Zodiac Awakening

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Zodiac Awakening Page 8

by Drew Smith

  “Shut it Lears, I didn’t come all this way to chat.”

  Lumus began to get angry, his body started to emit power.

  “Lumus you fool, this is the end for you. I will take this world once and for all!” Lears flipped the stone table out of the way with ease. Lumus readied himself with his sword in front of his face ready to guard Lear’s attack. Their swords clashed as they fought. One after another, their swords hit each other’s. Sparks flew as the battle below them roared. Lears flung a beam of dark energy from his sword, Lumus dodged it in surprise and as he landed. Lears shot another. Lumus was struck head on, throwing him through the tower wall. He opened his eyes as he fell, now staring at Lears as he plummeted to his death. Suddenly he let out a loud yell as his body lit up like thunder. Just before Lumus crashed to the ground he stopped himself. His face almost completely covered by light, and he looked up to Lears once more, but this time lifting himself from his light barrier. For a split second Lumus touched the ground, but as soon as he did, he shot back up into the sky twice as fast as he fell. Lears backed away from the crumbling rocks of the once tower wall.

  Orson and Ged continued to fight, not even fazed by Lumus falling and shooting off again. Orson’s anger grew with every swing he took against Ged. A once peaceful man swearing to only protect others, became rage itself. Zelkem woke up to watch his brother unleash a relentless barrage of attacks with no hesitation. His head waved in the air until he passed out once again. His face fell straight down into the rubble with a thud.

  (“What has Lears done to you Orson…)” Scarlette thought as she slowly lifted herself from the rubble. Zelkem was face down in the rocks nearby, and Zephry was helping Frostear to his feet with his arm over her shoulder.

  “He has lost control, Scarlette. We have to stop him before he hurts himself,” Brinx said as he walked slowly toward her.

  “Lumus and Lears are still fighting. They seem to have an endless source of power,” Scarlette said as she stared up at the tower. Light and dark energy shot out from above as she watched in fear.

  “Orson this isn’t our fight, this is between me and the girl,” Ged yelled out. Orson still headed for him without anything - or anyone - holding him back.

  “Fine. I will give you everything I got. The girl will have to wait for her death.”

  Ged ran at Orson screaming. Orson’s eyes locked on him as he came charging.

  “You will not succeed Ged. I will not allow you to harm Scarlette, even if it costs me my life!” He yelled back as he readied himself.

  Orson and Ged ran at each other fiercely. As they hit, a blinding flash lit the area and the two went flying in opposite directions. Orson flew across the ground helplessly, but Ged flew out of sight. Brinx and Scarlette ran to Orson’s side with haste.

  “Keep back, he could still be enraged Scarlette,” Brinx whispered.

  “No, I cannot stand here while he is hurt. I can help him.” She replied.

  Zephry and Frostear joined Brinx’s side. Zelkem started to wake up once again.

  “Ah, fine run to Orson. I’m not hurt or anything,” Zelkem said under his breath as he got up slowly. “Damn you Orson, you become the enemy and yet you’re still praised as the hero. I don’t understand, I can’t understand this. No matter how I try or what I do you are still the hero.” He rose to his feet as he watched everyone help his brother.

  Lumus and Lears continued to battle each other at the top of the prison. The world shook beneath them as they exchanged blows. The Twilight prison began to crumble slowly with each hit laid upon one another.

  “I won’t give in Lumus, you should know this by now. You’ve taken a beating, are you tired yet?” Lears said with a laugh.

  “You know as well as I do that I’ve matched every hit you dished out. I won’t give in Lears, not until I finish this and restored what I’ve done. You may share my face, but you represent everything I fight against.”

  “What you’ve done? You fool. They gave you your life, they gave you this power and they made you. Why do you feel compelled to fight me when you could easily take this world for your own?”

  “Maybe because I’m not like you, and I care for others. The people of Twilight gave me life but because of my birth into this world, I have created nothing but death. I will fight any battle I need to, to make up for the pain I’ve caused. The people shouldn’t have to suffer so that I can live!” Lumus yelled in a rage.

  “It’s a pity Lumus, a pity that I must kill my own brother. I gave you a chance to join me, but you had to be stubborn. Oh well, more for me! Hahaha!”

  Lears jumped at Lumus with his swords facing towards his chest, and as he leapt into the air Lumus’ hand began to glow.

  (“This is for the people, those that call this world their home.”) Lumus let out a screeching yell as he pointed his hand toward Lears. The room lit up as the glow on Lumus’ hand shot at lightning speed toward Lears. In mid-air, Lears caught the blast of energy in the chest, throwing him through the hole in the wall. He released a wicked cry as the energy engulfed his body, and it cast him into the night sky.

  Chapter Five: Family Feud

  “Lumus. Lumus can you hear me?” Brinx asked. He and Zephry were kneeling by Lumus’ side. Lumus looked wrecked, his body drained and his clothes covered in dirt and debris.

  “Hey Lumus, you must have passed out after the battle. We saw a huge beam of some kind shoot Lears off into the sky. You did it Lumus. You killed Lears,” Zephry’s face lit up with a big smile.

  “Where are we?” Lumus said, concerned.

  “Don’t worry Lumus you’re safe here,” Scarlette said as she came through the door.

  “We’re okay here, for now. We are at the Inn in Taurald. We had to carry you out of the tower as it came down,” she said with a sigh.

  “I offered to take you out the window, but Scarlette wouldn’t let me.” Brinx crossed his arms as he turned to the window.

  “Where is Orson? Is he okay? Ah. My body is battered, I can barely move. What happened?” asked Lumus.

  Scarlette sat on the bed by Lumus. She put her hand on his.

  “Don’t worry we all made it out alive. We have Frostear, Orson and you to thank for that. You three fought to the end. I’m just sorry I couldn’t have been more of a help.” Scarlette looked away from him with a sad look in her eyes.

  “Frostear? Who is this guy?” Lumus asked.

  “I am a friend.” He replied.

  “He is a big dumb brute that came looking for me in the Twilight Prison, but you didn’t need to risk your life for me!” Zephry complained.

  “You know I had no choice,” Frostear argued.

  “I’m sorry, but we are all in the dark here. Who are you? Why did you help us?” Lumus asked again.

  “My name is Frostear. I am a traveling hunter you could say. I hunt dragons mostly,” He explained.

  “So, you came looking for Zephry?” Brinx added.

  “I did. I lost my home years ago, and since their dragons have become rarer over time, I have been having trouble earning money. I stopped at Zephry’s hometown one night to find shelter, but she was kind enough to offer a stranger a room for the night. Over time, I continued to stay with her when I was in the area,” He explained.

  “You jumped off a dragon at the prison right?” Brinx added. Frostear smiled back.

  “I suppose I can’t hide that fact. I was able to tame the dragon, but it comes and goes when it pleases. I can call for it, but it doesn’t always hear me.”

  He walked to the window to gaze outside.

  “I see. What will you do next?” Lumus said as he sat up in his bed.

  “I came to find Zephry and I have. I will accompany her home then I will be on my way I suppose.” He said quietly.

  “Master Orson said he’d train me to be a Twilight soldier though. So I won’t be in the way if I come along.” Zephry sat opposite to Scarlette on the bed with a big smile.

  “Zephry! What do you mean? What about you
r home? And the Zufore?” Frostear blurted out as he turned to face her.

  “The Zufore have all been released by Lears, or killed. My home is burned to the ground, and there is nothing to go home to. I will train to become a knight with Master Orson. I am tired of being in the way. I want to help!” Zephry screamed back in anger. Frostear stared at her for a moment, then turned to Lumus.

  “Then I have no choice. I must follow Zephry. I told myself I would bring her home. Until she finds her home, I will have to come with her,” Frostear announced.

  Lumus smiled with a nod.

  “We would be happy to have your strength Frostear, and your courage Zephry. Speaking of… Orson, where is he?

  “Orson and Zelkem left early this morning, Zelkem didn’t say a word but Orson just said, ‘We won’t be long’,” Scarlette replied.

  “I believe they have some things that need to be resolved, but only those two can fight this battle,” Brinx said as he turned back to Lumus.

  The morning was cold. The birds chirped as the blue moon shone brightly through the trees. The river moved calmly by the Taurald falls. Zelkem stood at the shoreline looking down river toward the waterfall. Orson stood patiently a few steps away waiting for him to say something. Finally, he turned to Orson but remained silent; instead he stared deep into Orson’s eyes for a moment.

  “I know you hate me Zelkem, and I know you don’t understand what I did to…”

  “No brother, I understand completely, I know why you abandoned me with no money, no food, and no place to call home. When I met Scarlette in Varlif region I was shocked to find out from her that you were still alive. I insisted on joining her, just to show you what your ‘little brother’ has become with no one to aid me. I have become a better man then you will ever be. You know when I thought you died I recruited a few guys brave enough to take on the demons. I and my band of brothers set out to save Twilight. After a few months I was the only one left alive. All of my true brothers fell in battle against Lear’s Lords. I continued to fight alone. I was after a demon named Antsos, and I learned that he was sighted near Varlif Forest, but when I got there he had already come and gone. That’s when I found Scarlette. I’m glad I did though. Finding you alive has made my journey up to now worth it. So what do you think brother, do you think you can beat me?”

  “Beat you?” Orson replied, “I’m not going to fight you Zelkem. Don’t be stupid. I left because I was scared. I left because I knew I wasn’t strong enough. When mom and dad died I wasn’t just your brother anymore. I had to be both parents; two responsibilities that I myself couldn’t handle. I left you in Geminite so that I could come back strong enough for both of us.” Zelkem paced back and forth

  “You never came back, brother. You never even came to see me when you became Twilights Golden Hero. Was I nothing to you then do I mean anything to you now?” Zelkem raised his voice.

  “I couldn’t bear to see you after I left you like I did. As the years passed I sent out soldiers to Canby but when they reported that you were no longer there I sent more soldiers to all of the cities looking for you. I left my responsibilities as Knight First Class of Capaz just to find you. No matter how hard I looked, I couldn’t find you. Shortly after that I returned to Capaz and was ordered to protect Lady Scarlette on a quest to the Aster Mountains, and the summoning of Lumus took place after that. I was sucked into a vortex in the sky with Lumus in my arms. I was gone for…”

  “Twenty years,” Zelkem interrupted.

  “No, I was only there ten years. I found a way back to Twilight, but I left Lumus in Dystopia. I went back to Capaz to help who I found, but after a few days I left and traveled from city to city for ten years. I helped whom I could along the way. Anyone that may have seen you or had any information about you didn’t help at all. So after ten years of searching while avoiding Lears I went back to Dystopia through an ancient portal I found hidden in the mountains of Aster Mountain region. I told Lumus everything, and then he and I met Brinx just before returning to Twilight.”

  Zelkem stopped his pacing to face Orson once more.

  “It doesn’t matter, none of this matters. I hate you, and I will always hate you. The only way you can prove any of this is to fight me. If you win only then will I believe that you left to get stronger to help me and not just yourself.”

  “Fine Zelkem, I will fight you,” Orson announced.

  “Don’t hold back, I’m going all-out,” Zelkem said as he took off his weighted arm guards.

  Orson took off his heavy armour and gauntlets. For a moment the two brothers stared at each other without a sound. The river flowed behind Zelkem, the water whistled down the calm currents. The trees brushed lightly together behind Orson, and the path behind him that lead to town was covered with light dirt and rocks that now lay upon Orson’s boots. Zelkem noticed that Orson had closed his eyes. Orson didn’t move at all, and it didn’t look like he was ready for a fight. Zelkem thought long and hard about whether to attack or not.

  (“I bet this is a test, big brother. You can’t fool me, I’ll strike first!”) Zelkem lashed out toward Orson silently as he flew through the air. He charged his fist forward at Orson. The leaves on the trees stood still as Zelkem flew through the air. Just before Zelkem made contact, Orson’s eyes opened and his hand rose to catch Zelkem’s fist, stopping him dead in the air. Orson kicked Zelkem hard in the ribs knocking the air from his lungs. As gravity drove him to the ground Orson turned around, dragging his weight with him and throwing Zelkem with such force over his shoulder that he had no chance to react. The air split as Zelkem threw himself upright in the air, and as he came down he landed on his feet with a gust of dirt under his feet.

  “Scarlette, do you hear that?” Brinx stood up as he looked north.

  “I hear something, like the sound of a thousand feet”. Brinx said softly.

  “Krotins,” Zephry called out, “It is time to go now.”

  Zephry jumped up from the floor franticly then bolted out of the door to the streets. Brinx and Scarlette got up and headed outside. Lumus got up slowly from his bed as Scarlette came back in,

  “We need to leave now Lumus,” Scarlette said as she threw his arm over her shoulder to help him outside.

  “That’s a lot of Krotins.” Zephry’s face turned pale as she looked on to the site of hundreds of Krotins advancing towards them.

  “We need to leave now!” Scarlette dragged Lumus along as she made haste toward the mountains outside of Taurald.

  “Frostear? Where is he?” Zephry said in a panic.

  “You don’t scare me rodents, I will show you no mercy!” Frostear yelled threateningly.

  He came running up the dirt path toward the North entrance of Taurald his glowing red sword in his right hand and a Krotin by the neck in the other. Just before he reached the gate, he jumped and turned to the hundreds of Krotins behind him, and threw the one from his hand an arm’s reach away, He clenched his sword with both hands and turned it lengthwise after a short charge of energy. He hit the Krotin with the dull side of his sword to send it flying toward the mob.

  “Frostear! Let’s go” Zephry yelled out.

  “Do you feel that?” Orson said worriedly.

  “You’re not getting out of this brother, I won’t let this stop now!” Zelkem charged Orson.

  “Krotins… Zelkem, the Krotins travel in large numbers. Lears uses them as small waves of expendable infantry. A small quake like this must mean…” Zelkem calmed down for a moment.

  “Krotins? This area isn’t known for any quakes. Lears must still be alive, and I think he has the Krotins attacking us. He knows we are still tired from the battle. We have no choice Orson we will finish this later, but for now we need to help the others,” Zelkem replied.

  Orson grabbed his armour as Zelkem began to head for the village.

  “Scarlette, head for the Eastern path. That may be a way out,” Lumus said as he tried to catch his breath.

  “Everyone, this way! Let’s get out o
f here now!” Scarlette held Lumus tight as she ran as fast as she could. Brinx, Zephry and Frostear followed behind them as the Krotins reached the North Gates.

  “We need to find Orson and Zelkem before we leave, Scarlette!” Lumus stood on his own.

  “This may seem harsh but we cannot go back now, with their abilities I’m sure they will be fine.” Scarlette felt horrible as Frostear spoke. Frostear turned his back to the group and put his sword back into its sheath. Zephry followed Frostear as he began up the mountain path into the eastern mountains of Taurald. Brinx looked toward the village then back to Lumus,

  “We should move on, if you remember we made plans to make it to Capaz. If Zelkem and Orson follow the plan I’m certain they’d meet us there as well,” Brinx assured as he turned to continue up the path. Scarlette threw Lumus’ arm over her shoulder once more, and for a moment they gazed at Taurald as the Krotin violently destroyed everything they saw. After a short pause, Scarlette and Lumus followed behind the others.

  “Zelkem, slow down, the others will be fine. I’m sure they left long before the Krotins arrived,” Orson told his brother.

  Zelkem turned his head to look over his shoulder.

  “And what if they didn’t, brother? Another poor judgment call on your part. They could very well be in there,” Zelkem replied. He hid behind some bushes waiting for a chance to look as Krotins passed by.

  “You need to calm down. Lumus and the others can handle themselves and I know that they would follow Scarlette’s plan to head for Capaz. We just need to head east through the Taurald Mountains.” Orson hid behind a large tree, glancing over his shoulder in hopes that his theory was right and the others had already left.

  “Fine. We play it your way, but you may want to come up with another plan brother. The Krotin seem to have reached the east path. Orson looked over to see the Krotin mobilizing at the eastern path in large numbers.

  “Hmm, they seem to be acting a little different. Look, they are grouping. Normally they don’t have the intelligence for tactics like that,” Orson added.


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