouth. Then I point to each of the twins. “Them,” I mouth. She smiles a huge toothy grin and gives me a thumbs up before continuing on. Ah, my Grace. I love her dearly.

  Shannon, steadily tugging at my pant leg, continues to drone on. “So, you’re becoming a big girl now?” I ask, giving her my attention.

  “Yes! My momma is going to take me to Wal-Mart to get some big girl panties. I want black ones, but not the kind with the string that goes up your butt.” Shannon squishes up her face and shudders.

  “Um, well, I hope your shopping trip goes well, Shannon,” I manage to say with a straight face though inside I’m dying to laugh. Shannon giggles, and her curly blonde hair bobs as she skips to Natalie. She’s so carefree and open. I don’t remember feeling that way at such a tender age. I don’t think I ever did.

  Sliding into the booth, I smile at Iris after blowing out an exaggerated sigh. “Are you okay, Mal? You seem more worn out than usual.” We’ve been friends so long now that we sense when something is troubling the other, no matter how brave of a face we might put on.

  “Yeah, it’s just been a long week. Well, month really.” I’m on full alert when I hear a pained screech that I know comes from one of my brood. “Troy, you play in the balls. Do not throw them at your brother! If I tell you again, you’ll sit here with me!” I call. Relief washes over David’s face as Troy drops the ball he was about to pitch. I look for Grace and find her pinned to the floor by Shannon who bounces up and down on her head. Natalie has a smug grin plastered on her face, and I snap loudly to get her attention. I point to Shannon, and she rolls her eyes, shakes her head, and very slowly makes her way over to move Shannon elsewhere. “After the stunt she pulled this morning, you’d think she’d be extra sweet to her siblings being that her punishment is still up in the air.”

  “Stunt? What’s she done now?” Iris questions. I explain about finding her tongue deep in Kyle instead of being at school for an early club meeting she was supposed to be attending. “My poor mom and the things she had to endure because of the crushes I had on stupid, pimply-faced boys.”

  “I hate to tell you this, but it wasn’t just your mom who had to put up with your rotten taste in men. Nutria rat suit bring back any memories?” I grin as Iris bursts into fits of laughter.

  “Oh my gosh, Tim! He had an unhealthy obsession with that damn rat. One time he asked me to put it on and…”

  “La, la, la,” I sing with my fingers firmly blocking any more of that unwanted information.

  “Okay, I get it. I’ll stop.” I remove my fingers, but I’m leery because I’m not entirely sure she won’t tell me anyway. “We had some good times back in those days, didn’t we? Come on, Mallory, What’s really going on? I’ve been away a month. Please, tell me you and Brent have sorted out your issues?”

  “Oh, Iris, I just don’t know anymore.”

  “What’s happened?”

  “Nothing, and that’s the point. Everything is the same, and our relationship is stagnant. Isn’t that pathetic that I have to describe my marriage using that term? Brent is so distant, and he won’t tell me what’s going on in that head of his. All we ever wanted was to be together, and now that we have that, it’s as though life steamrolled over us. He’s a good man, and of course I’ll always love him, but I’m worried we’re drifting too far apart. This has been going on for so long now.” I lower my eyes to keep the tears back.

  “Hey, I know he’s a good man.” Iris leans across the table to place her hand on mine. “That man loves the bones of you. You’ll work this out.” I give her a sad smile. I’m not sure of anything anymore, and I’m about to say as much when I’m stopped by a wailing cry.

  I turn to see David covering his eye. Natalie holds up her hands. “It wasn’t me.” I give a long sigh and make my way over to scoop him into my arms.

  Luckily, David’s eye is just a little red, and he is more than willing to snitch on his older sister. Turns out that Natalie hit him by accident when throwing a ball at Grace. I could fuss about it, but decide to let this one go. The rest of the meal, thankfully, is uneventful. We make it to the store in time to purchase Grace’s new shoes, and then exhausted, I drive us home.

  In lieu of struggling with my bags again, I line up the twins and place a bag each in their outstretched arms. “Bags on the table boys!” I say with all the grandeur of a military commander. “Forward march!” The boys have huge grins on their faces as they kick up their knees and high step into the house. Grace takes off to grab the pile of mail from the mail box, and Natalie has long abandoned us for her bedroom. I hear the phone ringing inside. “Double time, boys!” I yell, eventually stepping over them one at a time to get to the phone. “Quit marching around the table and put the bags ON the table, boys. Hello.” Grace hands me a huge stack of mail.

  “Hi, Mallory.” I’m greeted by a cheerful sounding Nate, and I automatically smile.

  “Nate, it’s good to hear from you. How are you? How’s South Carolina? You’re playing a home game this week, right? We’ll be sure to watch.” I snap my fingers and point to the table just as all of the papers tumble from the bag Troy holds. He stares down at the mess, mouth agape. I sigh. “Can you give me a sec, Nate?” I ask. He laughs.

  “It’s okay, Mom. I’ll pick them up.” Ah, my beautiful Grace. I love her so. I give her a smile and blow her a kiss before I rip open the first letter.

  “Okay, I’m back.” It’s a damn bill. I drop it to the table and tear through the next while balancing the phone between my shoulder and chin.

  “I’m sorry it’s been a while since we’ve talked, but it’s been a hectic few weeks. Everything’s good here, though. Yes, home game this week. South Carolina is great. The Bucks are great. Loving the life.” Natalie resurfaces from her room to pull a soda from the refrigerator.

  “I’m glad to hear it.” I angle the receiver away. “Natalie, will you run a bath for the twins, please?” She huffs and rolls her eyes but says nothing as she stomps to the bathroom.

  “So, how have the little angels been?”

  “Angels? Huh! More like hellions.” Another bill gets tossed onto the table.

  “Natalie giving you a hard time?”

  I laugh. “How did you guess? Now that she’s discovered boys, it’s worse.”

  “Boys! I don’t even want to know.”

  “No, you don’t.”

  “Aside from calling to check in, I want to know if you and Brent are going to the high school reunion?”

  That diverts my attention from the pile of bills. “Huh? What reunion?”

  “The twenty-year reunion.”

  “I haven’t heard anything about it. Guess we’re n
ot going.”

  “What! You two have to come. I’m making a special trip in. Can’t wait to see the gang, and you guys, too, of course.” Before tearing into the last envelope, I spot the familiar school logo. I’d just assumed it was something work related for me or Brent. Wrong.

  “Oh, I have the invite here. I don’t know. I hated the place when I was a student there.”

  “Mallory, come on! It’ll be fun. No way Brent would want to miss this. Everyone will want to see him. Brent ruled that school.” He’s right; Brent’s home life hadn’t been good back then, but as assholish as he could be, everyone adored him.

  “I’ll talk to him and let you know, okay?”

  “So the lug head isn’t there?”

  “Nope. Out of town game.”

  “Oh, okay.”

  “Mom!” Natalie shouts from the bathroom. “Troy peed in a jug and is trying to pour it on David.”

  “Well, stop him! And why would you let your brother pee in a jug? I got to go, Nate.”

  He chuckles. “Good luck.”

  “Thanks, I think I’ll need it.”

  Rushing up the stairs, I have a fleeting question about how I’m still overweight with all of the running after the children I do. I should be stick-thin. I take the cookie hanging from my mouth and add it to the stack in my hand that I’ve grabbed on my way up. Question answered.

  The children have been settled in their rooms for about two hours, and I’m kicked back on the sofa, grading tests. I’m nowhere near finished, but my eyes begin drooping, so I decide to do the rest tomorrow. Glancing at the clock, I see it’s eleven-thirty. Out of town games are so unpredictable. No telling when Brent will be home. Turning off all the lights, except in the hallway, I make sure the front door is locked before heading to bed alone, again.


  I awaken to find my upper limbs pinned firmly to the mattress. Opening my eyes, I nearly let out a yelp because David’s nose is nearly touching mine. He grins back. “Morning, Mommy.”

  “Morning, baby,” I mumble, trying to free myself from his embrace. Patting my hand across the space behind me, I find another little body snuggled close. “This is beginning to be a regular occurrence, boys. Don’t you like your beds?”


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