Melody Anne's Billionaire Universe: Her Billionaire's Bargain (Kindle Worlds Novella)

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Melody Anne's Billionaire Universe: Her Billionaire's Bargain (Kindle Worlds Novella) Page 2

by Yvette Hines

  “You think you’re more convincing?” Tilting her head, she stared up at him. She didn’t want to, because the more she stared at him the more drawn in she felt and she needed to keep her wits about her.

  “Absolutely. I’ll send my car around for you. What is your address?”

  There was no way she was giving him her address. “I’ll drive myself.”

  “So, you agree?”

  Damn it. “Fine. Dinner.” She allowed a small chuckle at the man’s audacity to come out.

  With a brisk nodded, he stared at her for a long moment. There was something in his eyes, not quite recognition, but something. In a blink it was gone, and he pushed away from the door. “I’ll have my assistant contact you with the details.”

  Before she could respond, he was moving back through the kitchen area and into the store front.

  He couldn’t have made it fully out of the store before Stacey and Eric were before her.

  “Oh, my word, that was some impressive man.” Stacey was fanning herself.

  “Overbearing is more like it.” Eric stood with his hands shoved deep into the back pockets of his jeans.

  They were both correct, but instead of commenting she simply said, “It’s the city project. Whatever the officials are attempting to have go down must be big. Especially if after all the lawyers and representatives have come to us, the head man decided to grace our humble facility.”

  “So, are you going to sell?” Stacey’s face was filled with concern.

  Kourtney glanced at Eric and saw the same level of worry. They had been with her for over a year and she understood when times were tough as it was for all Americans now, no one wanted to hear that they may be looking for new employment.

  Eric took care of a sick mother and Stacey’s husband had been laid off for two years now and they had three kids.

  Easing their minds, she placed a hand on both their shoulders. “No, I’m not selling. C.o.J. was started right here and it will stay right where it is. They can build around us.”

  Eric pretended to wipe his brow in relief. The bell chimed in the front.

  “Okay, back to work everyone.”

  When her employees had left, Kourtney turned around and walked to her desk. Sitting down in her chair she took a deep breath and let it out slowly. Her body was shaking inside so badly she thought she’d be sick.

  It had been years since she’d seen Zac Powers. Stayed out of his path. She never anticipated him strolling into her little slice of Charlotte. Last time she saw him was in Durham and she would have preferred to keep it that way. Apparently he didn’t recognize her and she had no plans of enlightening him to the fact either.

  Glancing across the spreadsheets, order forms and calendars on her desk she stared at the eyes watching her, a picture of someone who was her heart. Her life was vastly different since their lives had crossed. It would work out best for all if she kept that knowledge in perspective.

  Picking up the phone she made a call.

  Chapter Two

  Three days later, Zac was still plagued by the desirable Kourtney Deen. Sitting in the restaurant awaiting her arrival, she was now ten minutes late for their dinner appointment, he allowed his mind to fixate on her face again. Since the day he was in her shop, the hazel-eyed beauty, with dark brown hair had driven him to distractions. Normally, since he was around beautiful and attractive women all the time, those in the corporate industry and those just trying to get into his bed, it took him a while to warm up to a woman.

  That wasn’t the same for Kourtney. No, he wasn’t even attempting to fool himself into thinking that the reason he invited her to dinner was because he wanted to talk business. Yes, he wanted to get her to sign the contract. The project was important to him, but more than that she fascinated him. And honestly turned him on in a way that had not happened so intensely in years.

  The fact he couldn’t figure out what had pushed him to make the offer for dinner. When he’d turned around and seen those large greenish-brown eyes gazing up at him and her full mouth, his heart had stopped beating for a moment, all thoughts from his brain ran south. He wondered instantly what it would be like to kiss her and how dark her eyes would become when filled with passion and lust.

  Shit. He didn’t have time for this. Too much was riding on the project and he didn’t have a spare moment to start up a new relationship. Hell, he’d never had time for anything in the last few years. Zac Acquisition & Development had grown in leaps and bounds in the last five years and he enjoyed it. Most of that time he’d spent on his private jet going from one destination to another. His lifestyle and work were fulfilling and exhausting, but he wouldn’t change a damn thing about it.

  So, why he was sitting at Ruth’s Chris in the South Park area waiting on a woman he didn’t have time to see was something he’d analyze later.

  In the opening of the doors to the private room, he could see the maître d’ direct someone toward him, letting him know the other half of his party had finally arrived.

  Rising, Zac stared through the archway and watched his dinner companion move with a grace and elegance around the tables of other dinners.

  She made a striking image in an Egyptian blue gown—long, strapless and a hint of sequin. The dark brown tresses that had been pulled back into a bun earlier in the week were now cascading over one side of her head, showcasing a dangling diamond earring swaying in one ear.

  The impact of her beauty struck him again and let him know that the other day in her store had not been a fluke. There was something about this woman.

  “Mr. Powers, your guest, Ms. Deen.” Bowing the older gentleman stepped to the side and allowed Kourtney to move deeper into the room.

  Stepping forward, Zac held his hand out to her. “Ms. Deen, thank you for joining me.”

  With only a brief hesitation, she slipped her slender long fingers over his palm. Enveloping it, he stroked the back with his thumb wanting to know the softness of her skin.

  She gave him a tentative smile, before drawing her hand away.

  Kourtney appeared a little on edge or out of sorts as she glanced around the opulence of the private room. “This place is amazing. I’ve never eaten here before.”

  Waving the maître d’ away, Zac assisted her into her seat. “I’m glad I can be honored with bringing you here.”

  When the bare skin of her back brushed his hand as she sat, he didn’t miss the shiver that ran through her or the heat shooting from his gut south goading an already stirring dragon.

  “Thank you.” She placed her small clutch purse into her lap, as he rounded the table and reclaimed his seat.

  “Don’t you think that this is a bit much for a simple business meeting?” She asked as the maître d’ picked up her linen napkin and placed it into her lap, a quick, efficient drape over her thin clutch purse.

  “I’d say yes, but I have never been a simple person.” Zac leaned back in his seat and allowed his gaze to caress her features.

  “That I can believe.” The smile she gave him, pulled her full lips wide.

  Tonight they were covered in a deep plum color gloss, instead of the clear shine they’d held at her store. Her makeup, complementing her complexion, still was very subdued compared to most ladies he spent evenings with. He enjoyed the fact she didn’t mask her beauty with layers of cosmetics.

  “When your assistant contacted me with the information, I thought he’d mixed up your schedule.” Again, she glanced around and took in the room.

  Zac placed the wine order and once the older man had left, he said, “Dillon, my assistant, rarely makes mistakes.” Thinking of her small shop and doing a quick calculation of the income she most likely brought in, he considered what his dinner plans may have cost her. “I hope I didn’t cause you any hardship in inviting you here tonight.”

  Her gaze shifted from the chandelier above them to him. Hazel eyes were clouded with confusion briefly, then cleared in understanding. “No, Mr. Powers, I have a few gowns that
would get me entry into places like this.”

  He inclined his head, taking in that bit of information. Why would a cupcake maker have a closet full of expensive dresses? He wasn’t in the design business, but he knew custom-made fabrics when he saw them. The dress she was wearing now was expensive. He never considered what she would wear to the fine dining restaurant, however, now seeing the design and cut of the dress he wondered now if she had taken a chunk out of her small business funds to purchase it. From his company’s research into her cupcake shop’s financials it was a successful business that was well in the black over the last year, but it wasn’t swimming in excess profits. A part of him felt a little guilt if he had caused her to use funds she didn’t have.

  Respecting her privacy, he simply said, “That is good to know. Please call me, Zac.” He lifted his water and sipped.

  “I’m not sure how appropriate that would be, since this is a business dinner.” She lifted a hand and fingered the end of one of the few loose strands of her hair.

  “There’s plenty of time to discuss business tonight. However, I get bombarded all day long with Mr. Powers. Having you call me Zac will not remove my desire to have your signature on the contract.”

  She appeared to consider his words for a moment then nodded. “Fine. Zac it is, but only if you call me Kourtney. No one calls me, Ms. Deen.”

  “Is it your maiden name?” He knew that was none of his business, but he couldn’t resist getting to know more about the woman before him.

  “Yes. I’ve never been married.” It was her turn to drink from her water. Unlike his small sip though, she finished more than half of hers.


  The sommelier entered the room with their wine. Zac gave the man his attention as he tasted and approved the selection. Once they had wine that man left only to be replaced by their waiter who handed them menus before Zac excused the waiter, requesting a few moments before they ordered.

  He wasn’t going to analyze why the knowledge that she wasn’t married caused warmth to spread from his gut upwards. This was a business meeting, he continued to remind himself.

  “So, what would you recommend?” She kept her gaze on her menu, not glancing up at him.

  However, he wanted to see her eyes again. He enjoyed their expressiveness and found himself too often lost in their depth. Maybe he should listen to the signs, the warning and keep away from this woman. As he’d berated himself before, there truly wasn’t time for anything more than a quick liaison.

  As he allowed his own gaze to caress her, he didn’t fool himself into thinking that anything about the sharp business woman across from him was into brief sexual endeavors. Getting that message to his erect member that had awakened the moment he saw her enter the restaurant seemed almost impossible.

  “For you I would suggest their petite filet or the lamb chops, both their steak and lamb are my favorites.”

  Her green-brown eyes captured his as she smiled. “Well, I will take your word for it and get the filet.”

  As if on cue, the waiter returned and after getting Kourtney’s steak and house salad order, Zac ordered the Cowboy ribeye and spinach au gratin to accompany their table’s sides. The man exited and pulled the door to the room until there was barely an opening for other diners to see in.

  “Are you from North Carolina?”

  Tilting her head, she stared at him. “Wouldn’t you prefer to know about Cupcakes of Joy? Why I will not sell it?”

  “Plenty of time for that. I’d much rather learn some things about my dinner companion.”

  “Do you plan to be as forthcoming?”

  Picking up his wine, he held it before him, not drinking, just gazing at her. “Yes, where I can.”

  She let out a soft laugh. “That’s very cryptic.”

  He tipped his wine glass slightly in her direction acknowledging her words. Over his years of business he’d learned not to be too open with the private affairs of his life. The competition could too easily plant a woman in his life and use said facts to manipulate against him.

  “Well, to answer your question, yes I’m from North Carolina. Originally. Both my parents were from Charlotte. We lived here until I was ten and eventually my father, who was in the military, was moved to a base in Florida where I lived until college.”

  “Where did you attend school?”

  The gaze that was open and filled with light became shadowed as he observed Kourtney lick her luscious lips then glance away.

  “I believe it is your turn to answer a question.”

  He drank some wine then placed his glass back on the table. “Oh, is that how we’ll play it.”

  Her eyes connected with his and the smile on her lips was wide, however, Zac didn’t see any humor in them. “Of course, this is all just a game anyway to a corporate man like you.”

  The sharpness of her words took him back. Over the years his skin had become thick enough not to feel offense even at the most biting and hateful words from those in business, however, something about the words of this woman before him cut him deep.

  “No, it is not a game to me. I take the decisions I make for my company very seriously.”

  “Really? Then why all the dinner plans and fanciness? What is it that you hope to accomplish here tonight, Mr. Powers?”

  So we are back to professional names? Instead of answering her question, he posed one of his own. “Do you ever relax? Do something for yourself that has nothing to do with your store?”

  “Not often. When you own and operate a small business you’re not afforded much time off that isn’t your sleeping hours.” Snatching up her wine, she drank—one, two, three little sips.

  To him she appeared wound tight, a little stressed. He hoped that the city project he was spearheading wasn’t the cause for it. If she took the money he was offering her, she could possibly retire on it or open up her store somewhere else and hire more employees and she could step away from it. He kept those thoughts to himself.

  “The same can be said for larger companies as well. My staff can attest to that.” He paused and smiled.

  When she returned his smile, he continued. “Last thing I did for myself was allow a comedy show to play in the background while I was reviewing some end of month reports.”

  “Gracious. My life isn’t that consumed. I do have a couple hours of free time each day. I just have other responsibilities.”

  The silence between them grew as they sat and stared at each other. Two people, both driven by the desire to see their businesses succeed. However, Zac could recognize the signs. The tension growing between them had nothing to do with contracts or corporate restructuring—it was sexual.

  As their first entrée was brought in Zac rested back in his chair and accessed the beauty before him. If he desired company, he could easily call several women that would appear at his door without a single question, but instead he’d manipulated Kourtney into joining him. Why?

  “So, where are you from?” She slipped a piece of calamari between her plump lips.

  “My family background is from Seattle originally, but I’m a Queen City native as well. Most of my mother’s side of the family lives there most of the year.”

  “Are you from a big family?”

  He reached to the center of the table and added a few of the fired squid onto his smaller plate. “Yes and no. It is just my older sister, younger brother and I, but the amount of cousins we were raised around is ridiculously in the twenties.”

  She stopped a speared piece of food halfway to her mouth. “Oh, my. That is big. Everyone in business?”

  After two bites of the tender meat, Zac nodded. “Yes, in one way or another. My sister Hannah runs my father’s company, and even my younger brother, who is more laid back and bohemian, owns a large gallery in Durham.”

  “I’m sure your parents are proud of all three of you.”

  He shrugged. “It’s been years since I looked toward my parents for approval of what I did. I think my father p
robably had dreams of all his children working with him at Powers and Powers Corporation, but it wasn’t for me.”

  “Possibly too much like him to work for him, mister owner of Zac Acquisition & Development.” She saluted him with her wine before she drank.

  Giving her a nod, he acknowledged her words. He was impressed how perceptive she was. Most people always just assumed that Zac started his own business to prove something to his father. However, he loved his dad, Jake Powers, was a formidable businessman, but a great parent as well.

  Zac did something that he never did, he started talking about himself. “You know for years while I was in high school and college I worked for my father in one capacity or another. I wanted to be content, but I always felt as if I should be at the helm. Now, logically I knew that one day I possibly could have been running the family business, but—”

  “It never seemed like enough.” She added as the waiter entered and removed their plates and brought in their main course.

  When the man left, Zac agreed, “Exactly.”

  “My father offered to set up my first contract for me. You know use his connections to get me started. However, I turned him down. From the first to the last contract I earn with Zac Acquisition & Development it will be because my team and I acquired it.”

  “Is that the reason you went with placing your first name on your company?”

  “Yes. The name Powers in Seattle and Durham, as well as a lot of places around the world opens doors. When people hear Zac it takes some investigative work to determine that owner of ZAD is the son of Jake Powers.”

  She took a small bite of her steak. “It feels good to watch your business succeed. Have something to pass on to your children.”

  Gazing at her, he pondered his words. Just like his father he did want to pass on his company to any offspring he had…once he decided he wanted them. He wondered if Kourtney desired children, marriage. She appeared to be close to thirty years old. Old enough to have been married with kids if she wanted.

  There was no engagement ring on her left hand, which didn’t mean anything in this time and age, but Zac doubted if she had a boyfriend he would have allowed her to have dinner alone with him.


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