Zodiac Awakening

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Zodiac Awakening Page 3

by Drew Smith

  “Scarlette is alive. That is to say, if it is the same person,” Lumus said softly.

  Orson sat again. He was severely confused.

  “Lumus, explain yourself,” Orson demanded once again.

  “Before all of this, a girl named Scarlette came to the farm many times. She only came when Rozell and I were separated. I didn’t really realize that until now.” He turned to Orson once again.

  “Lumus did she have long pink hair and blue eyes?” Orson waited for him to reply.

  “Yes, and a red ribbon around her neck that hung off to the side,” Orson rolled both his sleeves up. His left arm bare, but his right arm with a red ribbon tightly wrapped around his upper arm.

  “She is alive,” Orson said quietly.

  “She must have survived. I don’t know how, or how she got here, and survived alone, but she’s alive. Where is she Lumus? Please tell me.” Lumus looked at his hands. His hair, and eyes still pure white from his transformation back at the Aster inn village. Lumus looked up to Orson with a smile.

  “She helped me find myself when I was lost. She is the friend I was searching for after I fought Alistro. He explained. Orson looked back down at the fire.

  “Then we will find her in Twilight. She must have her reasons for going alone. I should tell you of Twilight, and why we need to get you there. As you know, Lears has been causing problems in Twilight since you were born… Don’t think it your fault at all. We of Twilight bare this burden, but we are hopeless to fight him. His power is far greater than any warrior or any army we have thrown at him. That is why I think you are the only one able to face him. He is your familiar after all. We need you to stop him. You are his equal in every way.”

  Orson continued to stare at the fire.

  “I have only trained basic combat with Rozell. I don’t know how useful I’ll be against Lears, but I feel drawn to him, like I must go to Twilight. For some reason I feel like I know Lears, and I have to meet him again. When my power awakened… I felt like all of this knowledge came pouring into my mind, but I can’t just use it. It’s like I am in an empty room, and I have to catch the pieces to understand them.” Lumus began staring into the sky. Orson looked over with a smile.

  “Twilight needs you more than you know Lumus. In time I’m sure you will learn who you are. Someone like you could bring hope back to the people. The world has fallen into dark times. Sure, life goes on and cities still stand, but Lears has been recruiting people from our world to do his dirty work. Demon attacks have been occurring more frequently, and the people are getting scared. Something is up in Twilight, and this is a perfect time for your return, but we shall talk more once we reach Twilight tomorrow. Get some sleep Lumus.” He smiled as Lumus tried to get comfortable.

  Lumus laid his head upon the dirt, slowly closing his eyes from all of the excitement.

  Orson looked back to the fire once again.

  (“You must be exhausted Lumus. It’s okay. You, and Scarlette have survived, and my mission hasn’t failed. It seems to have just begun.” He laid his head back upon the ground with a faint smile that quickly faded as he fell asleep.

  Chapter Two- Twilight

  Morning came with the blue moon just over the horizon. The light was faint, but it was enough to wake Ruben from his sleep. He sat up quickly as he fled a nightmare. His eyes still had a faint glow to them. At first he thought he was back at Rozell’s farm, and thought he may have slept in again.

  He noticed Orson laid where he last saw him sitting the night before. Brinx was standing on a hilltop staring down at the land below from a branch high in a tree. Brinx jumped down from his statue state from the trees above.

  Orson woke up as Brinx landed with a thump. He stood up, gave himself a stretch, and rose to his feet with a yawn. Without a word the three continued up the mountain path.

  The road was fierce, and steep. It was long, and dreadfully cold, but they kept the same pace. They came to a dead-end with a rock-faced cave. The darkness inside made him feel uneasy. Orson seemed like he knew where he was going though. Lumus and Brinx didn’t say a word.

  “This is it, through this cave leads to the peak. It’s not long, but it is incredibly dangerous.” Orson said with a grin. Orson took his flint out of his pouch.

  “Okay now we need to......” Lumus walked forward into the cave, and let off a yell. His body powered up making his body almost double in size, but most importantly emitting a very bright light. He looked at Lumus with a smile, and put his flint away. He followed with Brinx into the cave after Lumus.

  “This is called Twarn’s cave, I think your light is a bad idea here, Lumus.” Brinx became uneasy. Lumus turned his head while still walking forward.

  “What is a Twarn?” Suddenly multiple red lights appeared on the cave wall ahead of them.

  “The Demon favours light Lumus.” Orson announced in a serious tone.

  “Is that right?” Lumus replied, then he began to charge his body pushing out all of the light he could. The light around them became so bright that it lit the whole cave, as if there were torches around the entire area. Orson drew his blade quickly. Brinx formed a layer of vines over his body making a helmet, a makeshift chest plate with leg guards. Lumus was still yelling as loud as he could. His body was growing in power, and the light shone off of him brightly.

  The demon was a dark shade of green. It had long narrow ears, sharp claws, and a long tail with a blood red ribbon on it. Lumus noticed what looked to be a blade coming from the tip of his tail. He had begun emitting a faint glow, and was ready to take on the demon. He turned to Brinx and Orson.

  “You two wait here, I would like to use this chance to test some of my abilities.” Orson looked at him with worry.

  “Are you sure about this Lumus? I have fought these things before, and I know how dangerous they can be.” Orson said with a troubled look. Brinx reformed himself back to normal.

  “It’s your call Lumus.” Brinx took a few steps back.

  “I guess you’re in the spotlight. Show us what you can do.” Orson said without refusal.

  The Twarn’s eyes lit up a crimson red, and it made an eerie sound from afar. Lumus bent his knees, and readied himself. With his right hand against the ground, and his left hand facing the Twarn.

  “So, Twarn was it? I hear you have a liking for light, so let us see how you like this!” He yelled out as loud as he could. His muscles looked like they were growing, and his light began to flow from his body.

  Brinx reformed his armour once again. It caught Orson’s eye, and he took shelter behind a large stone. Lumus emitted even more power than before, then the light began to dim, and gather in his left hand. The Twarn was moving back and forth on the roof of the cave. Finally it leaped head-on at him. He gave out a yell able to be heard for miles. Lumus drew his sword with lightning speed just as the Twarn made it to him. The cave went pitch black once again. There was a loud screech, and a thud on the ground.

  “Lumus are you okay?” Orson cried out.

  “He is okay Orson. Just wait where you are.” Brinx said calmly. His eyes flashed brightly for a split second.

  “I can use my eyes to see what is happening,” Brinx explained. He watched as Lumus rose back to his feet in the darkness. Even in the pitch black cave, Lumus was staring the Twarn right in the eyes. All Orson could see were the red lights of Twarn’s body.

  Lumus began to generate his power over his body once again. Brinx quickly switched back to his normal sight, and covered his eyes for a moment. Lumus scurried for his blade which had landed beside him. As he grabbed the sword, he channeled some of his power into it. Twarn was injured, and started crawling back and forth again on the cave roof. Lumus held his sword with both hands, and stood firm while watching Twarn’s movements to try to predict his next move. Twarn leapt at him once again, but he was ready this time. Twarn came flying at him with its razor sharp claws. Suddenly Twarn froze in the air. Brinx had him trapped in the vines he was able to shoot from his body.
  “Now Lumus! Strike him down while he is still!” Brinx yelled out. Lumus shot him a grin, and began to run forward dragging his blade against the rocks on the ground. His speed grew faster and faster as he ran at Twarn. Sparks began shooting from his blade, then he leaped straight at Twarn and delivered the final blow. Twarn let out a monstrous cry, and then fell to the ground with a hard thud once again. The cave still lit brightly, and Orson staring in disbelief now that he could see once again.

  Lumus landed beside Brinx, Orson moved out from behind the stone as the Twarn turned into a white light. The light rose then shifted though the air toward the exit.

  “Lumus, that was amazing,” Brinx announced.

  “Brinx… Good job,” Orson hesitated to say.

  “I just wanted to hurry things along,” He shouted back.

  Lumus walked over to Orson. Both staring as he walked off.

  “Is that true Lumus? Could you have finished that on your own? I fought one of those before, and I almost died last time I came through here.”

  Lumus smiled, and laughed a little.

  “I guess Brinx is a tad bit impatient, and last time you were here maybe you could have used his help?” Lumus turned to follow Brinx.

  (“Maybe, but back then I probably would have tried to kill Brinx though…”) He smiled, and took his hand off his hilt.

  The cave stretched far into the mountain. Brinx led Lumus and Orson with his impeccable sight, since Lumus had tired himself out during his fight with the Twarn. Orson followed in the middle, and Lumus continued to follow behind.

  “The peak is up ahead,” Orson announced.

  After a small turn the cave exit had taken form. None of them really noticed until they caught sight of the blue moon still in the sky.

  “I may need a moment to catch my breath.” Lumus said as he tried to catch his breath. He sat on a rock just outside the cave.

  “Lumus, the temple is just ahead. Shall we rest there?” Orson said softly.

  “I suppose we shouldn’t stop if we are close.” Lumus replied.

  Orson stood up once again.

  “Are you sure, Lumus?” Brinx said, concerned.

  “I can manage, let’s continue,” Lumus protested.

  A small path leading up along the rocks followed through to the temple. Lumus went on ahead. Brinx stopped Orson as Lumus walked on.

  “If you truly do not want me to join you in Twilight I will not go. I understand your worry in the situation.” Brinx said sincerely. Orson looked at Brinx with a kind look.

  “I have much trust in you after this short journey of ours. Although brief, you have been at our side the whole time. I would be honored for you to come back to Twilight, but I will be watching you never the less. I still don’t trust you entirely.” He said.

  “I see, but if I was your enemy, would I have not killed you both while you slept?” Brinx walked away leaving Orson speechless. Orson took a moment to think.

  “I suppose he could have. Even so… I don’t trust him.” He muttered to himself.

  “Hey, what are you guys waiting for? Let’s get a move on!” Lumus seemed very excited for his adventure to Twilight even though he was still pretty worn out. He had never seen anything past the farm gates.

  The Pillars of the Dystopian shrine were mostly destroyed. Lumus’ eyes were locked on the damage of the shrine, but Orson was thinking of something completely different. “The shrine wasn’t this damaged last time I was here. Something must have done this recently.” Suddenly, without a word he drew his blade.

  “Scarlette…” Lumus said under his breath.

  “Keep your guard up.” Orson said quietly. Brinx jumped off without a word into the trees soaring high into the sky. Lumus drew his sword, and went back to back with Orson. The holy guardian statues of the great Dystopian shrine gone…destroyed. Orson was not one for gods and holy stories, but he believed it a shame to see such disrespect to such a place. Lumus shut his eyes and put his head down. A calm breeze passed brushing by his cheeks softly, and the silence drew out the small sounds farther off in the distance. He began to emit a light, covering his body. Orson moved from him.

  “What is this?” Orson began to read a written stone text carved into the foot of one of the intact statues.

  “The night is not the evil, the evil is the night” Orson paused. He continued to read. “Those with a pure of heart may travel to the world of light. Those with an evil heart that dare try to pass to the light will meet uncertainty.” He couldn’t make sense of the passage.

  (“This wasn’t here before, I remember reading a riddle last time.”) Orson stood up noticing the light from Lumus, and had readied himself with his sword once again. A short time passed, and he began to think that nothing was really there. Slowly, he moved toward Lumus looking side to side in case he was wrong. He was now face to face with Lumus, but Lumus looked up and opened his eyes quickly with a shout. Orson fell backwards dropping his sword in surprise.

  “What is it Lumus?” Orson’s eyes followed where Lumus was looking. Two large, green eyes in the silhouette of the night stared back at him. The demon let out a monstrous roar, and squeezed through the roof of the shrine, ripping stone off the roof with ease.

  The demon stared down with anger, then it readied itself to jump, but Lumus just stared with a calm face. Orson collected himself, picking his sword up, and arming himself once again. The distant demon jumped from the roof with a roar, soaring through the night sky. Suddenly just as the demon was in the air, Brinx came crashing upon its back slamming it from the sky, and into the ground with a loud smack against the rocks below. Brinx jumped off the back of the demon as it lay motionless on the ground.

  “Those are called Night Wraiths. Usually dangerous, but this was a young one.

  “If that was a young version, then I’d hate to meet its parents. Lumus let his light fade, then continued toward the shrine.

  “Seems you have some tricks too, Brinx,” Lumus added.

  Brinx shot a grin back at him.

  “The wild demons are of no worry.” Brinx added.

  “A key opens the gate to the shrine.” Orson interrupted. Lumus lit up for a moment, and ripped the door open with one hand.

  “We do not have time for keys.” Lumus said with a serious face. Orson slowly pulled out an old looking key from his clothes.

  “Last time I was here I spent hours searching for this key,” Orson sighed.

  “Sorry Orson… I didn’t realize you had a key.” Lumus replied as he scratched his head with an embarrassed look on his face. Orson walked through the debris.

  “It doesn’t matter. We are in and that’s all that matters.” Brinx had walked past Lumus and Orson to the front of the portal inside.

  He stood by the blue portal as Orson and Lumus walked up behind him. Lumus gazed into the blue sphere.

  “This is the portal to Twilight?” Lumus reached out to touch it.

  “Wait!” Orson yelled out.

  “Lumus you must realize that when we enter this portal we will no longer be together.” He said with panic in his voice.

  “What?” Lumus replied.

  “When you enter the portal you are randomly teleported to Twilight. The chances of us showing up together are very slim.” He explained.

  “What do you suggest?” Lumus asked. Brinx was still staring at the portal.

  “Twilight is still not safe, and whatever there may be, you must stay alert at all times.” Lumus took a step forward keeping his eyes on the sphere.

  “We need to head to the Roon caves. There is a group of people there, and I’m sure we can at least learn something, and stock up before we head after Lears. The people have been gathering at this cave to try to live in secret. Lears doesn’t know of this place, so it would be a good starting point for us.” He suggested.

  “Agreed” Brinx replied. He was still lost in the sphere even as he replied to Orson. “Brinx? Brinx are you okay?” Orson laid his hand upon his shoulder, with a q
uick shake of his head he came to.

  “Sorry Orson, I must have been daydreaming. I heard what you said, but I couldn’t help myself.” Brinx replied while forcing himself to look away from the portal. Orson glanced at Brinx with an uneasy look.

  “We cannot waste any more time. I will see you both at Roon caves. Just continue toward the West by a forest called Varlif, and Brinx… You may want to stay hidden. The people of Twilight won’t see you as a friend.” Orson explained. He paused one last time to look at Brinx, then to Lumus. He sighed, then walked into the blue sphere, and instantly disappeared.

  “You’re next Lumus.” Brinx said calmly.

  “Before we go… What do you really want to come to Twilight for?” Lumus replied.

  “I suppose that is a fair question. I have been in this world since my first cycle. I have little memories of my people. I have not just protected the planet, but I have been searching for any other Grenton’s, with no luck thus far.” He explained.

  “I see. So you wish to go to Twilight to see if there may be others of your kind. But you heard Orson. He has never seen any others of your kind before. Do you still wish to come?”

  “I know there is little hope, but nothing is changing here. This world is full of monsters, and even though my genetics tell me to protect the planet… I can’t seem to see this as the planet I am meant to protect.”

  “You know Orson distrusts you, and from his reaction the people of Twilight may see you the same way.”

  “I know, but this is why I asked you if I could come. I can see it in your eyes. You want to learn who you really are. I sense that you and I are the same. I just want to know who I am, and I am willing to search new worlds if I am able. Orson may hate me for the color of my skin, but I will show them that I am no monster. I just want to find out who I am, and I am willing to risk my life for it.” Brinx explained.

  “I guess we are searching for the same thing in our own way. I won’t stop you Brinx, and when we get to Twilight. I hope you find what you are looking for.”

  “And I hope you do too.” Brinx said with a nod.


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