Built For A Tank (The Rulers of Darkness MC Book 2)

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Built For A Tank (The Rulers of Darkness MC Book 2) Page 4

by Belle Winters

  I looked at him over my shoulder. “You know where my shit is… find something clean and toss it on. If you like we can go out to find you some shit you need.”

  I was almost out the door when I heard his barely there thanks following behind me.



  Seriously, what was I doing? I was freaking the fuck out in my head. My palms were sweaty, and my nerves were shot. I didn’t know why I was always so anxious when I was out around the club around the other people, but I just was. I tried pep talks and breathing exercises, but I only really felt alright when Tank, Psycho, Addie, or Sia was around.

  I had walked with Tank to the gym in a haze. When we walked in though, it was like everything settled inside of me. I scanned the room taking in all the expensive equipment and this time when my heart felt as though it jumped it was from excitement. Now for me, this was a man's wet dream. If it were possible to get horny from thoughts of working out, I’d have a massive boner.

  “This is great,” I told Tank.

  He grinned. “Have at it then.” He said and sauntered off towards a bench press.

  I decided to work my way up. I’d never actually used any of these machines before, but I’ve seen them before… well some of them and knew what they were for. The treadmill I knew was for running, and that seemed like it might be the easiest to operate as I people watched and figured out how I was supposed to use the others.

  An hour later I figured my plan was a bust. It had to of taken me fifteen minutes just to get this stupid machine to move and watching the other guys around the room didn’t exactly help me figure out the mechanics of how to use all of this fancy crap. As much as I wanted to use these things, I was way too shy to ask anyone for some help. So, I stayed on this damn machine running the whole time.


  I practically jumped out of my skin. Tank had somehow crept up behind me and was now grinning from ear to ear surely because he knew how Goddamn scared I just was.

  “Not funny.” I scolded him.

  He walked up and hit a button that slowed the machine to a crawl. “It was. Are you planning on staying on this damn machine the whole time?” he asked.

  I shrugged. “I don’t know how to use any of this stuff,” I confessed. I don’t know what it was about Tank that made me honest – even when embarrassing. I guess because he never teased me or treated me like I was beneath him. He took all my confessions in stride like none of it was ever a big deal.

  He frowned. “So why didn’t you just ask someone how to use it?” he asked confused.

  I gave him a knowing look, and he sighed. “Exactly,” I said. He should know me better than that by now.

  “Come on then… what do you want to do?” he asked.

  I shrugged. “Anything… everything really.”

  Tank scanned the room, and his eyes landed on something before he led me over. He explained it was a cable bicep bar and what it does. He showed me how to adjust the weight, and we continued to change the weight as I felt it out before finding the right weight. He had me do twenty of those before we moved onto another machine, then another, and another. When we made our way around a few machines in the gym, he explained that could be the workout routine I start with. To just keep doing that cycle and then after a while I could change it up. I made it back fully around twice before I was exhausted.

  I walked over to Tank who was doing pull-ups. “I’m done… if I try to do anything else my body might fall apart.”

  He laughed and released the bar dropping down to his feet. “Alright, I’ll probably be another hour. I think Addie might be here.” He said.

  I grinned. “Ok. Thanks for everything.”

  He grumbled and shook his head. “Get outta here before you thank me again.” I rolled my eyes and left.

  He was right, Addie was there, and as soon as she saw me, she hopped out of her chair. “Danny, hey!” she shouted.

  I couldn’t help but grin. Laughing; I put a hand out to stop her from wrapping her arms around me. She frowned. “What’s wrong?” she asked.

  I shook my head. “I was in the gym. I’m sweaty and gross.” I told her.

  She scrunched up her face. “Gross.”

  I laughed harder. “I’m going to take a quick shower then I’ll come back and give you a hug.”

  She nodded. “Yes, please. I don’t want sweat on me.”

  Twenty minutes later, I was freshly showered, and my muscles were aching everywhere. I thought I used to work out before. Well, anything I’ve ever done in my life was nothing. Those machines were a blessing. It was a beautiful kind of ache that flowed through me. I never understood why exercise calmed me, but it always had. I guess putting all of my effort and attention into something made all the other worries disappear… at least for a little while.

  I found Addie on the Xbox playing with Rip. I took the seat next to her. “Did you come here just to make these guys cry?” I asked her.

  She laughed. “Of course! It’s the best part of my day.”

  Rip frowned. “She’s never made me cry.” He argued.

  She looked over at him and raised an eyebrow. “I do believe you got misty eyed a couple of weeks back when you lost for the fifth time.” She said.

  He grimaced. “Did not.”

  “Did too.”

  “Did not.”

  “You totally did.”

  “You’re a fucking demon.”

  “The devil actually… but that would do.”

  I couldn’t wipe the smile off my face. When Addie was here, everyone seemed more human and down to earth. It’s like she brought out the inner child in everyone around her. Not to mention Siarra wasn’t innocent herself even though she looks like it. I’ve seen her in action, and the woman is a firecracker.

  I could only assume Rip lost because he threw the controller down onto the floor and stomped off as Addie laughed hysterically. She turned to me, “do you want to play? I’ll take it easy on you I promise.”

  I shrugged. “Sure, I’ll play with you, but I have to warn you that I never played before, so I’ll suck worse than the other guys,” I told her.

  She smiled. “That’s fine, as long as you play with me.”

  “Let’s do this.”

  She picked the controller up and gave it to me. “I’ll tell you all the buttons and stuff. What game do you want to play?” she asked.

  I had no idea what games they had or anything about them. “Surprise me.”

  So, for the next two hours, she and I played and went through game after game. After a while, I got the hang of it and became quite good. She even put me on to some of her secrets, and I must say I was impressed. She was fucking smart I have to admit that much.

  “Power Ranger, time is up.” I looked up to see Tank standing behind the couch looking down at Addie.

  I paused the game and looked over when she didn’t attempt to move. “I uh… think he’s talking to you.” I said as I nudged her shoulder.

  She looked over at me and stuck her nose up in the air. I would be lying if I said she didn’t look like a Siarra clone at that moment. “He is not; I have no idea who that is.”

  I smiled, and Tank put his hands on his hips. “That’s what you told me to call you.” He argued.

  Addie stood and scowled as she spun around on him. “That is not what I said. I said I was Buttercup from the power puff girls.” She rolled her eyes. “Next time get it right or else.” She warned.

  I couldn’t stifle my laugh. “You think this is funny?” he asked turning around to look at me.

  I shrugged. “I just find it funny how much shit you give me, but she makes you shake in your leathers.”

  Addie chuckled, and he rolled his eyes. “Whatever… we’ll see how funny you think this is in a few minutes.” He muttered.

  My eyebrows flew up. “What’s that supposed to mean?” I asked.

  He gave me a devilish grin, and I was instantly on edge. “Addie, you’re going out to din
ner.” He turned to face me. “We’re going too, so go get dressed.”

  On instinct, I shook my head. I just knew deep down that this wasn’t going to be like the other times he was able to convince me to go out. “Nah, that’s ok. I’ll just stay here; I’ll be fine.”

  Addie hopped on my lap and threw her arms around my shoulders. I already knew that it was a lost cause if she pulled out those puppy eyes I was a goner. “Pleassseeeee Danny. It’s going to be so boring with just grown-ups.”

  I laughed. “So, I’m not a grownup?” I asked her.

  She pouted. “Well yes, but you’re not a boring one.”

  I rolled my eyes. “Is that really supposed to work on me?” I asked.

  She looked up at me, and her eyes went all big and round and sad. It was like they were just begging me. “I would be soo happy if you came. And you can keep Tank company, so he stays out of trouble.”

  I chuckled. “So, you need me to chaperone the adults then, is that it?” I asked.

  She shrugged. “Just Tank.”

  He made a scoffing sound behind us, but I ignored him. She pulled me in for a tight hug, and I sighed. “Ok.” I groaned. “Alright, fine. I’ll come.”

  She squealed and hopped off my lap and ran off. I looked up at Tank and let him see the pleading there. “it’ll be fine. I’ll be there, and I got you. Get the fuck out of your head. Put on something, and we’ll go out and have some fun alright?”

  He went for reassuring, but I felt more like he was saying what he thought I needed to hear to get my butt moving. It wasn’t like I needed it. I already sealed my fate when I told Addie I’d go with them. “Do you know where we’re going?” I asked.

  He shrugged and shook his head. “Not a fucking clue, and I couldn’t guess if I wanted to.”

  I shut my eyes tight and sighed trying to stop the panic from taking over. I felt his heavy hand land on my shoulder, and he gave me a gentle shake. “Fucking listen, this will be fine. Let’s get a move on it.” I exhaled slowly.

  It wasn’t long before I was getting off the back of Tanks bike. I wanted to grab his hand for comfort, but I won’t do it. One, it’ll be super weird and second… just no. I’m a grown ass man after all. I tucked my hands into pockets and decided that I was just going to do this. I checked out the front of the place, and it wasn’t what I was expecting. Not a fancy restaurant but Chuck e Cheese. I’m assuming that Addie chose the place… I’m not surprised. That girl runs the world.

  “Ready?” he asked as he opened the door.

  I shrugged. “No… but will I ever be?” I mumbled unhappily. He snorted a laugh and followed me inside.

  Psycho, Addie, and Siarra were just inside the door waiting for us. “What do you think? Are you excited?” Addie asked me grinning.

  My eyes hopped around the room taking in all the games and excited kids. “Sure.”

  She grabbed my hand and began to tug. “Let’s play air hockey…”

  Psycho reached out and touched her shoulder. “No, eat first.”

  Addie pouted. “Just one game?” she asked batting her lashes.

  He stuck his tongue in his cheek as he stared at her and her puppy eyes like he was torn on what to do. “Fucking hell…” he groaned. “Alrig – “

  Siarra jumped in. “Oh no. Food first young lady.” Addie turned her look onto Siarra who only laughed and shook her head. “That look is not going to work on me. Let’s go sit.”

  Addie’s shoulders slumped only or a minute before shrugging and following her father and Siarra to a booth. She slid in first then Siarra and Psycho on the other end. Tank gestured for me to enter first on our side and I was so freaking grateful. Being tucked into the middle of the small group would be better than sitting on the end.

  “I’m fucking starving…” Tank groaned. “Can we eat?”

  “I want pizza,” Addie said.

  “Alright. I know this greedy bastard…” Psycho began gesturing to Tank, “can eat a medium pie by himself. And Addie can put food away as well. Let’s do two extra-large pizzas?” he suggested.

  “And one of those big wing plates.” Tank included.

  Siarra rolled her eyes. “My God, where does all the food go?” she muttered looking at the menu.

  Everyone laughed at that. She looked over at me, “what kind of pizza do you want?” she asked.

  I instantly felt my anxiety getting the best of me. What if they didn’t like what I did or thought it was weird? I felt Tanks hand on my thigh before I realized it started to bounce from my nerves. I took a deep breath feeling grounded again. “Pepperoni?” I said. Siarra watched me for a few seconds with her head cocked to the side studying me, before giving me a small nod and moving her attention back to the menu.

  “How about pepperoni and mushroom?” Addie suggested, and I was surprised when she grabbed my hand closest to her.

  I looked down at her and smiled. “Sounds good,” I reassured her.

  She squeezed my hand in return but didn’t let go. I was well aware that they all knew how skittish I was even though I tried my hardest never to let it show. Tank was the only one who got a front row preview of my anxiety attacks and meltdowns because he was always around. I also have good faith that he hasn’t shared my issues with anyone else, but there was only so much you could do to hide your insecurities fully.

  The waitress came by a couple of minutes later. “Y'all ready to order?” she asked.

  Siarra nodded. “Yes.”

  The waitress pulled her pen from behind her ear, and after popping a huge bubble with her gum she said, “what will ya’ll have to drink?” she asked.

  Both Psycho and Tank answered right away. “A beer.”

  “A sprite please,” Siarra answered.

  “Pepsi for me,” Addie said.

  The waitress turned to me expectantly, and I once again couldn’t make up my mind and wanted to slap myself for it. “Strawberry Lemonade.” Tank answered for me.

  She raised an eyebrow at me as if to say is that right and I nodded. “Yep, that’s fine.”

  Tank, whose hand was still resting on my thigh gave it another squeeze before letting me go. I looked up from my fingers and saw that Psycho and Tank appeared to be having a stare off. A silent conversation that only the two of them were invited into. Neither of them wore any expression on their face, but their eyes spoke volumes. Unfortunately, I couldn’t determine a bit of what any of it meant, but my gut told me it somehow had something to do with me. Siarra noticed me staring at them with curiosity and cleared her throat.

  “So, you get to start at the garage soon?” she asked.

  I nodded not able to contain my smile. “Yep, two weeks. I’m pretty fucking pumped about it.” I admitted.

  She smiled. “oh yeah?”

  I nodded. “Yea. I liked working on cars when I was younger. I used to do a lot of odd jobs... fixing all types of things up even some electrical work. Anything I could find pretty much to put a few bucks in my pocket, but cars were fun. It was great when I was getting paid for it, but I did it whenever I could. I would’ve done it a lot more if I was able to get more paid jobs… I was good at it, but I know there’s a bunch to learn.”

  Addie frowned. “But you’ll get all greasy.” She said curling up her lip.

  I ruffled her hair. “Of course, but it’s worth it.” I grinned. “Besides, I’d just wear Tank’s stuff when I work, so mine doesn’t get messed up.”

  She began giggling uncontrollably while Tank grumbled and Siarra and Psycho stifled chuckles. “That is so smart.” She leaned forward and lowered her voice. “Maybe one day we can play dress up with his stuff.”

  I snorted. “Play dress up?” I asked making sure I heard her right.

  Psycho put his elbows on the table and leaned towards us. “You do realize…” he began saying to Addie before gesturing to me with his finger, “he’s not like one of your toys and like my brother's none of them are here for your entertainment little girl.”

  She mimicked his
position. “Yesssss… but they can play with me.” She argued then turned to me. “Right?” she asked.

  I laughed. “Right kid.”

  She turned back to Psycho and stuck her tongue out at him. His eyes rolled up to the ceiling as he muttered Jesus under his breath. We cracked up laughing just as the food was brought to the table. The extra-large pepperoni and mushroom pie along with extra-large meat lovers that looked like a stomach ache waiting to happen along with a big platter of wings. Everyone dug right in, and it wasn’t long before I was holding my stomach moaning. I had almost three slices and maybe about ten wings. Addie put away four slices plus some wings and didn’t look any worse for wear while Siarra pulled up the back with two slices and a couple of wings. I’d lost track of how much Tank and Psycho ate; it was nauseating thinking about it. I really didn’t get how a person could eat so much in one serving. Tank always ate like he was starving in the desert for days.

  We chatted for a while letting our stomachs settle then proceeded to play games. I continuously got my ass beat in everything by all four of them, but it was all in good fun. We decided to call it a day when Tank lost a game to a kid who looked all about five and was demanding a rematch. We were afraid that either the kid's mom would appear and pound him or we would get kicked out. We took the high road and avoided both situations and left of our own accord – except Tank who had to practically be dragged away much to Addie’s delight. We said our goodbyes and they went off to Psycho’s car as we went back to Tank’s bike.

  “You see, it’s getting easier right?” he asked as he passed me a helmet.

  I grinned and nodded. “Yea, I had a lot of fun. I was fine most of the time too after that first mini freak out.” I admitted.

  He smiled. “I told you, it takes time… but you’ll get there. Just keep trying, and shit will work out.”


  He groaned. “Oh God, not that shit again. Let’s go.”

  I couldn’t help but chuckle as we got on the bike and headed back to the club.

  Chapter 4


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